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Lettuceeatlettuce Lettuce eat lettuce

Always eat your greens!

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Comments 721
Nexus mods want feedback from Linux / Steam Deck users on their new cross-platform app
  • Yeah, I have a friend who was very interested in switching to Linux on his gaming computer.

    His game of choice is Arma 3, which I play and runs great on Linux. But then he asked me, "what about mods?" He plays Arma with a massive amount of mods, and not just Steam workshop ones, all kinds.

    I tried to replicate all his mods on my installation as a proof of concept, but after over 2 hours, it still didn't work.

    Having really solid and easy modding would be awesome.

  • RegreSSHion Mitigation Debian Stable?
  • Never mind, found the Debian security bulletin, my version is patched already.

    Leaving this here for any other newbies that might be wondering.

    Sorry, all!

  • RegreSSHion Mitigation Debian Stable?

    I'm running a few Debian stable systems that are up to date on patches.

    But I just ran ssh -V and the OpenSSH version listed is "OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3" which as I understand is still vulnerable.

    Am I missing something or am I good?

    Toxic PFAS absorbed through skin at levels higher than previously thought
  • Fair point. Frustrating to feel like we live in a world of literally "pick your poison."

  • Toxic PFAS absorbed through skin at levels higher than previously thought
  • In the last year I have switched to all cast iron, carbon steel, and stainless steel for all my pots and pans.

    No Teflon or "non-stick" coated garbage for me. Properly seasoned and cared for cast iron, carbon, or stainless steel will all be nearly as good as a "non-stick" pan and doesn't have the risk factor.

    Recently, non-stick pans have been released that supposedly are safer, but I don't really feel like trusting billion dollar corpos to not lie for the 20th time about that, not when there are fantastic alternatives.

  • Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register
  • Sure GPL/Creative Commons all your code involved in any way for your models, documentation, parameters, data sets, and allow full unlimited integration and modification by any parties to any portion of it.

  • Yup that's how I got depressed
  • IT workers desperately need to unionize. There is so much bullshit that happens, folks are expected to do three different roles at once, have multiple technical stacks they are experts in, and work extra hours + be on call after hours or on weekends.

  • The last time you were scared, why?
  • Thanks, and right back at you.

  • The last time you were scared, why?
  • Most every day this week, I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to accomplish all that I want and should.

    I'm scared of letting down the people I care about most.

    I'm scared that I'm not going to be strong enough when life throws really brutal curve balls at me.

  • Linux in the military
  • I've heard that the DoD uses RHEL pretty extensively. RHEL in the US Military

    That article says that the US military has the largest single install base for RHEL in the world, but that was about 15 years ago, I don't know if that's still true.

    Apparently back then the US nuclear sub fleet and its sonar systems also ran on RHEL.

    I suspect lots of military hardware runs some form of *Nix or BSD type system. Many embedded systems run some *Nix type OS, and a huge portion of the developed world's weaponry is smart, so it it full of low power embedded systems and custom SoCs.

  • Discussion: Do you donate financially to any OSS projects?
  • I have a monthly budget that I pay recurring charges out of, a couple hundred USD a year give or take.

    I also do a lot of one-off donations to various projects and creators.

    I also have some FOSS software/services that I pay monthly for premium features on, like Bitwarden, Proton, and Podverse.

  • [Gamers Nexus] "Google is Getting Worse," ft. Wendell of Level1 Techs
  • Similar tactic among all the large tech corpos, switch focus to IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, become the backbone of the modern computing landscape.

    It's basically a slow switch to becoming critical international infrastructure like power grids, water ways, and gas/oil pipelines.

    This all while locking you in as much as possible and milking as much value as they can squeeze.

  • Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale
  • "Sintendo" lol!!!

    I'm gunna start using that haha.

  • Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • Here's my twisted life exposed...I have no issue watching 1080p on my QLED 4K TV. I game at 1080p happily, I honestly don't give a shit about 4K content.

    1080p looks good enough for me, and I actually watch 720p on my phone screen half the time too.

    And not because of lack of speed, I have a 1Gbps+ fiber line up and down.

    And tbh, if it means I get to own and control my media, I would tolerate even worse quality if that's what I needed to do.

