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That Debate Showed Why Dems Shouldn’t Tack Rightward—Ever
  • Almost half the country is right wing and the electoral college gives their votes much more weight. That's just a fact. That means you can't win a national election without tacking toward their views in some areas, mainly the areas of concern to those in the swing states that will decide the election. You can't win by pleasing only your own base. Until we either abolish the electoral college and move to popular vote, or liberals/left wing/whatever you want to call it, reach a majority of the population substantial enough to overcome the electoral college.

    Neither of those things looks likely to happen anytime soon, so the only option is to deal with our current reality and develop a strategy to win under these circumstances, but at the same time we should also be working to create a movement to amend the constitution to decide national elections by popular vote.

    edit to change "half" to "almost half"--gotta recognize there are some more in the middle.

  • GSA says 337K Taylor Swift referrals have come to
  • According to Taylor Swift's post, Trump and his propagandists posting fake pictures of Swift implying she was endorsing him is one reason she went ahead and came out with this statement endorsing Harris now, to refute the fake stuff they are circulating. So their stupid plan massively backfired.

    Maybe Swift would have come out to endorse Harris at some point anyway, but doing it now gives people more time to get registered before the deadline.

  • [USA] Presidential Debate Mega Thread
  • Oh look, Harris wanted to respond out of turn one time and the hosts shut her down after letting Trump interrupt all night.

    That was so irritating! On the other hand, the more he talked the more idiotic he sounded so maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

  • Latest polling: Trump, Harris statistically tied.
    1. Polls haven't been accurate for years and Silver takes and massages them to come up with his predictions. Always make sure you VOTE, no matter what any polls or pundits are saying.

    2. The Center Square is a conservative publication. Nate Silver currently works for Polymarket, an online betting company funded by Peter Thiel and crypto bros. So it's to both of their advantages to paint a picture that looks better for Trump. Remember, those who want to get trump in power need magats to believe that trump will surely win and that if he doesn't, it can only because the election was rigged by evil democrats. That way they give cover for corrupt red state election boards to refuse to certify their votes and red state legislatures to challenge results in the courts, force recounts and delays, certify and send invalid electors next January, and have a cohort of people ready and willing to fight or be violent if needed.

    3. Yes, the election is close, so make sure you VOTE no matter how optimistic or pessimistic you may feel about all this and no matter what state you live in, no matter whether it's a red, blue, or swing state. The margins need to be as large as possible in every state and the popular vote margin also as huge as possible so there is no question of the will of the people.

  • Where’s the Beef? Trump Demands Harris Prove She had McJob
  • JD Vance: "Stolen McDonald's valor!"

  • Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?
  • I dunno, considering we didn't do anything to Saudi Arabia after they killed 3000 of us in our own country I'll guess not. (edit: fix word order)

  • Jackhammer
  • If the sun were to go out it would take 8 minutes for the light to stop but 13 years for the sound to stop.

    Kind of like when you kill an enderman. 🤔

  • after 40 all meals are horror
  • Well, what do you want to eat? I guess if you don't want to prepare your own food, those are the only options, whether at work or at home. Otherwise, make whatever you want and take it to work. Cook more food than you need for your dinner and take the leftovers. Make a salad (tons of options for them), make a sandwich. You don't have to eat canned soup, make some nice homemade soup and freeze a bunch of individual servings to grab and take. The possibilities are endless.

  • Trump Takes Detour During Town Hall: ‘He Was Down 18 or 19 Points After the Debate – And I Hate Mosquitoes’
  • There was a pile of dead mosquitos on the floor beneath where he was standing. Looking at them under a microscope they appeared to have died in agony.

  • Boeing’s Starliner started making a repeating ‘pulsing’ sound yesterday
  • I enjoyed that very brief period when Elon blocked being able to view an embedded tweet at all without logging into twitter, before they changed it to how it is now, where you can only see that one tweet but no replies, etc.

    Just for that week or however long it lasted, I was so hopeful that we'd reached the end of this kind of shoddy "journalism" ("Look, here are some tweets I saw today that are kind of related to the subject of this article's click-bait title").

  • Freetube is the best way to watch YouTube
  • And you can have multiple favorites lists.

  • Freetube is the best way to watch YouTube
  • Firefox + UBlock + Youtube is the way to go.

    Unless you don't like Google tracking everything you watch on youtube, that is.

  • Walk-thru
  • But she says they didn't have an ATM and she went to the drive through, which is the same as going to a teller inside.

  • Walk-thru
  • Wait, to ask the guy at the bank she must have gone inside the bank where the tellers are.

  • Donald Trump says JD Vance can't be "weird" because he's "so straight" - LGBTQ Nation
  • I'm still flabbergasted at how badly this "weird" label has affected him and Vance. OTOH, my not being able to even conceive of how their minds work is reassuring. But I love how they can't get over it. I hope Tim can come up with another one.

  • Donald Trump says JD Vance can't be "weird" because he's "so straight" - LGBTQ Nation
  • None of that makes sense as a truthful story. First I don't think a grandmother would use that "want to suck dicks" phrasing when speaking to her grandson, but also the laughing at him and saying "fucking idiot, how would you know you're gay?" is in direct contradiction to the later "it would be OK, god would still love you" line. Those two things wouldn't come from one person. I think it's a cobbled together story of things he heard from different people at different times, presented as a conversation with his grandmother.

  • A Defensive Trump Tries to Limit the Fallout of the Arlington Clash
  • Oh, I thought "the weave" was how they weave his hairs together to hold them in place to cover the bald spots.

  • Republicans suggest in 'private' that they would be better off if Trump loses: GOP insider
  • I saw a clip of an ex-republican voter saying the republican party is like a mattress with bedbugs. You can't save it by spraying with insecticide, you have to take it out and burn it and buy a new mattress. I thought that was a pretty good analogy, but the bedbugs/magas will still be out there and there's a huge number of them.

  • RNC delegates are wearing ear bandages like Trump’s Meet the RNC delegates who have adopted Trump’s bandage for their own ears

    On the RNC convention floor with the handful of delegates who have donned ear bandages in honor of Trump’s.

    It's a cult. If that link doesn't work for you, here's a gift link to the article.


    What is Project 2025? | what you should probably know about it

    Keep watching to the end for what you can do about it.
