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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 175
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Sovcit catches a clue, other sovcit doesn't understand how debt works.
  • Trust me bro. Mr brother’s friend’s wife totally got away with driving shitfaced without a license because she told the cops they were unable to arrest her under section 10.01-B of the conscribed legislative rights act of 1491. Cop totally shit himself rofl it so works!!1

  • Useful idiot
  • Liberals joke

    Do THEY? Them dang ol’ libruls tell you whut. That git j-just like them how they do the liberalism, like yis “Gorgh burr imma librl, gimme teh jenosides man” sure nuff like ‘at boy uh huh.

  • Useful idiot
  • But it’s just not that simple. Israel is inextricable from a huge area of US power in the region - for better or the obvious worse that’s the case. We’ve been given what we’ve been given. If you think we should shut down all ties and delete the existing structure, say that. The ramifications may not be wonderful, particularly if one is unfamiliar with what those ramifications are.

    And. AGAIN. As we know Trump has suggested Israel nuke them, he’s 100% on board for complete displacement, and I’ll bet large dollars he’ll collect real estate in the ensuing debacle. Biden is THE option. Trump or Biden. Certain death or a good government.

    Every other conversation at this time is secondary at best, or in many cases deliberately inflammatory at worst.

  • Useful idiot
  • Actually i think the ‘why do this’ question about a replacement isn’t much about it hasn’t been done before. I think it’s more to do with custom and party politics. To a very large degree Biden leads the DNC and there would need to be a huge show of support to get him to step aside that I think people are not really interested in doing.

    Once again the benefits of being a selfish, power-hungry, assholish party are given to republiQans. Hell they’ll throw each other under the bus for fun. But the DNC isn’t like that.

    That may change. I’m watching Obama, if he says something that’s the sign they’re making a move, but absent that I tend to doubt it.

  • Useful idiot
  • It seems right now your position, that Biden is the only chance we have against Trump, is the one that is kinda illogical

    Mmmmpretty sure that is the case. All the “replacement” talk is not something they’ve asked for input on, although there is a lot of it available should they ask. As it stands today, right now, Biden is the only chance we have against trump

  • Useful idiot
  • russian troll farms be out here like

    “no we’re innocent socialists!” “democrats aren’t progressive enough and therefore must be defeated” “you can’t accuse me of parroting russian disinformation talking points just because I’m using the same words and arguments”

  • Prosecutor won't oppose Trump sentencing delay in hush money case after high court immunity ruling
  • Yeah, this is it. It’s the defense’s job to zealously defend to the extent of the law, the burden is necessarily on the state to prove things and carry out justice.

    Which is why when your supreme court are corrupt fascist bastards and fuck all that up, there’s not a lot of options left. It would have been great to elect someone from a competent or at least not-evil party to avoid this particular situation but “we” didn’t.

  • Political Memes Optional

    You Should Have Thought of That

    Microblog Memes Optional


    147 White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant neighbors

    Authorities are not ruling out racist motives as they investigate why a white Nebraska man shot and wounded seven neighbors who were Guatemalan immigrants

    White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant neighbors

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    Political Memes Optional

    This Some Bullshit Right Here

    United States | News & Politics Optional

    St. Louis Race Massacre (1917) On this day in 1917, white mobs in East St. Louis began indiscriminately killing black people, burning down homes with the families trapped inside, killing more than...

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    > ## St. Louis Race Massacre (1917) > > ### Sun Jul 01, 1917 > !Image > > Image: East St. Louis Race Riot headline from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat on Friday, July 6th, 1917. It reads "100 NEGROES SHOT, BURNED, CLUBBED TO DEATH IN E. ST. LOUIS RACE WAR" [] > > --- > On this day in 1917, white mobs in East St. Louis began indiscriminately killing black people, burning down homes with the families trapped inside, killing more than a hundred people in one of the bloodiest race riots of the 20th century. > > Racial tensions had begun to increase in February, when 470 black workers were hired to replace white workers who had gone on strike against the Aluminum Ore Company. The use of all-white workforces and using non-white strikebreakers was an often used tactic to break working class solidarity. > > At a city council meeting, angry white workers lodged formal complaints to the mayor of East St. Louis about black migration to the city. After the meeting ended, rumors of an attempted robbery of a white man by an armed black man began to circulate through the city. > > In response, white mobs formed and rampaged through downtown, assaulting any black people they could find. The mobs also stopped trolleys and streetcars, pulling black passengers out and beating them on the streets and sidewalks. > > On this day in 1917, the racial violence resumed at a fever pitch, with white mobs gunning down men, women, and children and burning down the homes of black families with them trapped inside. More than one hundred people were killed. > > A year after the violence took place, a federal investigation of the conduct of the city government concluded that police officers fled the scenes of arson and murder, abandoning their posts and refusing to answer calls for help. Less than a dozen white people were sentenced to prison for crimes related to the riot. > > --- > - Date: 1917-07-01 > - Learn More:, > - Tags: #Riots. > - Source:

    United States | News & Politics Optional Wonkette Goes To Hell

    We got ice cream, and met the Michigan Militia.

