Pope Francis condemned the "very strong, organised, reactionary attitude" in the US church and said Catholic doctrine allows for change over time.
Pope Francis condemned the "very strong, organised, reactionary attitude" in the US church and said Catholic doctrine allows for change over time.
Pope Francis has blasted the “backwardness” of some conservatives in the US Catholic Church, saying they have replaced faith with ideology and that a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time.
Francis’ comments were an acknowledgment of the divisions in the US Catholic Church, which has been split between progressives and conservatives who long found support in the doctrinaire papacies of St John Paul II and Benedict XVI, particularly on issues of abortion and same-sex marriage.
Conservative Protestants have been saying that for a very long time though. The attitude is so pervasive that my wife, who grew up Catholic (but has not been one for decades), has to be reminded that Catholics are Christians.
To be fair, it isnt; but then neither is Evangelicism or Mormonism or any of these other wackadoo cults within which these assholes conflate their hatred and fear with faith.
There a whole YouTube channel by some ex fox host called church militant... It's all about hating gays and lesser religions. They talk shit about the Pope all the time.
It's like everything in America is just power struggles, selfishness, greed, and crime. There's no God or respect for life here. The "good guys" don't even go after the "bad guys" because the bad guys are ahead now. People are so naive here they think heartless crimes are not happening when it's right under their nose. Sometimes the good guys even get used in the plot. Just look at all the old politicians and Americans that got roped in Rogers stones mob puppeting of Trump. America had a mob affiliate for president. I think that puts in stone... Americas bullshit. It's going to take decades to get trust and genuine patriotism back.
American Catholics have largely voted Democrat for much of the last century. This flip-flop to voting Republican is relatively recent.
It seems to me to be a bit of a religio-coup. Bishops have some autonomy, and Priests some as well. It's become increasingly common that both are in opposition to Rome on certain behaviors related to politics, and exactly how strongly they should be pushing people to vote and for what reasons. The dehumanization of Biden (publicly refusing him Eucharist) for his nuanced pro-choice views is in direct contradiction of papal behavior going back at least to the turn of the 20th century. Telling people that in voting, any sin is forgivable except being pro-choice... well, there's no basis in Canon Law for that attitude.
I live in a very Catholic area, and have a lot of Catholic family. Talking to them, they mention their priests say "you can vote for either party, as long as they're pro-life". The Abortion issue is not the only or greatest issue to Rome. It is AN issue, but disagreeing with the Church is generally not going to earn their full enmity unless you are preaching your disagreement. Biden (the target of that local church smear campaign) is absolutely not preaching pro-choice to anyone.
Pope Francis is right to be saying that because American Catholic Leadership has gone WAY astray from what Catholicism allows or mandates of them.
Conservatives are mostly christian, but if they aren't catholic the pope has little sway over what they do. And they love dissing catholics so yes they will more than they have been already.
If you have a throwaway email to see comments on the Newsmax site, it is Catholics and whatnot saying the Pope isn't the real part of the religion anymore.
They already have. Only Roman Catholics really care what the Pope has to say. There are far more Baptist, Methodist, Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Presbyterian in the US than Catholics.
Absolutely agree. I am certain ifwe're real and appeared in person and spouted half the stuff attributed to him in the gospel they would call him "woke" too.
does anyone know off the top of their head how/when Christianity became so tightly associated with the Republican party? No way it was always so extreme in US history
They dropped the Jesus Christ of the New Testament half a century ago, and even then they pretended he was somehow as white as mayonnaise, so why not drop his earthly mouthpiece?
Honestly, I consider that a win. A huge reason I left the catholic faith wasn't because of the religion itself, but because of the people who claimed to follow Jesus but in practice did nothing like Jesus.
Religion is the biggest scourge against humans. Controlling behavior, brainwashing the young and stolen untold trillions of $$. Fuck religion. They all need to be labeled as cults and treated as harshly.
Many religions are more "don't be a dick to your fellow brothers in faith, but feel free to be a dick to others". In-group out-group dynamics were historically quite important.
You know - "don't murder", but at the same time Deuteronomy says
10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves.
(19) “You are not to lend at interest to your brother, no matter whether the loan is of money, food or anything else that can earn interest. 21 (20) To an outsider you may lend at interest, but to your brother you are not to lend at interest, so that Adonai your God will prosper you in everything you set out to do in the land you are entering in order to take possession of it.
And yet the golden rule usually doesn't get written down until multiple generations after the religion is formed. Took almost a century for Christianity to bother.
