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FuglyDuck FuglyDuck
Posts 21
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This really puts things into perspective...
  • Please tell me you forgot to drop the “/s” ….

    ….. please?

  • Trump attacks Kamala Harris's 'disrespectful' Gaza remarks as he hosts Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago
  • Because setting US policy is done by elected officials… private citizens representing the US is a bad idea.

    Especially if trump is making promises in exchange for help in the election. (Which you know he is.)

  • I regret everything
  • Exactly.

  • Trump attacks Kamala Harris's 'disrespectful' Gaza remarks as he hosts Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago
  • isn't it like, literally illegal for a private citizen to meet with foreign heads of state to discuss policy?

  • JD Vance Doubles Down on Attack on 'Childless Cat Ladies'.
  • I dunno. But I'm guessing they wouldn't if they could.

  • JD Vance Doubles Down on Attack on 'Childless Cat Ladies'.
  • of course he'd hang with dolphins. They're rapey bastards.

  • Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans in 2021 interview
  • Or he did. It the people vetting him (including Trump) like is entirely unamerican ideas.

    What’s hilarious we already pay more in taxes anyway. (We get substantially fewer deductions, for example.)

    I say unamerican because he wants to give parents more voting power with more kids

  • Ohio Supreme Court rules boneless chicken wings can have bones
  • They toss the frozen wings into the fryer so that the breading stays crispy... The microwave ruins breading making it rubbery or mushy.

    So… that second part is how I know they didn’t fry it. I know that’s how it’s supposed to be done. Or baring a fryer, baking- preferably in a convection oven.

    Equally as amazing as the processor missing a 1 inch bone is someone chewing so little that they didn't notice the bone. You're not a snake chew your food.

    Never judge a species by their eating habits!

    In any case, it’s not really his job to check for bones. It’s not something he should be worried about; he may not even have been sober enough to notice or care.

  • I am a software developer at PornHub
  • A full stack of pancakes is 5?

  • I am a software developer at PornHub
  • Depends. Man on man is generic.

    Full stack is… you know. fullnstack

  • Cop described Sonya Massey shooting as ‘self-inflicted’ in initial dispatch
  • Seriously. This just happened.

    (For the record Edina has a somewhat posh shopping center. The kind of joints that charge 5x what the same chair costs at Hom furniture)

  • Brother, have you seen my other leg?
  • “HEYYYY! Get back here and take out the trash!”

    (Or something)

    (Edit: mostly I just hear the “heeey,” the rest goes in one ear out the other, /whistles tunelessly)

  • Hockey star Matt Dawson amputates finger to play at Olympics
  • Lacking full function doesn’t mean it’s not usable. Just not as usable.

    Also, “might not”, so that prognosis was also “it might” (probably less than likely.)

  • Can Cats Solve Puzzles?
  • depends on the puzzle.

    If it needs thumbs? probably not.

  • Brother, have you seen my other leg?
  • Oh I can just hear this picture.

  • Ohio Supreme Court rules boneless chicken wings can have bones
  • (TTS, or IT worker? 😁)


    In my defense… their products probably taste the same…

  • In his attacks on the ‘childless’ left, JD Vance once hyped a plan to give parents more votes
  • Duh, i was talking about people being raped, and the fact that the us is in the midst of banning abortion all over the place.

    Only in places controlled by the party advocating for parents getting more voting power than non-parents.

  • In his attacks on the ‘childless’ left, JD Vance once hyped a plan to give parents more votes
  • Is a reflection of how a better society would help people avoid such mistakes. Saying that someone messed up due to ignorance and now has to pay the price is victim blaming. Look at the root causes.

    remind me again, which party wants to expand social safety nets and tackle poverty? the "Childless left" or the religious right?

  • In his attacks on the ‘childless’ left, JD Vance once hyped a plan to give parents more votes
  • Yeah, but are they paying any of their own money to take care of those kids for two decades?

    Yes. It's called taxes. I pay property tax specifically to fund public education. The entire idea is called the "Forced Rider Problem". That is, I have to pay for services that I (or my hypothetical children) will never use. Not that I'm opposed- I benefit from a well educated society.

    "yeah but-" I'm also contributing taxes to fund social wellfare programs, in addition to near-weekly donations of fresh and healthy fruits and veggies. Doesn't make me a hero or even a decent person. And you taking care of kids doesn't make you a fucking hero either.

    As a parent, I’m involved in my kids’ lives on a daily basis and I’ve been given an additional set of legal responsibilities & obligations.

    Congratulations? You want a medal? getting laid and dealing with the responsibilities because the law says you have to does not make you anything other than a person who got laid.

    Society expects more from me in order to raise my kids (though I did willingly take that on by becoming a parent).

    you actually think you get a medal, don't you? You actually think you're special and awesome and a decent guy because you took responsibility for your actions (that of bringing a child into this world).

