[The signs] are placed along Hurricane Road at the last major intersection before arriving at the bridge crossing. Basically, thereâs no way to miss them.
The reporter overestimates most truck drivers' situational awareness.
The driver suffered minor injuries but was able to exit the vehicle on his own. Luckily, no one else was hurt, considering the area is popular with swimmers and kayakers
Repair estimates have not been released, but the owner of the truck company has offered to help pay for the rebuild. The incident itself remains under investigation by local authorities.
The trucking company has already offered to help pay for it. It's likely covered under their insurance and the driver is almost certainly been fired.
What about the environmental damage of a car filled with gasoline, oil and other toxic materials falling into the river below? I doubt anyone will have to pay for the full cleanup
The driver suffered minor injuries but was able to exit the vehicle on his own. Luckily, no one else was hurt, considering the area is popular with swimmers and kayakers.
Read the actual article. This was a commercial vehicle that was hauling gravel. I think most folks are assuming it was some dumbass in a lifted truck with a few MAGA stickers on the back. Thatâs not the case.
The driver is still at fault for ignoring the posted weight limits, but itâs not like he was driving a personal vehicle, as much as weâd all love to see a some of these massive trucks and SUVs go through a bridge.
To be fair, the stock Ford 750 looks like the douchiest pickup vehicle imaginable. Itâs like if you had asked an AI to design a truck specifically for dudes with fragile masculinity and court-mandated anger management classes. All it needs is twin flagpoles mounted to the back, with the American and confederate flags flying side by side.
Gravel? Holy shit, thatâs poor judgement. How can you be comfortable driving such a big truck over a wooden bridge, then add potentially tons of gravel?
and is probably going to hear about it for the rest of their lives.
As they should. They either ignored the signage and/or were oblivious to the weight they were driving around. Both major safety issues. They should have their license suspended for a bit and potentially banned from a cdl.
Okay because despite being a commercial vehicle I would have believed someone telling me that it's mostly used to commute in a residential area lol. Often people drive pickups because they feel they need a truck even tho they never use the bed
Damn. The posted limit on the bridge is 3 tons. The truck empty weighs 4.5 tons and they were hauling a full load of gravel. What an idiot. They better yank the driver's commercial license because he obviously wasn't reading any signs.
I used to live near a few covered bridges, and trucks would always be doing shit like this. They'd either be overweight and cause damage to the bridge (though never this bad) or they'd be too tall and drive off with part of the bridge attached.
The term Historic is being used to grab attention, but this is fixable, even it will take until Spring. The article states that it was rebuilt in the 70's, but the wooden deck has almost certainly been replaced a few times since then.
Historic is also there to point to why the bridge isnât at fault. Modern bridges can often handle such weights, but historic bridges canât. Certain parts of the country have reason (aesthetics, historical value, and tourism) to rebuild and restore their historic bridges rather than replace them with modern bridges.
Fun fact: school buses in the US are legally allowed to ignore posted weight limits on bridges. While this may seem particularly insane, usually on bridges the posted weight limit is not the weight that will make the bridge instantly collapse, it's the weight that if regularly exceeded by crossing vehicles will cause undue wear and require the bridge to be repaired or replaced sooner than it otherwise would have been. School buses are infrequent enough (and relatively light enough, even despite the child obesity epidemic) that they don't create a significant problem.
On a wooden bridge like this, though, the same logic does not apply. I sure wouldn't cross it in my school bus, but the height limit would preclude that anyway.
I swear to god, the Ford F-750 looks like if you had asked AI to design the biggest lifted pickup specifically for the dudes with fragile masculinities and court-mandated anger management classes.
F-750 is sold for specialized uses, as ambulance, crane vehicle, etc. It is a commercial vehicle, not a normal truck for private individuals. In fact, this picture is a modified F-750(well technically all F-750 are modified). Normally the truck comes just as a base platform and then you build stuff on it.
yeah, my dad had one back in the day. No extended cab, no bed, no fancy chrome trimmings, was the very front and a rear frame platform. He had a box truck style trailer on his when he was doing contract work.
