This is weird. The 90's were so homophobic it was normal. The people who were saying "it's ok to be gay" were considered fringe and extreme. This is the decade where it was subversive and radical for gay people to "come out of the closet".
In the 80's, people lost their jobs and there were news specials to talk about this hidden side of society that nobody knew about. In the 80's a significant amount of people were saying "yeah Aids is bad, but it's punishment for the gays so not really that bad..."
Jump to the 2000's and being gay was becoming a normal and open thing and society was adjusting to this idea. The liberal half of the country was already on board and saying "this is ok and normal" and the conservative/religious side of the country was still trying to hold on to their laws to punish and criminalize gay sex.
My point is that the 2000's were the good days and the 90's and 80's were the dark days of homophobia. Pointing back at the 2000's and saying "WOW, LOOK AT HOW THEY TREATED GAY JOKES" really misses how massively far we came in a few decades and how much worse it was even a decade before that.
The 00s was still pretty homophobic in spite of small steps that you mentioned. I grew up in 00s and I remember the kids would casually use the word gay to dismiss something they don't like. Then when I was adolescent, it's a social death sentence to be rumoured as a gay person.
Yeah, having lived on the cusp as well, it sucked but it sounds like you and I both managed to catch the better half of that cultural transition.
In the early 2000s, coming out of the 90s it felt like every week someone you knew got jumped on the street and was in hospital getting their face sewn back together.
A boy at a school near me was violently raped and murdered by 2 other boys who then claimed gay panic as their legal defence. I remember the details of this case (which I won't go into, it was vile) because it was so close to home and so grotesque, but stories like this were a seasonal occurrence across the country.
I myself coped my fair share of physical trauma, I was lucky to only get bashed once and I was with a group, but I was less lucky when it came to correctional sexual assault.
And it felt like this for most of my youth, and I pushed to build confidence and assertiveness and develop vigilance skills to protect myself.
Slowly over time I felt less afraid, and it was only in hindsight, as the "FCK H8" campaign started spreading in my country from America, it dawned on me that I didn't feel safer because I was getting more confident, I felt safer because it was safer. Sooooo much safer.
And that was just in ~8 years of my adolescent life in the 2000s, so I can extrapolate from that how bad it was in the 8 years before I was paying attention to the world, and the 8 years before that, and before that.
My state is currently considered the more gay friendly, ironic seeing as we were the last state to reduce the criminal sentence for homosexuality from the death penalty in 1949...but then my state was the 2nd state to decriminalised homosexuality in 1980 compared to the last state in my country, 1997. So I guess we picked up queer steam.
For added historical context, after it was decided that death might be a little to harsh a punishment, "attempted buggery" (aka, two men flirting with each other) could carry a 7 year sentence, and buggery "with or without consent" anywhere from 14 to life.
In 1957 they re-opened a whole ass 19th century goal exclusively to house hordes of gay prisoners who had been arrested for gay crimes.
If you're interested in some history, dig into "Cooma" the world's first and only (hopefully) gay prison. Police inflated arrests with entrapment stings to stock the cells because the prisoners were being used for medical experiments around chemical castration and conversion for scientific research and "rehabilitation", the men were tortured in an attempt to "cure" them so they would be "safe to release", the prison conveniently lost their archives so they can't say when they stopped experimenting on gay prisoners, but the last gay prisoners to be sent to Cooma was around 1982.
Edit: I rambled so long I never made an actual point.
It sucked for us in the 2000s, but it was exponentially worse for every year you go back. That's a trend I want to continue, I want kids 10 years from now to say "wow it's tough being queer, there's so much queer baiting in the media" because it would make me so happy for that to be the biggest problem gay kids face.
I don't say "back in my day things were worse" to mean "be greatful and shut up" but rather "wow I can't believe the young people in our community are still suffering, at least they're not being physically harmed like it was back in the day, but this is still not okay, let's look at where we came from to remember where we are going, and keep fighting for our rights, together"
I'm sorry, but describing the change from the 80s and 90s as small really misses the mark. The changes were huge and substantial. Not fast enough, of course, but it was no small journey.
You could probably argue that the earlier you got the more taboo it was to include gay jokes and that as the window shifted it became okay to joke about.
