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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 8
Comments 269
Installed GrapheneOS for the first time
  • yes also including uaer apps: for example I can disable whatsapp by putting it in deep sleep and disabling its allowed network for extra measures, then it wont ring, wont update store version, wont recive calls, nor messages all while I'm online watching youtube for 2 hrs, then I can enable allow mock location and once online I'll appear in brussel. btw I all non-rooted Androids can but Apple Users cant do any of that with their phones

  • Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off
  • Yes yes yes. The unremovable bloatware junk flooding and suffocating samsung's devices cpu , memory and ram, and draining its battery is the #1 reason that forced me to ditch samsung forever. Also how you hardly don't get any much by rooting them compared to other manufacturers

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Even without any karma system, interacting with the users here is a breath of fresh air. Lemmy has the least shills and bots compared to the poison in most other platforms. It's currently Lemmy's best asset and where it stands out from all existing social media imo, and I hope it remains this way.

  • Members of Britain’s richest family get jail terms for exploiting Indian staff at Swiss mansion | The Straits Times
  • Are they from Indian decent? Let me just say this problem is much more rampant than 1 incident. I personally have encountered these and made a complaint about them but nothing came out of it and no justice was done. I have also met with victims who told me about their stories and how they have been working for free for rich scamming Indian families in Britian. Nothing happened about it as far as I know.

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • in my shithole country we have %30 unemployment and 6-day work week. Also it's all slave wages regardless of your degree or experience. It's a corrupt shithole system that enables itself to keep on staying shit by exploiting poor people and getting the rich richer.

  • Anon gives back
  • Ok still whoever will pick it up has to pay. All the delivery apps I know have this policy: either it's prepaid by the customer's bank card, or I the driver, have to pay cash out of my pockey then the customer will pay me the bill upon delivery + delivery fee.

    So maybe OP means that this restaurent gives their own employees and their own delivery drivers the orders which no one came to pick up?

  • This's why I hate Reddit and r/worldnews

    Shadow banning your comment where only you can see them.

    This is what I see when I login from my account:

    When I logout:

    link to discussion:

    the nazification of /r/worldnews has become ridiculous


    Post upvotes and downvotes are not stored at all

    Once I upvote a post, it would show me orange color that I have upvoted, but then as soon as I click on any post or change the page, I will come back home to find out that non of my upvotes were registered or stored.

    This bug does not happen when I browse online then open the app. Only my upvotes through the app don't get registered.


    ChatGPT cannot do punctuation grammar correctly even if you forced it

    I asked it about how to use etc with three dots in an example followed by a brand new sentence starting with a capital letter afterward.

    It told me : / In standard usage, "etc." is typically followed by three dots and then continues with a lowercase letter. If you are starting a new sentence, you do not add additional dots after "etc." /

    Then I begged it to give me an example of that rule. One such as: I love swimming, soccer, etc... I also love eating animals.

    And it just couldn't do that. It kept typing 4 dots or single dot or no dots at all, and it can't even recognize what it typed every single time. Lol try it yourself


    Issue Comments Disappear as soon as screen goes black

    Very very frustrating and keeps happening to every time I use the app. I type full paragraphs that disaapear if I look away from the screen 10 seconds and it dims black (did not even lock phone or exit app). It haapened this time while I was reading the comment I typed before posting it. I cannot stress how awful that is and it was gone, no draft and not saved anywhere. Please fix.


    Request: Saving Drafts for Comments and Posts.

    I'm tired of having my comments and posts deleted if misclicked once outside the keyboard layout while typing. Also confirmation before exiting and losing everything you typed while typing them as when it happens due misclicks. Please add drafts for comments and posts. it haapened to me 10 times and it's extremely frustrating and awful.


    GF finally broke up with me. I feel happy and sad

    We've been together for 3 years. To give some context, I'm currently in extreme financial struggles that I realistically can't hold a relationship of this type anymore.

    We live in different cities. 6-hrs drive apart. Basically she only likes me for money, and sadly I wouldn't have a problem with that if she reciprocated the giving and care back. It's not a sugar-daddy relationship and was never meant to be. We're the same age and supposed to care about each other in every way and not like this. It sucks when someone only values you as an ATM and ignores every side of your personality and every other kind of support you can provide: Self improvement, self worth, self image and value, health care, emotional, future planning, respect, protection, and all the worrying and care which I give to her more than I do for myself. I emptied my bank account for her and she still wouldn't care for me because it's not enough. Constant gifts for her, her friends, her family, rent, hospital bills, all sort of bills, fancy restaurants, flight ticket and hotel bookings (for her only not both of us), resorts, medical therapy, ... I gave her everything she wished for that I could afford. I let her have the nice things while I still live poorly and have bad ones. All I asked for return is care and time of her day. I'm not talking every day, No; She wouldn't even see me for few hours every month. The last month was the breaking point for me, I spent over $10K on various things for her, and then we decided that I would come to sit with her and she replied with "I can only stay with for 3 hours, then I have to do other things and meet other people." So I asked her to choose a date when she is not very busy and can see me for few more hours at least, and she still wouldn't do that. So I said, "ok no hard feelings, but I'm canceling my trip and all the gifts I was going to bring with me. Maybe we can sort another day in the future." After that she got angry and cussed at me and said to never see, text or call her again in life.

    From my perspective: I do not want to waste so many hours and money to see her for 3 hours. I feel bad about myself and I don't feel desired or cared about. I started to hate this shit of relationship we have where I constantly give my all and everything to someone who doesn't give back anything.

    From her perspective: I'm not good enough and I don't care about her.

    In the end, I tried my best and didn't mistreat her once. I really wish her the best but would not want to apologize and restart things with her again.

    Thank you for the vent and please feel free to share your opinions. I will respect them and try to understand them regardless.


    Lemmy is confusing and poorly limited. How does Lemmy work? Why are there so many Lemmy clones? Do I have to sign up for each of them? Does my post show on each of them?

    First please don't ban me I'm new., ,, lemmy.whatever, etct... + hundreds of clones. Is each of these a Reddit by itself containing many subreddits inside it?

    Does that mean if someone in posted something interesting that I wont even see it because I'm signed up in lemmy.yyy/c/jokes ?

    That is quite a weakness of lemmy compared to reddit. Can I post on lemmy.yyy if I signed up for or do I have to sign up for each of them?

    Which one should I sign up for?

    How can I see all lemmy posts in one place? I can't believe no one has found a solution to this yet and just let hundreds of clones post repeated things. Also how is each moderated? Is lemmy.yyy moderated by sensitive snowflakes who ban anyone who cusses or offends anyone, while is ran by racist nazis? How does this work?

    Edit: Thank you I read all comments and thank you some where very helpful. and I hope things get improved and added with time. here for the long ride
