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naeap naeap
Posts 18
Comments 401
Nike’s self-lacing Adapt BB sneakers are losing their remote control mobile app
  • Lights in shoes that blink at each step were all the hype in my childhood

  • OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)
  • What is it with the blue/violet/red-yellow stuff?

    Is this some metallic thing?

  • The US healthcare system is broken...
  • I'm sorry, maybe I can't follow as a European, but what do you reference?

  • Meta pauses plans to train AI using European users' data, bowing to regulatory pressure
  • Would you give your perspective anyway, as I would be quite interested, although I'm not the one you talked to?

  • US designates Scandinavian neo-Nazi group and three leaders as terrorists
  • Since when is Ukraine in Scandinavia?
    Or did I miss something?

  • Being one with the natural world
  • Isn't spraying with poison the more cruel way to kill it?
    Either it will die during an immediate fight for life or bring the poison to the nest, where all of them slowly die.

  • It's impossible that they could hurt me
  • Why do you feed your dog with people?

  • anti-snap stance is anti-consumer
  • Utter bullshit...

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • Because of all the nice feedback about OpenSUSE:
    SUSE was my first (bought) Linux distribution, at a time when I would have spent days downloading an ISO, SUSE was available with a manual in store. That was nice.

    But then I had an AVM Fritz! ISDN card and it was a complete shit show to get this working. Especially as YAST(2?) didn't support the configuration I needed, but every time you opened it, it would overwrite your manual changes in some configuration files.
    (Edit: I'll probably need to add, that this was like 25 years ago. So besides "fuck, I'm old", my perspective in SUSE is very probably not up-to-date)

    After that I hopped through a few distros and mostly stayed with basic Debian.

    Nowadays I'm mostly using Manjaro (or just Arch itself, if I don't need X), because I like the Arch package system and actually also the whole system architecture... Don't exactly know what it is, but I feel much more at home.
    With apt I sometimes found myself in situations, where a fresh install will resolve things faster than trying to restore/save the system. With Arch I always was somehow able to restore everything.

    Can someone tell me how Tumbleweed differs/excels?
    Thanks in advance!
    Currently waiting for my new laptop (Framework 16 :-D) and that would be a nice opportunity to try something new.
    But as I need my device for work, it's important to me, that I really have it under my control and am not depending on some half-baked configuration utility like YAST was.

    Edit: I'm also playing with the thought of moving to something immutable. NixOS looked nice in concept, but the more I read about it, the more I see that it's more suitable for more server than my laptop - but maybe I'm wrong here, as I don't have any hands-on experience

  • People are seizing, being intubated after eating microdose chocolates
  • And just to add: Ayahuasca is not just a tea of DMT vines. It is specifically a mixture of DMT and MAOI, so it can be active - and be active for quite some time

    But yeah, that's nothing to mix in during your typical Saturday night.

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Microsoft has built a number of safety features into Windows Recall to ensure that the service can't run secretly in the background. When Windows Recall is enabled, it places a permanent visual indicator icon on the Taskbar to let the user know that Windows Recall is capturing data. This icon cannot be hidden or moved.

    Oh my, that one is really cute

  • Anon thinks about CPUs
  • Software runs on processing power. Doesn't matter if it's mechanical, electrical or biological computing power.

    The important part is, that something is processing it.
    And although by now software development through abstraction feels disconnected from just specialised algorithms: everything will break down into numbers and some form of algorithm to process the information

  • Car
  • You probably shouldn't go for the clit while driving

  • Clowncore is an actual style 😭
  • What would be life without taking risks?

  • Clowncore is an actual style 😭
  • I kinda dig it

  • New AI tools much hyped but not much used, study says
  • Being aware of being in an echo chamber isn't a bad thing

  • How does SecureErase work?
  • Ah, alright
    I currently use wireguard to access my home LAN. just hoped you had done experience with a nice system, so you don't need to do it by hand - especially syncing my smartphone photos.
    Maybe I'll give immich another chance

    Thanks for the answers! :-)

  • 12-32V Oscilloscope and data analyzer for e.g. serial bus systems

    Hi all!

    I'm currently looking into the flipper zero as a portable device to help me analyze stuff in my work. I'm travelling as a software developer, but often need to work at a very low level with hardware in the automation industry.

    I've found the Flipperscope, but I'll also need something to record streams of data on serial interfaces with different baudrates - and any other interface to gather raw data would be awesome as well (Ethernet, Profibus, Profinet, CAN,...) Also, the IOs would need to be able to handle something like 5/12-24/32V.

    I'm not quite sure where I should start to look or if the flipper even is a good device for that. But the form factor and option for extendability seems very intriguing.

    Thanks upfront for any input!

    Test community. naeap

    Markdown Test

    had some trouble figuring out how strike through works, so I need to play around a bit


    ~~how about whole paragraphs? next line as well

    next paragraph~~

    maybe just single lines?


    old comments showing up in new opened post

    it seems, when there is a load issue for the comments of a post, I'm just getting shown the comments of the previously opened post.

    Which is pretty confusing ;⁠-⁠)

    anyone else or is it just me?


    Posts not showing in profile

    hi all!

