Retaining some ability to spend and use cash is vital because otherwise, all our financial transactions are totally controlled by the banks, and they are completely untrustworthy. The cost is inconvenience.
Yes that's fair enough, cash doesn't work online - but bitcoin is a better solution for online transactions than cards.
I mean, we haven't even got into the subject of data tracking. If you think Facebook is bad, consider for a moment how much your card provider knows about you. Banks and card companies have learned from Facebook, and data brokerage is now a trillion dollar industry - with only 8 billion people in the world (many of whom don't use the internet or have data being traded), that means your data is worth roughly $1,000 a year. Surely, as the manufacturer of the data, you should be getting some of that?!
Just saw a sign in my bakery today begging people to pay by card because getting small coins from the bank is hard and expensive.
TBF here in Belgium Bancontact has a local monopoly (about 1 % flat fee, no fixed cost per transaction; that seems fair and intuitively cheaper than holding, insuring, depositing cash, dealing with employees skimming off the top, of the time lost counting bills).
Also the government heavily incentivizes electronic payments because those can't be pocketed without paying VAT. That's a MONUMENTAL amount of tax fraud being chipped at by the progressive disappearance of cash.
That's the real crux, banks charge businesses to deposit cash. They do it in such a way that there's no way to escape their ever-increasing fee percentage.
The mattress solution is more and more appealing, imo.
Also the government heavily incentivizes electronic payments because those can’t be pocketed without paying VAT. That’s a MONUMENTAL amount of tax fraud being chipped at by the progressive disappearance of cash.
Unfortunately I think the amount of cash tax fraud that exists is far more reasonable than the amount of straight up fraudulent, yet "legitimate", expenditure that governments allow. See, for example, covid PPP loans.
Seems like an easy fix for a business, just change their prices so that they don't have to use coins. Make everything an integer number of dollars. If the items are too cheap to round up, encourage a three for two deal or something like that.
Sales tax doesn't change that frequently. It's easy for a business to predict and account for it when setting their prices.
The people insisting on using cash are the ones with a big pile of it, with origin dubious to unknown. Anti tax evasion is the best part of digital banking. Threats to privacy is the other side of that coin unfortunately...
Re: credit card companies: you're right, and you're not the first to say it.
South East Asia is pissed off at them and their fees too. Starting in Thailand (but spreading) their big banks got together and made a QR code system for instant sending of money (similar to what Australia did with PayID which obfuscated bank account numbers with your own phone or email address, and stacked with Osko, a fast transfer system to bypass the slow (days) bank to bank transfers).
You will see street vendors with food carts with a QR code on it. You want to buy something? You order, they say the price, you scan the code, send the money, show your phone, get your food.
(You can have codes with the payment amount already in it, like in a bill, but since this is just a food cart on a sidewalk, they just have one generic "pay me" code)
Because they are bank to bank, it's all fee-free.
And yes, in the USA you have Venmo and similar, which has other issues, I think.
In the Philippines so many people use pay-as-you-go and prepaid phone plans, and load up their account with credit, they've gone further. People could gift credit to other people for a long time. Now, you can actually pay for things with your phone credit there. (GCash, which confused me for a Google product for a while). There's only two mobile/cellular phone companies in the country (all the rest are resellers), so it has some monopoly issues. But what it means is since everyone has a phone (doesn't have to be a smart phone. A nokia style dumb phone is fine), you don't need cash or to pay VISA/MC.
Cash is garbage. Using cash electronically is good.
If only there was some way of federating spending in a way that would make private credit card companies obsolete. I'm still confused how no one sees any future in block chain and just say "it's all a scam".
Block chain has become a buzz word, just like AI or NFT's, but they sure as hell makes some people a chunk of money before everyone realises what it actually means.
Very large amount of people end up paying fees from ATMs to get cash. And, if there weren't card service, you bet the banks would add fees to any type of cash access, eg: all ATMs and bank withdrawals.
Other countries don't have ATM fees, either. I can go to almost any cash point with any bank and withdraw for free. It's only certain ones that charge, typically places with a captive audience eg festivals or certain retail parks.
The US is incredibly strange for charging people money to get their cash.
The post isn't about privacy, if it was, faxing wouldn't be on there. I'd wager a strong guess it's about convenience on one hand while choosing to be inconvenient on the other.
Edit: or maybe it's more about high tech in some sectors and low tech in others, still not about privacy.
Because a piece of highly debated governance structure, manifest as a piece of technology was put on the "bad" list, (by accedent?) implying the old way is out of date and switching is as much of a "you dont need to think, its just better" (no brainer) as switching your floppy disks and CRTs for USB sticks ano OLEDs. Tech advancing is usually but not a definite good thing.
Not necessarily. It might be privacy but it could also be a combination of other reasons too - a cultural aversion to paperless transactions, a lack regulation for electronic payments, lack of a decent indigenous payment system, lack of financial safeguards, prevalence of fraud / skimming devices etc.
Some European countries were more into electronic transactions than others but with stuff like SEPA, chip & PIN, contactless payments I think most people are just fine using electronic payment unless they have reason to control the transaction in some way. For example I usually pay pretty much everything electronically but I still pay taxis and most restaurants with cash. Also tradesmen if they'll give me a discount for cash.
I used to work in a shop when I was younger, and the older generation always asked for "cash discount". Why on earth would we do that, my boss said to me. We need the money to be in the shop's bank account, not laying around somewhere and not being used.
I remember carrying several 100k of our money, late at night, to our banks night safe and drop it in. That sucked. And they charged us for this too
Question: do the Japanese actually care about privacy? I know I do, but if you were to ask a Japanese person why does their country use cash, would they say "We have considered a system of payment cards and decided against it for privacy reasons" or would they just shrug and say "I dunno, I'm not in charge of payment systems, I use what I have"?
When I found out about all that I was honestly kinda glad my country, Germany, isn't the only one that's in the past in terms of bureaucracy and digitalization of services.
But cash is a weird point to add. A society without cash would kinda be dystopian ngl
Without cash, you can't have privacy. All card or contactless payments are logged and probably sold to advertisers or anyone with enough cash who wants that info.
Very true. But those advertisers and data brokers (and governments) have convinced most people that the convenience is worth it, and that only criminals desire that level of privacy.
I’m an immigrant in Germany and kind of had to laugh at this, because the cash thing is so hard for foreigners here. Since the pandemic it’s been better, but I had multiple moments before it where a grocery store or gas station only accepted cash with zero warning.
I didn’t like having much cash on me at first, because I was worried about losing it or having stolen. After about a year, I did lose my wallet, but the found things bureau at town hall called me to return it, cash still inside it. They charged 10% (iirc) and split it wiith the person who found it.
I'm currently in Scotland and have experienced the exact opposite xd I was kinda shocked when certain shops and stalls at festivals only offered card payment. Like just a few days ago I went into town and saw that the Christmas market was already up and running so I thought I might as well buy myself a mulled wine. At the stall I realized I didn't have that much cash on me (especially since mulled wine is extremely expensive in Scotland for some reason. Borderline scam lol) and asked if card payment would be okay thinking they would refuse since it's just a stall on a Christmas market so why would they be able to accept card payments right? The clerk answered "Oh yeah we only accept card anyway". I was kinda shocked a bit but I got my mulled wine so all's good :D
America doesn't really have a functional system for this yet either. It's a lot easier to just tap your phone on a brick and be done with it, but currently the tap method is pretty hit or miss. And bank transfers are atrocious - why do we pay venmo to do something that Korean banks just straight up do for everyone? In Korea you can just give someone your deposit number and with a couple buttons you send money easily/instantly.
I have a really slim wallet, which is only possible because I never have to use cash. Also cash is dirty. I can wash my phone once a week to keep it clean but I can't do that with cash (well I can but what's the point, and I'll get accused of money laundering /j). It's inefficient since you have to count your coins and bills and the cashier needs to do the same and then you have to check if you got the right change. You can also misplace cash, especially coins.
Meanwhile I haven't had to handle cash for like 6 years now except for extremely rare circumstances and it just feels way better.
It's not even accurate anymore. Cards are accepted in a lot of places.
