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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Explain that, science nerds!
  • The aluminum and other metals in the space crafts bond with the ozone, which could fuck with our magnetosphere. It turns out it’s mostly from satellites burning up on reentry, which makes way more sense though.

  • Explain that, science nerds!
  • There’s a chance that the aluminum residue from hundreds of annual rocket launches will destroy the ozone layer, without which the earth will lose its atmosphere relatively quickly.

    *the aluminum is from all of our satellites burning up on reentry, which makes way more sense.

  • "Suffering builds character". anarcho-primitivists, probably
  • Certainly, but those are the wealthy regions, which don’t really fit into the “developing” stage anymore imo. They’re more developed than the (mainland) UK was when the terminology became common.

  • ich🇰🇵iel
  • Es stört mich leicht. Ich würde nicht runterwählen und hätte nicht kommentiert, wenn ich deinen Kommentar nicht gesehen hätte, aber ich finde es etwas ermüdend. Es ist nur der gleiche Witz, dass Männer eine Mission haben und Frauen sich nur für die Familie interessieren.

  • A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges
  • Is it weird that I’m impressed by how minor their injuries are?

    A significantly broken nose can be life altering, especially if it’s too swollen to set right away, don’t get me wrong, but they both walked away.

    If I was in a fight with multiple men and I ended up on the ground, I don’t think I’m walking away. I say that as a 178cm woman who’s stronger than most.

  • Cursed wretched marketing
  • I’m also lost. Because logically it should be the white, but I see a red and white striped midsection of the train and a red and white flecked can, so I think it must be coming from the black pixels.

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • I had air conditioning growing up and my family tends to make desserts more in the winter.

    The first summer living on my own, I made a beautiful blueberry pie, and the next morning I took it out of the microwave (to keep bugs away during the night- I have since learned this was also an idiosyncrasy from my parents. Most people just cover it) and it was already visibly moldy.

    I’m glad I got a slice the first day, and I definitely learned a lesson but holy shit was it a surprise.

  • 🥲🥲🤡
  • I believe it was genuine and the person you responded to was messing with you or misunderstood. It does happen to the best of us, and the smiley face seems like a reassuring gesture.

  • Thickeners for cream pies

    If anyone has a better idea for a title, this one’s a little iffy…

    I found a new yogurt flavor (alpro lemon-lime) that tastes just like key lime pie to me. I’d like to make it into an actual pie, but it’s a bit too runny.

    I’d prefer to avoid cooking the yogurt, so I figured corn starch, flour, and tapioca would all be out. I could do chia seeds, but I don’t necessarily want that texture.

    Any ideas?


    Wenn überhaupt, welche Ressourcen stellen Universitäten zur Verfügung?

    Hi, ich mache gerade mein Master in Deutschland, aber bin Ausländerin und kenne mich mit dem System nicht so gut aus. Ich weiß, dass es Ressourcen für manche Behinderungen gibt, zB für Menschen in Rollstühlen oder mit Sehbehinderungen. Gilt das auch für ADHS?

    Ich frage, weil ich gerade an Schwung verliere, aber ich glaube eine Verlängerung des Studiums noch schwieriger wäre. Wenn jmd. mit ein bisschen Macht bei der Uni (damit sie glauben, dass ich wirklich etwas mache) mir mit der Ordnung und Planung aushelfen könnte, wäre das ein Gamechanger.


    Are housecats aware of how much bigger people are?

    I’m wondering if cats think of us kind of like how a person thinks of a friendly bull: aware that they could easily kill us, but not necessarily afraid of them; or more like a large Dalmatian: they could fuck us up, but most of us don’t really think about that unless they’re being aggressive.

    I grew up with dogs and feel like I understand them a lot better than I do cats as a whole. I adopted my cat almost four years ago and I feel like I get her pretty well, but I don’t really have an idea of what she thinks about me. I also don’t really know any other cats, though I’ve gotten along with strays and friends’ cats a lot better since I got mine.

    Cat tax:


    [Answered]Is there a wood hard enough to regularly scrape aluminum?

    I’m sorry if this is not in the spirit of the community, but I figured my dad would know because of his experience woodworking, and I don’t want to ask him for obvious reasons. I’m happy to remove it if it doesn’t fit.

    I have an aluminum herb grinder, that regularly gets jammed up with resin. I tend to use a regular (probably pine) food skewer to clean it off, because I don’t want metal shards coming off of the aluminum from a metal scraper or plastic pieces from a plastic scraper. The pine works okay, but I have to replace it regularly and it can’t get everything.

    I know pine is probably one of the softest woods, but would a hard wood be significantly more durable if it were cut as thin as a skewer (4mm diameter round)? Would anything be both reasonably obtainable (I live in a place with frequently abandoned old furniture, if that would be a good source, or I can go to a lumber store) and more durable enough to be worth it?


    My fiancé made vegan beef stroganoff because of you people

    Mushrooms, onions, garlic, mustard, spinach, chili, vegan yogurt, vegan cevapcici , vegan beef broth, capers, and farfalle. It was incredible.
