Technically no. They aren't male or female, they're undifferentiated. Since we're neither male nor female at conception, this order means males and females don't actually exist at all.
At conception the future sex is determined by the chromosomes that the sperm contributes. Once fertilized, there are either X and X or X and Y, which will be XX and XY once meiosis occurs for the first time.
So technically once fertilization occurs(conception), sex has been determined.
No, it isn't. Every Bio textbook I have that discusses it (more than a dozen), is very clear that sex is determined by gonad function/gamete production. Some XY individuals will never produce sperm. Some will produce ova. Some XX individuals will never produce ova. I would bet there is probably at least one case out there where an XX individual produced sperm through some kind of insanely unlikely nondisjunction. And none of this even begins to touch on the variability within the XXY and XO groups. Even if you want to not consider other species, chromosomes ain't it.
According to the wording of the order, at conception you are female if you are "producing larger reproductive cells" or male if you are "producing smaller reproductive cells". Since at conception no one is making either reproductive cells, then I agree with the stance that the order says no one is male or female now.
Only correct comment here. Genetically, all things are already set in stone at conception. People parroting the 6 week thing are conflating genetic determinism with development of external traits.
There's also the issue with intersexed individuals and other individuals with chromosomal differences... I suspect they are out of scope of the order as they really don't fit either definition
I think this is actually more gender abolitionist if you think about it. No one is producing reproductive cells/gametes at conception. They begin by producing undifferentiated stem cells that will later specialize into all of the other cell types.
It's a bad faith question that deserves a hillarious answer
"What is a woman? Why it's someone whom, family members aside, you've never seen naked."
"What is a woman? The kind of people at the bar who cover their drinks when you get too close."
"What is a woman? Well these curvy people who smell nice and go by she/her pronouns and sometimes they have big meaty penises to suck, but only if you're lucky."
"What is a woman? According to Donald Trump's day 1 executive order; literally every American Citizen."
Nah, they have no issue with a tautological definition. “A woman is a female human that’s born a girl” makes perfect sense to anyone that’s asking anyone else to define what a woman is.
Silly Matthew, still believing that words written by Trump's administration mean anything...
Same mistake many opponents of the Nazis made in the beginning.
Fascists don't play by the rules, whatever they say or write only has meaning as long as it benefits them.
When you point out inconsistencies in what they wrote yesterday, they laugh at you. And then they shoot you.
Can you imagine, an entire nation- identifying as female? I’d imagine their reaction would be similar to how Christian’s felt when they saw the Bible being removed from schools….
It's cool and all to dunk on their logical fallacies, but don't think for one second that their poor wording will stop them from enacting untold violence against trans people.
Except it is pointless to talk about any of that, since the order defines what male and female means.
Males are those belonging at conception to the sex producing small reproductive cells (aka sperm).
Females are those belonging at conception to the sex producing large reproductive cells (aka eggs).
Since at conception I (and everyone else) did not produce either, I am now neither male nor female according to the new definitions.
These posts just show that the loudest people on the left are just as scientifically illiterate as the loudest people on the right :( I mean, it's mostly just reading with understanding they fail at, not even lacking knowledge...
But aren't the sex chromosomes decided at the moment of conception (or even with the sperm/egg). They need to work on their bigotry, it's frankly just basic biology. "their legal gender is their sex chromosomes upon conception". Although that opens another can of worms for those people whose chromosomes don't match their genitals, but I'm sure they can throw a few asterisks in there to sort that out.
Except in cases like Swyer syndrome where even with a Y chromosome, gonads won't develop properly and the person will develop normal female genitals instead.
I looked more into Swyer syndrome, and, those who have it (out of 334 million, about 4 thousand people suffer from this) and it looks like they are female. I wasn't able to find any studies where testosterone was given over estrogen, and female sex organs and female puberty is usually developed.
Still, even if they were in a state of in-between forever, they still wouldn't be anything other than in between the two options. There is no third option.
I suppose there is also the argument to be made that Trump made everyone nonbinary, as a zygote has no apparent sex characteristics or gamete production, being a single cell.
No, the "at conception" part is super important because it's doing a double whammy of also sneaking in "personhood-at-conception" to further undermine abortion rights.
I joked "welcome back to womanhood, my son" with my trans kid, but he's ok with being chromosomally female anyway, as far as I can tell. He laughed, laws don't change reality, and if it was reality they wouldn't need to make the law.
The fem-cel community has already accepted me even though I'm a cis straight white guy who's asexual (so voluntarily celibate) but I'm happy I can now finally check one box and accept myself as a femcel.