    Wonkette Goes To Hell

    A slice of life from Trump Country. You know they're watching you, right?

    >Sure, Trump’s simple solution to complicated problems are nothing more than racist fearmongering and idiotic catchphrases, but these people don’t worry about that liberal media, egghead bullshit.

    1 The Five Questions Nigel Farage is Never Asked About Brexit, Trump and Russia

    As the media provides the Reform Leader with a prominent platform once more during this general election campaign, Peter Jukes considers all the concerning lines of enquiry that journalists never confront him with

    The Five Questions Nigel Farage is Never Asked About Brexit, Trump and Russia

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    > They are: > 1. Why Did Farage Lie About Meeting the Russian Ambassador? > 2. How Could Farage Not Have Known About Arron Banks’ Multiple Visits to the Russian Embassy During the Brexit Campaign? > 3. What Did Farage Know of the Russian Hacking of the Clinton Campaign? > 4. How Could Farage be Blind to Trump and Steve Bannon’s Backing for Russia? > 5. Why Did Farage Hide the Assessment that his Leave.EU Campaign Funder was an “Agent of Russian Influence?” > > See also: > * Previous thread on Russian interference in the current General Election > * Russian interference in the 2016 Brexit referendum on Wikipedia, which seems well-written and properly sourced

    0 Toxic PFAS absorbed through skin at levels higher than previously thought

    Absorption through skin could be ‘significant source of exposure’ to toxic forever chemicals, study shows

    Toxic PFAS absorbed through skin at levels higher than previously thought

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    I wish I was as bold as these authors.

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    Political Memes Optional


    United States | News & Politics Optional

    Frisky Friske Fascististy

    Some of you may remember the article about Neil’s exciting arrest on gun and assault charges as a member of the Michigan House and Freedumb Cockus.

    Surprise! He’s also a seditionist piece of shit! Well done Michigan republiQans. Couldn’t be prouder.

    2 CNN's debate was no fair fight

    Joe Biden's terrible performance has caused panic among Democrats

    CNN's debate was no fair fight

    >I don't know what was wrong with Joe Biden. It's hard to imagine that they ever would have asked for a debate if this was the way he is normally. We've seen him recently holding press conferences and giving speeches and he seemed to be fine. They said he had a cold so maybe he really was on drugs — Nyquil or Mucinex or something that made him seem so shaky and frail. Whatever it was, it was a terrible debate for him and if he does stay in the race (which is almost certain in my opinion) the campaign is going to have a lot of work to do to dig out of the hole that was dug last night. The media smells blood and they are circling like a bunch of starved piranhas. > > . . . For some odd reason, moderator Jake Tapper told Trump in the beginning that he didn't need to answer the questions and that he could use the time however he wanted. Trump ran with that, essentially giving a rally speech whenever he had the floor and was unresponsive to the vast majority of the questions. He made faces and insulted Biden to his face, at one point calling him a criminal and a Manchurian candidate. If anyone had said 10 years ago that this would happen at a presidential debate they would have been laughed out of the room.  > >After the debate when most of the country had turned off cable news or gone to bed, CNN aired its fact check. And it's a doozy: > >It sure would have been good if even some of that epic litany of lies could have been checked while people were still watching. The decision to have the moderators sit like a couple of potted plants woodenly asking questions about child care while Trump responded with irrelevant lies was inexplicable. Why did they even bother to ask questions at all? They could have just run the timer and let the candidates talk for two minutes each about anything they wanted. It probably would have been more enlightening.


    CNN Fails To Grant Credentials To Black-Owned Media Ahead Of Biden-Trump Debate CNN Fails To Grant Credentials To Black-Owned Media Ahead Of Biden-Trump Debate | Atlanta Daily World

    CNN continues face backlash after failing to grant credentials to Black-owned media outlets ahead of tonight’s debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The highly-anticipated debate is taking place at the CNN studio in Atlanta this evening. However, 800 media outlets around the world was...

    CNN Fails To Grant Credentials To Black-Owned Media Ahead Of Biden-Trump Debate | Atlanta Daily World

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    > From the Atlanta Daily World: > > ! > CNN continues face backlash after failing to grant credentials to Black-owned media outlets ahead of tonight’s debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The highly-anticipated debate is taking place at the CNN studio in Atlanta this evening. However, 800 media outlets around the world was granted credentials, but there is zero representation from Black-owned … Continued > > The post CNN Fails To Grant Credentials To Black-Owned Media Ahead Of Biden-Trump Debate appeared first on Atlanta Daily World.


    The media is still falling short on climate: HEATED analyzed 133 breaking news stories about recent climate-fueled weather in the United States.The results were dismal—but there were some bright spots The media is still falling short on climate

    HEATED analyzed 133 breaking news stories about recent climate-fueled weather in the United States. The results were dismal—but there were some bright spots.

    The media is still falling short on climate

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    Political Memes Optional

    "TRUMP-KIM SUMMIT" — A Bad Lip Reading

    United States | News & Politics Optional Why Culture Has Come to a Standstill

    A Times critic argues that ours is the least innovative century for the arts in 500 years. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

    Why Culture Has Come to a Standstill

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