At the apartments I recently moved out of, there were no quarter slots on the washing machines. They were an app that required a bluetooth connection to pay.
So if you lived there and didn't have a smartphone? Go fuck yourself, you don't get to do laundry.
Unless you bothered to check the laundry room when you were looking at the apartment, you wouldn't know. No warnings.
Tbf, my building also uses an app for laundry. However they also have a machine in the laundry rooms where you can purchase an NFC payment card and put money on it. So you can use it without the app. Is that not the case with yours? If not, that's 100% fucked
That depends a bit on if it was advertised or not to have a laundry room. At least here in NL it is more common to have your own washing machine than to use a shared one so having a laundry room would be an extra to start with.
There was a food truck I went to one time that required you to download some app to look at their menu and order your food. They refused to accept a credit card or cash. I walked. So fucking stupid. I don't know why people allow shit like that to exist.
Then you could agree with any barely computer-savvy person that such things should be killed with fire.
Now a lot of very competent person will try to persuade you how you are a luddite and wrong, except 5-10 years ago they'd also promise some bright tech future in addition to that, and now you're just wrong because they can exist in that environment and like it, and you can't.
Can, but refuse. Big distinction for me. I've lived through these arguments once already, and have watched their computers keel over and die several time from the viruses these toolbars often bring, and I will now watch as their phones do the same.
Every service and site had their own malicious toolbar they'd ask you to install and / or* sneak it into the install for other software. They also came loaded with malware and or siphoned data from you. Older/more tech illiterate people would have browsers looking like the picture above and come to you wondering why their computer is so slow or why they keep getting viruses.
I flat-out refuse to do business with any that requires I use an app. I won't even scan a QR code for a restaurant menu; that's my cue to go eat elsewhere.
I don't mind the whole online menu thing. It's probably an environmental net positive, but it's bs if they don't have ANY physical copies for those who can't or don't want to for whatever reason.
If they wanted me to install something, though, that'd be a 100% instant nope.
An online menu requires power to be used (on people's phones and the server). Is that really a minor contribution in comparison to printing paper and maybe laminating it?
that stuff is nice as an option. There's a bar I go to that I can order my food and drink to the table my friends are at, while I'm walking to the place, and everything just arrives shortly after I sit down. Other people get offended about how fast I get served, it's always amusing. I also enjoy not interacting with the staff, nothing against them, brain just doesn't brain sometimes.
But what if I didn't have a phone? or if I left home without it? 24/7 pocket rectangle is not natural.
The funny thing about qr codes for restaurant menus to me, as someone that studied menu design. Is that actual menus are designed specific ways make the restaurant more profit and make it easier for people to find what they want. Whereas qr codes often bring one to a hastily designed list of categories which are not only less intuitive but also less manipulative. So people will end up taking longer to order less profitable dishes.
Worst thing about qr menus for me is that when I finally order, I have to give my phone number and address. Bro, I'm sitting across from the kitchen and just want dumplings. Why I gotta dox myself for that?
I literally had to switch bank accounts because I couldn't reset my password "on the web" and required me to use Virgin Money's app.
Customer service agent(s) on the phone after prolonged discussions why their app wouldn't work on three Android phones right in front of me surfaced, and I shit you not
Well sir, I have my iPhone here and can login just fine maybe you should buy one of those instead
I also had to switch accounts because after an update, the banking app didn't work any longer on my rooted phone and I couldn't log in. Thankfully, I've been keeping two accounts since forever, with the main motivation being that banks really like changing their TOS and introducing all sorts of fees, which I don't want.
The Current Account Switch Service makes switching your current account simple, reliable and stress-free. You could even switch with an overdraft, just speak to your new bank first.
Over 11 million current accounts have been switched so far and over 50 banks and building societies are already part of the service.
The Account Switch Service Guarantee means your new bank will switch your payments and transfer your balance, and your old bank will take care of closing your old account. So you don’t need to worry.
also those who dont want to install that spyware shit on their phones. Even if you dont care about the data collection it still consumes battery faster as more and more data is being transferred
McDonald’s (in Germany at least) needs your location to “see when you arrive at the restaurant”. What the hell?! That doesn’t even work properly and they force it on me! I uninstalled the app and now I am actually happy, because without the promotion and discount stuff, I don’t eat McDanks that often anymore.
I use an app for OTR (petrol chain in Aus) and they've removed the requirement for location which is... Unexpected, to say the least. Anything except using the pumps on the app no longer needs it when all orders previously needed it.
