Look at pictures of people in their 30s back in the 70s, and compare them to people in their 30s today. It's a massive difference, I hypothesize that it's the leaded gasoline and secondhand smoke that makes it although I'm not aware of any science to back that up.
China continuing to claim the same seas that it has been claiming since the 19th century is imperialism, not the country from the other side of the world using legal warfare and gunboat diplomacy to deny them that claim
whatever you say bud
Brother 90% of the world's labor is done by 50% of the countries, and it aint fukken Europe that's doing the hard work to keep the global economy running.
And please point to any example of Chinese imperialism that has occurred in the last forty years. No, offering loans with better terms than what the IMF offers to African countries does not count.
You could say the same about every developed nation
"Developed nation" is a propaganda term designed to make you think that the overexploited nations of the world are on some mythical path that will lead them to a first world quality of life.
every western European country has already eliminated the worst kind of poverty and on average European citizens are better off than Chinese citizens
This is an apples-to-oranges comparison. Europe is the beneficiary of hundreds of years of imperialism and accumulation and the ongoing system of global unequal exchange, whereas China is a former victim of said imperialism that has pulled themselves out of the muck with their own workers' labor. China is better off compared to India, which achieved independence not long afterward but has fallen far behind in every single development index because of their failure to overthrow capital.
Hell, even in The Matrix they were going to have Switch be an explicitly trans character but got blocked by a producer.
I really want to try a bunch of slurs out
This is surely the most rational reaction to being slightly inconvenienced by a word filter.
I think this post is more about the "key aviation safety advisory committee" being gutted right before the worst air disaster in over a decade.
Hey, I've seen this one
It also wasn't a peaceful democratic movement. My point is merely that a lot of people who don't know anything write extremely confidently on this and every other topic related to communist history.
your misuse of the word literally in this post figuratively gave me an aneurysm.
What makes you think Xi is a dictator? If your answer is "because that's the vibe I get from American Government propaganda", then you should reassess the things you think you know about the world. The truth is that China has a very vibrant and active democracy that is much more responsive to the demands of its people than that of most other nations, and Xi is merely the one currently at the top of that democratic system.
Do you take the Chinese citizens at theirs?
Very few governments on this planet have approval numbers this good, and even fewer have numbers this good when it's a neutral third party conducting the surveys.
I think China would have to do a lot more for the avg person before they could be considered socialist or communist again
Within the last five years China completely eliminated the worst category of poverty in their borders. I'd say they are currently actively engaged in doing a lot more for the average person than most countries.
more recently expressed complete authority over such as Taiwan
What complete authority does the PRC have over Taiwan? Their position now is the same as its been for seventy years - they consider it part of their country but exercise no actual control over it.
The entire country tried to revolt in 1984 and millions of citizens were killed by their own military
Literally nobody claims that millions died, that's flat earth levels of alternate reality.
Naw the same shit happens on Reddit and Facebook and every other place that isn't TikTok or XHS. There's a chart that shows Americans' opinion of China being more or less 50/50 until 2015ish and then turning sharply negative after the trade war/propaganda blitz against them that started during Trump's first term.
Americans have the most individualist "fuck you I got mine" ladder-pulling-upist culture in the entire world. Maybe someday we'll have a cultural revolution and come out the other side less anti-social, but in the meantime if you want anything done in this country you've got to convince people that there's something in it for them.
lmao you don't know anything, do you?
politics is a battle of voting for the less shitty option so you can take baby steps toward something better.
Every single time Dems have won since Carter, we have been baby stepping towards something worse. The victories for gay rights under Obama were a brief outlier in our country's otherwise uninterrupted march towards fascism.
If people want to get excited, they should go to a theme park.
Welcome to America!
If they have a shred of civil responsibility