No, Ford sells the F750 as a cab-and-frame to companies that use the chassis as the platform for building utility vehicles. That image is a custom creation.
To be "fair", with how material exhaustion works, it could have totally been fine, as the bridge only would have bent and creaked beneath the guy, and then the next, under-weight-limit car would have fallen in.
Yeah you can destructively overload a structure a number of times before catastrophic failure unless you go way over. It may be internal stress but it can be as far as shearing a bolt or two. But each time you lower the load bearing capacity of the structure, and once thatâs begun the structure is on borrowed time and you wonât notice until itâs too late unless you have regular inspections
The careful text-books measure (Let all who build beware!) The load, the shock, the pressure Material can bear. So, when the buckled girder Lets down the grinding span, The blame of loss, or murder, Is laid upon the man. Not on the Stuff â the Man!
I think we can rule out any other possibility. Either they didnât know the weight of their truck and ignored the weight limit, or they did know the weight of their truck and ignored the weight limit. Either way, they ignored the weight limit.
I lived by a historic covered bridge as a kid. The people in the area would have been PISSED if something like this happened. The bridge was originally designed for horses and buggies, so if your vehicle weighed too much, you couldn't go on it.
The F-650 and F-750's are designed as small commercial trucks that should have small dump truck bodies or maybe flat bed for hauling other materials. They are not meant to just have a standard pickup bed on the back. They are ideal for small contractors who do not need as large a quantity of material that a large triaxle truck can carry. But of course, some people want the biggest personal truck to drive around so things like your picture are born.
These cars aren't resembling tanks, but are literally tanks! Their size measures up to being one of a tank, their weight one of a tank, and the damage it fucking causes when it rams into a family of four in a small sedan one of a tank.
Imagine the amount they cost tax payers from road repairs alone, enough to build a functioning fast rail network in California
Fuckcars is a very toxic community. Not just this one on lemmy. Online bicycle activists are like vegans, actively turning people away from an objectively good lifestyle because they're just such giant sanctimonious dicks about it.
Many communities have some number of jerks. I actually find that people constantly stereotype based on outliers they hear about online. I've met very few vegans who were normal, reasonable prople, yet I've met very many people who steteotype and hate on vegans despite knowing none.
Edit 3: I know nobody here is going to miss me, but I'm going to block this community and I feel it's fair for me to get to explain why. I've frequented this community since I came from reddit and the comments always come across as "us vs them" to the point of hostility toward each other. It's really not kind or welcoming. I hope you all have a nice day and find that feeling of welcomeness that I was looking for
Edit 2: Are people just angry? I ask a genuine question and get two snide remarks as answers. Lemmy is proving to be NO better than reddit
Is it just me or does the bridge on the left look like it has concrete flooring? If so, why didn't they just get two pictures of the actual affected bridge?
Edit: please don't just downvote me. I'm asking a question because I don't know the answer
Not sure if you already saw this answer, but if you zoom into the pictures, they both are the same bridge. The picture on the left at first looks like it has a concrete floor, but it's just a trick of the lighting.
The wooden planks are in the shade and it creates the illusion that they are the same color as the asphalt road that runs up to the actual bridge surface.
Once you zoom in, you can see all the individual wooden planks in the left photo.
I was confused too the first time I saw the picture.
The quality of online discourse suffers severely on weekends, particularly holiday weekends. I support and respect that you expect more. But, everything at scale is ,at best, moderate. Find your tiny home. Then, venture out only when you want. Consider using a couple of accounts to segregate conversations at home from conversations outside.
You're giving them too much credit. Yeah it would be nice if online discussions could be more civil but the "snide" comments mentioned were not worth getting upset about and one of them wasn't even snide at all but actually helpful and genuinely answering the question to which they responded defensively and playing the victim. That kind of victim mentality to actually helpful comments that maybe the original commenter didn't want to hear and editing to whine about downvotes is just as annoying as moderately uncivil comments.