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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

I'm Hunter Perrin. I'm a software engineer.

I wrote an email service:

I write free software:

Posts 26
Comments 2.4K
Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier?
  • I agree with everything up until you said “dilutes”. I would argue that immigrant cultures don’t dilute the host country’s culture, they add to it. In other words, the culture that was there still exists in the same amount and in the same “concentration”, and immigrants bring their culture to newly developing areas of the country/state.

  • History repeats itself.
  • What sucks is you can’t even buy a truck like the second from the left anymore. I mean, you can buy a used one from a few decades ago, but nobody makes small utility trucks like the old Rangers. The new Ranger is basically just an old F150 (maybe even F250).

  • Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors
  • Buying politicians is super duper legal now, thanks to conservatives both past and present. May the super wealthy among us rejoice as the huddle masses work feverishly for their masters. The conservatives have done their part and restored the autocrats to their former power.

  • What is the deal with API documentation that can seem so terse to a hobbyist?
  • It’s because the same people who wrote the code usually write the docs, and people who are really good at writing code usually aren’t good at writing docs. It’s two different skill sets that usually don’t coincide.

    Case in point: my own documentation for

    I know it’s bad, but I don’t know how to make it good. The code, however, is pretty good. It runs my email service.

    Open source projects also aren’t very good at attracting people who both want to volunteer their time writing technical documentation and can.

  • Nephele WebDAV Server now supports deduplicated file storage.

    In the latest version of Nephele, you can now create a WebDAV server that deduplicates files that you add to it.

    I created this feature because every night at midnight, my Minecraft world that my friends and I play on gets backed up. Our world has grown to about 5 GB, but every night, the same files get backed up over and over. It's a waste of space to store the same files again and again, but I want the ability to roll back our world to any day in the past.

    So with this new feature of Nephele, I can upload the Minecraft backup and only the files that have changed will take up additional space. It's like having infinite incremental backups that never need a full backup after the first time, and can be accessed instantly.

    Nephele will only delete a file from the file storage once all copies that share the same file contents have been deleted, so unlike with most incremental backup solutions, you can delete previous backups easily and regain space.

    Edit: So, I think my post is causing some confusion. I should make it clear that my use case is specific for me. This is a general purpose deduplicating file server. It will take any files you give it and deduplicate them in its storage. It's not a backup system, and it's not a versioning system. My use case is only one of many you can use a deduplicating file server for.


    I wrote this article about grieving as an atheist.

    I talk about my beliefs about what happens during the process of death, and how that can provide comfort as an atheist.


    Recommendations for a bug tracker/forum?

    Does anyone have any recommendations for bug trackers with a forum feature? Basically something where users can report issues, request features, and ask questions, all about a specific service. Preferably, I’d like something that integrates with GitHub issues, but that’s not a requirement. Also I’d like something like a public roadmap or project tracker.


    Nephele now supports S3 and file encryption

    cross-posted from:

    > There's a new version of Nephele WebDAV server (also on Docker Hub) that supports using an S3 compatible server as storage and encrypting filenames and file contents. > > This essentially means you can build your own cloud storage server leveraging something like Backblaze B2 for $6/TB/month, and that data is kept private through encryption. That's cheaper than Google Drive, and no one can snoop on your files.


    Nephele now supports S3 and file encryption

    cross-posted from:

    > There's a new version of Nephele WebDAV server (also on Docker Hub) that supports using an S3 compatible server as storage and encrypting filenames and file contents. > > This essentially means you can build your own cloud storage server leveraging something like Backblaze B2 for $6/TB/month, and that data is kept private through encryption. That's cheaper than Google Drive, and no one can snoop on your files.


    Nephele now supports S3 and file encryption

    There's a new version of Nephele WebDAV server (also on Docker Hub) that supports using an S3 compatible server as storage and encrypting filenames and file contents.

    This essentially means you can build your own cloud storage server leveraging something like Backblaze B2 for $6/TB/month, and that data is kept private through encryption. That's cheaper than Google Drive, and no one can snoop on your files.


    Question: Best UI to manage VMs and containers?

    At this point, I’ve got a lot of containers already running on my system, all in separate directories in my home directory. They’re each set up with a docker-compose file, and all of the volumes are just directories within those directories.

    I don’t really want to change this setup, because it allows me to easily rip it all out and transplant it to a new system.

    What I’d like is a web UI to see all of these containers, view their status, and potentially reboot them. It would also be great to be able to spin up VMs (not containers, but actual VMs) with it.

    I’ve heard of Portainer, but haven’t had any experience with it.

    What are your suggestions, and why do you recommend them?


    Nephele WebDAV server for Docker

    After a lot of work (cause I’m new to it), I published my first Docker image!