Yeah. My bank is one of the few UK banks whose app won't work with Graphene, which is irritating. Also, the lack of Wallet access for payment cards is annoying.
I remember this being true almost as soon as smart phones and QR codes were invented. There were so many things you just couldn't do as easily if you didn't have one. Even in 2006.
I still miss firefox os and feel sad for them not succeeding. Their app system could have become a multiplatform standard and allow us to have much more options in the smartphone market, as well as better desktop integration and interoperability :(
everyone wants to force you to use apps instead of websites, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of apps are just a app wrapper, because normal websites and normal browsers have inbuilt protections for you.
Apps don't.
Idiots install apps, give them the 400,000 permissions they ask for, then go on their merry way..ignorant to the fact that they just installed a data vacuum on their phone thats siphoning everything off of it to be used and sold and resold for marketing purposes.. Even the phone itself its not safe, cause its sitting there, listening to your conversations, even when not on a call, to more "Accurately" spam you with bullshit.
I for one cheer and root for my flip phone friends.
I'd never do it, but we have one at work and he's singlehandedly causing so much grief at work. Because none of the engineers wanna use a security app for login. They want a fob.
IT refuses to pay for fobs and wants us to use an app, but they also don't want to pay for a phone for anyone in engineering just to use the security app because it opens a floodgate of people with company phones.
It's just wonderful to watch this fight from the sidelines sipping tea.
I have no smartphone and am unable to access any of my college resources or email from home because you need a security app for remote login.
I've got in trouble a few times for it but idk what I'm supposed to do. I wasn't able to access my Exam Timetable because of this and had to ask some friends when the exams were because my teachers didn't know (somehow). It's very annoying.
It also took a few weeks of difficulty to get the free bus pass the college gives out as they only gave it out on the bus pass app, I have a card that you scan, I've never had any issues with the card and yet EVERY day people complain about the app not working as you need an internet connection (in an area with dodgy internet) for the app and the app is apparently not very good in other areas. I think people are starting to get jealous of my bus pass card.
Presumably they’re expensive and someone needs to manage them.
My company’s approach is “we’ll pay your phone bill if you use an Authenticator app on your phone.” Cheaper for them, plus they don’t need to buy company phones or fobs, and who’s going to complain about their phone bill getting paid?
A previous company tried similar but required putting your phone under enterprise management. A lot of us disagreed with that
My job does this too. It’s literally just cost cutting. The fobs expire and need to be replaced every so often but the app lasts “forever”.
IMO the fobs pay for themselves because what they are spending on fobs is the same as what they’re spending on IT members answering calls all day for employees that are having login issues with the app.
This affects me a lot day to day. I have a phone, but it runs postmarketOS, not iOS or Android. It really shows me the importance of open standards. I feel that every business should be required to support open standards for each of the services they offer.
For me, buying train tickets used to be ok, but is getting harder now. Some train operators are really pushing you to use their app now, and getting rid of the option to download a PDF. It really frustrates me: it's not like it costs them more to offer PDF download - if anything, it's much cheaper to offer that functionality than to build and maintain an app for iOS and Android.
Back when I had an Android phone, I used Monzo, and it was so easy to send money to friends, set up standing orders etc. I wish they offered a proper web interface. Now, I use Natwest's online banking, and it's a real pain - I use the card reader to authenticate, then the website logs me out seemingly every 2 mins of inactivity. Some features, like pre-notifying that you'll be travelling abroad, are only available on the app. I only see this trend continuing.
The concert tickets example in the article is insane to me. I can't think of a use case that is better suited for PDFs, and that's what we've been doing for the last 10+ years without any issues. It really is user hostile and excludes people on the edges of society who don't fit, for whatever reason, with what the 80-90% do.
Also mich More valuable to Google, as they are the biggest Advertising company. I looked it up and according to this source they have ~70% of the pay-per-click market.
As I've been making an effort to replace apps with the browser version of the service. It's so abundantly clear that companies don't want you using their website.
Even if they don't outright cripple functionality, they'll hound you endlessly to install the app.
ok rant over, but seriously though, it's so fucked how you basically just need a smartphone to do ANYTHING these days. I don't want a phone, i have no use for one.
Not sure if we can really blame Steve Jobs for this though, he wasn't around when things turned to shit. The iPhone he introduced was merely a phone, web browser, email and music player.