Take something everyone should (hopefully) view as taboo like pedophilia. Sure, you can make jokes about "these look like pedophile glasses" or the like, but it's generally raunchier. More of the type of thing you'd see in PG-13 / R movies. You could perhaps say that as it became more normal to be gay, more people made jokes about it in more media? But it's not like I have any sort of statistics on this lol.
Fun fact: the term was literally invented by the British tabloid press to explain how (football superstar and husband of Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham) David Beckham could wear a sarong without being secretly gay.
I wish I was making it up but that's genuinely the origin of the term 🤦
I watched the Beckham documentary recently and although I’m not really into football it was deplorable how the media treated DB back then and really does show how sick the media are/were.
The culture shift is stark sometimes when you watch old stuff.
On the other hand, don't let them turn that into an excuse. You know what dealt with trans rights in a pretty honest, raw, and understanding way, in the mid 1980s? Fucking Hill Street Blues. One of the cops gets together with a woman, he's happy to be with her, and then the other cops start giving him hell for it because she used to be a man. He gets disgusted and angry, goes over to her place, and she lectures him about it and sets him straight, tells him to figure out if he wants to be with her, but don't try to turn who I am into some kind of thing I did to you, or make me feel bad about it. He sort of accepts it, because she clearly has a point, and that's the end of the episode.
Yeah, I had a pretty sheltered childhood because I remember lots of good shows with a lot less of those issues. I watched a lot of sci-fi though, which IME tends to be a bit more forward-thinking. Not super surprising if you think about it
Doctor who had every type of queer back in the mid-late 2000s. From a trans "last human" to lesbian aliens
Watched Ace Ventura a few years ago for the first time since I was a kid. I remembered the whole trans reveal thing. Never put together as a kid they were implying that it was part of that character being mentally ill and completely forgot about Ace and the cops freaking out after finding out.
In the 60s, if you were a man in a movie, you could hit women if they were getting crazy, to set them straight.
In the 80s, the heroes of movies could commit rape (Revenge of the Nerds) or child molestation (Indiana Jones) and still be the heroes of the movies.
In the 90s, the simple fact of a character being gay, or God forbid trans, was its own comedic element, without anything additional needing to be added.
Night Court did the same thing. The assistant D.A., Dan, has an old buddy who visits after many years and turns out they transitioned and have a boyfriend. Dan is stunned because they used to party and womanize together, but his friend said he was never actually into it. At one point Dan argues with the new boyfriend and says, "He used to be a guy!" Boyfriend says it doesn't matter. He loves her. That episode really stuck with me, watching it as a kid.
I was going to mention this. I started watching the old night court when the new one started airing and was blown away at how well they handled that episode given the time period.
Don't ever come to Germany. :) "We are not made of sugar!" Not wanting to get wet in the rain is defintly frowned upon here (also true if you are gay).
It's that way here in Seattle as well. When I moved here 18 years ago my now step brothers told me don't ever use an umbrella unless you want to be mistaken as a tourist or gay. Too bad I already had that second one on lock.
In their defense, the gaybies on Capital Hill love umbrellas to preserve their look.
As someone who grew up in the late 90's and early 00's as a christian midwest kid, it is a constant struggle to deprogram that stuff because it was EVERYWHERE.
On a slight tangent but movies and TV shows always reflect the way society is at that point in time. It puts on display what was valued, what was of concern, etc. This is true regardless of the genre.
Changing scenes or using cgi to remove things we would now consider"problematic" is like erasing history.
The millennials spearheaded the LGBT rights, but we're also the ones who had been trans- and homophobes growing up in 90s and 00s, with or without realising it.
Some of us literally battled it out in the streets in the 80s and 90s. People fucking died. We were expelled from our families.
It's hard not to take offense to your comment. Millennials did not spearhead shit. You were GIVEN the opportunity to be yourselves.
edit: Don't think that I don't appreciate that we still have boundaries to push. The war against sexuality isn't over, and the old warriors are still here. We just don't make as much noise these days.
It's hard not to take offense to your comment. Millennials did not spearhead shit. You were GIVEN the opportunity to be yourselves.
As a Millennial hard agree there. The old guard had to deal with mobs running the bars, institutions letting them die and in select places forming militia to prevent people from going out and beating queer people for fun. Millennials aren't the spearhead, we're like mid shaft of the spear at best.