    Grunge computing ftw! Quality at the cost of your soul? Fuck that!

  • Any lemmies that are politically neutral?
  • You're not listening to anything I'm saying, so I'm not really interested in continuing.

    I've been extremely charitable to you despite your offensive commentary with other users and myself, I've made a half-dozen points in my other comments and you haven't engaged with any of them.

    You're either supremely ignorant or you are a blatant transphobe trying to pretend you're confused and innocently curious.

    I've given you resources to get informed, if you're a genuine person you'll follow them. If not, then your question of why you're constantly getting banned from inclusive communities has been answered.

  • Any lemmies that are politically neutral?
  • You are literally the "enlightened centrist" stereotype, and you are talking nonsense about trans treatment. Despite the vast majority of research showing that gender affirming care has extremely high success rates and almost all trans folks not regretting transitioning, you apparently refuse to accept that.

    Worse yet, you are trying to frame your bigotry as love and care, the same way homophobic Christians claim they "love and care about gay people."

    There is no such thing as a "politically neutral" position. That would imply that there is some perfect center between different views, as if political viewpoints can be narrowed down to a 2-dimensional line with "right" & "left." All views have implications for society, and everybody falls into different varying categories and schools of thought, even if they aren't aware of it.

    Claiming that you don't means either you are either very ignorant to political theory and philosophy, or you are deliberately being obtuse out of some false sense of moral/intellectual superiority.

    Inform yourself, or if you're a bigot, just be open about it and stop pretending you're somehow magically above or outside of political/social biases.

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • Appimage is probably the most similar to a naked .exe in Windows. They are useful for small apps or simple indie games, but I prefer Flatpaks for my everyday big applications.

    Agreed, Snaps are like Flatpaks but worse because locked down back end and Canonical's sketchy nature. Imagine a really delicious pastry that anybody can make and sell, then imagine the same pastry but only one bakery in the world can make and sell it. Which would you prefer? Lol

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • Essentially yes, if you start using lots if older applications or mixing applications that use many different dependency versions, you will start to use lots of extra disk space because the different apps have to use their own separate dependency trees and so forth.

    This doesn't mean it will be like 2x-3x the size as traditional packages, but from what I've seen, it could definitely be 10-20% larger on disk. Not a huge deal for most people, but if you have limited disk space for one reason or another, it could be a problem.

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • I'm not an expert, but from my understanding, more like android apps.

    They aren't totally isolated like a docker or LXC container would be, but they are generally self-contained.

    The Linux Experiment has a really great vid that goes into detail on all common packaging formats in Linux including Flatpaks:

    Linux Packaging Formats Explained

  • Heliboard 1.2 Released, Fixes Haptic Feedback Bug Release HeliBoard 1.2 · Helium314/HeliBoard

    Changes since 1.0: new signing key: unfortunately you will have to backup your settings and uninstall the app before you can install v1.2, see #624 fix haptic and audio feedback (#597, #602, #604,...

    Release HeliBoard 1.2 · Helium314/HeliBoard

    Heliboard 1.2 has just released. This version fixes a bug with certain Android devices not providing haptic feedback or audio feedback.

    Thanks devs!

    Heliboard V1.2

    [Edited] Ironically my keyboard auto corrected its own name to "helipad." Embarrassing 😵‍💫


    Suggestions for Short Rack Mount Case

    I have a very short equipment rack installed in my server closet. It is only 16 inches deep, fine for most networking uses, but not great for most rack-mount server cases.

    I am looking for case suggestions that would fit my rack, 16 inch depth maximum. Height isn't a problem, the rack has a ton of vertical space, over 15U, it's the depth that's an issue.



    I Converted my Parents to Mint!

    Crossposted this on the main Linux Lemmy, but figured y'all would also appreciate it.

    I'm visiting my parents for the holidays and convinced them to let me switch them to Linux.

    They use their computer for the typical basic stuff; email, YouTube, Word, Facebook, and occasionally printing/scanning.

    I promised my mom that everything would look the same and work the same. I used Linux Mint and customized the theme to look like Windows 10. I even replaced the Mint "Start" button with the Windows logo.

    So far they like it and everything runs great. Plus it's snappier now that Windows isn't hogging all the system resources.