It was absolutely true 10 years ago, though. It's inconvenient always needing to think about how much cash you need to bring, and having a pocket full of change because it's significant denominations.
Also, their banks are only open on weekdays and close super early. Bank lines were (are?) massive because everyone had to go at the same time due to work hours. The only acceptable one (Even though I personally don't like it) is cash.
Fax sucks ass and should have been put in the grave LONG ago, Flash drives are superior to Floppy in every way and fuck paper filing, digitized paperwork is far superior.
If people actually upgraded from FAX, I would have completely agreed. What we have today is an abomination which doesn't work. Not even a week ago I had an issue with some paperwork where tax office required me to fill some form in PDF, then print it, then sign it, scan it and send it to them. I have a phone with a pen, so I did all of that and skipped few steps. Signed the document on screen. No no no no no. They didn't want that. They want my signature on paper which I never have to send them but my signature signed through screen is not good enough.
FAX is basically all of this with fewer steps and I can easily see why they wouldn't want to move away from it. It it works, don't fix it mentality. Luckily this trend is slowly going away, but damn. Not to mention same IRS office required me to generate a certificate which I can use to digitally sign documents. But I couldn't do this either, since they accept that only on some documents. A mystery.
As far as floppy disks are concerned, this is mainly for industrial machines. They are still a huge user. Those machines are not replaced every 2 years as they are more robust and made to last. So having a machine older than 30 years still working in industry is nothing new and considering upgrade costs literally millions, it's simply not worth paying that much money to upgrade to USB.
We use fax in the USA more than you'd think. I'd call that a wash.
Paper in your filing cabinet will never be messed with by a ransomware attack. Ransomware attacks seem to happen to businesses and hospitals just about daily here. I'm actually watching a news story on a hospital ransomware attack as I write this.
Yeah honestly living there for a while, I came around a bit on doing things by paper.
It's slower, certainly. But the Japanese are scary efficient at it, and there is a lot of infrastructure to support it.
And in the case where things go wrong or are confusing, at least you can take the forms and actually go and talk to someone, rather than staring at a computer screen that offers nothing.
Well, also plus random homeless guy yelling at you about Vladimir Lenin, the roads looking like Romania ca. 1983 and a cadre of stern government employees showing up out of nowhere to shout "NEIN!!" and disappear. Very futuristic in a sort of Metro 2033 way.
we have plenty of bullet trains - 367 last I checked, plus bullet trains from other countries - they're just chronically late because of car-focused policies over the last decades causing the infrastructure to basically rot away.
still no ass-wiping robots though, maybe one day...
I think someday we will look back and consider if taking everything digital was ever the right choice. Friend always uses the term, "high tech downgrade." The more I interact with the internet the more I learn how it pushes the limits of our society in not so great directions.
I think the problem was that technological advances were faster than social ones. We ended with new ways to control people, and new forms of inequality.
Many of our problems with technology are rooted in a company abusing from their power. Even the troubled ways we communcate online today are a product of how bigh tech manipulated social networks.
The one thing I don't like about digital payments is that so far, they've all been owned/controlled by various major card processors, like Visa. That control really gives those processors a dominant position and basically free money.
Oh yeah. Maybe it's because I'm still in the just-got-my-first-credit-card phase, but damn I love that little piece of plastic. I'm clumsy and suck at using cash, but I feel so graceful with a card.
Agreed. I think cash should always be there as a fallback. But 9/10, I prefer to use card because cash is so dirty, and is harder to keep track of.
If I go to my bank app. I know exactly how much I have. Whereas if I keep cash in my wallet, I have to count it all out and keep track of it in my head. I don't like that. It's just more awkward for me.
Yes but how do you pay your prostitute? I'm surely not in the mood to explain my wife what's that $200 transaction on my card from a MELINDA TEEN at midnight that day I was supposed to be late at work.
This is just pure bullshit scare tactics. In order to successfully make a transaction, I have to have my watch facing me, double click the button, and then hold it near the terminal for a few seconds. There is no way someone could just swoop in and do a transaction without my knowledge. It's bullshit fearmongering like this that makes people scared of new features like NameDrop. Quit it.
