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whoisearth whoisearth

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Posts 10
Comments 1.1K
hard to argue with
  • What's this a wild bertstrip?! I'll allow it lol

  • Ontario needs proportional representation!
  • that it's in crisis. Took my GF to emergency last night in Newmarket to Southlake. It was standing room only. The system is overwhelmed.

    Where I will not blame the government, these hospitals are not large enough for the increase in people living in the area.

    Where I will blame the government, they staff their hospitals like absolute shit and the staff they have they're nickle and diming.

  • Ontario needs proportional representation!
  • He is…he thinks he’s premier of Toronto

    For anyone with an open mind. Ask yourself. Why is the Premier of Ontario making a priority to ensure municipalities are ensuring bike lanes aren't impacting drivers? Of all the issues that are larger or more pressing (healthcare, education) he is prioritizing bike lanes.

    Like seriously WTF.

  • How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/
  • See my other comment. Coles notes is until we solve the problem with unwanted children being born I will be pro-abortion.

  • How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/
  • Nope. I actually think life is sacred. The reason I'm pro-abortion is because I think anything that can be done to further impede children being born when we have hundreds of thousands of children in America alone who are orphans. That is a travesty.

    My challenge to anyone who is anti-abortion would be are they adopting? Because their shit position is perpetuating a stream of children being born without someone to care for them either physically or emotionally.

    In a perfect world, abortion would not exist outside of medical necessity. Unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world and as such many women are having children to be born into a cold and loveless world.

    It's sad. I could not imagine how cruel someone would have to be to be anti-abortion and yet so willing to effectively let a child's life be aborted once they're born.

  • All these hurricanes might kick off a new modular house trend.
  • We are entering peak America. Disposable homes! Lol

  • How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/
  • I'm pro abortion and against the death penalty! Someone ask me! I promise I'm not a troll. I am honestly pro abortion not just pro choice.

  • Goodwill is out of control
  • I've put far too much thought into this but realistically everyone should use Salvation Army. I personally hate that it's religious but it's also non-profit. For that alone it is better than Goodwill or Value Village.

  • Tucker Carlson funded by Russia's RT, Justin Trudeau says
  • If Bernier were to disappear tomorrow I can tell you where 100% of his votes will be going and it sure as shit won't be JT or JS so for all intents and purposes PP is a polished turd version of Trump.

  • When nursing homes are so expensive they bankrupt our grandparents
  • I know a couple of daycare owners. Profit margins aren't great and you still very much have a "we do it because we love kids" mentality.

  • 'License to abuse': Analyst warns Trump plans to deputize MAGA force bigger than U.S. Army
  • Its less like The SS and more like Israeli Settler Movement. Some AM Talk Radio guy saying we need to "Squash the Bugs" and you end up with shit like what's happening in The West Bank, as settlers club Palestinian locals in the street and the Israeli police fire on any Palestinian that resists.

    History doesn't repeat but it sure as shit rhymes

  • Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit?
  • And whoa man is that a bigger deal that I realized. I still comment and snoop on Reddit infrequently but I'm active here. Less trolls. Minimal bots. Lots of high quality comments.

    Yes I miss the niche at times but honestly? This is home now.

  • roll for rule

  • They're Never Happy
  • I think the larger thing lacking is two-fold.

    1. Perspective. These people lack the ability to look at the world objectively and outside themselves to see the larger picture of where they fit in the world. They are unable or unwilling to comprehend anything remotely complex.

    2. Empathy. They are unable or unwilling to walk a step let alone a mile in anyone's shoes but their own.

  • 150 Years of Cooking
  • Case in point two meats that are uncommon in North America. Mutton and mature chicken.

    Both benefit from much longer cooking times and are extremely tasty.

  • Tablets should be called Megaphones

    Should be self-explanatory. They essentially have all the same apps as a phone now.


    Liurnia Tower Bridge you can see the DLC veil

    Anyone else notice this? Also if you look out into the water where the DLC supposedly is to be you'll notice everything is "pulled in" and closer than it should be. Caelid tower is way too close.

    This all fits because you need to invert the tower and there's so much reference to the DLC in the Carian Study Hall


    My GenX gamer ass whenever someone brings up boomers.

    I won't ever not think this.


    "enshittification" is a stupid "word" made by and perpetuated by lazy people


    Am I alone loving this?

    There's something I just love about big cities that have little pockets where the bones are exposed a bit more.


    How many KM/Miles you run this week?

    I'm up to 19km. Going to push it over 20km tomorrow morning I think.


    Game Threads and possible integration with Swish App?

    For any android users like myself you may have been using Swish which was made by a reddit user but since the API bullshit the app still works for games but there's no live/post game thread access. I just submitted a request to see if we can get it integrated with Lemmy :)


    Anyone got any m3u8 streams?

    Looking to watch some raptors or anyone else

    Industrial Music whoisearth

    Dance with the Dead - Kiss of the Creature


    ysk - your account doesn't exist on other instances and communities don't overlap

    User accounts are fragmented and just because you signed on at doesn't mean your account exists on

    Communities are fragmented and /c/games on is completely different than the one on with its own users, set of posts, etc.

    Lemmy does not currently allow for instance or user migration.

    Nor does it allow for shared communities (ie the aforementioned /c/games is unified across multiple instances)

    We are in the early days. If you're eager feel free to join in the development on these any many other core issues. There's real potential here.
