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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What's a technology that was cooler in its older iterations?
  • Toasters. Specifically the Sunbeam Radiant Control toaster, with the tag line "Automatic Beyond Belief!". There is a fan site (, excellent url). Like, what other appliance line has a fan site? Surely no modern day toaster!

    But of course I first heard about it from Technology Connections video.

  • German birth rate drops rapidly, new report says
  • It might just be my personal experience, but I am German and my personal birth rate has been steady all my life.

    To add anything of substance here, there's a good ol Kurzgesagt video on this. TLDW: Global phenomenon, hard to predict, just investing more money on parents and their needs has been tried and did not really work. Governments should still try to ease the burden of new parents because Jesus Christ they have it hard enough.

    Somewhere else I heard that maybe our pessimistic look at the future is to blame and we should try to spread optimism more (or lay the foundation for a better future so people can actually be optimistic), but that's less well researched. Not least because optimism isn't easily quantifiable.

  • Sympathy for their PTSD
  • I have no reason to believe Germany's government condemns Israel's actions right now, and the way they always point out its right to defend itself, I suspect they actively condone them..

  • „Fliegen muss bezahlbar bleiben“ : Airline-Branche fordert Abschaffung der Luftverkehrssteuer und geringere Gebühren
  • "Wir müssen diesen Wirtschaftszweig von der Steuer befreien, ansonsten besteht doch keine Chance, mit der Bahn zu konkurieren!"

    Ich bin in den letzten 10 Jahren villeicht 2 mal im Flugzeug zu Zielen hin-und zurückgeflogen, jeweils international und finde das schon mehr als genug. Wie oft reist den Otto Normalbürger per Flugzeug, dass 70€ mehr pro Flug jetzt auf einmal die 300€ Reise unbezahlbar macht?

  • Woman Who Sued Company for Not Giving Her a Farewell Card Finds Out They Did Buy a Card But Almost No One Signed It
  • As if she had no say on what her name is whatsoever! I personally always legally change my name whenever weirdos on the internet decide my name has suddenly bad connotations, I am at my 5th name this year and already looking for a new one.

  • RIP Objective Maps, 1569-2005
  • In medieval times, maps were art, meant to show how great one's nation/religion/liege were. Such "Mappa Mundi" regularly had mythical creatures on them and even the coastlines were less accurate as they could be, it just wasn't a priority.

    During the age of sail, maps were standardized for navigation. North became up, and angles needed to be true. Mercator projection established itself as a standard and Britain centered the world in Greenwich.

    These decisions obviously weren't objective: North doesn't have to be up, keeping the angles true meant stretching the polar regions in Mercator projection, Greenwich is just another place. You can and should alter these things to fit the purpose of the map, like centering it on Australia and New Zealand with South at the top to make a statement on how they are crammed into a corner on most maps, or specifically avoid Mercator Projection when depicting Africa to show it's true size compared to Europe when the topic is colonialism. What standards you choose to follow is an artistic choice.

    Even Google Maps updates it's borders depending on where you asked to see the map from, wouldn't want to upset some nations by drawing disputed territories with too thick a line.

  • RIP Objective Maps, 1569-2005

    What would be a solution to the ever increasing delivery industry?
  • I don't know if it's me, my country or my perception, but "delivery contractor" isn't really a thing here. I believe because our government was just good enough to spot this obvious skirting of labour laws.

    Since they couldn't as easily exploit the driver, they made the service more expensive and worse. Or they just acted as the ones who would forward your order to the restaurant... but then most people I know just order directly to have better service. I think we ordered via such a service once, after much delay the driver told us the order took 30 minutes to even get to them. Could have lied, but couldn't have used that excuse if we ordered directly.

    Now to your point, as they are just regular employees, they don't have to wait in the car, the company doesn't want them to get stuck in traffic, and high urbanization means you can only drive 50km/h 90% of the time anyway, delivery is done with Scooters.

  • We're coming for you
  • Uninformed take. First of, we are working on killing off only a few, malaria carrying Mosquito species in certain regions. Whatever niche they leave will be filled by another, possibly native species of Mosquito.

    2nd, nutrient transfer my butt, they carry like 1ml and that's mostly water. You definitely transfer more nutrients by having some ants in your compost bin.

  • Wie sorge ich dafür, dass Lokalpolitiker Ihren Job tun?
  • Dachte ich auch, aber: "Für die Straßenbeleuchtung und damit auch für die Kennzeichnung der Laternen mit Laternenringen sind die Gemeinden zuständig." kam es zurück. Die Gemeinde hat auch bestätigt, dass das Ihre Aufgabe ist... nur tut sich da nichts.