In my experience with my Apple Watch you have to activate the wallet functionality in order to pay for something by clicking the side button twice, which should make it harder for somebody to just walk around with a terminal charging random people. Phones usually need to be unlocked to make payments too. In theory NFC credit cards could be scanned like this, and if you're worried about that you can look into NFC blocking wallets... I'm not super worried about it, though, because usually you wouldn't be on the hook for such a fraudulent charge.
Everyone who is saying there is nothing wrong with cash is right. However, there is one major drawback to cash which is no longer a big problem in societies which are mostly cashless. Namely, if your wallet gets stolen and you have $300 in it, you've lost that $300 forever. If your wallet gets stolen and they get your cards, you can just cancel them and aren't even charged for fraudulent purchases.
I realize that means less privacy, but I can't afford to lose that kind of money just walking to the supermarket to buy groceries.
For me, the main drawback is rather than you need to get to a machine to get your physical money pieces regularly. Sometimes you run out, there's no machine, or you have no time to find one, and it can put you in troubles, like being stuck in the middle of transit or getting at the cashier and realizing you don't have enough.
Your in a cash+card hybrid country, right? In my country at least, you can go into a chain grocery store, buy somthing (doesnt matter what) and pull a small to medium amount of cash from your card. They are (slowly as to not alert people) trying to tear that system down and go cashless.
Before I kind of blundered unintentionally into going mostly cashless, I'd just get cash out when I went grocery shopping. But thankfully by the time I was in charge of my own money it was pretty rare to need to spend money without the option of paying via EFTPOS.
Valid point. But I assure you if you lose your wallet in Japan with $300 in it (because, statistically, nobody will steal your wallet), you'll find it at the police station next day.
(That's the most statistical thing that can happen, please do not try.)
Wallet in a cashless society? Are you stuck in the early 2000's?
Now, cashless means Phones+NFC, which means when your wallet, a.k.a your phone, gets stolen you get taken somewhere until you allow access to your phone and banking apps where there should be an easy 10~30k in savings + loans they can extract
"Taking you somewhere" is far too much effort. They can just watch you enter your passcode on your phone in a bar, then swipe your phone from you and gain access to all your accounts.
Yeah homie I dunno there. I'm in Quebec right now and it's extremely rare for me to get out of even a simple grocery run for less than $200. I could easily carry home 300 dollars worth of groceries, even buying mostly generics.
You put paper filing and cash society on the "bad" list. It's like it's wrong for people without an internet connection or privacy conscious people to file stuff. "Pls use our brand-spanking new web UI that loads a shit ton of Javascript and steals your data on top of it!" Oh and cash society. No, why would anyone want to pay in a privacy-conscious way. Naw man, pay with a card...
With a way less harsh tone, I agree with your first point. Credit cards magical for the user but are full of deamons that they cant see just by using it. I'd prefer a cash only society to one where a private company controlls all access to money. Hybrid is alright but makes the situation maluable (in my country, because of the card, some compamies will make it hard or refuse to take legal tender).
"Pls use our brand-spanking new web UI that loads a shit ton of Javascript and steals your data on top of it!"
You derailed your point, biggest thing you can do right now is use ublock or noscript. Pull as much money as you need in cash and live off of it instead of using your card.
It's not about having the option, I love having alternatives. It's about 90s ways being the only choice when they could have better options. E.g. You need to send a form. It's already a pdf file, send it by email, right? No, it has to be physical mail... or fax if they have a number. Oh, and you have to stamp on it. No pdf. Multiply that by time constraints and local bureaucracy mixed in.
It's a downgrade if you can't choose the stone age way.
And with things like physical cash that downgrade is pretty bad.
I don't want a record of the 15€ my friend gave me for stealing the bathroom key last time we were at McDonald's.
I take pity on Japan as the only nation on Earth to fully internalize grind culture as their source of existential meaning to an even more toxic degree than the United States.
If they didn't exist, I probably would deem such a thing unsustainably improbable, but there it is.
To be clear, I'm not referring to places where the poor are exploited to work even longer hours at more physically brutal jobs for basic survival, I'm talking about self proclaimed "developed" nations whose citizens are indoctrinated to proudly jump into the productivity volcano as some kind of honor/life's purpose/sense of identity in itself, and who wouldn't have it any other way.