The problem is "don't be a dick" meant different things in different points in time. Now, enough time has elapsed that there are a huge amount of different iterations of "don't be a dick" rules and people just pick and choose which rules suits them.
When the rules are laws, lawyers argue in front of judges and define the grey areas. They change the grey areas from time to time. We as a society have agreed to have a single interpretation of those rules.
In religion, when people don't agree on the rules or how they should be interpreted, they can break apart and form their own religion. There is no governing body with the power to enforce the single interpretation.
Thus, people who missed the dont be a dick memo just find each other and pretend their interpretation of the thousands of years old text is more valid than the don't be a dick crowd.
I think a better option would be stripping the tax exempt status from the ones that politik from the pulpit. Actually enforce the law we have now instead of being afraid of looking like we're persecuting them. Hell, they all have that complex already anyway.
If you allow taxing churches you open the door for Republicans to just tax every church they disagree with, and I'm pretty sure you can figure out how that will go.
There's a whole list of 8 points over what constitute a cult.
I don't remember the whole thing, but it was something like :
Cults don't let you leave. If you do leave, your family and friends who are still in the cult will not speak to you.
Cults control you in details. They make sure you are tired at the end of the day, too tired to think for yourself.
Cults make you dependent financially. Once you are that deep in, leaving means starting over economically.
There's more, but it is different from how most people experience mainstream religions (I mean there are pockets here and there that are very cultish, but really the religion as a whole is a different beast that just works differently than an actual cult).
We've just changed the form of monarchal feudalism, it's still very much alive. Just disguised as CEOs and Presidents in our present oligarchy. But they might as well be kings and queens. And an enormous amount of those people still manipulate religion as a means to holding on to power. We are a long way from strangling our last king or priest.
IDK, if we're comparing scourges against humanity I'd say "the rich" in general are worse, be they kings, CEOs, religious icons, politicians, or whatever. Their pursuit of money and the power to keep that money corrupts everything. They ruin everything from companies to countries and even religions (makes them even worse).
Really though, the most evil thing is cancer. It kills indiscriminately and tortures its victims the whole way. Even if you win, you never get the peace of knowing it's truly gone. True evil.
I'll gain an iota of respect for Frankie and Catholics when they unilaterally decide to stop donating money to this church until they purge all of the child rapists and reform their teachings on confessions so child rapists are no longer protected.
The messengers and the prophets will come to you and give you what belongs to you. You, in turn, give them what you have, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what belongs to them?'
Jesus (but in a text buried in a jar for centuries after becoming punishable by death for just possessing it)
Religion can fuel some truly abhorrent things, but at the same time I know people who have used religion and faith to pull themselves out of a really bad spot in life.
There can be a middle ground between admonishing all religious practices and dogmatic bible thumpers, and that starts with religion being a understood as a personal choice and how people interpret the religion being a reflection on their self and not the every religious person ever.
Calling religion the biggest scourge on humanity is a huge exageratrion. I'd probably say slavery is significantly worse, and human trafficking shows no signs of stopping. Capitalism is also clearly worse, and it's the most impactful force today. A large reason religion, and specifically Christianity, has gotten worse in recent years is because of the influence of capitalism.
I'd elaborate a bit on my interpretation of what the fella said.
The religion in point - catholicism, and maybe we can generalize to all abrahamic religions, I'm not very familiar with other religions to speak of them, instill a way of thinking that doing wrong is all fine and well as long as you repent and ask for forgiveness. Sound sensible, right? Except we're dealing with people here so they take it to mean that you can do all sorts of crap as long as you say you're sorry. It got so bad at some point that the pope was selling indulgences. 'Give me money and I'll let you sin'.
They also instill a sort of moral superiority on the adherents to said religions versus the pagans.
So yeah, slavery is worse (and I'm counting human trafficking here as well - it's the modern version), but is it not facilitated by the mindset instilled by religion? First - you see them as savages needing to be civilized - that's the moral superiority talking - you enslave them, BUT you bring them to god as well, so there's a load off your moral issues. Add to that the fact that even if you were wrong and did bad stuff, you didn't 'know' any better, and it's ok cause hellfire won't get you because you repent, there's your free ticket.
On the other hand, if you kidnap and force good christians into sexual slavery, you can be pretty sure that you most likely won't get murdered / maimed while you're raping because their moral teachings say to turn the other cheek instead of fighting back. And one of the 10 comandments is thou shalt not kill. Also a belief in sky-papa dishing out punishment in the afterlife makes people less inclined to seek vengeance (compounded with the previous point - thou shalt submit to being dehumanized by a fellow human without recourse).
