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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Switzerland mandates government agencies use open-source software and disclose the source code of software developed by or for the public sector unless third-party rights or security concerns apply
  • “unless the rights of third parties or security-related reasons would exclude or restrict this.”

    Without a narrow and specific definition of what qualifies, this clause looks to me like a free pass to ignore the law. I hope its inevitable abuse will lead to a quick shoring up of the language.

  • (Solved) How Does YouTube Know Where I Left Off On A Video?
  • Google is more than capable of uniquely identifying your system without cookies or any other client-side storage. Browser fingerprinting is widespread.

    Also, did you return to that video with the same IP address as when you first watched it?

    I'll just assume you didn't log in to youtube when watching. :)

  • Riot's fighting game 2XKO will use Vanguard anti-cheat
  • Kernel mode anti-cheat guarantees I will never buy your game. Not even as a gift for someone else.

    Assurances like "we will never abuse this power" are laughably unrealistic, and even if they defied the history of humanity and somehow turned out to be true, that issue is made irrelevant by additional realities:

    1. The risks come not only from corporate abuse of power, but also from vulnerabilities in their code that will eventually be exploited by third parties.
    2. Beyond the risk of nosy corporations snooping on users' private information, there are major security risks. An exploit at the kernel level means game over for the integrity of your entire system, all the data on it or passing through it, and every other system accessed from it. Bank accounts, for example.
    3. Client-side anti-cheat is conceptually wrong thinking and doomed to fail. Even at the kernel level, it's an arms race. Cheaters will find ways to weaken or circumvent it (such as running cheats on an external device that captures game video and generates input events) or even defeat it completely.

    I guess this incredibly invasive and fundamentally flawed attempt to manage cheating might be acceptable to someone whose computer is used for nothing else but playing that game... —shrug— ...but for me, it's a hard nope.

  • Updates to Free Demos on Steam
  • Infrequently Asked Questions

    Q. What is the deal with the Demo icon? Is that a plate? A vinyl record?

    A. That classic icon, my friend, is from the days when demos were commonly distributed through the post office, contained in a bound package of game journalism printed on dead trees and imprinted on circular media known as Compact Discs.

    Q. Some demos just appeared in my Steam library. How did those get there?

    A. We've made some changes to visibility of demos in the Steam Library, which may effect demos that you played long ago. We've tried our best to clean up the demos that we expect you don't care about anymore, but we may have missed some. You can easily remove those by right-clicking them in your Steam library and selecting manage > remove from account.

    Q. I love free demos. When is the next Steam Next Fest?

    A. Check back on October 14th for the next weeklong Steam Next Fest, featuring hundreds of new free playable demos! You can sign up for a reminder by visiting the Next Fest page now:

  • California governor issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments.
  • I wonder the same thing. A lot of the commenters seem to have read the headline alone, and assumed that the story is about Newsom trying to exile or jail homeless people, but that's not what the article says. A few important points:

    an executive order Thursday to direct state agencies on how to remove homeless encampments

    The order makes clear that the decision to remove the encampments remains in local hands.

    Newsom has worked hard to address the issue. He threw all of his political weight behind a ballot measure earlier this year to allow the state to borrow nearly $6.4 billion to build 4,350 housing units, which passed with a razor-thin margin.

  • How to fight (or fail) your way out of Avernus [Spoilers]
  • Hope spent most of our fight talking to herself back around a corner. She entered turn-based combat range to heal once or maybe twice, but that's about it.

    The icon on her special ability looked the same as the Banishment spell, which wouldn't have been all that helpful once we had the enemies funneling through the choke point, so I didn't bother with it. I didn't realize until afterward (when someone mentioned it online) that Revoke Guest Status is considerably more powerful than Banishment.

    Edit: I might have to use Revoke Guest Status in a future play-through when I don't have a persuasive bard to make an ally of Yurgir.

  • How to fight (or fail) your way out of Avernus

    (I'm limiting spoilers here to the House of Hope. I'm still in my first playthrough, so I haven't seen it all yet.)

    We were warned more than a few times that it was a fool's errand, but when my party learned the Orphic Hammer was at Raphael's place, and acquired the means to get there, the prospect of a heist was irresistable.

    Of course, Raphael showed up just as we were about to leave, and he wanted blood. It was the toughest fight we've had so far. Here's what worked:

    Party Members: (All level 12. AC range 17-20. Companions as their default classes.)