That said, when there was a proposal to increase standard work hours in South Korea recently, the people rejected it loudly. There is a desire in SK by many to achieve work life balance, which would be something of a slur in Japan.
Everything I've ever seen of Japanese culture would indicate so much as speaking against something like that would get you ostracized by the vast majority.
As someone who filled out multiple copies of the same contract by hand to buy a house recently, which had to be stamped with my seal and not signed, AHHHHHHHHHHghgghhg. On average, I only have to fax something once every several years. NTT, the main telecoms provider, STILL requires that you fax paperwork to get internet (at least for NTT East as of two years ago).
Using cash is great (except for my airline miles account), but one of the biggest banks in Japan is notorious for outages. ATMs here also, until very recently, had business days and hours. That's finally mostly gone, at least. They can still run out of money at the year-end holiday season as everyone is home with family and they're not always restocked in some locations, but more ATMs also helped to solve this. The problem with things transitioning to electronic payment is also those payment processors take a cut. We have all kinds of payment apps here, but many small businesses I know hate using it. The ones I know that use it most generally have larger foreign customer bases (anecdotal to business owners I know; may not be generally true in all of Tokyo/Japan).
That's specifically a USA problem only. In the rest of the world, the price you see is the price you pay (not inc. restaurant service fees, etc, which are more BS exported from the US)
There is zero reason that the price sticker on a shelf or menu shouldn't be what you actually pay. It's not like online shopping where they need to calculate shipping based on distance, or tax based on state of the receiver. And there is no reason they couldn't even put both prices on the sticker.
But in America, they do it for one reason: capitalism. It's a marketing scheme. Makes you think you're getting a better deal and paying less while you shop, so shoppers tend to spend more.
It's why fuel costs $2.19 ^99/100
Because that's seen as cheaper than $2.20.
Sorry, but they're not going to be rounding that final price down to save you 1¢.
In short: you're as much a victim as everyone else.
When you think about it software development is a relatively young profession compared to medicine, law, construction, public services, the arts, and so on. This is why modern tech kind of sucks despite being so cool, I say we are in the "Hey maybe we shouldn't build our huts right on the river" phase of writing code, still figuring out problems that will appear mind numbingly simple in the future.
Another issue is the fact that tech builds on itself and its flaws can be painted over with abstractions, while the aforementioned professions can't get away with being subpar for too long. So the full metaphor really is after the river floods we build on top of the ruins and claim victory because we are slightly more elevated and will take less damage during the next flood.
The secret to better tech is rebuilding everything from scratch. The internet wasn't designed with security and bad actors in mind. Plenty of corporations are running a Frankenstein system that contains code older than most millennials, botched modernization efforts, buzzword laden over-engineered applications, and bugs that aren't features just permanent residents in your code base.
....But there is profiteering to contend with, good code takes time, time is money, good code is expensive. "Good enough" code is easy to write, so its better for the bottom line.
In the end it really is....
Developer: "Hey the river flooded and our huts were demolished, we should move to higher ground and build there"
Corporate Leadership: "No that is too expensive, just build on the ruins and next flood we should be safer, oh also you're laid off"
I know you didn't ask for this, but its been on my mind for a while and I felt like this was a good time to get this out of my head haha
Enough with this American take, electronic voting works fine in Brazil, only right wingers complain about it, and the American ones also complained about their paper votes when they lose.
It's like non-security tech savvy people embracing IoT devices throughout their homes - smart bulbs, smart toasters, etc - fucking disaster waiting to happen.
Keeping stuff offline with paper and floppies is exceptional SecOps. It's obviously more work, and ease-of-use is degraded, but if we ever see real cyber warfare, having stuff on paper and/or airgapped storage is the best one can hope for
I find it pretty funny seeing people talk about how Japan is not as advanced as people think. Meanwhile my home state the majority of people don't have Internet. I've been getting pretty convinced that most places use fax machines due to how few places have Internet. Anyplace that has any amount of beurocracy uses paper files. There are a considerable amount of places were cell signals simply don't work. The only way reason I know of public transport busses is because of movies. VHS player are common place for house holds. Many work vehicles were made in the 60s and we still use buckets to collect sap when sugaring. Card readers are rare so some gas stations require you to pay with cash. All around the only advanced tech things Vermont has to offer are our winter cars and the f13s that occasionally blow peoples ear drums out.
