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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Anything wrong with using my real name in email aliases with organizations I have to communicate using my real identity anyway?
  • At my current university, I am firstname.lastname-4@university. My previous university, a much smaller one, I was fortunately firstname.lastname@otheruniversity, but the email client informed me there were two other people with my name there. It's wild because I didn't think I had a super common name.

  • Allow me to rock your perceptions
  • I know, right? I bloody love this site and its weirdos

    (I realise you may not find such weirdness endearing as I do. This comment is partly a self directed joke because whilst I don't have Opinions on soil like the person you replied to, I live for that niche nerd internet shit (which is one of the things that makes me weird too)

  • Anime music piracy website closes after industry goes to court
  • Yeah, I agree with you. I should have elaborated in my comment. I'm not too opposed to Cloudflare (I even use them myself), but I sympathise with people who are concerned about how widely used Cloudflare is and that this risks making them a gatekeeper to the internet. My beef is more of an "all eggs in one basket" one, which feels especially relevant given that the recent (and in many cases, ongoing) Crowdstrike debacle was able to affect so many because of how the way enterprise level software often involves many eggs across not many baskets.

  • Smell of human stress can affect dogs' emotions, leading them to make more pessimistic choices
  • Your dog recognises you're trying your best, and is there for you, in the same way that you are there for your dog — one of the reasons dogs evolved to be so in tune with human stress is because often they're more than pets, they're our partners.

  • Anime music piracy website closes after industry goes to court
  • "Members of the Recording Industry Association of Japan had taken legal action in the U.S. to demand information on Hikari No Akari's operator from California-based Cloudflare, whose content delivery network the site had used. [...>

    "We'll use information that Cloudflare will disclose to hold the website operator responsible and take other legal action," an RIAJ spokesperson said."

    Obligatory "Fuck Cloudflare".

  • Satnam lost his arm and was allegedly left to die on the roadside. This is the horror of exploitation on Italian farms
  • That's devastating.

    I mourn the exploitation and preventable death of Satnam Singh, whose name I only know because of injustice. I will never know the name of countless like him, though I mourn them too, and takeaway the lesson that if I want to live in a world where this isn't allowed to happen, I must understand what I have in common with farm workers and immigrant labourers.

  • Defending the country as an anarchist if your country is attacked
  • Like others have said in this thread, it depends on the circumstances.

    In addition to that, I would say that the way I think of my own anarchism means that I don't hold myself to strict standards because I'm not trying to build an anarchy, but more anarchists. By that, I mean that in practice, the world is quite far off from being an anarchist world and that if I were to adhere to dogmatic principles, I wouldn't make much progress.

    It's a lot less drastic than fighting in the military, but an example of one of the compromises I make is that I have done some activism at the local level regarding access to health and social care services (including accessible housing). I don't necessarily think that these functions are best fulfilled by the state, but also, I can't envision a world without the state (in this domain at least). But also, I don't feel bad about my failure of imagination, because anarchism, for me, is about letting go of grand narratives about myself and the world, recognising that I am such a tiny part of the bigger picture and that I can't do this alone. Along those lines, it's a pragmatic choice to push for better socialised services, even if that means enlarging the state, because it'll help give voices to people who I want to have a say in the world.

    It doesn't feel like a compromising of my principles, but a more genuine way of honouring them. Something I like about anarchism is that it's messy, and it's a process. As a framework, it's helped me to grow a lot, and I feel like I need to be open to situations that challenge my principles because I know I'm a better anarchist now than I was a year ago, and dogmatically sticking to certain rules or principles would feel like I have decided I am currently the best I'll ever be. So even though I don't like the thought of it, I need to be open to the principle of having to fight, if it were necessary, as well as possible needing to resist fighting (like Israelis who would rather be imprisoned than be complicit).

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns anti-Biden Democrats about what comes next if they succeed
  • I see a lot of people who hate her for not being left enough. Whilst I sympathise with that stance to an extent, from the perspective of someone in the UK, the US seems so shockingly right wing that I'm surprised that a figure like Ocasio-Cortez exists at all. That is to say that I wish America had more left wing politicians, but given the current lack, AOC is a refreshing presence.

  • [Followup] Deputy charged with murdering Black woman allegedly told partner not to give aid
  • Eh, I didn't really understand ACAB until I was in my early 20s, and I don't think I was any more brainwashed than the average UK child.