  • ick, saw this and thought of you:)

    cross-posted from:

    > unknown title, by pleumier > > !

    1 Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant

    American Journal of Medical Case Reports says that 63-year-old was recovering from surgery at time of incident

    Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant

    cross-posted from:

    > Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant > > I try to read all the articles I post but for this one I noped out after 1 sentence. Enjoy!

    34 Two arrested, including 71-year-old man, for allegedly stealing almost 3,000 boxes of LEGOs

    Richard Siegel and Blanca Gudino, 39, were arrested on Wednesday after detectives found more than 2,800 LEGO boxes at Siegel's Long Beach, California, home.

    Two arrested, including 71-year-old man, for allegedly stealing almost 3,000 boxes of LEGOs

    cross-posted from:

    > Two arrested, including 71-year-old man, for allegedly stealing almost 3,000 boxes of LEGOs



    cross-posted from:

    > Hooo?


    Who doesn't want a lightsaber?


    Why bag the hydrant?

    Saw this going to a friend’s house- they bagged the fire hydrants….one thought was snow; but this is the first year apparently. And snow has been a mild issue this year compared to most.


    It's spring, dammit

    Snow on Thursday.




    Mamma loafing around with the minions. (one is behind her, to the front, the other is behind and to her tail.)(edit: those are snacks,)


    Broke out grandma’s candy thermometer….

    Gotta ask, what kinda candy was she making? Soft crack. Hard crack. Pot….

    Even has the donuts on there for, you know, dealing with the munchies.


    The best owl jokes...

    so drop 'em if you got 'em


    Am I the only one that starts quoting Macbeth while making pea soup?

    Double, double Toil and Trouble; Fire burn and Cauldron boil. and the finished soup: !


    for the chemistry types- making chicken soup. Why did lemon juice turn the light brown chicken stock almost white?

    Okay, so I was making chicken soup from stock I had made using a (lightly,) browned carcus and neck. just before dumping the the dumplings into it, the stock's color was a nice light brown. I added about 1/4 cup of lemon juice, turned my back for 30 seconds after a stir and it turned it an almost milky-off white. Eventually it deepened to this:


    It's delicious, and tastes as expected, I'm just curious as to what happened in the broth's chemistry?

    Seasoned with salt (duh), a sprig of thyme, some ginger and garlic, (just a hint of ginger,) black pepper, lemon zest (which was added with the torn chicken,) and white wine deglazed the pot from browning the dark meat.

    The stock was from garlic, onion, celery, carrot and maybe ginger scraps cooked with the chicken carcass..


    linear rail upgrades, looking for feed back.

    Due to reasons... I've "adopted" a CR10s that a friend had bought. It was used, and was already well on it's way to being a janky Printer of Theseus. My hope is to get it up and running and put through it's paces before the holidays so I can give it back as a gift.

    With the linear rail upgrades, I picked up the hardware and it's on it's way; which got me looking at how to do the upgrade, which I have mostly figured out; the question I'm having is, most upgrades seem to place the rails on 2020 extrusions sitting on top of the base frame- same as how the original y axis 2040's were designed.

    Which raises the question- why not lower it so the 2020 rails are even with the frame, with the mgn12 rail sitting on top? Like so:


    The short answer I came to is this would necessitate replacing the brackets for the y stepper motor and it's idler; but it should be possible. the easiest solution would be something like:


    which raises the question: are printed parts rigid enough to hold against the tension on the belts? The motors can't handle too much tension anyhow, and the printer already has the screw-cap tensioners for x and y printed that seem to have been holding up well.

    has anybody replaced the OG metal bracket on the back? does it stress and need replacing often, or is it fairly reliable (and above all, consistent,)


    UC security cops are literally the worst.

    I mean, like incompetent. For the record those organs I just stole? literally on the desk in front of him. Time to hike on over and sell it. To the Trade Authority.... all 20 feet away...

    (this was in the UC security in the Well, new atlantis)


    Car wash: touchless or soft touch?

    Which do you use and why? Which one gets it cleaner. If it matters we have “real” winters here, meaning snow cruft and salt that absolutely must be removed.

    Edit to clarify: I’m talking about a choice in automated car washes- not hand washing cars. Seems people are getting confused. Touchless is a few passes with a pressure washer. Soft touch adds spinning car-wash brush things.


    well, that was entirely preventable

    Lockouts save lives

    Usually idiots, but sometimes we’re all idiots.


    Ship building question

    Okay, so, with structural modules- specifically the cowl/belly/hull modules you can slap in... aside from the trivial gains to hull, are they basically just for attachment points/decoration?

    could i protect things that can be targeted- the weapons, shields, engines, and grav drive- by placing 'under' hull components? or does that just not matter?


    Even Kirk wanted a lightsaber.


    CNN posts trump's indictment from Fulton County, Georgia

    19 individuals including Trump, 41 charges, 98 pages.