That being said we're all gunna have to go back to the hardcore roots if we want to uphold the civil rights wins of the past. This all is gunna get messy.
Yeah, GenX really took the reins on this one. By the time millennials were old enough to actually affect change, most of the blood had been spilled and the dust had already settled.
Yea, as a millennial, it's kinda depressing to hear some of us take credit for being the spearhead when previous generations were the ones who went through things like the Stonewall Riots and started Pride.
We absolutely were not the spearhead. We were supposed to be the bulwark to prevent it from backsliding and we failed.
Sorry, saying spearhead is a wrong choice of word. I didn't mean to downplay the previous generations of lgbt rights activists, like Harvey Milk. I suppose what I mean is that millenials are the ones who have finally made lgbt acceptance come to fruition.
My talent as a homophobic millennial knew no bounds in the 2000s
I'd unironically call some straight girl a raging lesbo for wearing old burkes, then jump on the GSA forum and tell some teenager "it's okay to be gay, it gets better, when I first came out you'd get bashed so things are improving" like I wasn't part of the ongoing problem....
What was wrong with us back then!?
(I was definitely transphobic AF back then too! I have no excuses for it, especially because it turns out I tick that box as well)
We Millenials consumed Gen X made media and Gen Xer's pop cultural was very "Its fun to be cruel to weaklings and weirdos, be against consumerist modern life dweebs, and swear in front of old ladies. We're so punk."
Gen X 90's culture being all about being a renegade nihilistic slacker as a reaction to the 80's culture which was a lot more colorful, consumerist, and earnest at an almost saccharine level, even when it was trying to "rebel".
EDIT: To clarify, Millenials consumed edgelord stuff from Gen X, and homophobia was edgey.
The "not that there's anything wrong with that" episode of Seinfeld kind of summarizes the attitudes at the time. I don't think the majority of millennials ever were against gay people (I'm sure there were exceptions regionally) but there was heavy stereotyping, which of course was a form of othering. And yeah the 90s were very no filter in general. At this time people viewed poking fun as a form of acceptance. But it took some time for the stereotypes to die down.
Oh, and rape was funny. We were supposed to laugh at victims of rape, especially men being eaped in prisons, but occasionally women being raped as well.
You still hear a prison rape joke every now and then.
Like it's hilarious that we let wards of the State get tortured by other inmates, presumably because they "deserve" it.
Not a thought to "hmm, maybe if we're essentially sentencing someone to be raped then there's a systemic problem to be addressed," and often times "why do you love criminals so much" if you voice an opinion contrary to the accepted wisdom that they had it coming.
The only prison rape jokes I've heard in the last 10 years are about paedophiles "getting what they deserve in prison"
Which I didn't really think was a funny haha joke, just a "I don't know how to respond or fathom paedophilia, it's deeply uncomfortable and unsettling...haha"
I also personally don't know how I feel about those kinds of jokes.
The rule in comedy is never punch down, but hopefully that's where you've got to aim if you're targeting a convicted child molester, I don't think I'm better than anyone, I believe all human life has equal inherent value....but I also think I'm better than a child molester and that given control of a runaway trolley, their life has less value.
That sure is some cognitive dissonance, so cracking a joke at the expense of a paedophile in prison is easier than confronting my own opinions towards the value of human life.
I just watched some show from the 90s where the punchline is that the character was going to get sexually molested in a dark room. I can't believe that got a thumbs up.
I used to get called gay because I rolled the sleeves up on my shirt. Also because I worked with a gay guy and occasionally had lunch with him, maybe half a dozen times a year. The odd thing is that I had a girlfriend (same one 22 years later) who these idiots knew about.
When I was growing up “f!!!ot” wasn’t even seen as a cuss word, it was just a burn you called your friends all the time. We didn’t really think about it until I was 16 and one of our friends came out as gay. My whole friend group kind of had it click at the same time that 1. We didn’t care that he was gay and 2. It was probably pretty fucking rude to call everything we didn’t like “g!y” and call eachother “f!g” as an insult. I think that realization happened for a lot of people who had gay friends in my generation, and it’s part of what helped lead to the level of acceptance and support the LGBT community has now.
I was the gay friend who changed my friend group's language, and I didn't even do it intentionally. After I came out, I had a few of my friends ask if them saying "fag" or "gay" or similar was bothering me as long as they weren't intending it to be a slur against gay people. I just told them the honest truth:
"It doesn't bother me, and I don't think any less of you for using it; but I do hear it every time it's used. It jumps out just as clear as someone saying your name in a crowded room. Every. Time."