    • My College of Lore bard
    • Shadowheart
    • Karlach
    • Gale

    Followers & significant summons:

    • Conjure Elemental: Air Myrmidon
    • Conjure Elemental: Earth Myrmidon
    • Create Undead: Ancient Servant (mummy)
    • Hope

    Especially notable tools:

    • Envoy's Amulet (bard)
    • Sussur Greatsword (Karlach)
    • Staff of Cherished Necromancy (Gale)
    • Fire resistance elixirs
    • Maybe 15-20 healing potions (mostly greater, some superior and regular)


    • Fire resistance elixirs for everyone. (They were already active from earlier fights.)
    • Defeat all enemies in the house before trying to leave, so they couldn't wander in and make the final fight harder. (Some of their corpses were useful in the next step...)
    • Summon the mightiest summons we could that weren't made of fire, water, or ice.
    • Drink deeply from the boudoir faucets, to replenish everyone's resources.
    • Persuade Yurgir the orthon to turn against Raphael and join our side. This was a DC 30 skill check IIRC, so probably not available to every party. Fortunately for us, my bard is a persuasion expert, was fully inspired, and had the Envoy's Amulet and Shadowheart's Guidance. We talked him into it after a re-roll or two.
    • Enjoy the battle song.


    • Cast Planar Binding on Raphael immediately. Maybe twice. He shakes it off quickly (I think it's just one turn) but it keeps him and some of his minions busy just long enough for us to have a chance at retreating.
    • Leave the foyer ASAP. With all those fiends on raised platforms and moving to surround us, there was just too much heat in that room. Let our summons tank for us as we cast some debuffs and run for the door, and then have them follow us out.
    • Regroup at the far end of the passage to the feast hall. This let us choose our positioning in a meaningful way, and provided a choke point for the enemies.
    • Engage the fiends one or two at a time as they trickle through the door. Gale's staff-boosted necrotic attacks work well. AoE damage and debuffs (like the air myrmidon's Raging Vortex) keep them from being too threatening. Meanwhile, let Yurgir work on them from behind.
    • Heal mostly with potions, since quaffing only consumes bonus actions, leaving spell slots and actions for enemies. Toss potions at the feet of party members in need before their next turn, and whenever two or more are clustered closely enough to hit with a single potion. Heal Yurgir with spells when possible, since he doesn't spend much time in potion range.
    • Continue until Raphael is the last enemy standing.

    Master of the house:

    • Hit Raphael with all the debuffs we can; especially Silence. Karlach does great work with the Sussur Greatsword, and the myrmidon's Raging Vortex seems to work well. This keeps him (somewhat) less dangerous long enough for the next step.
    • Send the summons past Raphael, through the door, and back into the foyer to destroy the pillars. Their teleportation abilities are great for this. It really pissed off Raphael, and he killed them all, but not before they could finish the job.
    • Summon new summons. The more the merrier! Quothe the raven and Scratch were with us, though not much use beyond a couple brief distractions.
    • Lure Raphael close to a relatively open area, where the party can take aim at him without bunching up too much. (His AoE combos can be tough to heal through if they hit more than two targets each.)
    • Resume the debuffs, and pour into him every damage source available that he can't nullify or retaliate against. (Avoid radiant damage.) Necrotic and force damage work well.

    I was skeptical more than once that we could win... but somehow, we did. Whew.

    Yurgir had so much fun that he offered to join us later in the campaign. I guess bard school pays off. :)

    Anyone else have a strategy that turned out brilliant or failed hilariously?

    16 So you got a null result. Will anyone publish it?

    Researchers have tried a bunch of strategies to get more negative results into the literature. Nature asks whether they are working.

    So you got a null result. Will anyone publish it?
    "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software
  • Techical terms with specific meanings don’t vary significantly based on context

    Every lexicographer I know would challenge that notion. (And I've had more than a few experiences in technical fields that challenge it as well.)

    People sometimes express themselves using words that might not fit the discussed situation directly (at least not in the typical way), but do fit closely-associated experiences they've had. They use them because those are the words that come to mind at the time.

    We could pedantically gatekeep their use of language and insist that their views/experiences are invalid because we don't like their choice of words...

    ...or we could try to understand them.

  • "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software
  • Firefox acquired a not-so-obvious way to disable that for a given site

    Thank you for sharing that! It drives me up a wall when I tap a standard browser shortcut only to have a web site intercept it and make something else happen instead.

  • "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software
  • From what I gather they’re salty that GitHub is switching to react?

    No, that is not the point at all. React is just an incidental detail she considered while trying to figure out what was going on.

