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Azzu Azzu

Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)

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ELI5 If Trump is a supposed billionaire why does he keep promoting cheap crap to get money?
  • One thing that people didn't mention yet: this is the behavior that made him (stay) a billionaire. You don't get to be one by being nice and non-exploitative.

  • Stop!
  • But I haven't been trying hard at all...

  • Anon plays DnD
  • There's definitely a balance to be struck, and it depends on the table. I would only do this on a table where the rules are actually just guidelines.

    For many others, a world needs to make sense internally. It doesn't need to make real-world sense, but within the world with its different reality, things kinda need to be consistent. For example, if it is easily possible for a wizard to circumvent your will save by asking a trick question, the whole world would look completely different. Almost everyone who interacts with any kind of wizard would be extremely guarded around giving consent for anything since it might just be a ploy to remove their resistances.

    A resourceful/logical player would now try to trick an NPC into agreeing first, and well, if it doesn't work, you can still cast the spell normally, nothing lost. You could ask them to stop, or they could recognize themselves that doing it like that wouldn't be fun, but if you act in the world you usually always try to make the best decisions. If you artificially limit that in a fourth-wall-breaking way, the game actually starts to lose its appeal.

    If you allow stuff like this all the time, eventually the alternate reality of your characters will just become a random clown show. Problem solving will just be about who comes up with the most ridiculous thing that makes everyone laugh about its absurdity. There will be no logic or rational thought involved anymore, it'll be no simulation anymore, just a sandbox. Which again, might be fine for certain tables, but many want to be able to immerse themselves in a different world that they can accept as at least possible, which is the actual fun for them.

    So no, you aren't necessarily "not fun" if you don't allow this as a DM. You're just playing a different kind of game with a different kind of fun.

  • The winner of every difficulty comparison
  • I'm pretty sure the trials of death in super mario maker wins.

    Over 4000 hours over 7 years just to beat one level.

  • I'm a dude, and I agree
  • No, you need to conform to the majority, differences only cause unpredictability and thus unsafetyness.

    This is sarcasm, but it's what many people actually think.

  • I'm a dude, and I agree
  • In case of OP, it's self-loathing

  • I'm a dude, and I agree
  • Are you sure men are not subjected to something similar? Granted, no random women came to me on the street, but I received all kinds of weird "advice" by distantly acquainted women as a young man, which in all honesty also felt like "pressuring me to conform to female desire"

  • I'm too busy or something
  • It has been my experience. Google Play has no way to communicate back that a rating has been made, so all apps I know just assume you rated and never bother you again.

    Maybe you're just using really sketchy apps, but for me it worked every time.

  • Migrants say Germany's 'welcome culture' has soured as far-right parties rise
  • Most "far right" people are exactly the kind that made the comment you reply to. I have a "friend" that became exactly like this.

  • French woman responds with outrage after lawyers suggest she consented to a decade of rape
  • Defense lawyers are supposed to try everything they can to defend their client, no matter how little sense it makes. It is theoretically possible for an admission of guilt to be false.

    It's up to the judge to understand their arguments are worthless and rule accordingly.

    That's how this is supposed to work.

  • Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole
  • It depends entirely on the maturity of the parties involved, it's not really an "older/younger" thing.

    But generally, the less mature you are, the more a relationship is selfish, i.e. you want to be in a relationship for your personal advantage, i.e. "i get sex when I have a girlfriend". The more mature you get, the more relationships go into the direction of "I want to make the other person happy". You still get your sex or whatever other advantage of course, but it's much more fulfilling if you can actually give the other person what they need, and temporarily losing your personal benefit of the relationship doesn't cause immediate breakups.

  • Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole
  • They don't really. They are often learned the hard way, because no one attempts to explain them or just acts like they know but doesn't really.

  • Scientists Use AI to Prove People Can Be Talked Out of Conspiracy Theories
  • No one said at all that AI used "reason" to talk people out of a conspiracy theory. In fact I would assume it's incredibly unlikely since AI in general is not reasonable.

  • Elon Musk Is Repulsive
  • Almost all celebrities get to where they are specifically not because they are amazing people. It requires a special kind of mindset to pursue fame and status to such an extent.

  • Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • What to do with it is to act understanding and empathetic with people like that instead of standoffish and hostile. You still insist on the better way of doing things, but there's no actual need to attack anyone that doesn't support the better way of doing things, even if their reasons aren't rational or even morally questionable/bad. It only serves to further entrench them in their positions, while the opposite might have a chance to happen in a more cooperative approach.

  • Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Funny how you made exactly the comment the article predicted within itself xD

  • Calling in healthy
  • Why would you ask questions when it's the same day? Like, don't all sicknesses start being noticed one specific day and thus you take sick leave starting that day? That's literally the only way it makes sense at all

    Seems like you're an asshole boss to me

  • Calling in healthy
  • Maybe you should explain your intention instead of making cryptic belittling remarks.

  • Calling in healthy
  • No one insulted you. They commented on the fact that you don't understand reality for most people. "Oh honey" means "oh you are so innocent :/ that's really sweet, I don't want to make you feel bad by explaining reality to you". They were kinda being nice to you in their way.

    I'm more nice because I think people should know reality:

    Most jobs are so easily replaceable and have so little protections that if you start citing laws and taking sick leave like it's rightfully yours, you'll be fired a bit later for "unrelated" reasons.

    Thus while you are right that you would be able to get your sick leave by communicating the law, you will not really get them because you'll be out of work in a few weeks. If you want to keep your job, you don't communicate the law and don't take your sick leave.

    Btw, unionize to prevent all this.

  • Calling in healthy
  • I mean the only thing it does is if you're a minute late, you might as well go get a coffee and sit down in a park and be 59 minutes late.

  • Is it okay to ask questions here with a limited understanding of Anarchism?

    I don't really have the will or the time to read through long Wikipedia pages or even reading books or similar, which would obviously be a much better, more reliable, more neutral, but also more dry, choice to gain a good understanding of Anarchism.

    I have some basic, specific questions that would probably be answered by doing the above, but since I'm not willing to do that (I know, I know), would it be fine for me to ask them in this community?


    Gameplay Update 7.37c


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    Right now I'm stuck in a boot issue on Elementary OS and I have no access to any installation medium :(


    How to get rid of all the advertisements on all the maps?


    Gameplay Update 7.37


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    Gameplay Update 7.36c


    Gameplay Update 7.36b

    Just because no one posted it here yet :P


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    The International 2024 - Direct Invites and The Road to TI

    Gameplay Update 7.36a


    So what are your underrated stars of the patch so far?

    Which hero with which facet is stronger than people think? What item build is deceptively strong? Which strategy wins you games?


    New gameplay update coming tomorrow (2024-05-23) - Help put together the preview :)

    Everyone has their own part of the patch notes! Post a screenshot of the encounter unlocked by the candlemakers' shop!

    This is what you can see when you put a few together (need more still)



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    Welcome to Crownfall