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An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast cereal]
  • Again, why are you even talking about america?

    Because this is a topic about Patriotism and who is actually going to help my country. And building a culture that encourages people to help my country.

    but outside your bubble

    I'm happy with "Americans" being my bubble. I honestly don't need to care about others, and as you point out there's plenty enough to worry about if we keep it to Americans alone.

    SMBC-comics is obviously itself an American comic strip as well (A PH.D who lives in USA in any case), so you're coming over here to talk about an American comic, talking about American issues that's bringing up American political discussion and... like shitting on it? Okay, no one asked you to come over.

    Now my question to you is: what are you doing in this topic? Are you seriously trying to discourage me from improving the country where I live? Or are you trying to say your country is better or something? I don't even know what your perspective is.

  • An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast cereal]
  • If you're not American then we don't have any shared political system for which we can improve America. And therefore we have no serious system to help each other out.

    None of this works unless we're working to build the same thing or same concept.

  • An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast cereal]
  • Good luck building up a coalition of people who will cooperate with you.

    And worse: good luck politically defeating those who are smart enough to use basic psychology to coordinate the masses. Its not evil to do so, its just practicality. We know how people act and how they think. Its not so hard to then use psychology and sociology to build up our own coalitions.

    As Terry Pratchett wrote in The Hogfather : We tell little likes like Santa Clause because we're training children to believe in the big lies like Truth and Justice. And only when we all believe in that stuff can it possibly work. "We're the best country in the world" is part of that, its a little lie that helps smooth over problems and helps us work together. And in my experience, its effective at it.

  • An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast cereal]
  • Last time I checked, we were able to deploy the Office of Censorship to censor US Postal Mail. Conscript Disney and Loony Tunes to build up a massive database of wartime propaganda. Use it to influence the entirety of the US Civilians. Use it to drum up support for War Bonds to help expand the US Debt to pay for the war, raise taxes to 90% on the highest end and build a better country while defeating both Fascism and Communism.

    We, as a country, decided that desperate times called for desperate measures. And not only that, we also got rid of these dangerous emergency powers (of explicit Censorship / War Information / Propaganda) before we corrupted our society into an irreversible state.

    And therein lies the problem with people who just yell "fascism" whenever they disagree with someone. Yall obviously don't know the history of this country.

  • Nyquest NY8A051H - 1.5 cent microcontroller : weekend die-shot : ZeptoBars
  • Oh nothing. I'm just theoretically interested in this part.

    In practice, I'm not moving off of the AVR tool chain or chips. AVR does more, and I'm spending like $20 on PCBs in practice anyway so 1.5c chips and $1 AVR chips both basically cost the same to me.

    Heck, $20 in various chips isn't very expensive for a project in practice.

  • An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast cereal]
  • We need to build a shared culture so that we can work together.

    My house will become the best house should be a message we all can get around. Otherwise, why should I work with you to build society?

    If you don't like shared work or shared culture to begin with, it's a bit problematic in that your own political ideologies are destined to die. At the very minimum, your ideology must be self sustaining.

  • Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • Winnie the Pooh is also Xi Xinping's nickname on Chinese bloggers. It was a way to avoid Chinese Censors and still talk about him without explicitly getting disappeared by the Chinese secret police. It worked for a while, but the jig is up and everyone knows that Pooh is codeword for Xi now.

    Its a nickname embraced by Chinese specifically. Its not racist at all but instead its us Americans trolling Xi Xinping by taking an codeword/insult used by the internal Chinese dissenters.

  • Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • Over a dozen paragraphs and no name brought up to replace Biden if he leaves. (Kamala? Kamala is team Biden)

    Glad to see that the prioritization is to attack Biden before you even have a replacement lined up. Good job media, you're whipping the dumbasses into a frenzy and taking unnecessary risks.

    Lets just say Biden is out. Start listing names. Serious contenders. If Kamala (effectively on Biden's team anyway) is your best shot, then it doesn't matter if she's VP or Top of the Ticket, if the plan is for Biden to resign after November anyway.

  • Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • I stand that Kamala's best chance is to hold the ship steady as is, and then ask Biden to resign in December or January.

    There's a lot of racists out there. I feel like if she's at the top of the ticket, she's gonna get dragged down. Biden truly is serving as an effective shield for her. Either way, Kamala is the implicit vote if anything wrong happens to Biden (which I admit is increasingly likely given his age).

