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Josh Shapiro and Mark Kelly said to be leading VP candidates for Harris
  • Honestly, I live in PA, and I don't know that Shapiro locks up PA. He won by running against Trump in 2022, but Trump wasn't actually campaigning. And his challenger, Mastriano, won the primary because Shapiro ran ads saying Mastriano was Trump's guy.

    There are plenty of Democrats in PA to win PA. But there are also enough Magats to make it close. Then there are the swing voters and single issue voters who want to hear his opinions on issues like fracking and Netanyahu. He might have to swallow some of his policy stances to fall in line, and a lot of people won't like that. Many of them are residents that voted for him, or stayed home because they didn't strongly support his opponent. If he flips because those issues poll differently on a national level, it will temper enthusiasm for the guy, and energize his opponents. That could keep the state in play.

  • Lemmings of Lemmy who came over from Reddit what do you miss about Reddit and what do you not miss?
  • All of my local sports teams had very active communities. We had rivalries with other subs, some friendly, others not so much. You got to know regulars and could commiserate over the sports in your city.

    Those communities exist in Lemmy, but they aren't nearly as active.

  • Harris plans to finish Biden's progressive agenda
  • There's no point in playing "what if" when nobody knows what could have been.

    But Biden is progressive in the same way gray is white because it isn't black. Passing legislation isn't the measure of progress, especially when that list of legilsation includes shit like DOMA and the Crime Bill. I'm happy he's evolved on both issues, but he's had a long career of being on the wrong side of progress.

    Biden's age was never my problem with him. His failing health and inability to articulate a point are a legitimate concern, but I felt like he should have resigned long ago to give Harris a chance to establish herself and run as an incumbent. That would have shown confidence in her as a candidate. We should all be so lucky to be as healthy as he is at his age, but it was clear 4 years ago that he was not fully present mentally.

    What is maddening is that we could have had 2 years of Kamala demonstrating that she will be a good president. We could have had a full primary for Kamala to be tested, or to have a better challenger emerge from the crowd. Biden chose to remain on the job, and start a race he couldn't finish. It makes me think he didn't have confidence in Harris to prove herself, to stand up to a legitimate primary, or to catch the torch he wants to pass to her.

    There are some advantages she has now. She can run on Biden's accomplishments, but deflect any criticisms by saying she will do things differently. She can flip the script on the age argument. Any DNC party insiders who opposed her for misogynist or bigoted reasons have to swallow their tongues and fuck off, which is always good for the party (provided she wins - God help us if she loses, those fuckers will be insufferable). She doesn't have to actually win a primary against democrats with better policies or more charisma, of which there are several.

    So I'm optimistic she can put up a good fight. She has a shit ton of work to do in not very much time, but she should have plenty of money and plenty of support from Biden. I hope she gets elected, but then we start pushing her forward again.

  • 'I was given a choice of bosses to sleep with': Life as a female paramedic in the UK
  • How many monsters have been put away where after they are convicted, we hear about the years and years of countless reports? Creating a "record" punishes the victim more than the criminal, and victims can be blacklisted if they are "difficult to work with."

    I'm with you that it's better to report it, but we shouldn't be blaming victims when they would rather not. We should be creating an environment with minimal barriers to reporting in order to protect victims from shame and retaliation.

  • Harris plans to finish Biden's progressive agenda
  • Bernie would have been an excellent president, but he's always been pragmatic rather than opportunistic. He advocates for the same progressive policies he always has, but he also knows Harris needs to win. Democrats don't need to be pulled left, they need to be pushed forward. That's how we win, and that's how America and humanity will survive.

  • The overworked IT person who just happened to quit his job on 18 July 2024
  • The answer is that companies are unwilling to allocate sufficient budget to infrastructure. So anyone competent leaves either because either there is better pay elsewhere, or they don't want to be held responsible for the shoestring shitshow that companies are willing to pay for.

  • Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds
  • But that's the point. This is a national poll, not polling in swing states. It's encouraging, but not necessarily predictive of victory.

    It's like telling someone who has more yards in a football game. Yards are a good indicator of success, but winners are decided on points. Some points might require fewer yards. Winning in Wyoming is like a field goal after the other team fumbles on their own 20. Republicans get a lot of those simply by being bigots.

  • I'm ready to be hurt again!

    Look, we're obviously not the best team. We have significant flaws, and Embiid cannot carry this team by himself.

    But how can you not be hyped after watching Batum raining threes and Tobias on the bench? Embiid took his time getting it together, but he got it done when it mattered.

    We can beat the Knicks. We can beat anybody if we play our best.

    Maybe we don't. Maybe we lose again and everybody starts thinking about next year.

    But we are still in this. The Philadelphia 76ers still have a chance to show the world what they can do as a team. So let's get hyped and enjoy the ride!


    A "Healthy Amount of Cheese" is always an Unhealthy Amount of Cheese.

    I heard someone say this in a video recipe, followed by way more cheese than you should eat at once. It occurred to me that the phrase means ample, not nutritious.


    Hulu sucks. How are you watching the game?

    Basically title. I'm curious how others are watch the game. I cut cable a long time ago, and have Hulu live for this season, but it's just awful. Their app sucks, the unskippable ads are all over the place, and tonight it started recording at 4:30.

    So what is everyone else using?


    Can flies recognize that I'm holding a flyswatter?

    Has this ever happened to you? There's a fly in the house, buzzing around you, so you go to the cabinet to get the swatter. But as soon as you start wielding it, the little bastard disappears. You set it down, and now he's back, taunting you.

    Ok so obviously flies don't taunt, but do they have the capacity to recognize, even instinctually, that I'm holding a deadly weapon?


    So, Five Centers, huh?

    Anybody else want to see all five on the court together and just have them make a giant wall around the paint? No? Alright, me neither then.

    So what the fuck is Morey doing?