  • Real tweet by Harris
  • It is still bonkers that 40% of the people vote for him. No matter how bad first past the post voting, electoral collage or party polarization is, if you can convince 40% of the people to vote for this man as president, that's a problem with the voter base, not the EC.

  • Wie sorge ich dafür, dass Lokalpolitiker Ihren Job tun?
  • Ich meins ernst: Ich mag es nicht ignoriert zu werden. Die Sache um die es geht an sich ist zugegebenermaßen lächerlich.

    Dennoch, hat ja wegen eventuellem Parklichtzwang seine Berechtigung, dass diese Zeichen existieren. Und zu wissen, wie genau man in Kommunalpolitik eingreift, wenn die nichts gebacken kriegen, kann ja nicht schaden.

  • Wie sorge ich dafür, dass Lokalpolitiker Ihren Job tun?

    Moin! Einem Mitbürger beschwerte sich bei mir, dass ja in unserer Gemeinde tiefnachts die Laternen ausgeschaltet werden. Wäre ja deswegen unsicherer hier als wenn nicht. Ich stimmte da nicht zu, erinnerte mich aber an meine Führerscheinprüfung: Dafür gibt es doch extra ein Verkehrszeichen:

    Zeichen 394 "Laternenring"


    (Soll innerorts an Laternenpfählen kleben, wenn die Latenen nicht die gesammte Nacht brennen.)

    Bei besagter Laterne fehlt der Ring aber. Und auch an allen anderen in der Straße. Und eigentlich gab es nur 2 Straßen im gesammten Dorf, bei denen man extrem alte, vergilbte oder teilweise abgerissene Laternenringe erkennen konnte.

    Ich hab das mal an eine Behörde gemeldet. Wurde zur Gemeinde weitergeleitet, die bestätigt, dafür zuständig zu sein. Das war vor 2.5 Monaten. Getan hat sich bisher nichts. "Kann aus Kapazitätsgründen dauer". Meiner Recherche nach ist einzige freie Stelle an der Gemeinde eine Putzkraft (m/w/d). Störn tut mich das Auschalten ja nicht, dass Lokalpolitiker aber offenbar fürs Nichtstun bezahlt werden, schon.

    Hat hier irgendwer Erfahrung mit Kommunalpolitik, Ahnung welcher Zeitraum bei ~150 Laternen eigentlich normal ist, Anregungen wie Ich möglichst Passiv-Aggresiv bei meiner 2-ten Mail wirke, oder Kommentare, dass ich mich über nichts aufrege?

    Horrors We've Unleashed
  • "Sheen, this is the 7th week in a row you've shown CRISPR modifications to the mosquito genome to curb malaria in class"

    Comments are all the same as when they made mosquitos infertile, unable to spread malaria or wingless too.

  • This is their whole identity.
  • I don't really like the phrase "this is their whole identity". Really is just uncharitable to any person for being passionate about something.

    By the same logic just as many people could be uncharitably described as "being queer is their whole identity", just because they are very vocal about it.

    Disregarding that: What an absolute weirdo.

  • ich_iel

    What's your favorite quick, tasty, and healthy meal?
  • Rice Burritos

    • Set up pot for loose Rice
    • Put the vegetables in the same pot and a bit extra water
    • Add Curry Paste
    • Cook like it says on the Rice
    • Maybe add Coconut milk
    • Put in Tortilla, maybe add some salad

    3 minutes of vegetable peeling while the water starts to boil, 10 minutes of unsupervised boiling, maybe 5 minutes stirring. You only need to clean 1 pot, and it's cheap.

  • How would you rank this opening in today's meta?

    "In world first, Russian chess player poisons rival’s board with mercury"


    Nuance? What Nuance?

    Thought about comparing different modes of transport, but realized it would be way too subjective. For example, if 5 km are in biking range is dependent on biking infrastructure, available public transport, how in shape you are...

    But then I realized I can just simplify all these things away to get the optimal transportation flowchart. Simple is always better, right?


    How to become TRUE King

    Oops, sorry Bacteria Looks like I just learned how to Photosynthesize Guess your entire arms race is just fucked This is my planet now.

    Scientific illustration of a Neanderthal trowing a rock, but instead it's an algae and an Oxygen molecule.


    Vandalism Rule

    PSA: Don't vandalize Wikipedia, just use "inspect element" for funny screenshots.


    Extensively Tested Rule
