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SpaceCowboy SpaceCowboy
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Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • Yeah it's just being angry about the fact that the Earth is rotating ball. Wanting to abolish timezones is different from Flat Earth only be degrees.

    Sure the "what time is it there?" question goes away, but it's replaced by "what are your business hours?"

    Ultimately it will be daytime in one part of the world while it's night in another part of the world. That will always cause problems.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Tankie being triggered by reality... tale as old as... well not time... but as old as Stalin anyway.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • I mean the alternative is literally fascism. Not the silly internet "fascism" that's just about someone that disagrees with you that you perceive is right of you on some silly made up political spectrum. Actual full blown fascism.

    So yeah you need to vote for Joe Biden.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • This premise depends on the assumption that "everyone is stupid except for me!"

    We can sum up the sentiment as "don't choose the lesser of two evils because you're fucking moron that forgets things easily!"

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • The "get your name out there" idea is the problem.

    For a third party to be successful they'd need to first build a massive grassroots movement behind it. That takes a lot of effort and may not be successful.

    And what happens if you build that grassroots movement but the Democrats say "hey people seem to care a lot about this issue so lets put it on the platform." Then what if the Dems actually deal with that issue? Well then that grassroots movement was a success! Except the leaders of the movement may not "get their name out there" as their name isn't on a ballot that everyone sees.

    Basically US third parties are mostly about giving name recognition to a few individuals (who may or may not have brain worms) so they can get on TV and have some notoriety. People voting third party feel like they're sticking it to someone... when really the people they're sticking it to don't have enough votes to do much and the people they're voting for just want to be on TV.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • Bernie does it the right way. Build a base of support to influence people who will then influence the politicians.

    Most politicians are going to make platforms based on polling numbers and a general sense about what the voters want. Kinda how things are supposed to work in a representative democracy. The politicians are supposed to represent the people when passing laws and setting policy.

    As nice as it sounds in theory to be able to check a box beside the name of a person that agrees with you already, it's just not feasible because everyone has different ideas and different priorities. So you gotta check a box beside the person that's most likely to be sympathetic to your ideas and priorities (and actually has a shot of actually being a representative) and then make some noise to convince them they should do something about the issues you care about.

  • Aliens haven't contacted us. Scientists found a compelling reason why.
  • Yup. It's the answer that conflicts with sci-fi, but fits out best understanding of how things work. It's also the answer people don't want to hear.

    Also we only know of one planet that has life on it. There's really nothing we can do with statistics with a sample size of one. So it's just as likely that we're the only sentient life in the universe as it is there's millions of of sentient lifeforms out there. That is to say we simply don't know.

    But I still like sci-fi where there's a lot of interesting aliens that can fairly easily warp around the universe to hang out. But it is fiction.

  • Aliens haven't contacted us. Scientists found a compelling reason why.
  • I mean if they're interplanetary colonizers...

  • Aliens haven't contacted us. Scientists found a compelling reason why.
  • Maybe it's impossible to travel faster than the speed of light? So it may not be a thing where aliens can just swing by our solar system to snap a few photos before heading off to the next one.

  • Not even one mainstream scientist?
  • Yeah I was getting some serious "I ain't related to some african monkey" vibes from this.

  • Having to go to a meeting really messes with your flow for the whole day, doesn't it?
  • Yup. and some meetings you people ask you a question so you legit need some time to think about what information you should look up before the meeting. Even if 95% of the time nobody asks you anything, you gotta take some time to think about the topic the meeting is on and whether there might be a question for you so you have the answer for that 5% of the time. But 100% of the time you have to stop and consider what the meeting is about beforehand for the 5% of the time there's an actual question.

    Also when I know I have a meeting coming up, I don't want to get in too deep on something that takes a lot of focus.

  • Microsoft Account to local account conversion guide erased from official Windows 11 guide — instructions redacted earlier this week
  • It can be more than superficial. If you're restoring files from your old PC to your new one, it could make a mess of things if the user account is in a different path. Probably not a lot of people write scripts for their windows PC, but those could break.

