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inb4_FoundTheVegan inb4_FoundTheVegan

I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is "meant for", every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Comments 489
California Moms for Liberty chair’s shocking attack on drag queens goes viral
  • Well, I am trans, active in the community and I am aware of the concept you are talking about. But I also know it's incel / 4chan language, specifically with being a "passoid" or "non-passoid hon", as a deviation from referring to women as "femoids". So right off the bat, it's not something I take too seriously purely because I don't care too much what they say on the worst part of the net.

    But more to the point, I go to a lot of meet up events with trans folk and the conversation has been brought up a few times. I've yet to meet someone who is actually upset by it. Few people aware of it, as you said its a deep lore type thing, but even of those that know most don't seem to care.

    I see it kind of like the whole "Queer vs LGBTQIA2S+" debate, where to my mind Queer is more ecompassing, easier to say and commonly considered a reclaimed word for the queer community. But, there are absolutely some people have had "Queer" used derisively against them and do not feel comfortable using it as a label. I entirely respect and support that, and if I know that a person feels that way, I will go out of my way NOT to use the word Queer around them. So, if I upset you or the person I was originally replying to with my word choice, I sincerely apologize.

  • Man accused of attempted murder in hammer attack over online gaming argument
  • "When the suspect was asked why he did what he did, the suspect stated, 'He's a bad person online,'"

    Well my dude, you're a bad person in real life.

  • Is there a chat/dating app that isn't complete shit and pay wall restricted?
  • Okie dokie. Didn't really think so, but it's by far the best app I have used with essentially no pay well so I figure I'd mention it for anyone else who sees this thread.

  • Is there a chat/dating app that isn't complete shit and pay wall restricted?
  • Well, I know this won't be useful for a lot of people. But HER is a femme focused app (but open to all queer folk) that is super duper generious with the amount matches and chat it allows.

  • KOTOR 2 was the high point of Star Rules games
  • Star Wars is at it's best when it gets away from the godamn Skywalkers.

  • California Moms for Liberty chair’s shocking attack on drag queens goes viral
  • Hey Hon, I don't have anything to contribute to this talk, but I see you talking about your fears. So just wanted to give you a lil internet hug and tell you how important, valued and brave you are. I'm sorry it's like this, but for what it's worth, I'll keep you in my thoughts. ♥

  • J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History”
  • “For a man who’s supposedly a model of compassion and tolerance, he sure does want a lot of people to cease to exist.”

    Critical of people she praises for compassion.

    "J.K. Rowling has recently been canceled because she… did not please the fans of the so-called gender freedoms."


    Praised by fascist dictators.

    And yet somehow JK thinks she is on the right side of history? 😄

  • c/[email protected] is full of transphobic trolls
  • telling trans people to vote for our own genocide

    an instance that is supposed to be trans friendly.

    The instance IS trans friendly. The people in the community are protesting a seperate genocide with the few tools available to them. It's not fair to look past republicans taking active action to yell at others inaction solely because you feel the later should be easy.

    For example, I'm vegan. I feel it should be easier for me to convince trans folk to be vegan since our community is all about bodily autonomy. But it's unsupringly not, and yelling at them for my perceived hypocrisy is far far less productive than talking to someone who hasn't been exposed to the concept in a rational logical way.

    Perceiving hypocrisy in others and wishing it was easier to convince other to see as you is common, but it doesn't change minds. The convincing process is always slow and difficult. Is your time best spent on someone likely to come around to your view anyways? Or is it better spent exposing a naive republican in a media bubble that we are not the stereotype he has been led to believe? Trans genocide is happening, but think strategically, focus on convincing the victimizers, not the victims.

    I understand your frustration and anger, and I'm trying to help you find peace with the fact that others will always disagree with you. But that disagreement does not become a justification to silence others in our own community.

  • c/[email protected] is full of transphobic trolls
  • The number of far leftist that didn't vote in some form of protest, is absolutely miniscule compared to the number of Republicans that did vote for Trump.

    You're mad at the wrong group. These people are not any legitimate threat to Biden electability. I understand the fear, nihilism and anger at the possibility of another Trump term, I'm feeling all that too, but this topic just doesn't seem like a productive place to put energy. Between the electoral college and gerrymandering, where voting blue quite literally will do nothing. Like myself, I live in a deep blue state. I'm going to vote for Biden, but my girlfriend is not. In partiality, neither of these choices matter because we know for a fact the state is going blue just like it has for decades.

    So a couple hundred people saying they won't vote, and a percentage of them actually will vote, shouldn't be something to be worked up about or a community that needs to be banned.

    Idk. You do you. But this just seems like an unhealthy outlet for healthy frustration.

  • c/[email protected] is full of transphobic trolls
  • People elected Trump in 2016 and I think they might well do it again.

    And do you think those are the same people are on blahaj? That support palastine enough to protest? Do you really think its more likely those people will just stand by and let the situation get worse under Trump?

  • c/[email protected] is full of transphobic trolls
  • Assume people make rational choices. When a president is elected, especially for a 2nd term, then they have little to no incentive to actually listen to the voters. It fucking sucks, but that is how the system works. Election time is literally the only time we can push meaningful change.

