I guess I'm not growing old
1 0 ReplyWhelp...
2 0 ReplyI'm not sure I want to know...
2 0 ReplyI just hope I'm on the receiving end.
2 0 ReplyHigh stakes dance off. I never stood a chance against the wiley crustacean
2 0 ReplyMorti means "of death" in Latin. I guess I'm going to die of death...
3 0 ReplyI'm going to go down with my ship, bellowing orders to my crew until the last.
2 0 ReplyI dont't know lulz
1 0 ReplyFirst I am. And then...
I'm not.
5 0 ReplyI am hereby consigned and sentenced to death by royal order of his majesty Dominus Thrax, hero of all.
I really shouldn't be such a contrarian, especially when it comes to faustian deals with magical deep space clones...
1 0 ReplyIt's fairly self explanatory
8 0 ReplyDoes it have any resemblance to Ice9?
1 0 Reply
Or being thrown out of a second story window during karate lessons.
3 0 Reply1 0 Reply
Alone in my apartment and nobody checks on me for not responding, because I stopped responding long before.
1 0 ReplyIn some sketchy den with a khajiit
4 0 ReplySomething the Scooby gang could have prevented.
7 0 ReplyPainfully, I'd assume
5 0 ReplySome of you may die, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.
1 0 ReplyWith a bang
3 0 ReplyWell, my username is because I got tired of a website only allowing you to set opening all links in new tabs if you had an account, so it might be hard to die by internet tab. I also religiously close tabs as soon as I'm done, so I never have that many open. If we can loosen the rules: drowns by bad genie wish in tab cola.
1 0 ReplyIf you have a mouse, try Ctrl+left click or maybe click the mouse wheel. If it's a touchscreen, try long-pressing a link to get your new tab option.
And now you don't need an account for that site. Have a nice account death?
1 0 ReplyI just got tired of always middle-clicking because I would inevitably forget to, close the tab I was using, and get annoyed. I actually ended up needing to post on that site eventually, so the account has purpose now, at least.
2 0 Reply
So many ways...
1 0 ReplyDrive errors would pile up on critical systems because they didn't filesystem check themselves before they filesystem wrecked themselves
4 0 ReplyDigimon incident. I might cringe if I were alive to care.
3 0 ReplyI cant die because some asshole cup threw me off a cliff and turned me into a Hylander.
2 0 ReplyI am very satisfied with this outcome
3 0 ReplyPulverized and set adrift as an interstellar cloud
2 0 Reply🤷♂️
2 0 ReplyA Japanese Math Rock band murders me
2 0 Reply1 0 Reply
7 0 Replyyou ever see those pictures of birds with their guts exposed and it being full of plastic?
thats this benzing ring (plastic)
1 0 ReplyDied in a rocket accident and quickloads didn't work
3 0 ReplyOn an intelligent journey.
1 0 ReplyI probably say something
And it gets me in trouble5 0 Reply9 0 ReplySuicide I guess.
1 0 ReplyNo doubt, it would be an epic tale.
1 0 ReplySaving the world a lot.
1 0 ReplyA horrible accident involving a pair of eyeglasses.
1 0 ReplyAdorably.
1 0 ReplyChoked to death by the Canadian Prime Minister.
1 0 ReplyIn a blaze of TexMex
2 0 ReplyHis name is Candy and he has a good shot.
1 0 ReplyDeath by snu snu? Not really how I wanted to go -- unless it kills both of us.
4 0 ReplyOh, no…
10 0 ReplyOh god
11 0 ReplyRIP
2 0 Reply
1 0 ReplyBrake failure on a mountain road.
3 0 ReplySelf Explanatory actually.
7 0 ReplyA 60ft wave off Mullaghmore, Ireland
1 0 ReplySleeping with the fishes
8 0 ReplySuicide.
1 0 ReplyShmurdered Murdered....
1 0 ReplyGuess I run into traffic, yelling and waving at the taxi that just deliberately passed me by. Then I get hit by a truck.
10 0 ReplyNot sure how I die, but I guess I’m coming back to life after …
6 0 ReplyObesity, and bounciness.
5 0 ReplyYou wouldn't understand
8 0 ReplyNo idea
5 0 ReplyHaving the time of my life
2 0 ReplyI’ll donate so much to research I won’t have money to eat?
4 0 ReplyBy Japanese sword thrust
9 0 ReplyDon't! Sudoku is not the answer D:
2 0 Reply
....that last step will be a doozy.
5 0 ReplyToo many pineapples
7 0 ReplyA remake of Alien but with a meerkat
6 0 ReplyWhatever it is, it's going to be the subject of several YouTube documentaries.
9 0 ReplyDeath by simulation crashing.
Or if going by the actual username and not the display name: Death By Air Conditioner Crashing On My Head Beacause I'm Too Indecisive To Choose Anything
Aka: The Chidi Death
4 0 ReplyI get ackshually'd to death in the comments. 💀
2 0 ReplyI don't think I wanna know
32 0 Reply1 0 Reply
6 0 ReplyLike mathematician August Ferdinand Möbius, at 77, in Leipzig?
