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Mothra Mothra
Posts 73
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Pizza Connection / Pizza Tycoon (1994) - US Cover Art
  • Nice comparison. I like the US more, but if I had to actually pick the game based on the art I'd pick the German. It looks more fun, there is a lot more personality to it.

  • People of Lemmy, what games have you been playing lately?
  • Do tabletop games count? If so, then... Dungeons and Dragons haha. I'm learning the ropes, having fun with it :)

  • Bipeds rule
  • I dig this, what's the source?

  • Food safety
  • I don't know where you live but I'm in Australia and I also lived in South America and I've seen plenty of dirt, caterpillars, aphids and flies too many times on my lettuce, harvested from different sources, seasons, and purchased from different supermarket chains and small grocer shops.

    And it was never a problem for me. Where are you getting your sterile lettuce from, so I make sure I don't?

  • Why do marketeers try so hard to make QR codes pretty?
  • You want consumer engagement. Tip the scales in your favor as much as possible

  • Wishes rule
  • Yasss loving it thanks

  • What is a creepy or weird fact that would scare even the bravest person?
  • Nah still alive but haven't finished the article.... It's really long

  • What is a creepy or weird fact that would scare even the bravest person?
  • Ok here we go. Will be back with an update, but just in case, I don't consider myself particularly tough

  • Wishes rule
  • Thanks for trying!

  • We need to build an Yggdrasil
  • I thought you were talking about the VR game in Overlord and was ready to post my support but you just want complicated forestry with no regards to marine life

  • Are you a computer/tech person?
  • That is true but doesn't necessarily mean you're a tech person. I don't consider myself one, in fact I come here for help when I have questions or issues. I do appreciate foss and privacy but I'm not hardcore on either. I've certainly known a lot of people with even less understanding than me about tech, but I don't think I qualify as a tech myself and I believe there are many others here in a similar situation as me

  • Are you a computer/tech person?
  • +1 on this camp.

  • Wishes rule
  • ...aaaand?

  • Rule
  • How come November has cheat days? I was about to start the challenge without knowing this

  • Rule
  • That's the February challenge only

  • Why did it take so damn long for humanity to "learn" how to draw/paint realistic images?
  • Yes, that's my point. By "most people can see color well enough" I mean most people aren't color blind and can tell apart basic color differences. That's all.

  • Why did it take so damn long for humanity to "learn" how to draw/paint realistic images?
  • It does, however it doesn't remove human error and it doesn't help at all with situations or angles where you don't have clearly defined contours, such as when representing facial features for example. People tend to draw what they understand, not what they see, even when using the one eye trick.

  • Why did it take so damn long for humanity to "learn" how to draw/paint realistic images?
  • Ah yes a camera obscura. In the past. So easy and obvious, hardly an inconvenience

  • Why did it take so damn long for humanity to "learn" how to draw/paint realistic images?
  • Hi. I'm an artist, and my answer comes from my personal experience and not from academic research on your topic.

    Turns out painting and sculpture pose different challenges to artists. If your goal is realism, you first need to understand your subject, and then you need to translate it to the medium.

    One key aspect in the process is finding good reference material to work from. Turns out human faces and bodies occupy three dimensional space, and they are somewhat readily accessible to artists. A talented sculptor can study a model and replicate it as a sculpture; it's not easy, but there isn't much else to be done.

    Now let's look at painting. Often people think painting and drawing is easier than sculpting because it's more accessible, but that's not necessarily the case especially if you aim for realism. The artist needs to use the brain and translate a lot, and I mean an awful lot, of the information seen in the model (3d space) into 2d. They need to remove one dimension from it, without breaking the illusion. This is why it's ten times more difficult to sketch from life than it is to sketch from photographic reference; photos already did half the job for you. And back in the day photography wasn't a thing.

    This is very hard already, but on top of that comes color. Most people can see color well enough, the difficult part is understanding how to translate that to a flat, uniform surface that doesn't emit light. From the get go this means you will have to crunch down and remove color information, ie you can't paint the sun and expect it to shine like the real thing, instead you will have to either make everything else too dark or not paint the sun just to keep the lighting relationships making sense. Your brain has evolved to see color shades, to take into account lighting conditions and contrast and a lot of other things. And yet, you hardly realize you are seeing all these things because what matters to you is what color things are meant to be, not what color things really are in a myriad of lighting conditions. In other words, you don't have a color picker tool ability that lets you easily replicate any color you see. This takes years of training.

    Then as if this alone wasn't difficult enough, you now have to deal with pigment chemistry and colors that dry different shades, incompatible or unstable pigment combinations, hard to find pigments, etc. These issues still have to be taken into consideration today, but in the past even more so since people had a lot less options available for a variety of reasons.

    I hope by now you're getting the idea that you have far far more opportunities to botch a painting than a sculpture. Take any civilization and with a few generations of skilled sculptors passing on the tricks of the trade you can reach realistic results. But it took centuries and a lot of thinking and writing and studying to start achieving realistic painting standards. I'm not surprised at all.

  • How do I stop slef sabotage and procrastination?

