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boredsquirrel boredsquirrel

My Keyoxide Idendity:

Posts 157
Comments 2.1K
Anything wrong with using my real name in email aliases with organizations I have to communicate using my real identity anyway?
  • This is standard PGP but kind of done automatically as people are lazy. And Thunderbird could be better, AND there is no maintained PGP on Android?

  • What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using?
  • And they use extremely bad coding practices

  • What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using?
  • I want to use COSMIC but its design sucks, I prefer KDE (and on the Rust side: slint).

    I want to use GNOME as what it does works great, but it lacks a whole list of features I use.

    I want to use Haruna or many other KDE apps, but GNOME/GTK apps are often better and I dont care.

    I want to use Gapless as it is the only music player on Linux that seems to not suck? But it lacks many features.

  • Anyone knows if it's possible to color command line commands as you type them (kind of like an editor)?
  • Haha no didnt think of that? Hm, I dont know why it would be an issue then. POSIX compliant shells should be no problem, but I wouldnt do it for fish

  • Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” released!
  • Willma das vielleicht nochmal posten?

  • Anything wrong with using my real name in email aliases with organizations I have to communicate using my real identity anyway?
  • Tracking just sender/recipient needs way less storage than saving entire mails, HTML, Images etc.

    So if you have your name in the address, and you communicate with shit servers, it will be saved for sure.

    If not, then maybe not.

  • Anyone knows if it's possible to color command line commands as you type them (kind of like an editor)?
  • Yes bash scripts still work, but I heard there may be other things that randomly break.

    Many things use #!/bin/sh for example, which often is a link to bash, but may not work anymore.

  • Thunderbird gets system tray notifications after 24 years • The Register
  • Btw the system notifications work really well on KDE Plasma!

  • Anyone knows if it's possible to color command line commands as you type them (kind of like an editor)?
  • Yeah please dont use chsh.

    Zsh may work, dash (which is a faster, smaller reimplementation of bash) may work.

    But fish absolutely doesnt.

    Just because you want to have a nice writing experience, that doesnt mean your whole OS needs a different shell.

    I will experiment with dash though. Ubuntu uses it as the root shell, so it is really well tested.

  • Anyone knows if it's possible to color command line commands as you type them (kind of like an editor)?
  • Fish shell

    You can change the used shell in the configs. At least for Alacritty, when I used it (dont care, it was still kinda broken, I just use Konsole)

  • My PC didn't crash three times making this meme
  • Oh well... that is not nice for the new Novacustom coreboot laptops!

  • ich📱⌚📺iel
  • "Joor, weißt du kann man nix machen, ich installier mal Fedora Kinoite dad funzt"

  • A cool guide to types of doctors
  • In German:

    • Frauenarzt
    • Hautarzt
    • Ohrenarzt (or the lovely abbreviation HNO)
  • In vielen Metropolen wird die Mietpreisbremse umgangen
  • Interessant! Danke für die Info

    Ist der Aufschlag einmalig oder regelmäßig?

  • A CVE in the universal Turing machine from 1967, that doesn't matter

    4 Would you prefer a less customizable desktop, for increased stability?

    I would like to collect some opinions of Plasma users, just for fun, to get a better image. poll poll A big cause of issues that only occur on the user’s side is “changing settings away from the default”. It would be impossible to test all these cases. poll A desktop with a few bugs may be very fi...

    Would you prefer a less customizable desktop, for increased stability?

    I am not a KDE dev, but interested in that topic.

    To partiticipate you can sign up in the forum, and maybe stay a bit and help other users ;)


    🦊 Firefox Breeze Dark Theme Breeze Dark Plasma6 – Get this Theme for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)

    Download Breeze Dark Plasma6 for Firefox. The KDE 5.x Breeze Dark theme, for Firefox!

    Breeze Dark Plasma6 – Get this Theme for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)

    I have no idea why Mozilla doesnt show this theme.

    I use Breeze Dark, as I am a simple guy :)

    But the "Breeze Dark" Theme on AMO (firefox insider name for :D) is just wrong?

    So I created my own one, with the Addon "Firefox Color" and the Plasma Color-Picker.

    !Picture of my Desktop



    Intel's HBFA-FL fuzzer for UEFI CI-CD fuzzing


    Power9, Talos-II PC, the most open source modern PC you can get

    I just saw this, even if it is pretty old.

    They continue the IMB powerPC architecture.

    Talk with a developer

    3mdeb develops coreboot for the architecture.

    Here is an interesting presentation

    OS Installation is complex, but Linux/BSD with support for ppc64 should work.