5 0 ReplyMine unlocks the cheat codes from Jedi knight 2. So probably dismembered by jedi or sith spawns
6 0 ReplyI choke to death while alone, try to self heimlich and fail. My body is found half eaten by my cats with my cold, dead hand still clutching the offending cheese toastie.
6 0 ReplyOh this is an easy one
5 0 ReplyHaha this is the best comment 😂
1 0 Reply
Mine's pretty open-ended.
I'm going to go with gassing in a concentration camp for opposing the fascists.
History repeats itself.
9 1 ReplyMaybe you die in a dark room
2 0 Reply
6 0 ReplyAt least I would know what was coming, three would come before me.
7 0 ReplySome kind of ancient forest spirit emerges from the woods, consumes my soul and leaves my body in a coma before fading back into the trees without a trace.
4 0 Replythen one day you wake up an acorn and you feel yourself reaching for the sky
2 0 Reply
Not sure how but I will be underground, nostalgic and depressed when I do.
1 0 ReplyStrangled by my hoodie?
5 0 ReplyOr you jumped
1 0 Reply
He died doing what he loved!
26 0 ReplyBy a spear, then repawn after 3 days
3 0 ReplyDid I see you on the interstate?
Bolstering national faith?
Overwhelming millions every day!
1 0 Reply
Ceasefire Violation?
27 0 ReplyA very large child does something in such a way that I would die.
6 0 ReplyThe US actually does invade, and I die in some kind of defensive gambit where they take more casualties than us.
Unfortunately, that's a vibe killer now, because it doesn't feel totally impossible and we still like each other. Sorry.
13 0 ReplyHey, somebody left some perfectly good Swiss on this block of wood. How convenient, don’t mind if I d….*
7 0 ReplyToo many to count.
6 0 ReplySame here
4 0 ReplyI love that you two found each other in such an amusing way
4 0 Reply
Nihilistic fruit
7 0 ReplyStarving, because I couldn't remember where I hid my nuts.
21 0 ReplyMy dog finds and eats squirrel peanuts semi-regularly on walks. It's cuter than when he tries to catch them directly.
5 0 Reply
Thor dropping a mountain on my head.
6 0 ReplyUnlucky
1 0 ReplyEh, kind of intentional. If you're gonna fuck around, you're gonna find out.
2 0 Reply
Jesus Christ, that'll be gruesome...
12 0 ReplyIf it's on camera you'll be hugely famous
4 0 Reply
In front of my PC without anyone noticing until days later
4 0 ReplyWell I'm named for a fictional character I wrote about. so presumably she comes to life and for some reason tries to kill me
5 0 ReplyI have a heart attack after getting pissed off, at some sort of station.
1 0 ReplyIt will be a hell of a party!
7 0 ReplyMy character makes a sandwich. I reach for the peanut butter...
6 0 Reply6 0 Reply
A stylish infinite combo from Meikyousisui MvC2 Vol. 10 that only works on me.
4 0 ReplyA detective stands over my lifeless body, Detective Salvitore is panting for air, desperate to catch up to her partner and mount the hill. She reaches the crest covered in sweat, vision blurring but enthused at the grim sight before Detective Glassgow.
Salvitore fumbles for her radio, wheezing a shaky "We... we... I... found-" before Glassgow cuts her off.
"Save it Sal, I already told them we found the vegan."
12 0 ReplyMind control cereal
5 0 ReplyChopped into several large pieces. But it will be awesome.
5 0 ReplyI'll live for eternity I guess. Really don't want that tbh
3 0 ReplyEither heart goes out during orgy, or torn to shreds by an uprising
15 0 ReplyTo shreds you say?
3 0 ReplyAnd the women?
3 0 Reply
The fucking Russians, of course.
17 1 ReplyRaptured by the One True Dog
12 0 ReplySilently hunted down by a mysterious lone wolf.
16 0 ReplyDerogatory slur
9 0 ReplyWell... I can tell you who didn't do it.
7 0 ReplyInviting my Farmville girlfriend over.
13 0 ReplyNot the Fediverse Chick?
3 0 ReplyShe's blessed my inbox twice, so not sure!
1 0 Reply
I'll leave it to you, reader, to guess the "where" it is cast
9 0 ReplyWrong place wrong time during a controlled demolition
9 0 ReplyI guess I'll explode
1 0 ReplyFuriously stroking my willy.
10 0 ReplyBridge collapse
7 0 ReplyTook me a second to realise it's not "Theme at Bridge" and think "What the 'eff does that mean??!!"
2 0 Reply
I'm already gone...
9 0 Replyexit 0
7 0 ReplyIn the middle of the night with nary a sound to be heard.
4 0 ReplyOuch...
7 0 ReplyBoiled alive
9 0 ReplyI'll live to see the cyberpunk era, but will not be happy about it...
3 0 ReplyIn a squeezer
6 0 Replyah hell, I’m getting shot by a drunk hillbilly aren’t I?
4 0 ReplyEaten by a living supercomputer that thirsts for dimensional conquest
3 0 ReplyBurned at the stake, hanged, crushed, or drowned. Plenty of options.
