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LustyArgonianMana LustyArgonianMana

Dominatrix in the PNW

Posts 7
Comments 332
Shoplifting surges 30% in England and Wales, official data shows
  • No, it doesn't. Look at the contents of the British museum and tell me, by dollar amount, who the biggest thieves are there. It's not the poor.

    In the US, the biggest source of theft is time card theft from employers, followed closely by asset forfeiture (cops stealing). Poverty doesn't breed immorality, that's some classist bullshit.

  • Elon Musk says SpaceX and X headquarters moving to Texas, blames California trans student privacy law
  • I don't believe that. I believe that simply contributes to the transphobia they are perpetuating. Have you ever spoken to someone like that and used this technique irl? It doesn't work, and they are happy they got you to join in agreement that pronouns are "nonsense" from their PoV

  • Shoplifting surges 30% in England and Wales, official data shows
  • This isn't true and it's classist propaganda. The biggest thieves in this country are the wealthy, via paycheck theft, and then the police, via asset forfeiture.

  • Americans Are Sharing The "Normal, Everyday" Aspects About The US That Are Actually Dystopian, And I Can't Believe We Tolerate Some Of These
  • Yes, there are some VERY disturbing adoption systems here. Particularly in the south, the prolife/fake abortion clinics will guilt trip women into giving up their kid for adoption to an agency they work with. That agency ONLY allows Christian families to adopt (often white only) even though they take children from any religious background. These families adopt at around $20,000 per kid or higher. The original birth mom MIGHT get her birth paid for. The adopting parents can choose to back out at any time.

    I became aware of this when Cameron Robbins was in the news for being eaten by a shark. He was adopted through one of these agencies. I wondered how his birth mom felt when they decided to cover up his death.

    If our government can pay foster families direct sums for keeping their kids, they should just pay it to the bioparents. Yes fostering can have a place at times, but the way it's done here is barbaric and akin to trafficking and slavery.

  • Kamala Harris issues statement on the anti-genocide protesters in Washington DC.
  • If it's already charred looking, no one can even tell it's been burned!

  • For those that speak Spanish.
  • Most Mexicans don't speak their native language. Spanish is the language of the people who colonized them and that they altered forced to adopt. It's more accurate to say they speak Spanish imo. Otherwise, that's like saying Cherokee Native Americans, when speaking English, are speaking "Cherokee" just because they may have some slang that other English speakers don't have. And no, they aren't speaking "Cherokee," that language was forcibly removed from their culture just like many native languages were removed by the Spanish and to a lesser extent, the Portuguese.

  • Oregon fire is the largest burning in the US. Thunderstorms and high winds are exacerbating it
  • I'm from tornado alley, now I live near Portland. We had a freak lightning storm a few days ago here, like nothing I've ever experienced. The thunder was so loud I thought we were being bombed by planes. r/Portland had dozens of threads of others confirming how abnormal this storm was. It seemed... fake. Planted. Idk, it was crazy.

  • Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California
  • This country would have shanty towns like Africa if we allowed people to build and keep them. We dont even give then that dignity here

  • Tourism to Israel in dire straits as 10 percent of hotels face total financial collapse
  • Afaik Israel has acknowledged that not all Palestinians are associated with Hamas.

  • Kamala Harris issues statement on the anti-genocide protesters in Washington DC.
  • Burning the flag is protected speech. Dont want to see it burned? Make the country less shitty

  • Southwest to get rid of open seating, offer extra legroom in biggest shift in its history
  • Remember, like in 2006, when they'd board the plane in order? Eg the back of the plan boards first, then the middle, then the front. And no one is trying to push past each other, no one is in each other's way, it's just efficient and easy.

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • You don't have to be smart or charming to beat Trump by a landslide in both categories. He's a stupid rapist. She's got this in the bag.

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • The only way you'll get a candidate that aligns with 100% of your personal beliefs, is if you run for office yourself

    That being said, I'd love a real leftwing candidate

  • Elon Musk says SpaceX and X headquarters moving to Texas, blames California trans student privacy law
  • In general, I don't think it's "not transphobic" to use transphobic rhetoric. So that includes using fake pronouns including neopronouns and/or misgendering people.

  • The Bigger The Theft, The Lighter The Sentence?
  • The homeless man understands the actual value of money which is why he felt remorse.

  • What a time to be "ALIVE"


    And here I am just wanting to spray paint "bitch" on my sub's car :'(


    Mom Burn


    Wild snail, wild ride


    Happy Pride, ya'll


    Mr Nice Guy $1 Community Fee

    Anyone else on the west coast see this community fee at every transaction at Mr Nice Guy? It's so weird! I called and confirmed it was every store, starting a few days ago. The workers all seem upset. I did get an email to contact their main managers but am thinking I may call my state's weed commission instead.

    It's mandatory even if you're buying a joint for $3 in cash. That's a 33% "fee." It's mandatory even if you're a medical marijuana user (who usually don't pay tax). It also just seems like tax evasion? They said they have to do the community fee or else raise prices on their weed - ok, then raise prices?

    Are they going broke or out of business or something? It's just so so weird to go to a store and be forced to pay an additional "fee" for nothing like that. And it sounds like a donation (almost like a local food pantry or St Jude's donation) but it's part of their business. It's weird af


    Silicone Free Eyebrow Marker?

    Trying to replace my Urban Decay eyebrow marker (taupe color) with something that doesn't have silicones/dimethicone. Does anyone have any recommendations?
