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Which existing Lemmy communities do you wish were more active?
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    I mainly used the other site for niche microinterests, but because Fedi itself is so niche too, that means the venn diagram doesn't have enough overlap to sustain these communities. And sadly I'm not sure if it ever will.

  • Blonde bad bitch with big shoulders rule
  • The twist in the original Metroid was that you didn't find out Samus was a woman until the ending, I could totally see today's dumbass gamers calling that a bait-and-switch.

  • The FUCK is going on with blahaj and celebration of the assassination attempt?
  • I get y'all want to be edgelords, but this is the most dangerous thing that has happened this century.

    Donald Trump is the most dangerous thing that has happened this century. Far more people have been and will be hurt and killed because of him. I have no sympathy for anything that happens to a man with so much blood on his hands, and I don't say that to be edgy, I say that because I simply see it as a Trolley Problem.

  • Nintendo's systemic policy of miscrediting is harming external translators
  • I'm surprised this is even legal. Why do we not have a law requiring credits to properly give credit?

  • Jon Stewart: Excuses for Biden’s ‘shocking display of cognitive difficulty’ are ‘bulls‑‑‑’
  • I'm not sure that's a fair comparison. Stewart has never served as an elected official, but he has 'seriously studied' politics his whole life. That's more relevant than Trump or Reagan.

  • Jon Stewart: Excuses for Biden’s ‘shocking display of cognitive difficulty’ are ‘bulls‑‑‑’
  • I didn't think there was ever a realistic chance of replacing him, honestly. We are indeed stuck with Joe.

    But I appreciate that Stewart acknowledges these concerns rather than trying to gaslight us about it.

  • What's Some Tech That Was Better Than It Is Now?
  • Latency doesn't matter if you're just watching television, but it's very important if you're trying to hook a game console up to it.

  • What is your favorite video game console?
  • Nintendo DS had the most insanely stacked library, way too many incredible games.

    It's a shame how many of them are unlikely to ever see a rerelease on modern hardware. Or how many of them wouldn't be the same experience even if they tried.

  • Will Linux’s New run0 Command Run sudo Out of Town?
  • This just sounds like a a solution in search of a problem.

  • Games that stuck with you
  • It's been years since I finished CrossCode, but I just cannot stop thinking about the characters and world. I won't spoil anything for anyone who hasn't experienced it yet, please go play this game it's on sale right now and make sure you get the epilogue DLC, but Lea holds a special place in my heart for what an emotionally compelling protagonist she is.

  • What "unique" or single-game-genre games have you enjoyed?
  • I can't think of any other games where slowdown is a necessary mechanic.

    It's quite common in retro shmups, particularly bullet hells putting way too many sprites onscreen. Designers were always aware of it and intentionally balanced the difficulty around it, and some later games even include artificial slowdown just to preserve that feel.

  • What "unique" or single-game-genre games have you enjoyed?
  • I recently got hooked on Twinkle Star Sprites, a Neo Geo versus shmup. Chaining enemies on your screen sends attacks to the opponent's screen. Those attacks can be bounced back, and reversing a reversal can create special attacks or even a boss summon. There's a lot going on and it's tragic that no spiritual successor ever tried to recreate this formula.

    It did get a JP-only PS2 sequel, but it looks to just be largely the same game, just with a different cast of characters and the lovely spritework replaced with a much worse low poly 3D.