    It makes no sense for Kamala to rush to the top of the ticket given her position.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • Dude, your insult is so fucking old that there's literally movies making fun of your insult.

    It don't work very well when you spam the insult for 8 fucking years. Yes, liberals think everyone they disagree with are fascists. You're not making news here. Your overuse of the phrase is not helping.

    Seriously, protip. I'm trying to help you here. I don't care if you ignore me, because eventually you'll get it. I've just got to push you so you are at least introduced to this concept of overuse of a phrase.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • For fucks sake man, I'm here to try to help you beat Trump

    You're lucky I'm not easily discouraged. But your attitude about this is quite wrong.

    Everyone else in this topic: you see the problem with your rhetoric or strategy yet? Let's point out what does and doesn't work here.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • So you're going to kill this discussion with me just because you don't like my opinion? Cool. Lets see how that plays out this year. Its a fucking election year, get used to hearing people's opinions you don't like.

    People will vote one way or the other on this issue. With any luck the Democrats put a good moderate on board who can keep my vote (as well as the Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia voters). Biden vs Trump already was looking sketchy before you progressives literally destroyed your best chance at beating Trump.

    And suddenly, you're blaming me for your own mistake... because I have the audacity to try to talk with you and share my opinion.

    I'm sorry, that I'm not sorry.

    In any case, Trump needs to be defeated, so I'm going to stay loud about my message. Yall progressives can't Occupy Wall Street into Republican wins again this year. This is too important for me to stay silent. You fucking dumbasses are destroying your own election chances as we speak, and its best if I pointed out this before its too late. (And yall have done it before, and you're doing it again).

    If you really are going to switch candidates this late in the game, then for the love of god please put someone I can vote for (and other voters like me). That's all I'm asking. Don't lose the anti-Trump Republican vote over this self-defeating move you all seem intent upon inflicting upon yourselves. Please be at least a little bit politically expedient about the situation?

    FYI: "Hey Fascist" is so passe it was in the Barbie last year. Its a bad argument now. Come up with a new one. You've been calling Republicans Fascists for 8 years now, the phrase has lost its effect. You'll need to try harder if you actually want to convince people or surprise us.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • Did everyone forget Biden's 2020 performance?

    When Biden is being forced and trained like this, he's awful. It wasn't until the 2nd or 3rd debate where all the debate-prep finally decided 'Let Biden go out there without prep and just be more honest with himself / honest personal style" that Biden did well.

    I should have known that "Weeks of debate prep at Camp David" was a bad idea.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • Ideally not.

    Hopefully you can offer me a good enough candidate where I don't feel like supporting the fascist. But if you go too far left, there's a point where fascism doesn't look as bad. No joke.

    But the further left you go, the more points you lose out on me. I'm relatively religious (not the most compared to my family, but moreso than you guys I'm sure). I'm Republican, conservative. Etc. etc. There's threats to me and my way of life that the far left seriously have, and nothing yall say here are changing my opinion on that (or removing said threats from me).

    I would have preferred if the Republicans fielded Niki Haley, but apparently that was too hard for them too. So now I'm seeing who the Democrats want to field. Ideally someone I can vote for, because trust me, I don't want to vote for Trump.

    I promise you, there's a ton of other people like me in the center who are thinking the same thing. The name-of-the-game is figuring out a candidate to keep enough of us voting Democrat this fall (not necessarily me, but hopefully enough to gain and counteract the loss of my vote).

    I'm here to discuss my opinion with all of you openly, because I know that Lemmy leans so far left that yall are fucking nuts and need my opinion to tie you back down to where reality is. Believe it or not, I'm here to help, and that's why we're having this discussion right now at all.

    This isn't about just picking the most progressive candidate you can think of. Biden was the perfect choice for me and yall are now thinking of getting rid of him. Okay, so are you fine losing my vote? Or alternatively, do you think you can give me someone who is at least moderate enough (like Biden) to handle my concerns about the world? (IE: Ukraine and Taiwan in particular).

    Alternatively, you can consider me to just be a nutcase and ignore me. But I don't think that's beneficial to you as a group either. Mostly because I know who the real nutcases are (ie: full on MAGA Trump supporters over there). I'm the one who have switched from Republican vote from 2008 / 2012 over to Democrat vote with the rise of Trump in 2016+, so I think I am actually an ideal case study for this discussion. That's all.

  • 1.5 c Microcontroller alert.