  • "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software
  • When she says it's starting to feel like legacy software, I think she means parts of it seem to be falling into disrepair. Some things that once worked consistently and easily, like using the browser's built-in search, no longer do.

  • Best Voice-over-IP Providers in 2024
  • I haven't shopped for them in years, and even then, I wasn't looking for simple ones. You might try asking on this forum:

    If she isn't good with tech but is already comfortable with a particular style of analog phone, an ATA (that you set up for her) might be a good choice.

  • "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software - The Future Is Now

    I’ve used a lot of tools over the years, which means I’ve seen a lot of tools hit a plateau. That’s not always a problem; sometimes …

    Not my blog, but the author's experience reminded me of my own frustrations with Microsoft GitHub.


    The UNIX Pipe Card Game

    This game looks like a fun way to brush up on your shell skills.

    Best Voice-over-IP Providers in 2024
  • Yes, analog terminal adapters do exist, can be found for cheap, and can be handy if you must keep your old phone or fax machine. In my experience, though, native SIP phones work and sound better.

  • Best Voice-over-IP Providers in 2024
  • Also Localphone, Callcentric, Anveo... the list goes on.

    And if you don't like using a SIP app on a cell phone, you can always buy a desk or cordless SIP phone. Panasonic is a well known brand.

    There are quite a few options (and feature sets, and pricing structures) available if you're willing to learn.

  • How is SimpleX Chat officially pronounced?

    Is there an official statement on how SimpleX is pronounced?

    Is it "simple ecks"? Is it just the English word, "simplex"? Is it something else?

    If there is no official statement, how do the developers say it?

    2 Foxes accused of stealing Crocs, sandals from campers after many pairs found at den

    Officials said the incidents had been happening at the Rivermouth Campgrounds at Tahquamenon Falls State Park.

    Foxes accused of stealing Crocs, sandals from campers after many pairs found at den

    “It was discovered today that there are multiple thieves, and they have four legs and are adorable”

    1 The White House Has a Plan to Slash Plastic Use in the U.S.

    The government said it would phase out its purchases of single-use plastics, a significant step because it is the biggest buyer of consumer goods in the world.

    The White House Has a Plan to Slash Plastic Use in the U.S.


    30 How a little-known tool is sweeping the real estate industry by giving instant access to vast amounts of homebuyer data

    When Florida real estate professional Susan Hicks discovered the app Forewarn over a year ago, she was shocked to learn that for a service costing about $20 a month she could instantaneously retrieve detailed data on prospective clients with only their phone number.

    How a little-known tool is sweeping the real estate industry by giving instant access to vast amounts of homebuyer data

    Dune: Prophecy | Official Teaser 2


    Alien: Romulus | Final Trailer


    USPS shared customer postal addresses with Meta, LinkedIn and Snap Exclusive: USPS shared customer postal addresses with Meta, LinkedIn and Snap

    The U.S. Postal Service confirmed it took action to "remediate" the data sharing following a TechCrunch investigation.

    Exclusive: USPS shared customer postal addresses with Meta, LinkedIn and Snap
    30 Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!

    An overview of the ongoing efforts to improve and roll out support for free-threaded CPython throughout the Python open source ecosystem

    Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!
    36 Rivers becoming 'reservoirs of disease' warn Suffolk scientists

    Analysis of water samples gathered by citizen scientists reveal a "worrying" find, an expert says.

    Rivers becoming 'reservoirs of disease' warn Suffolk scientists

    > Scientists say "a reservoir of disease" is being created after discovering bacteria that naturally occur in rivers are becoming resistant to antibiotics due to the impact of sewage. > > Researchers at the University of Suffolk said bacterial strains found on the non-tidal section of the River Deben in Suffolk had acquired resistance by exchanging DNA with antibiotic resistant E. coli. > > Some bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotic carbapenem, which is used as the last line of defence in fighting infections already resistant to traditional antibiotics.


    DXVK Release Version 2.4 Release Version 2.4 · doitsujin/dxvk

    D3D8 support D8VK is now part of DXVK, and implements D3D8 largely on top of the existing D3D9 implementation. Please refer to pull request #3411 for further details. Native WSI changes dxvk-native...

    Release Version 2.4 · doitsujin/dxvk

    D3D8 support

    D8VK is now part of DXVK, and implements D3D8 largely on top of the existing D3D9 implementation. Please refer to pull request #3411 for further details.

    Native WSI changes

    dxvk-native now supports multiple window system backends that the application can choose between at runtime. Refer to the corresponding pull request #3738 for details. In addition, proper ABI versioning has been added for native libraries.