    My mom even commented on "how nice it looks." Great work Mint team and community, we have added a few more to the ranks!


    Switched my Parents to Linux

    I'm visiting my parents for the holidays and convinced them to let me switch them to Linux.

    They use their computer for the typical basic stuff; email, YouTube, Word, Facebook, and occasionally printing/scanning.

    I promised my mom that everything would look the same and work the same. I used Linux Mint and customized the theme to look like Windows 10. I even replaced the Mint "Start" button with the Windows logo.

    So far they like it and everything runs great. Plus it's snappier now that Windows isn't hogging all the system resources.


    Ransomware and Backups

    I'm confused about protecting backups from ransomware. Online, people say that backups are the most critical aspect to recovering from a ransomware attack.

    But how do you protect the backups themselves from becoming encrypted too? Is it simply a matter of having totally unique and secure credentials for the backup medium?

    Like, if I had a Synology NAS as a backup for my production environment's shared storage, VM backups, etc, hooked up to the network via gigabit, what stops ransomware malware from encrypting that Synology too?

    Thanks in advance for the feedback!


    FOSS Friendly Printing Services?

    Does anybody have suggestions for an online service that prints things like business cards, brochures, and pamphlets?

    If not FOSS, I would like to find a company online that has principles that align with positive things like workers rights, locally owned, sustainable, etc.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!


    Copyleft Equivalent for Trademarks?

    Is there a copyleft equivalent for trademarks? I'm thinking of starting a project with distinct branding but I want everything to be based in FOSS principles.


    What Cars do You Swear By?

    Just found out that my current car will die any day now due to a known defect. It's out of warranty and I have no money to replace it right now.

    I've been cursed with car problems my whole life, no matter how well I take care of them, I keep getting screwed.

    All of the cars have been Fords because I always heard they were generally dependable and cheap to repair/upkeep, but so far they have all failed me.

    What cars do y'all recommend? What cars do you have that just won't give up the ghost no matter how old/beat up they get? If your life depended on your car lasting as long as possible, what car would you drive?

    I want whatever car I get next to last me 10-20 years. I want to be that person posting a picture of the odometer hitting 300k miles. I also don't care much about features, reliability is key.


    The Future Milwaukee Public Museum

    Here's the FAQ page for anybody who's curious. The new Milwaukee public museum is going to look amazing! I wasn't 100% on the design at first, but after attending a few meetings, I'm sold.

    Really excited to see this completed in the coming years!


    Dead Bird Brewing, Local Brews & Food

    Check out this little microbrewery if you have the chance. All vegan food and a bunch of localmy brewed beers and sodas. Main room is filled with arcade games, a great place to hang out for all ages.


    New Apartment Tower Well on the Way 333 North Water Street

    333 N. Water Street is a 31-story luxury residential tower located in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward. As the tallest new development in the ward, the project serves as a gateway to the creative district with its central location along the river and the Historic Third Ward streetcar line.

    333 North Water Street

    Just drove past this last night and it's already looking beautiful! Super excited to see it when construction is completed.


    Honeybee Sage Apothecary and Cafe HoneyBee Sage Wellness & Apothecary

    HoneyBee Sage Wellness & Apothecary

    A local Black-owned cafe and tea shop that is absolutely worth checking out. Great drinks, food, and company! My spouse and I have been here several times since they opened and love it.


    Local Business Pilcrow Coffee Pilcrow Coffee

    Telling the story from farm to cup by bringing a unique blend of coffee to our customers. Nitro coffee, whole bean, subscriptions and wholesale all available!

    Pilcrow Coffee

    My spouse and I love going here. The staff are super friendly and fast. The coffee and snacks are delicious!


    Male Loneliness and Pets

    Does anybody have any studies that look at male loneliness and pets? I know from personal experience that a pet can be the difference between falling into a depressive spiral and not.

    I don't know what I would do without my cats, they are wonderful companions, very sweet and they seem to sense when I'm feeling down and come to cuddle with me or ask me to play.

    Have any other folks here had similar experiences they'd like to share?


    Anysoft Keyboard Private?

    Just started using AnySoftKeyboard and I'm loving it so far. But I want to know if it is actually private and safe to use.

