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chemical_cutthroat chemical_cutthroat
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Comments 1.2K
PC gamers are finally embracing the controller, as usage triples [increase to 15% from 5% over the last six years]
  • If I need precise aiming, then it's keyboard and mouse. If not, then I'll go with a controller just so I can lean back and enjoy things.

  • Don't give them ideas.
  • The real solution is that new housing permits cannot be granted until a certain threshold of low income housing is met. For instance, if 3% of the rental market is low income housing, and the city ordinance requires 15%, no new multi-unit housing construction permits are granted until the minimum threshold of 15% is met. Don't let them build their "luxury" condos until the needs of the city are met. Unfortunately, money talks, and right now the people building the condos have a lot of it.

  • Google's environmental report pointedly avoids AI's actual energy cost
  • God damnit what a worthless fucking article. Pure conjecture and fear mongering. I'm not saying that AI doesn't use a lot of resources, but putting out an article about how Google won't say how much it's using, and then not coming with any information of your own is just yellow journalism. That's like going to a restaurant and asking what kind of oil they fry with, and when the person is like, I'm not sure, you run out to the dining hall and tell everyone in the restaurant that the restaurant could be frying your food in motor oil. This is a bad article, and shit like this only stokes the flames of poor discourse.

  • AI trains on kids’ photos even when parents use strict privacy settings
  • I was born well before cellphone cameras were a thing, and there are plenty of pictures of me as a child that are well out of the hands of Apple and Google. They still make cameras. If your child's privacy is a concern for you (and it should be) just grab a real camera and do it the old fashioned way. Every aspect of our lives doesn't need to be passed through the cloud.

  • AI trains on kids’ photos even when parents use strict privacy settings
  • If AI has access to your child's photos, your privacy settings aren't strict enough. Don't post pics of your fucking children online, you fucking shitheads.

  • Why don't you?
  • Social contracts about decency.

  • Kent Cigarettes (with the Micronite a.k.a. asbestos filter), Life Magazine, 1953
  • From the Wikipedia page:

    From March 1952 until at least May 1956, however, the Micronite filter in Kent cigarettes contained compressed blue asbestos within the crimped crepe paper, which is the most carcinogenic type of asbestos. It has been suspected that many cases of mesothelioma have been caused specifically by smoking the original Kent cigarettes, and various lawsuits followed over the years because of it.

    Jesus Christ.

  • Anon doesn't like simps
  • I'm not siding with the crazy person posting the green text, just explaining their point. They are saying that the simps made it so profitable to be a virtual girlfriend that all women have become one, and there are no girls left that will date him because they've learned they can profit off of sex. When you really read it, op is an incel and believes the only thing keeping women from prostitution is the guaranteed paycheck. Op believes that once they realize the money will come in, every girl in the world will become a professional sex worker.

  • After Initial Success, Helldiver’s 2 Has Lost 90% Of Its Players With No Signs Of Recovery
  • Without any real sense of progression, I just couldn't find a reason to play unless I had a friend who was already online and playing. Unlocking new weapons and whatnot is fun until its not, and when I don't have the minutia that comes with an MMO or the randomness that comes with a rogue-like, I don't have anything to look forward to from the next run. There was no surprise to the game, and the initial luster faded pretty quickly when I realised what the treadmill was going to be. If there had been a more single player focused bit to it, I may have lasted longer, but being so heavily reliant on a party meant it was a group of friends, or some randos that are going to waste my time.

  • This is how we ended up with a servant named Grayskull.
  • Believable. I once passed by a book titled "Common Circumcision Rituals of Orc Clans in the Great Southern Wastes" written by Dr. SpinalfluidHammer, MD. The cover was of the author holding a too-large knife covered in too much blood. He seemed happier than the situation called for.

  • This is how we ended up with a servant named Grayskull.
  • Woah, woah, keep that thing in its sheath.

  • Caption This
  • After her third trip to the ICU for her boyfriend's fractured pelvis, Lei Ming wondered if there was something she was doing wrong.

  • This is how we ended up with a servant named Grayskull.
  • Any npc I make up on the fly is 100% an orc. I can just put bodily-fluid+weapon together and boom, named.

    Oh, him? Yeah, that's the Orc bartender PissMace.

  • ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings)
  • Yeah. I grabbed all of them now and I'm at the grace before the final boss. Just snagged the last of the armors and weapons I'd missed and killed the furnace golems last night. I think I'm just about 100% on it now. Gonna wipe up the boss tonight and put it aside while I get back to real life for a bit.

    Edit: I said "wipe up the boss." That was a mistake, and I understand that now. I apologize for my hubris.

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • Wait, did Chase actually say that? I thought it was a parody. Holy shit.

  • Captain Kirk's final words were, "Oh, my," and I love that.

    Think about all of the things he has seen, all of the worlds he has explored, all of the green women he has slept with, and when he is faced with death, it shocks even him, to the extent that all he can say is, "Oh, my." I'm not sure how popular this scene is among the Star Trek Zeitgeist, but I imagine it's probably hated. I, however, love it. Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong in the comments.


    Question about Steam Deck vs Gaming PC

    I have a Steam Deck, and I love it. It can handle 90% of my library, and it's always improving.

    I decided to try out a linux distro for my OS, because the biggest drawback has always been the hoops that I had to jump through to get games up and running. I went for Pop OS, since that seemed to be natively friendly with NVidia, and the lowest barrier for entry. However, in Steam, I see that there is a much more limited selection of games compatible with my system. Is there a way around that, to get the same selection as my Steam Deck? Or is it this way because the Steam Deck is a singular platform that is developed for based on specific architecture?