    Sure it would be a janky restore or janky script if it was explicitly specifying the path of the home directory instead of the environment variable. But environment variables have been janky in the past on windows, so it's best to just keep the paths as consistent as possible when migrating to a new system.

    Kinda shit they just wouldn't prompt you for what you want your home director called tho.

    Also, LOL at your email address.

  • Debian used to be so good. What happened!?
  • Yeah if it were about security they'd check the version of HTTPS, SSL, TLS and all that stuff.

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now.

    Hezbollah, not Lebanon. Please don't legitimize terrorist groups by considering them to be the government of the country they operate in. Lebanon has elections, please support democracy and it's not consider Hezbollah as Lebanon's government, even if those psychopaths have control over a significant portion of the country.

    That being said, Nasrallah is probably under significant pressure to do something to help Hamas in some way. Last week he put out some threats against Israel. Israel put out counter threats. In all likelihood that's where things will stay, neither side wants a war with the other.

    The media is always saying a war is imminent. Remember when they were claiming China was going to invade Taiwan any minute? There's probably some outlets that're still are saying that sometimes. It gets clicks, views, and ratings.

    Who knows they might be right this time (a stopped clock is right twice a day) but it seems doubtful.

    So, where will it stop?

    In terms of Gaza, Hamas is still holding Israeli hostages. It's not going to stop as long as Hamas is holding Israelis hostage.

    Hamas is likely making a lot of money from the suffering of Palestinians. So they don't have much incentive to release the hostage and put an end to the conflict.

    So it will continue on as the IDF goes house to house trying to find the people that Hamas took on October 7.

    Eventually either the IDF will find all of the hostages or Hamas will release them. Then it will end.

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • Wow you went in deep down the rabbit hole there.

  • Well?
  • As we all know Hamas unchecked friendly fire when they started the server, so nothing in Gaza was damaged by Hamas. So when they engage in a firefight with the IDF, their bullets and rockets have no affect on the property or the people in the area.

  • Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza
  • Critical thinking isn't exactly your strong suit, is it?

  • Israel ready for ‘all-out war’ in Lebanon
  • Ah, so you've got a mental block about October 7. Got it.

  • Israel ready for ‘all-out war’ in Lebanon
  • Gonna keep on disregarding any fact or logic that conflicts with the narrative, huh?

  • Toronto police increase presence along hospital row after pro-Palestinian protest

    Protest swiftly condemned by all levels of government; organizing group denies hospital targeted

    Toronto police say they are increasing their presence along hospital row after a pro-Palestinian protest downtown on Monday night, including outside Mount Sinai Hospital.

    Toronto Police Service spokesperson Stephanie Sayer told CBC News the increased police presence is to ensure that essential hospital services and emergency routes remain accessible.

    "Interfering with the operations of a hospital is not acceptable," Sayer wrote in an email.

    Police have not said if the hospital's operations were impacted by the protest. The hospital has not responded to CBC News's request for comment.

    "The Toronto Police Service is investigating several incidents that occurred in front of Mount Sinai Hospital and along the demonstration route. As we have said before, officers use their discretion during large crowd demonstrations and even if arrests are not deemed safe to make at the time, investigations will continue and charges can be laid at a later date," Sayer said.


    UN agency probes staff suspected of role in Oct. 7 attacks

    GENEVA, Jan 26 (Reuters) - The United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) said on Friday it had opened an investigation into several employees suspected of involvement in the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel by Hamas and that it had severed ties with those staff members. "The Israeli authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7," said Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General.

    "To protect the agency's ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay."

    Lazzarini did not disclose the number of employees allegedly involved in the attacks, nor the nature of their alleged involvement. He said, however, that "any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror" would be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.


    A Question about bobble heads...

    I'm going to the game tomorrow and I want my Jose Bautista bobblehead!

    Does anyone know how long before the game you have to be at the Skydome before they run out of bobble heads?