This is an oversimplification to make a point, but sure, religion is seemingly not worse than other crap people are capable of but it sure sets the groundwork nicely. Sort of like you need to know a language before you can swear in it. A tool, but less like a hammer and more like a scythe. One good use, but so many other bad ones.
Modern day religion. In the past your faith was quite important and dictated morals. It's unfortunate it's been so twisted over the years. And by past I'm not just saying the 50s, but even back in the 1500s.
Religion has always been a cancer on humanity. We don't need an imaginary sky daddy for morals. We would have got there (and likely much quicker and much better) without religion.
AITA for allowing a person with mental illness claiming to be god be put to death?
I've (30M) been reflecting on a past decision I made and I could really use some outside perspective. There was this significant event involving a certain crucifixion, and I had a role to play in it. At the time, I was faced with a lot of conflicting pressures and I ended up not doing much to prevent it.
Looking back, I'm starting to wonder if I made the wrong call. I know hindsight is 20/20, but I can't shake the feeling that I should've done more to change the outcome.
What do you think? Was I in the wrong for not taking a stronger stand against what happened, considering the circumstances? Your honest opinions would be greatly appreciated! 🤷♂️🙏
The pope ain't perfect. But goddamn do I love him stripping corrupt officials of their position, being much more chill towards my queer brothers and sisters worldwide, and telling the US arm to remove the giant sticks from their ass over abortion and divorce.
I hope he lives till 130 and keeps being a stabilizing force for good. It's a rarity to see religious officials who are not only reasonable, but actively trying to make the world a slightly better place.
You're just buying into and regurgitating his PR. The Pope talks and acts in opposition to his bullshit platitudes. It's business as usual against the lgbt community in every Catholic Church across most of the world, including the Vatican. He himself was a known homophobe long before he was pope.
He continues to ignore and refuses to meet with the victims of priest sexual abuse. He is a bullshiter and I can't believe anyone on the left buys into any of it
I never heard of that so had to look it up. A bunch of Muslim fundamentalists in France got angry and killed people at a satirical magazine. Not sure how that’s the Pope’s fault.
This is the fruits of the GOP strategy that's been going on for decades to strengthen their support through Christian believers. The Pope is just recognizing the impact of that from the religious side, whereas Barry Goldwater warned of it's impact from the political side.
Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
It certainly is a terrible damn problem, and we're knee deep in the shit right now.
Pretty sure it was a Roman Catholic priest that burned all the Mayan texts. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest destroyer and oppressor that ever existed.
American conservatives really hate that this pope prioritizes Jesus-y stuff like love, forgiveness, and taking care of your fellow humans.
I have a bunch of Catholic family members that are much more into being angry, fighting to shove dogma down everyone’s throat, and not helping anyone that doesn’t sit in the pew next to them.
I don't think that's very fair, he's been very consistent in his positions from everything I've ever heard about the man. He won't directly come out in support of LGBT, pro-choice, or contraception, but he hints that the church might be on the wrong side of many issues and is very vocal about the message of love and acceptance
Keeping in mind he's at the helm of a very large ship in a problematic place that likes to split apart, I think it's understandable that he balances keeping the thing together with steering in a better direction
Atheist here. But I'll put a Christian hat on for a sec.
Humans are fallable. God isn't. Human interpretation of God's will is fallible. Therefore the church must adapt as humans become better at diving God's will.
Hat off.
I don't think that's a contradiction. Now I'm going to stand in my garage for an hour and sing, hoping it'll make me a good car.
I never understood this argument. If God is all powerful how come he leaves his messages to interpretation. Shouldn't we all just be born knowing the exact wording and understanding? Also why does he need people to write his books and teach his lessons when again he supposedly is all powerful and could make it so we were born with this knowledge instead of leaving it to idiots who can't "comprehend God's great plan".
Doctrinally god can remain infallible while altering his message to be what humans of a given time and place are ready to hear and act upon. Are your parents hypocrites for letting you drive a car at 16 but not at 4?
That's actually more of a doctrine that is made up by the organization and less something explicitly stated in the book. There probably are some psalms or other references that use the word (translated as) "unchanging", but in context, the original audience would probably not have interpreted it in the same way. Think God's love and power will never fail, not God will literally never experience anything or change. In the 10 commandments story, Moses has a conversation with god and changes his mind.
The Levitical Law condemning Homosexuality was originally one condemning Pedophilia, but King James changed it in his translation in order to throw off suspicions that he was gay, which he totally was.