    The used AMD Radeon Pro WX7100 GPU is pretty open, but the boot code contains blobs.

    Just as the NVME controller.


    This is a competitor to RISC-V, while the latter is in early steps but is high in trend and developing fast.

    FYI, SimpleX chat on RISC-V


    Verified Boot and secure updates - How to do them securely and openly?


    Modern OpenWRT router recommendations (EU, Germany)?

    Hey, I am looking for a router to use as a mesh device behind a Fritzbox.

    In the future I may use it as the main device.

    I am looking for something good, open, Wifi 6 or higher, with good support.


    Dasharo and Coreboot at KIT Research (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


    NovaCustom: demonstrating V54 and V56 Series Linux Laptops


    Fehlende Communities?

    Ich würde mir oft noch paar mehr Communities wünschen, bin aber schon auf meiner anderen Instanz (zu Zeiten gewechselt) ganz glücklich.

    • Reisen
    • Produktempfehlungen



    Less Than Half of Android Users Have Upgraded to Android 13 or 14! 🤯

    Funny, the comment types here are the same as on Youtube:

    1. "I still run Android and it is totally fine, will never switch Android just got worse!"
    2. "Well, money"
    3. "Companies need to support phones longer"
    4. "I just use LineageOS on that device"
    5. Misinformation

    Libreoffice released an Android version!

    Edit: the app seems to be pretty old, I like the Writer editing more (it works) but for other things, CollaboraOffice is way better.

    Has anyone tried that on a tablet? The phone UI has like no features


    Currently it is a "viewer" (renderer with usable UI) and editing features are experimental.

    They only release their APK to Google Play for whatever reason, but you can use F-Droid to get it

    Bugs can normally be reported to their bugtracker and you can join their forum for more community support!

    Youtube Demo Video

    Downside: the editing features are VERY rudimentary, while the app is only about 50MB (⅕) smaller than Collabora-Office, which has better features overall.


    Libreoffice released an Android version!

    Currently it is a "viewer" (renderer with usable UI) and editing features are experimental.

    They only release their APK to Google Play for whatever reason, but you can use F-Droid to get it

    Bugs can normally be reported to their bugtracker and you can join their forum for more community support!

    Youtube Demo Video

    Downside: the editing features are VERY rudimentary, while the app is only about 50MB (⅕) smaller than Collabora-Office, which has better features overall.

    10 Eine Alternative zu Google Maps und Komoot!

    Nejpoužívanější mapový portál v ČR s celou řadou tématických map - základní, turistickou, cyklistickou, dopravní a plno dalších. Nabízí možnost reálného leteckého, panoramatického nebo 3D pohledu. Rozsáhlé množství obsahu, firem a turistických bodů zájmu. Umožňuje vyhledávání, plánování tras, měření...

    Die App wurde mir gerade empfohlen.

    Ist vollständig auf Deutsch übersetzt und bietet ein einfaches modernes Design wie Google Maps, aber mit Downloadfunktion, Tourplanung wie Komoot.

    Die APK gibts auch APKPure

    Somit auch über Obtainium möglich.

    Bietet ähnlich viele, aber andere Funktionen wie OrganicMaps. Und natürlich seehr viel weniger als OSMAnd+, was dafür aber sehr viel komplizierter zu benutzen ist.

    Eine gute Alternative für die Eltern oder Großeltern :)


    me_irl boredsquirrel



    ADHS: Erfahrungen mit der App "Addie"?

    Hab mal geschaut nach Apps die einem beim Existieren helfen.

    Der meiste Kram ist bullshit. Download dauert ewig (wahrscheinlich 400MB+), trotzdem bekommt man ohne Internetverbindung maximal ein "bitte Verbinden, um Meditationen herunterzuladen".

    Die Addie App ist bezahlt, aber von der ADHD Foundation unterstützt, klang ganz gut. Aber bevor ich mir die aufs Handy schmeiße und dafür bezahle, hat wer Erfahrungen?

    DuckDuckGo Suche ergab:

    !noscript mit etlichen angezeigten Trackern

    Das wars schon. Wirklich nicht überzeugend. Ich schreibe die Entwickler mal an.

    Das ist der Exodus report:


    Absolut unangemessen für eine bezahlte App.


    Howto unlock KeepassDX with your Secure Element

    Google Pixel phones, especially with GrapheneOS, are worlds more secure than other technologies.

    Every user account is decrypted with a key generated by the secure element, and the pin is just used to unlock that key.

    But the secure element is rarely used in other applications.