    I used to be good at time management and very motivated in my career. Then about two years ago I lost a close friend over a strong disagreement and then lost my job.

    Slowly but surely I became a bit depressed and had some physical health issues. I'm seeing a therapist already, and a few months ago I finally managed to get a plebe job at a retailer, but when it comes to doing my personal work that would open doors in my industry I just can't seem to find the time and motivation to do it.

    Don't get me wrong. I got plenty of time available, I just find myself being ridiculously avoidant or distracted or tired, you get the idea. And, no, I don't use social media much, I don't videogame or binge shows. I just get distracted with house chores or simply overthinking.

    I've already tried lists, planning and goal setting ( all this comes naturally to me), but it makes no difference.

    I've tried reducing the expectations and goals, no difference. I still don't do anything.

    I tried apps to keep track of my progress; also useless.

    I've even considered finding a life coach, but I get the feeling they're a scam. Unfortunately I don't have any friends or relatives that can help me stay on track with my goals.

    TLDR I'm getting a bit desperate here. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.


    Ways to find out my family tree other than through type of sites?

    Just out of curiosity. I don't have a real need for this.

    So I've been trying to find info on my great-grandparents but after snooping around in and I realise there are no records for any of my parents, grandparents or great grandparents online. At least not on those sites.

    And so I'm here wondering, what happened with those records? Anyone had any luck searching elsewhere? I've tried googling the names and nothing comes up either. Hooray for privacy I guess?


    Sources to improve my eloquence/ cover letters? (In English)

    I'm not too bad at casual writing but when it comes to sales, especially to sell my skills, I keep feeling like I lack a certain grace or flair with words.

    Chat gpt can help with suggestions but I always find anything I write with its assistance feels, well, robotic in a way. Awkward.

    So I'm reaching out to you for your inspirational word material out there. English isn't my native language so I'm hoping to improve it further with your suggestions. Authors? Websites? Perhaps eloquent YT creators I can learn from transcribing what they say?



    Eye Mask


    Has anyone experienced a spinal disc bulge, hernia, and/or or stenosis/radiculopathy and how long did it take to recover?

    Turns out I have a disc bulge between two of my cervicals and it's pinching a nerve, which is very very painful and weakening my arm and finger sensitivity.

    I'm not here asking for advice, rather to get an idea of what's down the road for me depending on the type of treatment I'll end up following. I am seeing a doctor, I have an appointment tomorrow. I also had a CT scan done.

    So basically if you've had something similar anywhere on your spine I'd appreciate to know about it. Did you recover fully? How long did it take? What treatment did you follow? Did you complement it with anything such as specialized exercises, acupuncture, massage or else?


    How can I improve my communication with a friend I like?

    There is this guy I like, I have reason to think he may like me too but we're both playing dumb, or maybe I'm just imagining it all.

    Yes, that's how immature I am. Now please help me.

    We've known each other for years and we seem to get close to each other, then we take distance, then close again, repeat, repeat, repeat.

    I'm terrified of losing him as a friend for trying to be more than just that. I've already lost people for showing my interest and I've also had to burn the bridge with guys who wouldn't give me space or kept hitting up on me repeatedly. This happens.

    I would like to create a consistent, regular conversation going on. I'm afraid of overwhelming him so I don't even know what's a good frequency to reach out.

    Personally the biggest challenge for me is finding ways to deepen our conversations. Things tend to stay pretty much on the surface most of the time, even though we can talk of almost any topic openly. Another barrier is our very different interests, we have almost no shared media in common (different music, different shows watched/liked, different videogames liked etc).

    Usually when talking to other friends, conversations tend to naturally steer towards more meaningful topics. I don't know if I'm inadvertently holding myself back with him, or if finding meaningful topics has always been a thing started by the other person and I've never realized it.

    So, any tips?

    Have you got ways to deepen conversations?

    Guys, have girls ever impressed you positively and how?



    Can someone ELI5 why often lights set up with a dimmer also flicker?

    Seen this in many houses, people upgrade their lighting setup and install a dimmer. Which works. But usually it also makes the lights flicker unintentionally, which is super annoying IMO.

    Now, my understanding of electrical engineering is pretty rudimentary so I'd appreciate more something that explains the concept in a way that Cavewoman Mothra can understand rather than something technically accurate.



    What type of scam is this?

    Many times I've received enquiries through Artstation which are obviously fake.

    The ones that puzzle me are always some RandomUnremarkableName + Number saying they're thrilled about my work and want to purchase it. No links, no job offers, no nothing.

    Real people always give context as to which piece they want and why or something. I just ignore these weird generic fishy ones and move on.

    So what's the deal with this? Are they just hoping to get my email address so they can sell it as part of a spam mailing list? Or is there something else?


    Can I install an app to improve the sound quality on my phone?

    Please go easy on me, I'm not very tech savvy. So I got a new android phone, and everything is ok except the audio. This is using the same headphones I used with my old phone, so I'm not talking about improving the phone's speakers or headphones, but the quality of the sound as it is processed in the phone itself.