I think it's fair if we blame Tim Apple for this and the other big tech CEO's of the recent past.
it was his idea, his vision. I blame him post mortem, because steve would've wanted the ecosystem to work flawlessly, and regardless of whether or not he was here today, we would have the same problem.
i mean sure, but do i WANT to use it for that? No, i just want to fucking pay for my shit and leave. I don't want your stupid little QR codes, i don't want your silly little NFC, just accept card or fuck off.
Just because you can invent some schizophrenic use for a smartphone, doesn't mean i have a use for it.
In Flanders, 🇧🇪, teachers have a card that gives them certain benefits. Free acces to musea, exhibitions,... This year they made it app only. You need to buy a smartphone to get your benefits...
My old apartment had gates that could only be opened with an app. They took out the card reader and made it app only. Should have gotten out of there much earlier than I did.
the gates that slide over using a chain, they often have a removable link at the end. If you unhook the chain on the opener side, it will open one more time, then spit all the chain out trying to close it. I used to take that link out when living in complexes with those gates. Made life easier for most. Would take months for it to get fixed. They are just standard 1/2in x1/8in bike chain.
Even if I was willing to download all of those apps I don't have room for them. They chew up 50-300mb each (why!?) and if I installed all of them I'd run out of memory. Since most phones now don't support memory expansion I have to be picky about which ones I use.
I have THREE separate parking apps because I travel.
Well of course not. If phones supported memory expansion you would just buy more memory, instead of buying an entirely new phone
Don't even get me started on how bloated these apps have become. I used Paperclip word processor on a Commodore-64; you can not convince me that your app needs to be 50+ Megs in size.
And that's one of the benefits from open source apps. I have a very low end and dated phone, and yet I have more apps installed and hardware functionality than the average person, because I grab everything I can from f-droid. It's amazing how much smaller and performant everything is.
I am still on a flip phone. It is usually silent, and I don't spend much time with it at all. While I am missing out on discounts and such, I simply hate the idea of constantly using a phone. Email is my telecommunication of choice, but receptionists don't understand the idea, unfortunately.
My household bought a Rinnai water heater, and the bastard needed a phone to set the temperature. Thing is, it couldn't communicate with the two or three phones that were used on it. Fortunately, there was an old-school modification for a physical keypad, but that had to be bought separately.
I used a flip phone for a month to help curb my screen time addiction. The number of restaurants, stores, etc. that simply expect it of you to have a smart phone was eye opening.
I have seen a bit of that, but every time it turned out to have an option without. For example, one chain wanted you to use an app for making orders - but when you say "I am sorry, I have a dumbphone", it turns out there is a tablet for this on the reception.
That is what I noticed. Everything these days require app to get shopping vouchers, book tickets, go in to your local gym, pay in store (we are being weaned off from using cash) etc.
I'm young and I fucking hate apps. I have android phone without a google account which works well for the most part. I'm too dumb to install LineageOS. and Linux phones aren't really an option in the US.
Not having a phone really sucks in this day and age. Imagine getting out of jail for something stupid like marijuana possession and then a parole violation due to a missed appointment. No one will hire you with your rap sheet. You live in a halfway house with a bunch of petty BS every day. And you can't keep up with your parole demands because of how much your lack of a phone gets in your way. At the end of the day, there IS a way to succeed if you make the right choices, but shit, it's just so much harder for some people to make the right choices when every day is crisis mode. And all because of WHAT?
My S21 is on the verge of losing regular security updates, and I hate it. The battery is fine, the camera is more than adequate, I do not want to upgrade.
I saw whoever has the Nokia name now is selling smart phones designed to be end user disassembled and repairable, but they're really mum about how long their software support is.
Mine decided to randomly start rebooting about a year ago. :( Tried everything I could think of to get it to work normally, but nothing helped. I couldn't rely on it, so I had to replace it. Like you, I hadn't planned to replace it any time soon.
So would you not recommend me getting a refurbished s20? That's the most recent model that still has microSD slots and I've seen them for 200. But I'm not sure about security...
I'm in California where we have a grocery chain, Safeway. They've had a loyalty card for decades, which works great, gets you good deals, can be scanned by the checkout clerk or at self checkout. It also racks up points which can be used for discounts.
About 2 years ago I started seeing signs in the store offering even greater savings through the app. There will sometimes be 2 signs side by side for the loyalty card vs the app. The app is always a better deal.
So I downloaded the app and learned
the app cannot scan your membership at self checkout, you have to be checked out by a clerk
the app's membership number is different from your loyalty card number and the two cannot be merged.
because of that your points can't be transferred to the app
It's the dumbest thing ever. Why not just offer the better savings to the loyalty card? Isn't that the whole point behind loyalty? I literally shop at Safeway less often now.
