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natecox Nate Cox
Posts 1
Comments 314
Humble Games Lays Off All Employees, Carries On In Name Only
  • ….fuck. I just found Coral Island and dived in. So much potential that will go to waste now.

    I hate what the games industry has become. My heart goes out to all those poor people impacted by the crushing presence of late stage capitalism.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Unfortunately the SD has a weird gimped version of Arch that doesn’t come with build tools (like make), otherwise I’d be using it as a hobby dev machine too.

  • Dark mode’s bright future: How dark mode will transform Wikipedia’s accessibility
  • I don’t think KDE has a native way to do this, I’ve also heard of Koi for this but I haven’t used it. I’m mostly a Mac user where this is just a default option.

  • Secret Service decries rightwing blame on female agents over Trump shooting
  • Do you think that Trump’s secret service people are there because they’re loyalists? I doubt they get to choose their details.

    It’s only leapords meme worthy if it’s someone who was gladly supportive of (in this case) sexism against others beforehand… we have no evidence of that here.

  • Secret Service decries rightwing blame on female agents over Trump shooting
  • Let’s not blame victims of sexism. Sexism is bad, mmm’kay.

  • Dark mode’s bright future: How dark mode will transform Wikipedia’s accessibility
  • All I want is “follow system theme” for us light mode at day, dark at night fellows.

  • How the Japanese look at the US — comic in recent Tokyo newspaper.
  • You may want to familiarize yourself with the term “colloquialism”.

  • How the Japanese look at the US — comic in recent Tokyo newspaper.
  • CNN? The channel that recently spent hours dissecting every stutter and stumble Biden made and just plain refused to talk about the vicious lies and ad hom attacks Trump spent the entire debate spewing, and just didn’t find it worth mentioning how he avoided answering several super important questions? That’s who they think the left gets news from?

    Like, at least put the NPR on there lol.

  • Firefox added ad tracking and has already turned it on without asking you
  • People pissed at Firefox might not be as receptive of an article straight from Mozilla. Know your audience.

  • Firefox added ad tracking and has already turned it on without asking you
  • Before you get really upset about this thread, you should read this other one:

    I’m not thrilled about this by any means, but what Firefox is doing is not what chrome is doing (which is what the op posted thread is claiming). Conflating them serves no one.

  • Beastie Boys Sue Chili's Owner for Using 1994 Hit Song 'Sabotage' in Advertisements
  • You gotta fight, for your right, to protect your intellectual property.

  • dBrand Releases New Steam Deck Skin Based Off of $1 Million Counter-Strike Skin
  • I know you’re going to get downvoted to oblivion, so I’m reaching out to say that I am with you on this completely.

    The edgelord “I’m a 90’s kid look how sarcastic and obnoxious I can be I don’t even care (but actually I deeply fucking care)” marketing is terrible. I refuse to buy anything from them on general principle.

  • Mobile ads suck so bad. How did we get here?
  • Websites too, journalism pages in particular have become just ridiculous.

    A nearly full screen ad after every 1-3 (short) paragraphs is just bullshit.

  • Is NixOS at the advent of an implosion? | Community inquiry on recent drama
  • All good reasons to make a decision, I’m not trying to sway anyone in a direction.

    I just feel bad when people see drama in a community and wonder if that thing is “safe”. I’ve seen this kind of thing many times before in other communities—PERL, Python, Ruby, Rust, etc—and it never seems to lead to sweeping changes the normal user would notice. It’s pretty safe to assume that day-to-day users of thing can just carry on if they don’t care about the community upset.

  • Is NixOS at the advent of an implosion? | Community inquiry on recent drama
  • It’s probably wise to simply ignore the drama. Open source seems to invite this at the “top” for whatever reason, but for the casual user there is usually little to no impact.

    Unless you’re trying to be a top contributor to nix, I would just carry on with normal usage and all the current drama will blow over.

  • Why is there not an equally opposing force to Project 2025?
  • Fuck them and their philosophically similar but marginally divergent opinions.

  • This layout was made for speed
  • That makes total sense lol

  • This layout was made for speed
  • I don’t understand this. Why would you take a commonly used vowel off of the home row and put it where you have to shift your whole hand to get to it? What am I missing?

  • Defederation requests, how to?

    Do we have an established practice for requesting defederation?

    I would very much like to request that we defederate from (because I would prefer to keep my lemmy experience free of loli porn) and I went looking for the best way to do this, but the best I could come up with was posting to meta and that seems like the wrong place.

    I feel like I missed something obvious ¯\(ツ)