    There is an equalizer (Dolby Atmos) but after trying every preset and option available I give up. They all sound tinny or kind of muffled. My old phone had just a basic "Moto Audio" and it was great. Both phones are Motorola and I'm disappointed to see this downgrade.

    So the question is, can I install something to fix this and if yes, what type of app am I looking for?





    Orb remixes rule

    I miss the beef stroganoff

    2 Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth, scientists find | Reptiles | The Guardian

    Reptile’s teeth found to have covering that helps keep serrated edges razor sharp and resistant to wear

    Pretty interesting find. (Not completely sure if this is the right community for this- let me know if you know where else it would be a good fit!)


    What to do with an Android spare smartphone (no sim card)?

    Turns out Australia is removing 3G support nationwide and that means I have to upgrade. I've had my phone for at least 4 years but it runs well, I wasn't planning on upgrading for at least another year.

    I want to keep using it, but I'm not too tech oriented so my thinking has been, " I can play music with it, some games, videos"...And that's fine. But perhaps some of you guys have more creative ideas? Curious as to what would you recommend.


    Why would a chain retail employer take more than a month to give you shifts if at all?

    Is there some advantage in having employees just doing nothing? I got an offer in early june, got paid for training and induction, got the uniform, and then, radio silence.

    I chased them up on the phone three times and today, when I called yet again they asked me to send them an email at a specific address. It's been over a month after I got the training btw.

    I realise I need to look for new job obviously as these idiots are pulling my leg. But can someone explain why would they bother with recruitment if they don't need staff?


    What makes gel capsules so expensive in comparison to other pills?

    Disclaimer: I'm in Australia and here vitamins must comply with certain regulations. Feel free to read about it:

    I bought vitamin D the other day, and couldn't help but to notice the price differences, such as:

    Brand A: $8 x 300 pills Brand B: $30, x 250 capsules Brand C: $40, x 300 capsules

    All had the same amount of vitamin per dose (1000 u). They all had the AUST L label which means they undergo controls to ensure that they have what they claim to have, and that they are made under certain safety standards.

    I also buy iron supplements but there is nowhere near this much difference between brands. The only obvious difference was the type of pill, the more expensive ones were gel capsules while the cheap ones were hard pills.

    So, are gel capsules really that much better? Is the price difference justified? Are there other issues that could explain the price difference in terms of quality?


    When you pair your Bluetooth earbuds and one hasn't charged

    ALWAYS GETS ME AAAARRRRRRGHHHHHHH I make sure I disconnect them from all devices; I make sure they are well positioned in their cases; that the charging lights are on etc and yet.... they disappoint me like this...

    45 'Like a gopher, crocodile, and ostrich' combined: NC paleontologists discover new burrowing dinosaur

    The 99-million-year-old fossils of Fona herzogae may help paleontologists fill in gaps in evolutionary history and share insight into how animals are impacted by a changing environment.

    'Like a gopher, crocodile, and ostrich' combined: NC paleontologists discover new burrowing dinosaur

    Can you recommend a free minimalist documents app? (replace Google Docs- can be offline)

    Hey Lemmy! I'm ashamed to admit I haven't yet quit Google Docs. I think I should especially since I got a lot of documents which I really have no reason to keep online, I've been doing so out of lazyness as I'm used to GDocs and its ease of use.

    I'm looking for a text editor that lets me paste images straight from my clipboard into the documents, this is a must for my workflow.

    Another feature I use a lot is the side menu/index, which is created automatically when I insert a header and lets me jump quickly to any part of my document.

    With that in mind, the search function is also essential, I need this to either have a search bar or work with ctl+F

    Of course I need some basic color and font size variation, and having the ability to create tables is handy but I don't need any kind of math functionality.

    I could use Libre Office but I'm looking for something bare bones and lightweight. I haven't used LO in years so it may have changed, however from memory it's pretty well fleshed out and I find all the extra features distracting especially since I don't need them. I'm not sure though, perhaps I'm wrong and you can convince me?

    Have you got any suggestions? TIA


    How can I find out when my Android phone was first activated?

    I'm not too tech savy. I've searched online and found two methods that use Google Play or my Google Account, but for the life of me I can't find the settings I'm supposed to find. And also, wouldn't this information just be stored on my device? Why do I need to ask Google about my phone ?

    Another method is using an IMEI code, which I've found on my phone but the website I've tried said they have no information about me. I could try again on a different website but this feels dodgy to me. Maybe I'm wrong.

    So, is there a simple way to access this information? Thanks.


    What's going on with TikTok getting banned?

    Not that it personally affects me- I'm not in USA and it's one of the platforms I dislike the most. But I can't find a concise explanation for why.

    I've searched for news articles and those I found either don't address the reason behind the ban and talk about US politics, or are vague about it, saying it would collect user sensitive data.

    I've also found lists of countries banning TikTok from government devices, okay I understand that, and some countries banning it completely because of cultural sensitivities, which I doubt is US' case.

    Fair enough. What kind of user sensitive data would it be collecting? Isn't this what most social media apps do already? What makes TikTok stand out in this regard?