But are you voluntarily celibate if you are asexual? I don't mean it as a gatcha or something, but as a philosophical question.
In my social circle, the asexual people seem like they would probably prefer to be non- asexual because it is easier to find a partner for life if sex is not a no-go. So clearly their asexuality is not voluntary, they just are what they are. now acting on the involuntary part of yourself, is that a voluntary action?
(Sidenote: I am not saying that these asexual people aren't accepting who they are, or think it is bad that they are what they are. Personally I think being pansexual is the best because you got all the options, while I seem to be straight and I am very comfortable with it and feel like I am living a comfortable and fulfilling life with my partner. So I really mean 0 hate towards asexual people or anyone else. I am just talking about the practical impaction of sexualities in our given social norm)
Much like anything else, being asexual is a spectrum. It took me a very long time to figure out I was and that's because I personally didn't get any physical satisfaction out of sex, but I enjoyed the part where I made my partner absolutely melt with pleasure. Feeling romantic or emotional pleasure from sex is not uncommon, especially when coupled with someone who gets a ton of pleasure from it. That being said, I haven't had sex in over a year, and from the way things look, I'm not going to for a very long time. I won't say it's voluntary though it's definitely not because my partner doesn't want to.
It's a spectrum. For example you're friends who wish they weren't asexual are valid and are asexual. I do not feel the same way.
I have the ability I don't have the desire. I actually have children. I've also had girlfriends suggest various things like maybe I have low testosterone. Never got checked for low t. It's not something I'm really interested in fixing. I'd compare it to wanting crack cocaine. You don't want it now, maybe there is a way to make you want it... Why tho? Seems like an extra complication to life. As for relationships: the ones I've had haven't been great. The ones my friends have don't seem all that great either.
I'm good. I've got my books and no desire for anything more . What is there to fix? Why should I fix it if I'm already fine? Why should I make myself want more than I already have if I'm already happy? You normal people don't seem all that happy with it, why would I want it? I'm good .
How much time do you spend trying to get sex or a relationship? How much time would you save if you... Didn't... And you didn't want it? Why would you want to want something so time consuming.
Edit: what i mean is from my view point people are basically asking "why don't you try to create this void in your soul then
Spend your entire life working on filling it... Mostly unsuccessfully, and failed attempts will be very very painful, but one day you MIGHT fill the void and you'll be happy because that void is now filled!"
Why the fuck would I want that. It sounds awful. You guys go right ahead tho. I'm not judging. I'm just say "nah man I'm good"
What are the shenanigans that you could get up to with this in a lawsuit?
Sue to abolish need to sign up for Selective Service - since there are no men any more?
I was under the impression that the sperm that fertilizes the egg carries either an X chromosome or Y chromosome and that's what determines male or female. So that would mean conception is in fact when this gets decided, no? What am I missing here?
Sex isn't directly determined by chromosomes, it is determined by someone taking a look at the sex organs. This works for most people, but embryonic development is like most things complicated and there are a lot of factors that make it more difficult than "male" and "female". Examples are people with more than 2 chromosomes or that have absorbed a sibling in the womb. Difference of sex development is estimated to affect 1/100 people.
So when the doc takes a look just before 6 weeks, she must declare "the embryo has ovaries and no testes - female" at every single person. At literal conception: "Idk know, man, it is just 1 cell".
Sex isn’t directly determined by chromosomes, it is determined by someone taking a look at the sex organs.
I mean that's how it's usually observed, but not how it's determined. Those sex organs get there somehow. The general rule is that if you have a heightened level of androgens and nothing preventing you from responding to them at a certain point in fetal development then you develop male sex organs, if not you develop female sex organs. Barring some other medical disorder, those heightened androgens that masculinize the fetus are triggered by the action of the SRY gene on a Y chromosome.
Difference of sex development is estimated to affect 1/100 people.
If you include absolutely everything, yeah. But someone with Klinefelter's is in terms of sexual function male (if less fertile), someone with XXX is in the same way female, XX people with CAIS are in the same way female, etc. Cases where there's ambiguity in sexual function are much more rare.
But really all this is like making the argument that gloves shouldn't come in pairs with five fingers per glove because rarely people are born with syndactyly, polydactyly, etc. Like the definition Trump uses is stupid and wrong (not least because no one is producing gametes at conception) and it's at least even odds it makes him non-male since at his age he's probably shooting blanks, but to pretend that sex in humans doesn't come in two categories and an assortment of rare conditions in which something went wrong genetically or developmentally is kinda silly.