At least catholic christianity emphasizes how Jesus brought change to the jewish traditions on how to live "close to god". Change is a thing in the catholic church, which is exactly why people have tried to make a lot of things they liked into unchanging doctrines over the centuries.
Not really. If you read it Jesus specifically says that he came to amend the word of god. That's how we got bacon cheeseburgers and cotton-poly blend shirts back. Shame he didn't say anything about racism or homophobia but what are you gonna do?
You're flat out wrong when it comes to the Roman Catholic Church - I don't know enough about Islam to say whether you're right about that.
In church doctrine, Matthew 16:18 and 16:19, and again in Matthew 18:18, give ultimate authority to St Peter (the first Pope) and all the Popes that followed him.
Essentially the Pope can decide whatever, and it just is. Tomorrow the Pope could decide that gay marriage and abortion are a-okay, and they would be a-okay as far as heaven is concerned.
He might get lynched and the next Pope reverses it, but that mechanism for change exists, and has been used many times in the past - one notable recent one was when the Pope decided dogs go to heaven, so now dogs go to heaven.
Source: ex-Christian who was very involved within the Church institution.
There is no hostile takeover of Islam because there is no centralized figure in Islam. The Muslims saw how politicized the early Roman Church became and intentionally took steps to prevent that. There is no pope. There are no bishops, archbishops, or any of that. Islam is intentionally fractured more so than Christianity.
Anyone can become an Imam (priest) and set up shop and start preaching. Clergy in a nation like Saudi Arabia maintain their religious authority through the government and social attitudes, not through a divine mandate (like the pope).
They changed nothing. It was all sweet-talk and no changes. There is still no prosecution for child molesters, still no action for all atrocities. He's just PR man they put in place to stop the dumpster fire previous one was.
Not hundreds of years ago. Maybe my sarcasm didn’t come across through text, but their atrocities are still being uncovered from only a couple of decades ago, and they’re still committing atrocities on a slightly smaller scale today (though I’m sure their victims – still alive today – would argue they’re not lesser).
The Catholic Church doesn’t have a leg to stand on here, and it’s gross that they’re pretending they do.
In most Christian religions if you don't explicitly say Jesus died for your sins centuries before you were born, literally nothing else matters.
You can follow every rule because you personally agree with it. But if you don't submit to Jesus (and by extension your church's chain of command) then you're going to hell.
So if you're just doing what's right by your personal morals, it doesn't "count" even if it agrees with church teachings.
And by the same token, you can torture, kill, and eat people and still go to heaven if you accept Jesus before you die. Jeffrey Dahmer was baptised in prison and apparently that made everything all right.
It’s a bonkers belief system if you think about it. It definitely doesn’t encourage being a good person like it claims to.
So I think that by-and-large, the Evangelicals have had a crisis of faith and are seeking the US Catholic Church as a bastion of stability. And the US Catholic Church has been happy to accept Evangelicals into our flock, because we're all Christian here and spreading our religion is what we do.
This has become somewhat of a devil's deal however, as the Evangelicals have pushed the Church extremely rightward politically. Historically, the Catholic Church has been very pro-Latino, because the Hispanic community / immigrants are overwhelmingly Catholic (not just "Christian", but proper Catholics born and raised). But in the past 10 years or so I'm seeing more and more former-Evangelicals bring their politics into the Catholic tradition.
Nominally, this crap shouldn't matter to the issues of Church. But it does. Politics infects all wakes of life one way or the other.
In any case, I think its a good thing that (former) Evangelicals have migrated over to the Catholic church in such large numbers that this problem is occurring. And I'm not necessarily saying that we need to 'indoctrinate' our (former) Evangelicals to the policies or politics of the Catholics... but... maybe a little bit? I dunno. But a lot of these far-right rhetoric / fire and brimstone style religion (with anti-immigration / anti-Hispanic slants) is distinctly non-Catholic and heretical IMO.
Case in point: we Catholics finally have a 2nd president of our Faith: Joe Biden. And yet, the Catholic community was THIS close to excommunicating him. Rather than celebrate our achievement to get our 2nd president into the office, he is seen as a heretic to (half) of the US Catholic Community.
It's not like evangelicals are all coming to Mass now: the priest wouldn't give them communion anyway. Rather, what you describe is a political partnership, based on opposition to abortion, where the Evangelicals and Catholics started raising an assload of money together.
And this is what this is all about, money and political power and clout. And I think that's what the Pope is objecting to. Catholic doctrine is clear that life begins at conception, and is worthy of protection. But there is so much more to protecting life, at all its stages: education, help for the poor and hungry, assistance for the immigrant, compassion for prisoners (and opposition to the Death Penalty). US Bishops are sacrificing the rest of it at the altar of political power.