6 0 ReplyAt least I'll get to meet Bigfoot before he kills me.
4 0 ReplyUmmmm I get smothered maybe? Idk or they rise up in numbers and kill me some other way.
2 0 ReplyFlayed alive, I guess. Could be worse.
4 0 ReplyYes, please. 52 years old, and dying after one super night.
7 0 ReplyNo idea
4 0 ReplyIdk, i wouldn't see it coming
8 0 ReplyOh, no, Timmy fell down the well again!
5 0 ReplyToo much taco bell
6 0 ReplyIf it's literal, I have a very, very, very long life of space travel ahead of me.
If it's in the Carl Sagan metaphorical 'we are star stuff' sense, then it could literally be anything.
3 0 ReplyI'll be killed by a bunch of odd, possibly shapeless movie props.
3 0 ReplyDunno
7 0 ReplyA space battle with transcendental Borg Spheres.
3 0 ReplyI guess I spontaneously turn into manure?
1 0 ReplyJaywalking.
6 0 ReplyError caused by an invalid pointer
6 0 ReplyCorrupted save data
2 0 Reply
4 0 ReplyWell, I'd guess I'd go out the way I'd always knew I would; mauled while getting blown by a bear 🤤
7 1 ReplyTree fall maybe?
5 0 ReplyA daring suicide rescue mission where I manually hold the button on some space nuke to save the day.
5 0 ReplyJust broke.
4 0 ReplyDepending on what your lemmy app/UI displays, executed either by Paul or Stilgar. One would be brought back though.
3 0 ReplyKnowing my luck, probably cancer.
2 0 ReplyMauled, eaten or crushed to death
... or cuteness overload
4 0 ReplySome catty wampas, likely.
5 0 ReplyI guess at 2:13 in the morning/night.
2 0 Replyquickly
4 0 ReplyImpressively.
4 0 Replyanonymously
2 0 ReplyHeart attack while Internet browsing from my favorite location
3 0 ReplyMy nemesis showed up.
3 0 ReplyI get murder suicided
2 0 ReplySomeone finally writes my name in that death note.
4 0 ReplyAn epic duel. Maybe somebody loses a hand, idk
3 0 ReplyIn the dark.
3 0 ReplyA human centipede but made of weasels
3 0 ReplySaving the life of an infant/child from some type of shit show.
3 0 ReplyDeath by human error... sounds about right.
3 0 ReplyEither a fight with a massive reptile or lethal attraction to a strong light source, not sure
3 0 ReplyStayed up multiple nights in a row and accidently ran into traffic having some kind of psychotic break.
3 0 ReplyI'm not sure of the details but hazmat will be involved and it'll probably make the news.
3 0 ReplyCan't say that I know, but I shall be avenged.
2 0 ReplyWell shit.
3 0 ReplyStruck by railgun fire.
3 0 ReplyNapping with a kat?
2 0 Replyoh oh... I'm in danger.
2 0 ReplyI die of either choking on a boiled potato meal or eat to death, both sound plausible...
1 0 ReplyA sloth, so I'm sure it will be a slow death.
2 0 ReplyThat's a good question...
2 0 ReplyI’ve still got some time, but now I’m afraid… very afraid
2 0 ReplyI guess I'll be rebooted by Mindy until I'm too powerful for the universe... or my windchimes fall off.
2 0 ReplyBeheaded by the monarch of shitty vehicles.
2 0 ReplyKilled by giant snake.
2 0 ReplyHatchet + cannibalism seems likely
2 0 ReplySomeone wants me dead
2 0 Replyby having a magic spell cast on me I guess
2 0 ReplyJubilation T. Cornpone is the name of a Confederate general from an old comic strip called Lil' Abner. In the story line, he's kind of like a local "hero" who was famous for his incompetence.
So, my death will most likely be from some outlandish yet predictable, self-inflicted blunder. Like Wyle E. Coyote sawing through the edge of the cliff he happens to be standing on.
1 0 ReplyAn arc of electricity in a pitch black room.
2 0 ReplyKing Arthur will come with his coconut playing entourage and claim my mortal soul. I should get a white rabbit. or maybe I should avoid it? Who can tell
2 0 ReplyLikely it would be from a lethal dose of radiation I would endure while fixing a warp drive that was desperately needed.
2 0 ReplyI literally have no idea.
2 0 ReplySuicide.
2 0 ReplyWorking in a server system and it falls on me, if there's a afterlife I'll see the name of system was named "zee"
1 0 ReplyI've played enough roguelikes I'm primed to expect an excruciatingly detailed accounting of my own death now. Unfortunately, that's not mentioned in any religion.
2 0 Reply
Being the boss
1 0 Replyalone and unknown :')
1 0 ReplyTo flick snot, you gotta pick your nose.
Let's just say I delved too geedily and too deep and started brain pickin'.
1 0 Replythe nose Balrog
2 0 Reply
I die from too much excitement while playing Bonestorm?
1 0 ReplyNot at all I guess?
0 0 Reply