    I do see the correct amount of posts in the overview, but the posts screen itself is empty.

    not sure if this is a Jerboa issue or one of the Sopuli instance


    edit: thanks to burgersc12 & jcreazy I tried toggling the "Show read posts" option and although it was originally activated, after reactivating I can now see me own posts again :⁠-⁠D so, problem solved - but the behaviour was still very strange


    currently can't create posts?

    well, ironically I try to solve this with creating a post. but also my profile shows, that I never created any posts. not sure if this is a Sopuli issue :⁠-⁠\

    is it just me?

    edit: ok, at least at Sopuli/local it's working. strange thing


    one of the Hymns

    not sure if this will be a double post - somehow my first try didn't show up


    One of the Hymns


    since last update I can't figure out how to answer

    sounds a bit stupid, but since the last update I do get answers to my comments in my messages, but I can't directly answer them, or I don't find the correct button for that

    now I go to to the original thread, search for my comment, scroll through the answers, pick the one I wanted to reply to and then I can answer

    I'm not sure, if I'm just to bind/stupid, but earlier I somehow had that option - IIRC

    can anyone tell me, if I do something wrong here?

    Test community. naeap

    Image Post Test - completely cleaned Metadata

    preface: it seems pictures made with the Pixel 7 Pro aren't shown correctly as an image post, but only in the post body or comment, when inserted.

    as it seems that it's not the file size, I've now cleaned the meta data from the image with 'exiftool -all=remove'

    edit: surprisingly that didn't work. here the link to the uploaded image:

    Test community. naeap

    Image Post with large File

    as changing the exif data didn't help, I try to find a upper size limit of the file

    Test community. naeap

    Image Post Test with scrambled EXIF

    shared the image through 'Scrambled EXIF'

    ok, that seems to not work...

    Test community. naeap

    another image post test

    seems pictures from my Pixel 7 Pro don't show correctly on the post header (only works in the body)

    this image was run through signal to get some compression and meta data removed - so should work now as well

    Test community. naeap

    Image Post Test

    testing if image gets loaded correctly


    Image Posts not working

    hi all!

    this is kinda a test post/help request/bug report

    I tried to post an image to [email protected], which is then uploaded to the local instance (sopuli). link itself is working, but the preview/thumbnail in the post isn't showing up and the image isn't accessible that way.

    I tried through Jerboa and now through the web frontend, but no luck either.


    so, I'll try to post another picture of Loki to try if it's because of the remote instance or whatever is happening.

    if anyone has an idea... I'm running out of them

    edit: ok, at least for me the image doesn't show either. is this just me or anyone else having the same issue?

    edit 2: I've made a successful test of an image post, that wasn't created with my Pixel 7 Pro and that one shows without issue I guess, I'm hitting a limit somewhere or maybe some meta data causes a hiccup. size wise the images aren't really big (1.5MB, 1.8MB). so, not really sure what the issue could be

    edit 3: well, I've tried 'Scrambled EXIF' and 'Exif Eraser' and at least that didn't change a thing. when I let the image through Signal, where AFAIK EXIF data gets removed and also done compression is done, I can post the image.

    edit 4: to verify it's the file size, I tried now with a downloaded hd picture (3.5MB) and that one doesn't show either. here is the test post: maybe it's not even a limit on the file size, but a transmission timeout?

    I think this is currently the end of my testing, as I can't think of much more test cases.

    edit 5: nope, large picture just took more time and shows correctly bitte. must be something with the Pixel 7 Pro


    Office Guardian

    I'm more or less just posting again to check, if the image shows up this time. but enjoy another picture of Loki :⁠-⁠)


    Image Post not working?

    Hi all!

    I tried to attach a image directly to a post, but although the link seems to ok (at least it works inside the comment body as a link), it isn't loaded or shown in the thumbnail

    said post:

    did I do something wrong or is anyone else having similar problems?



    Loki in cuddle mode

    As the image isn't loaded correctly in the preview/thumbnail, I'll at least put it here in the body !

    I always love, when he makes his little "rabbit paw pose :⁠-⁠)

    edit: seems the image isn't loading? :⁠-⁠\ first time trying to post to another instance, with an image uploaded to my local one. I'll give it some more time... link to the original picture it seems the image itself got uploaded correctly


    sometimes links can't be opened?

    hi all!

    first off, sorry, I'm completely new with Jerboa (and also Lemmy). but sometimes it seems I can't directly open links in posts.

    the upper post has this issue (I can still copy the link, but there is no way to directly open it), the lower post in the screenshot has the link functioning.

    am I missing something?

    thanks for any suggestions!

    edit: it seems sometimes the thumbnail isn't loaded correctly. so just "clicking" into the empty dark space on the right opens the link.

    at least for me that has worked now in every case. (sorry for also posting a comment with the same content, mis-clicked and I let it stay, if someone only checks new comments or something)

    edit 2: I think this is a Lemmy, and not Jerboa, bug, because I think this two are the same: seems some images aren't processed correctly, when it's an image post. all my Pixsl 7 Pro photos aren't working, but are shown without problems, when inserted in the post body or a comment