The ironic thing is that Protestants outnumber Catholics here. If the US Bishops get the theocracy they are aiming for, it is pretty much guaranteed that these Protestant Evangelicals will be running it. And Catholics will end up marginalized again.
I mean I've noticed an uptick in Evangelicals properly converting into Catholicism recently. And simultaneously, a sudden surge in people wanting "Latin Mass" and other such very old traditions. Definitely a yearning for "traditional" Religion, and (former) Evangelicals seeking Catholicism because of it.
This is absolutely a "Church" issue because it relates to the religious+political views of our relatively fresh converts (well, within the past couple of decades).
I think the wedding of capitalism and religion is an unholy one. As soon as people get tax breaks and shit for religion it becomes a scam fest.
John brown used religion to justify blasting some slavers at harper's ferry and I can't think we don't need more of that good spice today.
There are certain people that need some kind of easing of burden that religion can bring, but prosperity gospel and similar are essentially a type of necromancy where you steal as much power as you can from living humans to power your divine money machine.
The Catholic Church has actively ran the longest largest worldwide Pedophile ring in human history. For the past 1800 years the Catholic Church recruited, supported, obfuscated, defended, and excused pedophilia, which continues to this day. The fact the Catholic Church still allowed to operate, in any way shape or form, with youth of any kind, in any country, anywhere, means we've all purposefully lost the thread.
Beside the Catholic Church being outwardly obviously criminal, and only an extension of the Roman Senate two thousand years on, it's only shown how very little adults care about the systematic raping of children. Like, at all.
You really have a point here, but I don't think Catholic church is the only one in which these gross events happen, the thing is that being one of the largest religion along with Islam they get the most attention and media coverage around the world. It's just common sense. So yes, there are serious problems in that church, but I bet my ass that they're not the only ones doing that. Take the blindfold from your eyes, every religion has leaders that abuse the power they have upon its followers to commit deplorable acts.
Honestly this is more a sign that americans culture is getting more rothen, just straight up, censorship is gaining a very real foot (in both sides) and its been working its way to make the religious nuts into full on nuts, and while they probably have been this way since the begining, religion kinda limited their madness by scaring them into believing they where gona go to hell if they didnt behave, but their bipartisan bullshit managed to replace religion in their minds and Just make them dance to wathever bullshit their favorite politician spews out this week.
And the left is no better, you guys used to promote anti-hate and freedom of speech, but now, What the hell happened to you? their head is so up their own assess that they became what they sought out to destroy, instead of promoting sane discussion they relegated into bipartisan tribalism and started censoring people they didnt agree with, even going as far as to defend the democratic party, even if their interests are as against the general population as the republicans, but since they where the ones that supposedly didn't want to oppress social groups (even if they totally still fucking do just look at the fucking border ffs) they are right and everything they spew out is right, and while trying to make a safe space online, in academia, and in political discourse, is just naive, promoting respectful language and tolerance to diferent social groups is not a bad thing, but the way they handle it is the definition of "the road to hell is paved with good intentions", specially in media.
They ended up making bipartisan hate grow into the other side on top of the hate they already had, and politicians (democrats and republicans ) took full advantage of this and we have what we have now in the political big picture.
American politics is just a fucking reality show now and I believe they deserve it, only problem is they take the rest of the world between their crotch and fuck us all up since they rule the world/economy. I really hope those guys wake up from their bipartisan bitch slapping nightmare and start fighting the real war which is the class war. Against, you know, the only assholes that get benefited by you too infighting.
Anyhow rant over, down votes to the right. But whrite a comment first, i really whant to hear why you disagree.
You are an ignorant blowhard if you believe what you just said. I'm not going to say they are up with the times but what you said is stupid. The fact that mass is done in the local languages instead of Latin was huge! And they also recognize that big bang theory and the sun is the center of our solar system which exists in the Milky Way galaxy that isn't the center of the universe.
I would hope they recognize the Big Bang theory, given that the idea was first put forward by a Jesuit.
But seriously, a lot of people don't really get how big the switch from Latin was. My dad attended church pre- and post-Vatican II and said that so many people complained loudly that we'd no longer have mass in a dead language. I guess the Liturgy of the Eucharist used to be done with the priest facing away from the congregation and a lot of people also complained when it was done facing the congregation. God forbid the plebes feel like participants in their own religion.
I think most religions are a little late on the ball. But any kind of willingness to change is a good thing. And a, what I interpret, statement against, what I interpret, as fundamentalism seems like a good idea.