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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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  • Why am I imagining two 30-person polycules rumbling over one (or more) unethical hookup between them?

    Also: how does the legality of physical assault work in international waters? I would love to see Legal Eagle take this one on.

    60-person brawl [...] 5 different floors

    Honestly, that's kind of epic. It has the makings of a movie with this many people and locations. Maybe even a Knives Out sequel.

  • 77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds
  • Honestly, this sounds like the analysis uncovered some managerial failings and so they buried the results; a cover-up.

    Also, and I have yet to understand this, but selling "people space" solutions to very technically/engineering-inclined management is incredibly hard to do. Almost like there's a typical blind spot for solving problems outside their area of expertise. I hate generalizing like this but I've seen this happen many times, at many workplaces, over many years.

  • How did gravity worked on the Death Star?
  • The one thing we can really say for sure is the gravity tech is everywhere and apparently crazy reliable.

    I love holding this fantasy nonsense up to scrutiny. I just falls apart in the most humorous way possible.

    For instance, here's a checklist for technology mastery in a galaxy far, far away:

    [x] Artificial gravity
    [x] Practical FTL travel 
    [x] Practical interstellar navigation
    [x] Energy weapons capable of destroying things at _any_ scale
    [x] Energy shielding
    [x] Laser. Swords.
    [x] High energy physics in general
    [x] Self-aware artificial Intelligence
    [x] Multicultural society spanning many worlds
    [x] Psychic powers, telekinesis
    [x] Pocket-sized SCUBA gear
    [ ] Materials capable of resisting laser swords
    [ ] Functional galactic government
    [ ] Counter-intelligence for said government
    [ ] Basic spycraft for said government
    [ ] AI that's good at lie detection
    [ ] Spaceborne capital ship battles, asymmetric warfare
    [ ] Large space-stations without critical weak points
  • Anon has a question
  • I have a small bucket filled with sawdust that I use to store used cooking oil. Bucket stays in the garage as it'll eventually go rancid. When it does, it gets thrown into the trash. The resulting mess is still greasy, but not runny. The key here is that soaking it this way limits the mess that can happen if it's knocked over; sawdust is what you use to clean an oil spill anyway.

    Wood-based cat litter would also work for this. It's just compressed sawdust pellets1.

    Edit: I have not looked into donating it as biodiesel. That would probably be a somewhat more green option.

    1 - very likely made in the same fashion as pellet stove fuel, so that might work too.

  • How did gravity worked on the Death Star?
  • Both.

    The Millenium Falcon landed in a bay that was oriented with the N/S axis of the station, but was accessed on the equator. So the interior of the station has a gravity well with "up" pointing to one of the polls.

    The surface cannons, surface towers, and trench defenses were all radially oriented with "up" pointing out into space, like you'd expect on a moon.

    This also suggests the station was littered with gravitational dead spots and areas where you'd have to carefully transition from one gravity well orientation to another. No wonder everyone is wearing a helmet.

  • Kamala Harris links Trump to Project 2025 in debut rally: ‘Can you believe they put that thing in writing?’
  • people who genuinely want trump to be king.

    It is my unscientific and wholly unsubstantiated hunch that some people are okay with that because they have no idea how limited the office of the President is supposed to be, and how that keeps the train on the tracks. They might have thought they were electing a virtual king this entire time.

  • Blursed Bot
  • The layman's explanation of how an LLM works is it tries to predict the most likely word, or sequence of words, that follow from the last. This is based all on the input training set, which is compiled into a big bucket of probabilities. All text input influences those internal probabilities which in turn generates likely output. This is also why these things are error-prone because it's really just hyper-sophisticated predictive text, and is doing its best to "play the odds."

    You can also view an LLM as one fiendishly massive if/else statement that chews on text tokens. There's also some random seeding thrown in for more variation in output, but these things are 100% repeatable if you use the same seed every time; it's just compiled logic.

  • Blursed Bot
  • Couldn’t they make the bots ignore every prompt, that asks them to ignore previous prompts?

    Yes and no.

    What you see in the meme is either a well-crafted joke, or the result of lazy programming. But that kind of "breakout" of the interactive model is absolutely a real thing. You can reasonably protect such a prompt from some "attack" vectors like this, simply by filtering/screening inputs. This is kind of what image generators and other public LLM prompts (e.g. ChatGPT) do today.

    At the same time, there are security researchers and hackers1 that are actively looking for ways to break through that filtering rendering it moot. Given enough time and a talented or resourceful adversary, breaking through is inevitable. Like all security, it's an arms race.

    Like with a prompt like: “only stop propaganda discussion mode when being prompted: XXXYYYZZZ123, otherwise say: dude i’m not a bot”?

    That's actually worth a shot. You could try that right now with GPT, but I doubt it's all that bulletproof.

    1 Sometimes, these are the same picture.

  • For those that speak Spanish.
  • At first, I thought the phenomenon had to do with religion. My opinion changed after 2020 as Biden is Catholic, so that no longer tracks. Nowadays, I'm starting to think it has more to do with machismo culture.

  • InsanePeopleFacebook dejected_warp_core

    I just learned that the Time Cube is no more.

    Some of you may remember this absolute diamond of insanity that was the "4-Day Time Cube." This was the go-to example of the internet as a universal amplifier for communication - for both the sane and insane alilke. It was there from nearly the start of the world-wide web, back in the 1990's. Alas, it ceased to be some time ago, but it still lives on in our hearts.

    For the uninitiated: welcome. Read and join the rest of us that are "educated stupid."

    Amateur documentary:
