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chemical_cutthroat chemical_cutthroat

China #1 Best friends with the mods at c/[email protected]

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Trump attacks FBI director Wray for saying 'some question' over whether struck by bullet - ABC News
  • Sure it would, and I don't want to give credence to conspiracy theories, but the teleprompter belongs to Trump's campaign, so if it's going to be released, the call will have to come from inside the house.

  • Trump attacks FBI director Wray for saying 'some question' over whether struck by bullet - ABC News
  • I remember one of the first things I heard was that a bullet struck the teleprompter and he was hit by broken glass. I never heard anything about it after that, so I assumed it was just false; but it made a whole lot of sense at the time.

  • Hockey star Matt Dawson amputates finger to play at Olympics
  • Good for him. He can probably get into the other Olympics, too. The one we're not supposed to laugh at.

  • Valve gives developers some big reasons to add a demo on Steam
  • Great. Can I have my coconut monkey back now?

  • Harris Taunts Trump After He Backs Out of Debates
  • If he won't debate her, then I think after every one of his rallies she should start dropping tiktoks, youtube shorts, or whatever, where she replays something he said, and then debunks it with hard facts.

  • Kamala Harris polls 20 points ahead of Trump in voters age 18-34
  • They are, but they are holding the numbers ransom to see whose camp pays more to either have them released or suppress them.

  • Beyoncé went from having black panther dancers at the superbowl to licensing her music to a cop.
  • Does anyone who calls Harris a "cop" think for themselves, or are they happy parroting right propaganda? I get it. ACAB. But fucking Christ, if you shit on every candidate then you'll never get anywhere.

  • Anon hates fast food
  • Just... you know... find someone else.

  • Olympians are super fit. That doesn’t mean we’re healthy
  • Just like any other extreme, the further you push into it, the more you have to give up. Social life, education, and free time aren't the only things that go.

  • The YouTube Alternative Nobody's Talking About ! Peertube - YouTube
  • I fully support this. Unlike Rossmann's platform, this isn't scraping YouTube and reposting videos without ads. This is a genuine competitor to YouTube using a decentralized network. Great! Keep it up! If I were a creator, I would definitely use this. The peer-to-peer aspect of it is fantastic, especially for live streaming.

  • Sen. Mark Kelly Emerges As Unexpected VP Candidate For Kamala Harris
  • I don't hate him, but he's already 60. That means that if Harris goes 1 term and loses, or goes 2 terms and can't run again, Kelly is 68 before he can run himself, which he will inevitably do. If he's 68 when he starts, then he is running the country in his 70s and we have made 0 progress on this age problem that seems to plague presidential candidates. Beshear is 46, which keeps him in his 50s for most of his terms.

  • What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been
  • Ha ha! Look at this guy. He pulled a meme from ifunny and is posting it instead of adding any fucking value to the conversation. What a cut up.

  • Malcolm X w/ M1 Carbine [1964]
  • !!<

    And that's KRS-One recreating it for an album cover.

  • What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been
  • Well, at least your heart is in the right place. Maybe, though, you shouldn't minimize the only chance this fucking country has at surviving the next 4 years by taking the reductionist view and calling Harris "a cop." Just something to think about. Maybe she can be more if we give her the chance.

  • What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been
  • Swing and a miss. Thanks for playing, though.

  • What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been
  • I'm just curious what value calling either of them those things brings to the conversation. Tell me. Which side are you on? Who are you voting for? You going rogue and voting third party? Or are you gonna vote for the cop or the felon? Or, maybe you aren't gonna vote at all, you rebel. So, tell me. What's your poison?

  • What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been
  • Lmfao. The fact that you think I'm a Republican is cute. Try again, sport.



    Captain Kirk's final words were, "Oh, my," and I love that.

    Think about all of the things he has seen, all of the worlds he has explored, all of the green women he has slept with, and when he is faced with death, it shocks even him, to the extent that all he can say is, "Oh, my." I'm not sure how popular this scene is among the Star Trek Zeitgeist, but I imagine it's probably hated. I, however, love it. Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong in the comments.


    Question about Steam Deck vs Gaming PC

    I have a Steam Deck, and I love it. It can handle 90% of my library, and it's always improving.

    I decided to try out a linux distro for my OS, because the biggest drawback has always been the hoops that I had to jump through to get games up and running. I went for Pop OS, since that seemed to be natively friendly with NVidia, and the lowest barrier for entry. However, in Steam, I see that there is a much more limited selection of games compatible with my system. Is there a way around that, to get the same selection as my Steam Deck? Or is it this way because the Steam Deck is a singular platform that is developed for based on specific architecture?


    Beaver Branch Manager Gets The Job Done


    Reddit CEO Steve Huffman on blackout: It's expensive to run a company.

    "It's time we grow up," says former moderator of jailbait subreddit.