    Non-native refresh rate emulation

    In environments where the display mode cannot be changed (e.g. Proton), it is possible that DXVK reports a different refresh rate to the game than what the display is currently running at. This is problematic for games that require to be run at 60 FPS but do not limit their frame rate when using a 60 Hz display mode.

    To work around this, the frame rate limiter will now be engaged automatically if a game runs in full-screen mode with vertical synchronization enabled, and if the detected frame rate over a short period of time is higher than the refresh rate of the selected display mode. This also applies to D3D12 when using vkd3d-proton as of commit 80f6c46 or later.

    In case a game runs at a lower rate than expected and does not provide an in-game option to change refresh rate, this behaviour can be disabled by setting d3d9.maxFrameRate = -1 (or the corresponding dxgi option for D3D10+ games). Setting DXVK_FRAME_RATE also overrides this behaviour as usual.

    Bug fixes and Improvements

    • Fixed various issues with D3D9 fixed-function texture coordinate processing (PR #4015, PR #4026).
    • Fixed pipeline layout compatibility issues when using graphics pipeline libraries, which would cause crashes or rendering issues on AMD's official drivers with pipeline libraries enabled.
    • If supported, VK_NV_descriptor_pool_overallocation will now be used to potentially save small quantities of descriptor memory.
    • Improved descriptor pool management in general to save memory in case a game renders without ever presenting to the screen.
    • Improved video processor blit functionality (PR #3970 PR #3984)
    • Improved compatibility to third-party mods hooking various DXGI entry points (PR #3966, #3968).
    • Battlefield 2, 2142: Work around hang on alt+tab (PR #4109).
    • Dead Space 2: Work around issues caused by the game's Vsync implementation (PR #4071).
    • Dragonshard: Work around performance issues (PR #4079).
    • Fallout 4: Work around an issue with the game locking itself to 45 FPS on Steam Deck OLED.
    • Fallout New Vegas: Fix rendering issues when using certain mods (PR #4079).
    • Ghostbusters Remastered: Work around flickering character faces (#4045, PR #4046).
    • Gothic 3: Fix shadow rendering issues caused by incorrectly reported format support (#3980, PR #3991).
    • Guild Wars 2: Work around a flickering issue (PR #3992).
    • Prototype: Work around broken shadow rendering if the game detects an AMD or Intel GPU (#4008, PR #4011).
    • Star Citizen: Work around an issue with the game's UMD version check (PR #3985).
    • The Sims 2: Work around low CPU-bound performance in some situations.
    • Tomb Raider Legend: Work around flickering character issues (PR #4105).
    • Red Faction Guerrila Remastered: Work around sky box rendering issues (#3696, PR #3972).
    • Rise of Nations: Work around crash on alt+tab (PR #4117).
    • Watch Dogs, Watch Dogs 2: Work around flickering character issues (PR #4059, PR #4090).
    • WRC 4: Enable 60 FPS limit to work around audio issues (PR #4099).
    2 Selfie-based ID raises eyebrows among infosec experts

    Vietnam now requires it for some purchases. It may be a fraud risk in Singapore. Or ML could be making it safe

    Selfie-based ID raises eyebrows among infosec experts

    cross-posted from:

    > The use of selfies to verify identity online is an emerging trend in some parts of the world since the pandemic forced more business to go digital. Some banks – and even governments – have begun requiring live images over Zoom or similar in order to participate in the modern economy. The question must be asked, though: is it cyber smart? > > Just last Monday the Southeast Asian nation of Vietnam began requiring face scans on phone banking apps as proof of identity for all digital transactions of around $400 and above. > > The nation's residents are not able to opt out of the banking rules, despite Vietnam regularly finding itself ranked poorly when it comes to internet privacy or cyber security. > > Local media has weighed in to suggest that selfies will not improve security. And just days into the new regime, some apps have already been called out for accepting still photos instead of a live image of the individual.


    bash-dungeon: An educational dungeon crawler in the shell GitHub - wolandark/bash-dungeon: An educational dungeon crawler in the shell

    An educational dungeon crawler in the shell. Contribute to wolandark/bash-dungeon development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - wolandark/bash-dungeon: An educational dungeon crawler in the shell

    A Git story: Not so fun this time

    I found this an interesting read about Git's history and design.


    Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor Introducing Docs in Proton Drive – collaborative document editing that’s actually private | Proton

    Create docs and collaborate in real time on documents knowing they are end-to-end encrypted.

    Introducing Docs in Proton Drive – collaborative document editing that’s actually private | Proton