And that's really all it took. Just the awareness that those kinds of words aren't entirely meaningless. That maybe if you're only using them to describe something negative in a general sense, then there are other words you can use that work just as well, but aren't connected to an entire group of marginalized people.
It was kind of a funny year or so after that when they were trying to break the habit. One of them would accidentally say something and all that would happen is we would lock eyes for a second and I'd just give a small smile and a nod as if to say "You're fine, I don't think you're a bigot. But yea, I heard that."
Yeah for us we were all surprisingly progressive about it for a small town Alberta school. Like everyone in the school bar a few goofy assholes were totally fine with it and the entire school just started policing their language. It wasn’t even a big deal. But I’m sure it wad important to him and the few other kids who didn’t come out until after school.
I’m sure it didn’t go that well everywhere for everyone.
No they mean a certain type of shorts that end above the knees. Not the shorts that are basically three quarters pants. The shorter they were the gayer you’d be.
I think it depended on if your shorts were above or below the knee. Cargo shorts, I want to say, are okay. I want to say that because I used to wear cargo shorts.
Hell the 2000's were bad - but it was just an extension to decades, if not centuries of homophobia. Watch the first 5 minutes of Eddie Murphy's RAW to see what was socially acceptable to say in the late 70's, early 80's.
I been watching some movies and TV shows from the early 2000s as a nostalgia trip with my wife and man there were some terrible lessons. We talked about the homophobia and transphobia but the misogyny, body image and sexualization of teens. The skin women being called fat with the fashion that only looked good on thin thin thin women. The insistence that there was nothing worse than being a virgin. (While the schools were doing an abstinence only education BTW). The countdown clocks to when every female celebrity turned 18 everywhere. It's surreal to think that message was everywhere.
Metrosexual meant going above & beyond in male beauty care (a pretty low bar): going to a salon to get manicures & pedicures, maybe apply foundation & eyeliner, manscaping.
Possibly wearing those low-heel shoes that show the ankles without socks.
I also remember the words fag and like being ambiguous such that in written contexts I'd sometimes see the clarification good kind of fag to mean homosexual in contrast to an insult directed at someone the insulter dislikes (for being pretentious, aggravating, annoying or whatever).
In speech, the distinction was often understood from tone & context, so someone could be a fag (homosexual) yet not an effing fag (detestable), and their company might be absolutely welcome for that reason.
An insulter would usually pile on imagery of the subject performing homosexual acts as the recipient of such insults typically disapproves portrayals of themselves that way.
The insult was a way to puncture egos & authorities claiming a traditionally masculine image.
It wasn't particularly effective against out & proud homosexuals or people who weren't homophobic.
While fag wasn't always an insult, however, bigots & religious zealots often drew no distinction, either.
Men in the 2000's new about grooming. That was nothing new. "Metrosexual" referred to men who took it to extremes. The opening scene of "American Psycho" was held up as perfect example of metrosexual behaviour. It left open the possibility that of homosexuality but could absolutely apply to people who were seen as 100% straight. It was more synonymous with "dandy", "fop" or "narcissist".
In my mind, gay or straight is secondary for a metrosexual. Their first love will always their own image.
That said, there was crazy homophobia back then. Ya'll don't even want to hear about what kind of shit was going on before people had cell phones that recorded everything.
Yes, not to understate it.
Though it was a few years earlier, Matthew Shepard's murder was prominent, and similar homophobic killings continued into the 2000s.
Nightclub shootings took headlines this decade & the last, too.
While parts of society seem more tolerant nowadays, regressive parts of society have hardly changed at all, so it's hard to gauge.
Every time I come across forum posts from the 2000s I lose a little bit of nostalgia for that period of time. The casual bigotry was fucking everywhere.
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The sad thing is that it was fairly progressive then to have openly gay men on TV who weren't there as either the butt of a joke or a flamboyant "gay bestie" stereotype.
Was a mid 2000s hipster wearing skinny jeans and bright colors. Non hipster girls thought I was gay. Honestly frat bros were generally more pleasant and if they thought I was gay never said anything and just handed me a beer.
somehow not being gay while not being gay was important while the real gays got accepted more. maybe it was a side effect of higher acceptance. kids of that time had to visibly distance themselves from stereotypical gay behaviour to appear more conformist?