    When election day comes, I think people we rationally understand that Trump is a greater danger both to Palastine and to the trans community and vote accordingly.

    If I agree that there is no value in not voting, then I feel you should be able to recognize that there is value in SAYING you are not voting. To me, it's far more likely that the people in that community know this fact instead of somehow not recognizing the danger of Trump.

  • Defendants in Panama Papers Trial Who Laundered Money For the World’s Billionaires have Been Acquitted
  • The court’s decision to dismiss evidence obtained from Mossack Fonseca’s servers on grounds of “due process” is a masterstroke of legal gymnastics. It’s as if the smoking gun in a murder case were deemed inadmissible because the detective forgot to say “please” when collecting it.

    Shameless. And despite the evidence being known to exist, that "due process" will never happen when so many current and former heads of state are on the defendant list.

    World leaders and politicians:

    • David Cameron: Former British Prime Minister
    • Volodymyr Zelensky: Current President of Ukraine
    • Mauricio Macri: Former President of Argentina
    • Iceland’s Prime Minister (unnamed in the search results, but known to be Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson), who resigned due to the scandal

    Celebrities and sports figures:

    • Lionel Messi: Argentine football icon
    • Pedro Almodovar: Spanish filmmaker

    Business figures:

    • Aliko Dangote: Africa’s richest man

    As we watch these 28 defendants walk free, let us not forget the true victims of this charade: the countless millions who bear the burden of a system rigged against them.

  • Redbox's owner files for bankruptcy after repeatedly missing payments and payroll: The company hasn’t paid employees in over a week and owes money to almost everyone in Hollywood ($970M in debt)
  • I give the redbox a passing glance as I leave the grocery store to see which movies I should pirate. Rarely do I see something worth the effort.

  • Early openly LGBT politician Harvey Milk at a Gay Pride celebration in San Jose, USA, 1978
  • Rest in peace.

    A sad reminder why Pride is not just the month of june, but a movement for equality in the face of bigotry.

  • What joke, in otherwise great sitcoms, do you hate?
  • Maeby: And the worst part is he thinks he’s passing.

    Yes, her motivation was make Steve Holt not interested but fundamentally the joke is that Steve wouldn't be attracted to trans woman, which is what happens. Which honestly makes the whole joke worse.

    And even if you don't care about that, Maeby's motivation doesn't matter because she still uses transphobia as a way to harass Lindsey behind her back.

    I honestly find the whole thing so upsetting and not even remotely funny.

  • Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking
  • 🙄

    You're not adding anything useful, insightful or relevant to the conversation. Just being pedantic so you can feel smug.

  • Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking
  • This is pedantic and totally irrelevant to the topic of homeless having no place to simply exist.

    Unless of course you are trying to highlight the billions of unhoused factory owners?

  • What joke, in otherwise great sitcoms, do you hate?
  • On arrested development I skip the story arc of episodes related to Maeby tricking people in to thinking her mom is trans so they can be awful to her.

    There is a lot of casual transphobia that was common at the time, but I just can't fucking stand those scenes.

  • Biden Officials Pushed to Remove Age Limits for Trans Surgery, Documents Show
  • Well, I'm trans woman but I'm not sure the article is as cut and dry as that? There is good and bad being covered here.

    one member wrote. “I need someone to explain to me how taking out the ages will help in the fight against the conservative anti-trans agenda.”

    Because any recommendations will be taking as a rule and it depends a lot. Like literally at any age is blockers is blockers fine and HRT seems reasonable at the 11-12ish range when cis puberty would start. But when it comes to top and bottom, well it actually depends a lot. My GF ran in to issues getting BA's purely because of her smaller torso frame. Likewise I know Jazz had difficulties with bottom surgery because she started lockers early enough that her existing genitals didn't have much material to "work with". Work around with using leg tissue is great, but that really seems like a case by case basis. Defiantly pre puberty of course, but post some height growth. The level of dysphoria should also play a factor as well, especially if it currently a self harm risk.

    There are some physic limb properational limitations for some surgeries that can't neatly fit in to an "age X" rubric. Saying that Y can't be done until X becomes a hard rule that causes harm.

    As always, the true answer is not letting politicians decide bodily autonomy. These choices need to be made between patient and doctor, for all the same reasons only a doctor and patient should decide on reproductive rights.

    Admiral Levine “was very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to care for trans youth and maybe adults, too. Apparently the situation in the U.S.A. is terrible and she and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse. She asked us to remove them.”

    And to the Biden admistrations credit, they are literally trying to exactly that. There is a lot of nuisance here that tragically bigots have no interest in actually engaging with.

  • With the advances in AI and telepathy fields, how do you see the future of privacy?
  • You can think that, but understand that it is a theory that the government is conspiring to keep knowledge tech the public.

    Look, I can't and won't try to change your mind, seems like you have already decided it's happened. But you should understand that their is no evidence to believe in telepathy. That doesn't mean impossible, but if you choose to believe it is possible AND invented in the early 90s that is entirely a you choice. Much like choosing to believe in god.

    So sure, believe whatever. Just know that without evidence it will be difficult to get serious people to take you serious.