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therealjcdenton therealjcdenton
Posts 8
Comments 1K
Do animals have emotions like us?
  • Most unrealistic comic I've ever read in my life

  • Grandma is republican.
  • Isn't that blasphemy?

  • Finding your motivation
  • What a great grandson

  • Anon plays some CS.
  • Good work

  • "welcome!" by @oshiruko_s2
  • I hope it's sanitary

  • It's okay, Buddy
  • Skill issue Ogre, should have been born human

  • Do you like America? Why or why not?
  • God bless the United States of America

  • LinkedinLegends
  • Is that the Nicky Avacado guy?

  • It's going to be a good night
  • OP wake up you broke into a strangers house, did you forget to take your meds?

  • 21 October 2015
  • That's not funny

  • I want life to be big and grand!
  • I hate "relatable" content

  • Again.
  • Again?

  • Pride wins!
  • Imagine having TV in your name Imagine having Famous Minority in your name

  • The Peace Corps released this warning for black people volunteering in Ukraine
  • Reminds me of the photos of Asians going to Africa and getting racially stereotyped for their eyes

  • modern gamer
  • Play WoW classic for 8 hours lol

  • You shouldn't be able to join a competitive pvp match or start a raid without a working microphone

    In games like Destiny or CS:GO for example, you should not even be allowed to start the activity without a working microphone. I dont care if you are antisocial, if that's the case, those activaties aren't for you and you shouldn't bring down your entire team because of that.

    As an clarification, I'm more worried about Raids than PVP


    Can you not post videos on lemmy?

    I was trying to post a video but it wouldn't show up as available to upload in Jerboa, is this a per community thing or is it across all of lemmy? It would make sense because videos are inherently a larger file size, if that is the reason


    Because AI and Crypto use so much electricity, what if a law was made that they had to power it with green energy?

    Something on the lines of if your company facility is using over X amount of energy the majority of that has to be from a green source such as solar power. What would happen and is this feasible or am I totally thinking about this wrong

    Edit: Good responses from everyone, my point in asking this was completely hypothetical, ignoring how hard it would be to implement a restriction. My own thoughts are that requiring the use of renewable energy for high electricity products could help spur the demand for it as now it's a requirement. Of course companies would fight back, they want money


    What is being done to make Flatpaks better integrate into the system

    For example, theming shouldnt have to be a 10 step process. Make Flatpaks use your themes correctly. Another thing is QT Theming, why is it outside of KDE you can't use the breeze style? It's the best and most consistent application style for QT apps. And the final point, when is the naming scheme of going to be fixed to be the actual name of the package rather than the technical name. Flatpak remove and flatpak install both work without giving the full name, so why doesn't flatpak run? The naming is the only thing snaps have over flatpak. If nothing is been done how can I contribute?


    I'm the real JC Denton

    "I'm not going to stand here and listen to you badmouth the greatest democracy the world has ever known." - J.C. Denton, Deus Ex