I have a degree in musical theatre and am a member of a music oriented fraternity. The fraternity was called "the gay" fraternity by the typical frat bro organizations within the last decade. Its not just relegated to the early part of the 2000s.
The gay theatre kid has been a stereotype forever, but they literally had to invent a word to describe guys who showered and wore something that wasn't a T-shirt because that was enough for even women to think you were gay. The homophobia was so bad back then that you could possibly lose your job if people thought you were gay because you used hair gel and dressed well.
It's like you forgot that "queer eye for a straight guy" was one of the most popular shows at the time. Would have been completely unheard of just a decade earlier.
Much of the 2000's was bridge building, many people who had never even seen or met a homosexual was first introduced to the culture by shows in the 2000's. I know I was.
If the Queer Eye fans of today watched an OG episode I think they'd pass out from shock.
I was living under a rock when the new Queer Eye came out and some of the young residents at work were raving about it. The things I kept overhearing had me thinking "They can't possibly be talking about catty old Carson"
The homophobia of the 2000s paired perfectly with all the other toxic body shaming and slut shaming the media was doing at the time.
Bridge building was exactly right. It was about getting the language of "gay" into the homes of everyday people and in a tone that was happy and humerus, not divisive. Yeswere the butt of the joke, but at least it was just a joke, unlike in the years prior when it was violence.
We still have the language in the household of everyday people, but in many households the only reason the word "gay" gets brought up is for someone to spit at it and praise Trump. The happy humour is lost, the tone is shifting to vitriol and if we're not careful the next step will be violence again.
My wife and I watch a lot of sitcoms before bed, often from the 00s. One had at least one anti-gay joke per episode. In one of the middle seasons, they had an episode where a character makes a gay friend and has to deal with their discomfort around gay people. Then the next episode, they're back to gay bashing. Wild times.
That came about partly because homosexuality in the US was legalized on June 26, 2003. Without the fear of raids, people started talking more openly about sexuality and the tide was turning slowly more positive that movies and TV shows that joined the conversation weren't immediately shut down.
Wow, I'm not American so I didn't realise Texas was holding out that long, wasn't Massachusetts offering state sanctioned marriages in like 04/05? That timeline is mind blowing! To have one state doing so much for equal rights while the other fights in court to actively do less.
I thought here in Australia, Tasmania was bad waiting until 1997 when their overseas neighbour to the north (Vic) was 1980... Then we didn't get any form of same sex marriage until 2017.
But 2003!
You have actually broken my brain with this fact...
If you really want your mind blown, TX police are still trained on the sodomy law (even though they can't enforce it) and there are still sodomy laws on the books in I believe 12 other states, according to a New York Times article I saw. If Lawrence v TX is overturned, as Thomas has insinuated it could be, the sodomy laws could immediately be enforced again.
When Lawrence v TX was decided, it overturned the sodomy laws in the states of Idaho, Utah, TX, Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Michigan, and also Puerto Rico.
Since that ruling, the only states that have repealed the ban on sodomy are Alabama, Missouri, and Puerto Rico. People in the other states will be in danger should Lawrence be overturned.
It feels so out of character that they'd call each other that, because I think that's really the only part of that movie that didn't age well. The rest of the time they're a great example of guys having a healthy friendship.
You can kind of read it as a condemnation of the current anti-gay atmosphere going into the 90's--it's so out of character that their first act after saying it is to become all smiles and joy again.
However, it more comes off as "even these loving guys who use the saying 'be excellent to each other' hate queers."
Sounds like my experience in the USA end of the 2010s but OK. Got called gay for not doing a fist bump, amongst other crazy homophobic behaviour. Glad that happened though, I didn't waste time thinking about staying there
I love this podcast. They also did an episode on truck nutz! It's just very very deep dives on random pop culture topics. And it's good journalism too, not just the C-list YouTube Video Essayist summarize-the-wikipedia-article type of stuff.
Just watched SLC Punk last night, as a 90’s kid, was a real nostalgia gut punch. One of the characters, Eddie, took me back to my 90’s teenage growing up when they threw metrosexual at me.. I always took it as a compliment, never helped me with the ladies though.