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Socializing Advice to Break out of NPC voice lines?
  • So for example, if I want to talk about a movie I watched recently, I might say “did you see any good movies lately?”

    This is great advice! It sets the context so they know you want to talk about movies you enjoyed which helps to know if you saying something about the movie is a good or bad thing in your opinion.

    Going directly to talking about the details of the movie or something it does means they are going to be either assuming context or even excessive staring while they actively think about what you are saying.

  • Steam allowing curators to promote homophobia.
  • The list would be pretty good if the games were recommended with the exact same text!

  • Steam allowing curators to promote homophobia.
  • Curators are just the steam equivalent of movie reviewers.

    If you get familiar with a reviewer's take on things it can help to know if something will be enjoyable based on their preferences to yours. For me, I loved Ebert's reviews because it wasn't the score he gave, but how he worded the review. Some reviews were listing the things he disliked, but since I knew he disliked certain things I loved, it let me know that kind of movie getting a low review from him meant it would be dumb fun and not pretentious. Butbif he mentioned something that we both disliked, I knew to skip that movie.

  • Steam allowing curators to promote homophobia.
  • You treat people existing as political.

    Is a gay couple in a movie political?

    Why isn't a straight couple political?

  • Steam allowing curators to promote homophobia.
  • Gay people exist.

    BippinThatBop took that personally.

  • Stop resisting like the liberals say.
  • Yup, and was twisted to mean the opposite just like rotten apples.

  • Real
  • Compressors fail way too often nowadays. The higher priced old ones were built sturdier and if they didn't fail in a year because of a defect they run almost indefinitely.

    The idea that they never fail comes from survivorship bias.

  • The alarm clock in my room at the beach house I'm staying in
  • Oooh yeah. I had a similar one and used the radio for the alarm because I would sleep through the buzzers but not music.

  • Stop resisting like the liberals say.
  • "Pull yourself up by the bootstraps!"

    "That is literally impossible."

  • But it'll all be fine, I'm sure it'll blow over and never affect me
  • While voter apathy is a big problem, it is likely that voter suppression targeted at the tie breaking areas has more of an effect on the overall outcomes. Suppression includes duscouraging engagement, leading to apathy.

    Like I have voted in every election that I could, but my electoral college votes always went to the person I voted against. Even locally the vast, vast majority of my votes were for the losing party. It is really hard to not be apathetic, and for me voting is a breeze.

  • Are you a real patriot?
  • Real patriots love unique animals on any continent!

  • Rights for me, not for thee
  • Buddy Jesus is the best fictional Jesus.

  • But it'll all be fine, I'm sure it'll blow over and never affect me
  • This is a post is a follow up to SCOTUS ruling that the president has the same powers as a dictator.

  • But it'll all be fine, I'm sure it'll blow over and never affect me
  • No, the point of the argument is to convince the people who are not planning to vote at all to show up.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • The Dems and their constituents are not ok with this power for the president.

    I just made a comment as a contrast to the Republicans who stacked the courts to get this decision so they could abuse it.

    The only people who are ok with this are the Republicans.

  • Ribbons on vents. Why?
  • Alao if the airflow atarts because it it bringing in toxic gas, or oxygen that instantly fills a room that was without enough.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • I didn't say anything about them fixing it, just not abusing it.

  • What is "Toastify is awesome”?
  • Toastify is apparently something used in the lemmy software to do notifications.

    "Toastify is awesome" appears to be the default text. Some other errors that are clear have the same text and colorful square formatting.

    So when you see that it is like seeing an error message for "something went wrong" but silly instead.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • Any president can get away with it, but only one party's candidates will actually do it.

    The party that put these fascist judges on the bench will do it, in case that wasn't obvious.

  • Remember that?
  • The convicted rapist/felon who constantly sounds like he is sundowning at every event including the debate, and openly states he will be using fascist tactics to punish his political enemies, but he does so without stuttering!

  • The planned PSN requirement has been canceled!