    Very low-end, but 38kHz support is explicitly called out in its product manual. This means that this tiny uC is ideal for TV remote control (or other IR-blasters).

    I wouldn't recommend anyone use this chip unless you were some kind of professional saving pennies. Typical $1 uCs are far easier to work with and have exponentially more power (even $1 8-bit uCs). Still, its an interesting thought experiment for what a 1.5 cent uC could be used to implement....

    Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • If we nominate Bernie it’s not to win you over. It would win over leftists who otherwise wouldn’t vote Democrat.

    Dude: Kamala is seen as too far left that she's probably going to lose to Trump on a head-to-head matchup and you're talking Bernie still.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • That's cool and all, but GDP is related to.... You guessed it. Inflation.

    I recognize that Republicans overemphasized GDP but it's a chief metric for a reason. If our top line GDP drops it will absolutely be a problem.

    If you want to bring up easy inflation gremlins into your argument, be my guest. But inflation is already a weak point for Democrats and I expect y'all to get hammered on it even harder moving forward.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • Medicare For All is not free healthcare, as in on the government’s dime, it is entirely paid for by taxes.

    Yeah, no shit sherlock. Socialist / Communist countries like Cuba also pay for Health Care.

    That doesn't change the fact that several important examples (Soviet Union, Cuba, and now most recently, Venezuela) have collapsed... or are currently collapsing under that load and those costs.

    We know plenty of examples of countries who have done that. My question is why the fuck do you want to bring it to the USA?

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • By having free healthcare for all you actually save money if basically no other change is made.

    In this analysis, we found that economic output would be between 0.3 percent lower and 1.8 percent higher than the benchmark economy 10 years after the single-payer system was implemented, without incorporating the effects of financing the system. Under a single-payer system, workers would choose to work fewer hours, on average, despite higher wages because the reduction in health insurance premiums and OOP expenses would generate a positive wealth effect that allowed households to spend their time on activities other than paid work and maintain the same standard of living. If the system was financed with an income or payroll tax, gross domestic product (GDP) would be between approximately 1.0 percent and 10 percent lower by 2030, depending on the specification of the single-payer system and the details of the financing policy.

    Sounds like we pay by having a loss of GDP measured between 1% to 10%. That's rather substantial.

    CBO is the non-partisan accountants of the US Senate/House. They are our best estimate on the true costs of various programs.

  • RealTesla dragontamer We finally know how many Cybertrucks Tesla has sold so far

    Tesla announced another recall for its Cybertruck, its fourth since its release in late last year, but within the recall notice is an interesting nugget on how many Cybertrucks are actually out in the wild.

    We finally know how many Cybertrucks Tesla has sold so far

    The NHTSA recall notice contains a line saying how many Tesla Cybertrucks were affected by the recall. And we know that its "all of them", therefore the number listed is exactly the count of total Tesla Cybertrucks ever sold.

    > Digging through the numbers also reveals estimated monthly delivery figures. Tesla began low-volume production of the Cybertruck at Giga Austin in late November of last year, and a prior recall notice from Tesla revealed that it delivered 1,163 vehicles in December. That leaves 10,525 vehicles or thereabouts produced by Tesla in 2024, giving Tesla an average monthly delivery rate of 1,754 Cybertrucks, with five days left in June.

    RealTesla dragontamer

    Part 573 Safety Recall Report (Cybertruck Recall Notice)

    A complete recall over all Cybertrucks has been filed at the NHTSA.

    > On affected vehicles, the front windshield wiper motor controller may stop functioning due to electrical overstress to the gate driver component.

    RealTesla dragontamer Tesla Cybertruck Unexpectedly Accelerates Into Home With Rear Wheels Locked

    A Tesla rep allegedly told the owner, "the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed."

    Tesla Cybertruck Unexpectedly Accelerates Into Home With Rear Wheels Locked

    Another unintended acceleration issue. Fortunately, no one was injured but the Cybertruck still crashed into a house.

    This happened in a rich-enough area that it was filmed by someone's doorbell camera. There's apparently 50-foot long line of skidmarks.