They werent to reward your loyalty, they were to tie your purchase history to an individual, So that information can be used and sold for marketing purposes.
It was basically the prototype for the invasive, information stealing apps we have today.
In the US, if you don't have the loyalty card, you're paying more for groceries. For the stores we use, any sale prices are contingent upon using the loyalty card. This can add up to $5-$10 per order.
Food Lion (East coast, not sure if they're national) has a fairly good loyalty program. Your loyalty card number on the physical card or in the app are the same, you can load coupons to it so they're applied at checkout if they're relevant, you can use their ordinary website if you don't have/want to use a smart phone's non-cancerous.
What ticks my off is that I have the stupid Safeway card and the stupid Kroger card. But now there's more deals, better deals if I do a digital coupon requiring the app on my phone, too. It's not enough to know about all the regular items in my home, from celery to toilet paper, but they also must need to hoover up all my digital into as well? Dude, just buy it from Meta or whichever jerks have it all. Half-price grapes ain't the right price.
Yeah multiple layers of s***; I'll be honest I never figured out how to use the digital coupons for the second layer of discount; seems like it's not in the Kroger app but some other scammy telemetry scamming 3rs party. I paid the $2.99 for the ice cream I stead of 1.99
Man, I hate when people like you come out with "justifications" like these.
No. They should be banned. Trying to "justify" their existence with "well umm, sometimes you can just talk to other customers for theirs!" is fucking stupid.
Why are we so eager to do the work of our oppressors for them?
YES full support! I have and am sending this from my smartphone but I'll stop going to your store before I download your stupid fucking app for a free mcflurry or whatever the fuck pisspoor excuse you have for installing malware on my devices.
I am still using a flip phone. My new goal is to make it to 2027 marking two decades of rejecting the smartphone era. Each time I consider compromising something gets even more awful about smartphones and I double down on saying no.
Even if you did want apps the majority only offer it from 1 of the 2 popular repositories (" stores "). It's a shame they do not have a way to track that lost sale/interaction.
I'm open to hear if you guys disagree with me, but that is not simply about not having a smartphone as much as it is about not having cell service, not using data service. If a person uses a libre VoIP app, there is no need for cell service, and people actually can live happy lives disconnected from internet when they are outside or in public.
Society must revert their mentality and not expect constant immediate access to everything. Absolutely nothing happens on the internet for personal activity that can't wait a few hours or the next day.
I use phone only for direct communication, zero multimedia, zero social media on phone. Everything else is done on computer. Especially banking, that is on computer website only for security, never on phone. I despise and resent using a phone for websites
It is more about being able to constantly spy on everyone. Funny how this exact sentence would have labeled one as a conspiracy nut not too long ago.
Constantly online means constant (more or less) analytics, means constant data to throw in the big computer to make you buy more shit or vote for the shit party.
I think I would agree due to when I have been sitting in public somewhere with others sitting around, they have clearly been programmed by their phone, subservient to their master. I do also wonder if there is an IQ element to it. Having a lower level of personal intelligence so they have been conned into believe that they must have a phone that is connected to internet at all times everywhere.
Spend 2 months without cell service, without mobile service, and you will see how far gone many, many people are. I'm fully serious about live without cell service for 2 months, the world does not look the way you think it does.
If a person uses a libre VoIP app, there is no need for cell service
I don't follow. Don't you need internet for VoIP? Unless the point is to have a phone that gets zero connection while outside a wifi, which sounds kinda pointless?
Correct, use VoIP with wi-fi service instead of cell and data. It also makes the calls untraceable for location for best privacy practices. There's no way to trace where in the world a phone is if using wi-fi to call standard phone numbers. For personal calling, not a work phone, some people don't care about messages and calling when they are out walking, shopping, attending events. They want to focus on the real world around them, not phone stuff.
Society must revert their mentality and not expect constant immediate access to everything. Absolutely nothing happens on the internet for personal activity that can’t wait a few hours or the next day.
yeah ok so, counterpoint, you pull up to an EV charging station (it's tesla because of course it's tesla) please show me where the card reader is. I'll wait.
oh but what about the non tesla charging stations you might say. those are still iffy right now, i'm hopeful they'll improve in the future, but a lot of them have readers (that may or may not work) and a phone app (that may or may not work) also whose to say they don't just fucking disappear.
Bad example. Tesla chargers don’t use an app, they assume you have an account set up with a credit card on file. Most people do that through the app but I don’t think you have to. Once it’s set up, it just works with no further interaction.