Most people don't have home Internet because almost everyone has it on their phone. Plenty of people don't own a computer anymore unless it's for work.
Both things can be true, but Vermont doesn't have a giant "We're a high-tech place!" image harped upon constantly that can feel like false advertising.
Also they've been paying for stuff with their phones for years and years—on exactly what basis are they a cash society (though there's nothing wrong with that)?
Yeah actually i think a steady flow of physical currency moving hands is a great thing. And with the large amount of cheap shops and vending machines they move cash around plenty.
But also i once bought groceries while waiting for a train in japan that involved selecting everything through an app paying ahead digitally and picking it up at a special location right outside the station.
Yeah like its literally the future we dream of complete with respect and re-use of goods that still work with a massive second hand market.
Floppy disks? How old is this meme? In the nearly twenty years I've been in Japan, I've never even seen a floppy disk.
Paper filing is an option if you want it.
And as for cash, electronic payments have really taken off in the last year. I still value my privacy though. So I stick it out in the slow line up.
All in all, there's a kernel of truth to the meme. What the outside sees as a Blade Runner society drenched in neon, the reality is more "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" kinda place.
I kinda want one of those disks for my collection though... "This is my 5150, Vic 20, Nuclear Missile Launch Floppy, Thinkpad 300..." Some quality conversation starters I thinks.
Don’t forget the impending population disaster (because they never feel the touch of another person these days, their government literally has to try and encourage them to drink just so they’ll fuck already- and can’t stand immigration) and all those depressed young people using seemingly everything from the slopes of Mount Fuji to their own apartments as log-off locations, and then nobody noticing their bodies for months.
Not to mention the impending massive economic crisis they're about to go through - Japanese automotive industry is heavily in debt and watching China eat their lunch. While China was building battery plants and electric cars, Toyota was chasing hydrogen and other go-nowhere technologies.
A/B testing clean, minimalist, modern designs common in the West against modern Japanese designs always shows better results for the Japanese designs amongst Japanese consumers. I don't think they're going to cater to the 2.5% of foreign residents and others that might use Japanese sites (though I often wish they would)
I'm gonna need an explanation as to floppies and hard drives being so similar. I can easily buy a brand new hard drive. Floppy disks and drives, not so much...
People still use fax machines? I wouldn't even know where to look for a fax machine these days! Is Kinkos still a thing? I think that's where I had to go the last time I faxed something 20 years ago lol
Most copiers can have a fax card added. And most businesses that need a fax machine don't even do that. They have their VoIP phone service set up a virtual fax machine. If it even needs a physical part it's probably a little black box in a network closet, but now most don't even do that.
Real fun thing, did you know faxed advertisements were and are still a thing? At work we get like 3 random ads each day that come out of the machine.
Paper filing is good, digital filing with proper backups is good.
At my job for a staff evaluation I have to fill out a paper checklist, scan it, then enter the information digitally, then print the digital one and file it in the employees file with the original checklist and then upload a pdf of the paper checklist AND the digital one...
Instead of just having the evaluation portal open on a tablet and doing it ONE TIME with a good backup system.
Faxes and egregiously copying temporary things to paper are the worst.
Sorry, I just worked in a community computer center where people wasted so much paper trying to print stupid things from websites, and were forced to send 80 pages to their lawyers/government/propertylords/whatever, through a dial-up connection in terrible black and white, for $1.00 a page.
It took like 5 seconds per page and to actually send took between 5-20 minutes. . .if it didn't just error out and force you to start over.
The worst nonsense is forcing people to download and print some 50 page agreement just so they can sign two pages and fax it back. That should be a jailable offense lol.
Cash and paper can stay.
Can we PLEASE just make normie-friendly email encryption so faxes can die for good though?!
I noticed you mentioned fax twice. Sorry if you're a paper company rep or something. I'm just speaking from a place of pain lol.