Posts 0
Comments 8
Fallout 76 Players Are Seeing an Increase in Griefing 1 0
Marcy Long is still behaving like a bitch though :-)
Fallout 76 Players Are Seeing an Increase in Griefing 0 0
Anyone can also build in the no-nuke zone. Its literally why its there.
Who here plays 76? 0 0
Been playing 76 since beta, recently reached level 600. So far enjoyed the game through good and bad. I'm on PS, if you are as well feel free to send friend request (fo name = lemmy username).
If your username would predict the way you die, how will it happen? 5 0
You wouldn't understand
Ukraine Must Cede Territory in Any Peace Deal, Rubio Says 1 0
Serious question: do you have a news source that backs this up?
Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit 12 1
Kind of confirms what I always thought about all the politicians that go there. They dont give af.
There's a clear up tick on daily users growing and we've crossed the 50k line as of yesterday! LETSSS GOOO! 26 1
And I am glad I am one of them. Not because of an anti-US sentiment (as in: towards American citizens) but as more pro-Europe move.
Developer convicted for “kill switch” code activated upon his termination 10 0
I feel targeted :-)