Or are you doing this as a non-Tesla customer? Yeah that’s not as smooth yet
But yes I am against supermarkets that only provide discounts if you use their loyalty program, which in turn allows them to track your purchases. Especially since many items are priced with the discount as the "fair" price and the full price is really just a money grab.
This kinda shit is why I go to Aldi instead. They give everyone the same low prices. Tesco have their clubcard and seeing how much more they want to charge me for not having one puts me off ever going there on a regular basis.
Also under 18s can't get these loyalty cards here so fuck you I guess you have to pay a load more.
Kroger, as a corporation, contributes to politicians of both US parties in roughly equal measure. Less than ideal (zero contributions), but not too bad I guess. But, they do have an obnoxious customer loyalty card program. Boo!
Publix, on the other hand, doesn’t have a customer loyalty card program at all. Yay! But, the corporation and their leadership contribute HEAVILY to the new Trumpy GOP, Matt Gaetz in particular. So, fuck them.
I’m boycotting Publix. Lesser of two evils I guess.
I really wish we had a locally-owned mom ’n pop grocery. I’d pay a premium for that.
Same. We have two grocery stores nearby, both with loyalty programs. One requires using the program to get discounts, while the other doesn't (you just miss out on points). Guess which I shop at...
If I need to go to the other one (Kroger family), I'll use my parents' number so they get the points. I go maybe once/year if there's a particularly good deal.
Last time I went to a new-to-me grocery store that I didn't have a loyalty card for, I just used [local area code]-867-5309. Jenny hasn't failed me yet.
If you do the calculation, the discount you get in the end is often just 1%. I don't really care about that 1%. You can get more, but the time you have to invest to get a better deal makes less money than just work an extra hour.
And some of those loyalty programs have expiring points, that happen to expire just before you get to the tier when things get interesting. And when you do save up to the food stuff you find out the app is a lot better at collecting loyalty points and doesn't work so great at exchanging them.
The main thing this article is talking about is supermarkets in the UK that lock all their sale offers behind the loyalty card. Until about a year or two ago, you could go in and buy things on sale or buy one get one free or whatever offer, and then use (or don't use) your loyalty card on top (to collect/spend points), but now you don't get any discounts if you don't have a loyalty card.
The article/campaigners are spinning this up into something about smartphones, because that's how most people use these loyalty schemes now, but they still have the old style cards so that's a bit of a red herring. The real issue is the way they're tying their standard offers to the loyalty program, and making it more difficult for consumers not to get caught out paying full price.
I use a dumbphone. I'm not buying a smartphone just so I can play these stupid games, and I'm not installing an app for every fucking business I interact with. I realize there will one day be a point where I won't be able to do things I need to do without one, but until then I have no desire for one. Fortunately they haven't made the parking meters here require a smartphone yet.
My grocery store still uses loyalty cards for most discounts (which is irritating enough), but also has "digital coupons" that require an app so I can't get that. Theoretically I could go to their website and print them off but that's not worth the effort. I have to pay close attention to the price signs they put up because some of them say "with digital coupon" in small print, meaning "not for you, bitch". You know who doesn't pull this kind of shit? Walmart. So I wind up getting a lot of my groceries there so as not to be discriminated against.
I have a flip phone with a touchscreen so I can type via the onscreen keyboard. When I bought it I wondered how well it would work since the screen is so small, but it works great! So much easier than using the keypad. BTW it also has maps with voice navigation.
Walmart doesn't let you use contactless pay unless you use their app. several times now I've gone there to grab a few things, not realizing i didn't have my card with me, and had to leave a full cart behind because i will not install their adware.
Walmart doesn’t let you use contactless pay unless you use their app.
By "contactless pay" I assume you're talking about paying by using a smartphone app? Obviously I don't care about that because the whole point of my post is that I'm not using a smartphone, so obviously I have no apps of any kind.
But if by "contactless pay" you meant paying with your debit card by tapping it or holding it near the card reader, yes they do have that like everyone else.
Back in the day, Walmart and Apple fought over contactless pay standards for the US.
Apple's standard was eventually mass adopted, and since then Walmart has refused to license the tech. So you have to use their app, which uses their own tech stack.
I wouldn't mind these apps if there was actually a technical need for them beyond just being a Chromium component, but with added data slurping and pointless notifications.
If I have to use an app to use your product/store, I won't use your product/store, with a side helping of go fuck yourself on top.