    Nephele is an open source WebDAV server written by yours truly. I’ve been using it for about a year now on my own home server. It basically acts as my self hosted cloud storage and all of my PCs and my family’s PCs back up to it. It’s FOSS, so use it for your own project. :)


    Nephele WebDAV server for Docker

    After a lot of work (cause I'm new to it), I published my first Docker image!

    Nephele is an open source WebDAV server written by yours truly. I've been using it for about a year now on my own home server. It basically acts as my self hosted cloud storage and all of my PCs and my family's PCs back up to it. It's FOSS, so use it for your own project. :)


    Don't be that guy.

    When you're talking to an open source dev, just remember that they are literally giving you their time for free, and they are people who don't like to be treated poorly.

    Edit: Just to be clear, I don’t mean any ill will toward the guy. He’s frustrated and he’s just taking it out in the wrong venue at the wrong people, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person.

    Edit 2: The reinstalling he’s talking about is NPM. So just running npm install. It’s because he tried removing the node_modules directory, which is a reasonable thing to do, but it means you need to reinstall the modules with that command.


    PSA: The Docker Snap package on Ubuntu sucks.

    I spent two hours today trying to figure out why Nextcloud couldn’t read my data directory. Docker wasn’t mounting my data directory. Moved everything into my data directory. Docker couldn’t even see the configuration file.

    Turns out the Docker Snap package only has access to files under the /home directory.

    Moral of the story: never trust a Snap package.


    New release of my open source file transfer app QuickDAV Release v3.2.0 · sciactive/quickdav

    Never time out connections. Enable fullscreenable window. Improve logging UI. Improve TLS cert key size and minimum required client security. Windows Users: QuickDAV.Setup.3.2.0.exe: The normal v...

    Release v3.2.0 · sciactive/quickdav

    It now supports unlimited size transfers. Have a 24GB Blu-ray rip to back up? Go for it! A 1TB disk image? You got it!


    I made an alternative to Gmail. Port87

    A new kind of email.


    Hi, I’m Hunter Perrin, and I made a new email service called Port87.

    Gmail was a great email service back in 2006, but now it just sucks. They put ads in your inbox that look like unread emails to trick you into clicking them. To me, that means Gmail is malware.

    I’ve been degoogling my life for the past 7 years, and Gmail is the last Google service I depended on. I love ProtonMail and use it too, but I developed a new way to sort email automatically, and wanted to write my own service based on it.

    Port87 lets you use a tagged address like [email protected], and that automically creates a “netflix” label and puts all email to that address in it. This helps keep your email organized automatically, and protects against spam and phishing.

    The database abstraction library I wrote for Port87 is called Nymph.js, and it’s open source. Also the UI library I wrote is called Svelte Material UI, and it’s open source too.

    I hope you all like it, and hopefully it can help migrate away from Gmail.

    cool websites hperrin

    Port87 - automatically organized email. Port87

    A new kind of email.


    Port87 is an email service that automatically organizes your email based on the "To" address.

    If you give the address "[email protected]" to Netflix, then all of their email will go in the "netflix" label in your account. This lets you organize your email when you give out your email address. It also prevents phishing, since an email from "Bank of America" in your "netflix" label is obviously phishing.

    Labels meant for human senders, like the "friends" label ([email protected]), can be set to screen senders, so Port87 will respond to any new senders with a link to click to prove they're a human.

    Your "bare address" ([email protected]) only responds to emails with a list of your public label addresses, so you can share it all over the internet without fearing spam. (For example, mine is [email protected].)

    Full disclosure: I created and operate this service.


    Another post that makes the screen go black. I use Brave to test whether my websites work on Chromium browsers, but their scummy actions lately make me want to find a new Chromium browser to test with. What's the best Chromium based browser? - Lemmy.World

    I already use Firefox for browsing normally, but I have to test on a Chromium based browser too. One soft requirement is that it should be installable with Flatpak on Linux.

    Once loaded in the app, the screen goes black and you cannot do anything.

    It started happening with a comment, so it’s not the post itself, but some comment on the post.


    I use Brave to test whether my websites work on Chromium browsers, but their scummy actions lately make me want to find a new Chromium browser to test with. What's the best Chromium based browser?

    I already use Firefox for browsing normally, but I have to test on a Chromium based browser too. One soft requirement is that it should be installable with Flatpak on Linux.


    Screen goes black when going to this post. Experiences using immutable Linux desktops? -

    I am playing around with Fedora Silverblue and openSUSE Aeon and I really like the painless updates. Still, my daily driver for some years now is Debian, and I have a decent setup via Ansible - everything just works for me. My question is mostly to long term Linux users, which use Linux in a profess...

    Warning: I’m not joking and there’s no way to get out without force quitting Voyager.