You can have XY chromosomes and develop a vulva and uterus. The determining factor is activation of the SRY gene of an XY karyotype then develops as a male. These individuals generally don't experience puberty without hormone replacement therapy, due to the lack of hormone producing gonads.
I imagine if you are XY with CAIS, yes? I mean they love to talk about chromosomes and genitalia and now reproductive cells and you'd be genotypically male but phenotypically female and infertile.
The wage gap as you're thinking of it doesn't exist. Women aren't paid 30% less than men, all else being equal. The wage gap number comes from comparing the median total earnings of men working full time to the median total earnings of women working full time. That's it. It doesn't compare apples to apples, and any time you adjust to be closer to comparing apples to apples the gap shrinks. Just switching from total earnings to hourly wage eliminates a big chunk of it as most jobs are paid time and a half for overtime and a majority of overtime is worked by men. Differences in things like industry, position, tenure, career interruptions, etc all also play into it. To the point that young, childless, urban, college educated women actually earn more than young, childless, urban, college educated men.
My man-tits now make a lot more sense. I think I'm going to make a stellar addition to the female gender. I'm off to find a local bar with a ladies night. See you there my fellow ladies.
What I understand about the "intention of the text" is that:
XY: male.
XX: female.
People who's body or mind don't match with their genes would then be a male or a female with one or a combination of hormonal, developmental, or psychological issues.
What I understand about the “intention of the text” is that:
That's probably the intention, but because it was written by somebody with zero academic biological experience that is also trying to cosplay as a professional writing a rigorous definition, it fails to do so.
XY: male.
XX: female.
Would you like to hear a crazy secret? We biologists don't use the words "gender" and "sex" separately because we feel like it, there is a major difference between the too. Want to hear something even crazier? We don't use "XY = male!" as our definition either.
People who’s body or mind don’t match with their genes
Huh... where else do you think their traits come from? Their soul? Their zodiac sign? Your phenotype is nothing but your genes + regulated expression from the environment.
then be a male or a female with one or a combination of hormonal, developmental, or psychological issues
Are blond people just a male or female with a developmental issue in their hair's pigmentation? Or for this specific category of human diversity you're okay with calling them what they are rather than trying to define what wild type genomic expression is the "correct"? I mean, a person with XY chromosomes but a mutated SRY gene would develop entirely as a female, your worldview seems to imply that's "hormonal and developmental issues!" but then I'd love to hear your views on race - or in fact, I would much rather not hear them, if they follow the same logic as your initial proposition.
While we are here, how about the XY individuals with a working SRY gene that physically develop as male, but have certain neural activation patterns only found in women and that swear they were born in the wrong body from a very young age? Why exactly are we going to discard the biological evidence to their subjective perception, just because it makes you uncomfortable? Because if that's the case, maybe your subjectivity makes me uncomfortable... should we start listing and denying aspects of your physiology too?
Jesus Christ, chill, my dude. I was just explaining what I understand/interpret from the text and its context, not endorsing anything...
My gosh, I am escaping from Reddit precisely because of this aggressive behavior... This is literally my first day in this platform and I get sarcasm and hostility right away.
They are certainly fascinating exceptions, but I am not educated enough in the subject to have a strong opinion. I was just sharing what I interpret from the text posted.
Maybe this will help now to make visible the issues of the new female population
The new female population makes up, worldwide about 75% to 80% of all the suicides
They also die nearly 6 years before the old female population
The new female population, also gripes with mental health professionals usually offering the same options for treatment to old and new female population.
Not only that, when controlling for job title, experience and education as well as number of hours worked the pay gap is only 1%, between the old female population, which in that case earn 99 cents for each dollar earned by each member of the new female population.
That's not true though. Sex is defined by the chromosomes, not the organs and they don't suddenly change after 6 weeks. This definition however leaves intersexual people out, but that's certainly intentional
No. Sex is determined by genes. Usually SRY, but other genes play a role in sexual determination.
It's defined based on which reproductive cell the animal produces. Larger means female, smaller means male. Producing both is intersex. In humans, the SRY gene usually sets the path towards male development. But not always. Sometimes the person is insensitive to testosterone and won't produce either large or small gamates, for example. Hence, xx or xy chromosomes don't define sex. And chromosomes alone don't determine it, but the entire gene code.
The EO tried to dodge science, and failed. Because sex isn't binary, and attempting to make it binary ends up with nonsense like making everyone legally sexless.