Eh. The internet was always shit because of scammers and useful idiots.
Really the only way to make it not-shit is to have governments step in and protect us from what useful idiots have been conditioned to accept as normal.
Governments only serve rich people though, so we're SOL.
It's true in many ways. If I buy McDonald's without the app I pay more for it. If I fill up my gas tank without an app like upside, I pay more for it. There are services that aren't even available to people without modern phones (I refuse to call them smart phones). Maybe we need legislation to ensure all available discounts, services and benefits are available to customers equally regardless of how they engage services.
It costs less with the app bexause you pay with your privacy and dignity.
Now tgey can A/B test your behavioural patterns like a lab rat and create models to tweedle your knobs just right for optimal value extraction at the specified satisfaction level of you type or personnal prifile.
Then they can use what they learned against non-app users that are also human. It won't be as accurate but they'll probably guess your profile type just from environmental and anonymizer data footprint.
From tge cctv camera, gait tracking, face recognition, automatic demographic analysis, the car model and plate number you came with, your vocabulary grade when talking to the clerk and of cpurse the treasure throve of data they can buy from your credit card company, they'll be able to know you as well as if you had the app. They might even end up knowing you better than yourself.
especially if you don't have an iphone. I have seen so many accessories and apps that were made for use on iphones which would also be useful for android devices as well. my transplant clinic has a patient portal that has an app for iphones but nothing for android so you have to use their website.
I switched thermostats due to the old one failing, and getting a basic smart thermostat was required for a hefty rebate that basically made it free.. and the one I have now, the app thought my not-major-brand phone was a tablet. I couldn’t hit the button to turn down the heat, only up, because it was cut off due to scaling.
So yeah, requiring apps for interface is bad. Even if you are willing to use it there’s so freakin many various versions of android that it’s guaranteed to not work properly for a whole swath of people, mostly those on budget devices.
Especially given that some of the common budget devices, like Huawei, lacks Google services. It is the reason why all the major banks here except one don't require Google services.
Right off the top of my head, I can mention an entire finacial institution that only exists through an app. No website, no physical locations, no nothing. It's one app and that is it.
We're talking of what is, technically a bank (Moey), that entered my country through another bank. What is even stranger is that you can't even go to one of those banks and make a deposit on you account.
I use the services of what you can consider the most de-materialized bank in my country, which has less than twenty physical locations in the entire country, but they have a very robust help line and you can use the locations of another bank in the same group to deposit money to your account.
But Moey? Either the money is wired in or your stuck.
I don't know what Cashapp is but I'm going to take the risk and say it's a fintech that handles direct money services. How off am I?
But I'm talking about a bank. The institution only exists through an app. Let's say you do a odd job and you get paid cash. You can't deposit that money: there is no place or way to do so.
I recently shared a meal with a female friend. Imagine how I'd look if I wasn't able to get money transferred from her, because of not having a mobile banking app.
I'm probably gonna get clowned for feeding the troll, but - this comment comes off a lot more harsh if you've ever experienced not having access to the Internet and a smartphone or computer.
I spent the better part of 16 years of my life with no TV, MP3 player, phone, Internet, or computer - and it has negatively impacted me in immeasurable ways.
I couldn't find work, because I couldn't apply for jobs but also I didn't know you could do that on the Internet - I also didn't know YouTube existed, so I missed out on learning the things I liked, and I didn't know I was being abused because I had no way of knowing that it wasn't normal until I got access to help, via the Internet.
I wasn't in the stone age - if I'd had options to do any of the above without a phone or the Internet, I'd be a different person today. Shut up, mate - not everyone can afford or has the opportunity to own a smartphone and data plan (which are rare and expensive in abusive situations like my past). Making services available in places like libraries and community centers without requiring smartphones and Internet would help so many people who have no ability to use them - those people are just as human as you.
and by the way while we're at it: if we're effectively paywalling access to basic human rights behind an IP address and cellular radio, those should be enshrined as human rights too.
I was raised in the boondocks. You couldn't get reception there back in the 90's, and there weren't any kids or neighbors that I could visit without having to be driven. My parents didn't have any community at all, so I in turn never learned how to socialize properly. To say the least, I never became comfortable with phones, even after moving into civilization. It just wasn't part of me.
Isolation from people is a huge disadvantage in life, you don't get to make friends, network, or learn what it means to be part of society. Here's hoping that cellphones and whatnot become rights, as you have said.
However, some states might provide SSI recipients a LifeConnect program. You get a free smartphone and low-end plan.