    I can see an alternate world where someone like me, who had a strong sense of justice, might have wanted to join the police because of believing that the police can or should be a force for good.

    Even though I was pretty solidly leftist in university, I still held the view of "oh come on, all cops are bastards? That seems extreme" and I thought that ACAB was mostly a cathartic but needlessly inflammatory slogan. It wasn't until I actively sought out opinions and writing from people who earnestly believed ACAB that I actually understood that it's not a comment on individual cops, but on the system itself which basically precludes the existence of non-bastardy cops

  • Slow recovery from IT outage begins as experts warn of future risks
  • I know in at least some of the BSOD cases that it was an automatic update that wasn't possible to delay. An acquaintance of mine told me that they have previously complained to their IT support about the disruption of auto-updates at inopportune times, but IT said it's out of their hands for security updates because of regulatory requirements.

  • Leaded fuel still used in small private planes in UK (2022)

    Unpaywalled archive link: Open Access link to the study mentioned:

    Posting because I saw another post on this community about Extinction Rebellion UK blocking a private jet airport today (June 2024) ( and wondered how many people know that leaded fuel is still pretty common in planes, both in the UK and elsewhere; I was pretty shocked when I first learned this


    What's this thing called?

    This was a switch that got its wires pulled out. I learned how to desolder today in order to remove it from the little switch board and now there's three holes where this used to be. Does this component have a name, because I'm wondering whether I can just get a replacement one like this. There are lots of tools and supplies at the makerspace I used, but I need to know what I'd be looking for.

    Alternatively, what else might I be able to use to do this? I suppose I could just trim and strip the wires and shove those through and solder, but that seems...crude? I don't know. I'd prefer something with pins because I practiced soldering and desoldering using some broken electronics I had, and I'm more confident with pins than something so freeform.

    Thanks for your time.


    What does femininity (or masculinity) mean to you?

    I've seen a few communities where this question has led to some interesting discussion and figured this community might have some thoughts on it.


    Cis-admin rule


    Recommendations for a non flashlight afficionado?

    Over Christmas, I realised that I don't actually own any torches, and whilst I have no interest in throwing myself into yet another expensive, niche hobby, I wondered if the folk here could help suggest a possible flashlight.

    I'm wondering what kind of options are for a headlamp style flashlight, ideally one that can be detached from the headlamp mounting, if that's a thing. In the most ideal world, the flashlight itself would be small enough I could fit it in my everyday carry tool pouch, which is a tool pouch that's around A5 size.

    I used to have a basic headlamp which had three lights on it and a button which toggled between modes so it had some variable brightness. I liked that I could tilt it up and down. I used it mostly for digging in unlit storage units, or illuminating in and around my car when unloading at night. It wouldn't need to be too bright (the brightness aspect is one of the things I find most overwhelming about fancy flashlights, because there's a lot of in-group lingo to be learned which I haven't had the brain for.

    One of the worst parts about my old headlamp was that its charging adaptor was specific and it'd often go uncharged if I couldn't find the specific charger for it. I don't know how fancy flashlights(TM) are generally powered, but I don't want to get a nice gadget I never use because it's awkward to charge. Proprietary connectors are a bit of a nightmare.

    My budget would be up to £100 as a maximum, and only for something that ticked all my boxes. I have no idea how reasonably my goals are here, so thank you for reading this. I'd be glad to hear any suggestions anyone has, whether they be product suggestions, or questions that might be useful for me to consider in narrowing this down. You don't need to explain your recommendations too much — I can go away and research stuff once I have a place to start, but at the moment it just feels a bit big


    Edit: I feel like I've got plenty to go on now, thank you to everyone who answered, I love y'all, wonderful nerds

    Linguistics AnarchistArtificer

    Combining Maths and Linguistics with Category Theory A new application of category theory in linguistics (part 1)

    This is the second part of my “portfolio” prepared for the virtual poster session at ACT2020. It introduces my category-theoretic modeling of the human language grammatical type (aka syntactic category) system. The technical detail can be found in my dissertation “On the formal flexibility of syntac...

    A new application of category theory in linguistics  (part 1)

    I'm a mathsy scientist, not a linguist, so I'm coming at this from a different angle, but I find this blog by a linguist gives a great informal overview of applied category theory in linguistics.

    Similar concepts from a mathematician's angle is here: I really enjoy how complementary these perspectives are