    Here is how to unlock your KeepassDX Storage with it:

    1. Create a password storage with a very secure and long password. Length is especially important, prefer to use tons of nonsense words, over hard to remember symbols
    2. In KeepassDX Settings, under "unlock settings" enable "use system unlock"
    3. Enter the password for the password storage.
    4. Instead of pressing Enter, press on the button in the bottom left to register the password in the Android Keystore.

    From now on you can unlock your password storage using all the security that your device offers.

    The only weakness is the password, so make it as long as possible.

    To copy-paste passwords relatively securely, you can use Florisboard's internal clipboard. Enable "sync from system clipboard", and disable "sync to system clipboard".

    If you copy things using the button on Florisboard, it will only be saved in Florisboards internal app storage, not your system clipboard, which is accessible to all input devices (keyboard apps) and foreground apps.

    To delete things from the system clipboard (which only holds one entry) you can use apps like this one

    I recommend Obtainium to get the latest versions of these apps.

    Here is a list of available app configs


    Discover Forums using the Discourse Software! Discourse Discover

    Discover your next favourite Discourse community.

    I spend way too much time on this. It has awesome features, a good mobile UI, maaany many systems to sort things, flexible permissions and more.


    • Fedora
    • KDE
    • uBlue
    • Tor project (they also have an onion site)
    • Manjaro, EndeavorOS, Garuda
    • Brave
    • Nextcloud
    • ZorinOS
    • PrivacyGuides, Techlore
    • Audacity
    • Anki
    • Joplin ...

    Searching for the best Music Player


    before you start commenting that TUI musicplayer xy is the best, my priorities:

    must have:

    • support for m3u playlists (synced to Android with Syncthingy) should autodetect them in a single folder I use also for the music files, and read/write them
    • support for viewing all files
    • support for custom music directories
    • support for deleting music files
    • Flatpak OR clutterfree on KDE

    would like:

    • Pipewire output
    • nice simple GUI
    • modern, clutterfree design OR customizability
    • subtitles, cover images, etc.

    I used G4Music which looks awesome and has minimal playlist support. It works really well but it cant write to the playlist. It is blazingly fast, and I made an issue, offering a bounty for write-to-playlist support.

    I found Lollypop, the old GTK UI is way better than the Qt alternatives, while still kinda ugly. But it seems to tick all boxes, apart from Pipewire support.


    What I tried:


    • UI perfect
    • no file deletion
    • no playlist addition
    • no playlist creation


    • UI is bareable
    • pulseaudio, no setting at all
    • playlist support including writing to! You need to enable it
    • lots of internet stuff for artwork and subtitles
    • sane defaults

    GNOME music

    • does not detect my .m3u playlists
    • slow
    • needs pulseaudio
    • settings are a joke
    • no folder view


    • UI is horrible and not customizable enough
    • no Pipewire support
    • no .m3u detection
    • cluttered, no UI zoom possible
    • system icon theme is not applied


    • like strawberry but different?
    • more online stuff
    • interface less customizable
    • cursor broken on the Flatpak


    • Strawberry in even older?
    • bloat?
    • retro-development status


    • UI hides too much stuff
    • no playlist support
    • no filesystem hierarchy support
    • strange Ubuntu look, but good UI, fancy background
    • no podcast backup file support (so Kasts is better for that)
    • but pipewire support!


    • no playlist support
    • otherwise looks great


    • modern, GTK4 Libadwaita, UI is damn lit
    • freezes, fills up the entire RAM (scans every title at once!) -> not optimized at all, made system freeze and needed to hard shutdown.
    • no playlist support?
    • no pipewire support?


    • uses soon EOL GNOME 42 runtime


    • beautiful but too minimalist
    • why are there soo many GNOME music players??


    • very nice UI
    • electron: tiny cursor on Wayland, no Pipewire support
    • plugin support for Youtube, Spotify (using librespot) and LastFM
    • local playlists seem broken

    ADHS Austauschgruppe auf Signal/SimpleX

    Hallo Leute! Ich habe meine ADHS diagnose bekommen, und darf mich jetzt wirklich als ADHSler bezeichnen.

    Ich hätte Lust auf eine Austauschgruppe zu etlichen Dingen wie Medikamenten, Erfahrungen, Apps, Strategien etc.

    Um etwas Datenschutz zu garantieren, würde ich sagen alle interessierten schreiben mir eine private Nachricht, mit einem lustigen Spruch und ihrem Wunsch für die Gruppe.

    (Bot-Abwehr ist nervig...)
