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menemen The Menemen!
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why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • Because he'd never do it anyway.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • If you just need an email account I'd suggest to have a look at I am with them for many years now. Price is good and terms also.

  • These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • I read AI and I am focused exclusively on the hands. So much that at first I didn't even see the fire...

  • USA presidential candidates
  • He lost me when he called Biden the "ethical candidate". He is the less disgusting choice, but he is in no way an "ethical choice".

  • History repeats itself.
  • We are getting there though. SUVs are already the standard and it's getting worse. Imo SUVs are even worse in some respects. There at least are theoretical use cases for a pickup truck, a SUV is always egotistical bullshit.

  • History repeats itself.
  • Check how much worse it is for the pedestrian to be hit by the pick up truck.

  • i still think of you, jim henson
  • Man, I hate you.

  • Queen's Gambit
  • Hmm. New version of chess?

  • Queen's Gambit
  • He is save.

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • This is comparable to a loud family feud carried out on the streets with yelling and throwing stuff at one another and then yelling at the shocked onlookers to move away.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • True, it wouldn't be enough, This is why Germany still has a lot of coal-fired power station and natural gas power stations, despite huge investments into renewables, and is also investing a lot into wood-fired power stations (imo a really terrible idea). The nuclear plants could still ease the situation by giving a stable basic load that has some planable variability (wind models are getting also better every year and aren't that bad as it is). For now renewables cannot really provide a very stable basic load (at least not here, might be different for other areas).

    There are great concepts to improve all of this with stuff like pumped-storage hydroelectricity, but those cannot be build everywhere and take up a lot of space. It is going forward and I think nuclear power will come to an end eventually. For now, I think they still have their place (and imo Germany acted irrationally by shutting them all down).

    I mean, we've been lucky that France completly fucked their energy sector up (hints towards that nuclear plants probably also won't be the ultimate solution), otherwise we'd have lost a loooot of money and would have had energy prices even worse.

    Here an imo interesting read:

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • They don't need to be exclusive. Power generation should be diverse. Otherwise prices will go through the roof on times without wind (happens in Germany). This can lead to higher energy prices in combination with high energy exports.

  • The internet connects people
  • Fanzines were huge in Germany for that reason.

  • The internet connects people
  • Interesting how that channel found a new recipe for something popular. That channel might get big.

  • I'm getting old
  • Wasn't the writing always bad though? (I might be biased, I never liked Star Wars.)

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • I miss the internet where we tricked our friends into looking at a picture of a man’s gaping asshole

    Tbh, I don't miss that. Neither do I miss spacedicks.

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • I also liked Paris and I've been there twice in summer. People weren't actively going out of their way to be unfriendly to us, so this was great compared to the rest of france.

    Everyone we asked for help did their best to help us, though we have 0 french knowledge. I had very different experiences elsewhere in France (we quickly learned to only speak to arab people outside Paris, if we needed help, worked fine).

    We skipped most touristy places and just had a few relaxing days there both times. So that might also be, why we had a pleasant time in Paris.

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • Gelsenkirchen and Duisburg are kinda famous atm.

  • Meet my 5 year old Tabasco - I already killed her 2 times - just gave her a new chance at live

    Grew her 2019 from seed. She flowered a little late so I took her to my office, where I have a perfect nice south facing office. She produced a ton of peppers. Then I "killed" her (cut her of way down, leaving her no leaves at all) and left her. 2 weeks later she came back. So I started giving her water and nutrients. She grew back and gave (less) peppers in 2020. As I have been on and off in the office (guess we all know why) she wasn't treated as she deserved. At the end of the year, I "killed" her again. She came back again. So I gave her water. I gave her way too little nutrients (I hardly ever was at the office, she was mostly watered by a colleague), I never repotted her. I feel like a monster. She didn't produce peppers. Then suddenly in the fall of 2023 she produced 3 proud little peppers. So, I finally decided to take her back home and just repotted her in a nice, bigger pot and gave her the nutrients and fresh dirt (after 5 years...) she desperatly needed. I am somewhat exited what she will do this year.


    Meet my 5 year old Tabasco - I already killed her 2 times - just gave her a new chance at live

    Grew her 2019 from seed. She flowered a little late so I took her to my office, where I have a perfect nice south facing office. She produced a ton of peppers. Then I "killed" her (cut her of way down, leaving her no leaves at all) and left her. 2 weeks later she came back. So I started giving her water and nutrients. She grew back and gave (less) peppers in 2020. As I have been on and off in the office (guess we all know why) she wasn't treated as she deserved. At the end of the year, I "killed" her again. She came back again. So I gave her water. I gave her way too little nutrients (I hardly ever was at the office, she was mostly watered by a colleague), I never repotted her. I feel like a monster. She didn't produce peppers. Then suddenly in the fall of 2023 she produced 3 proud little peppers. So, I finally decided to take her back home and just repotted her in a nice, bigger pot and gave her the nutrients and fresh dirt (after 5 years...) she desperatly needed. I am somewhat exited what she will do this year.


    [STURMWARNUNG an der Küste] Lemminge im Nordwesten: passt auf Euch auf. Der Sturm ist schon über den Niederlanden!

    Und da stürzen die Bäume gerade reihenweise um. Passt auf Euch auf, bleibt im Zweifel lieber drinnen und weg von den Fenstern.

    Were do I get a good bundle? The Menemen!

    [Humblebundle] Another Warhammer literature deal Humble Book Bundle: Chronicles of the World of Warhammer by Black Library

    We’ve bundled a mighty collection of Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar novels to fully immerse readers in the epic and treacherous World of Warhammer!

    Looks interesting. But I literally have dozens of warhammer (fantasy and 40k) books left to read and hear... Oh man, what do you guys think?

    Were do I get a good bundle? The Menemen!

    Which bundle site should I add?

    Open for all suggestions! But only trustworthy sites please!

    Were do I get a good bundle? The Menemen!

    [Humblebundle] Summer Sports Spectacular Bundle Summer Sports Spectacular: NBA 2K23 & More

    Pay what you want for a collection of scorching sports games featuring NBA 2K3 and lots more, and help support The Trevor Project with your purchase.

    Still undecided about this one. I like NBA games, but was quite disappointed in the last 2k game I bought (NAB 21), the personal player mode was just so annoyingly micropayment ruined.

    Lethal League Blaze looks cool, but 14€ is probably a little too much for it alone.

    And I read too much unpromising stuff about WWE 2k battlegrounds.

    Were do I get a good bundle? The Menemen!

    [Humblebundle] One day left: Martha Wells, A.G. Riddle, and Co. [audiobooks] Martha Wells, A.G. Riddle, and More Audiobooks from Recorded Books

    We’ve teamed up with Recorded Books for our newest bundle. Get books like Martha Wells’ The Murderbot Diaries series & A.G. Riddle’s The Long Winter trilogy.

    Bought it a few days ago. Seems to be well regarded on goodreads and a quick hear in made it sound like a quality production.


    Was spiel ihr so?


    vermute zwar nicht, dass sich hier viele her verirren, aber ich mach trotzdem mal den Anfang,

    Was spielt ihr so? Mehr klassisches (DnD, DSA, Cthullhu und co.) oder mehr erzählerisches (PbtA, Fate und co.)?

    Ich selbst bin eher klassisch unterwegs. Zuletzt vor allem DnD. Aber gerne auch Shadowrun oder alles mit der Mutant Year Zero Engine.

    Würde gerne mehr Erzählspiele probieren. Das einzige, was ich je gespielt habe war “Ein ruhiges Jahr” und das war klasse. Aber meine Gruppe ist da konservativ und ich hab zu wenig Zeit um zusätzlich zur Gruppe die lokalen Cons abzuklappern. :(