    RealTesla dragontamer Tesla owners file class-action alleging repair, parts monopoly

    U.S. district judge clears owners to proceed with lawsuit, which claims automaker is violating anti-trust laws with policies

    Tesla owners file class-action alleging repair, parts monopoly
    RealTesla dragontamer EVs Are Selling Well For Everyone Except Tesla

    It seems the EV transition is going just fine — it's only the market leader that's imploding

    EVs Are Selling Well For Everyone Except Tesla

    [popovicu] Making my first embedded Linux system Making my first embedded Linux system

    End-to-end documentation of a journey from no PCB experience to fabricating my own Linux-ready system that can boot the latest mainline kernel. This article is the recommended reading for someone building their first embedded Linux board. F1C100s SoC is used for this sample board.

    Making my first embedded Linux system

    This blogger booted an F1C100s from scratch, even though they made a mistake buying 16MBit instead of 16MByte of Flash. (Requiring to be booted off of USB-bootloader / Allwinner's FEL Protocol instead of Flash).

    So a few mistakes were made, but its still a custom booting Linux + blogpost that explains the steps.

    RealTesla dragontamer Tesla's unsold inventory is creating stockpiles you can see from space

    Where have all the Teslas gone? Stored in parking lots, every one....

    Tesla's unsold inventory is creating stockpiles you can see from space

    A nice analysis of various satellite images that estimates how many cars Tesla has in inventory.

    RealTesla dragontamer Musk says his pay package is approved by Tesla shareholders

    Investors and Musk’s supporters, including X CEO Linda Yaccarino, applauded the results. The tally will be finalized at a shareholder meeting later Thursday.

    Musk says his pay package is approved by Tesla shareholders

    > SAN FRANCISCO — Tesla shareholders re-approved Elon Musk’s controversial 2018 pay package by a wide margin, Musk posted on X Wednesday night, appearing to resolve an uncertainty that has loomed over his future with the company.

    > A Delaware judge invalidated the package, worth as much as $56 billion earlier this year, arguing that the process that led to the deal had been unfair. As part of the deal, Musk was granted stock options as Tesla hit certain valuation milestones, accumulating massive amounts of shares that led to a record pay deal and played a hand in making Musk the richest person in the world.

    Hmm, looks like we're in the "lawsuits" stage of the game. I don't expect that Elon can keep his pay package, so its going to go back to the Delaware Judge IIRC.

    The interesting legal maneuver here is with regards to the Texas move. If Shareholders approve the move to Texas, it'd become a Texas vs Delaware issue. But... there's legal precedent saying that such a move would require 66% of the vote instead of just 50%. I imagine that this alone (the threshold of "move") will itself be subject to debate, and likely end up in Delaware court again before they're allowed to move out. Or maybe not? Legal stuff can be quite sharp.

    In any case, stay tuned for tonight as the official announcements come out. Things are going to be interesting!!


    Batteryless UV Index (UVI) and Heat Index Monitor with AVR32DB32 GitHub - microchip-pic-avr-examples/avr32db32-uv-monitor-mplab: Create a portable, solar-powered UV monitor with AVR DB.

    Create a portable, solar-powered UV monitor with AVR DB. - microchip-pic-avr-examples/avr32db32-uv-monitor-mplab

    GitHub - microchip-pic-avr-examples/avr32db32-uv-monitor-mplab: Create a portable, solar-powered UV monitor with AVR DB.

    What really interests me about this design is the buck Boost-converter


    So this buck boost-converter is 100% core-independent. The Analog Comparator, TimerD, CCL, and Event-System are all active while the AVR DB sleeps, meaning that the microcontroller can run this simple buck boost-converter without any cost to CPU time.

    An incredible design that demonstrates the flexibility of AVR DB's combined peripherals.

    RealTesla dragontamer

    [Twitter] All three game console makers have now abandoned X integration All three game console makers have now abandoned X integration

    The Nintendo Switch has now sunset its X integration.

    All three game console makers have now abandoned X integration
    0 Making USB devices - end to end guide to your first gadget

    Introduction to implementing USB devices. Minimal overview of hardware and software with an example with STM32 microcontroller. Also contains an index to very detailed guides for more information.

    Making USB devices - end to end guide to your first gadget

    Hacker News discussion here:

    GPU_programming dragontamer

    How I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it

    Currently getting Hacker News hug of death right now, but hopefully in a few days the traffic subsides. From what I could load, it looks like a good article. does have a mirror.

    RealTesla dragontamer Tesla to stop production at German plant for five days in June

    Electic vehicle maker Tesla will stop production at its German plant in Gruenheide for five days in June to improve processes in the factory outside Berlin, a spokesperson said on Tuesday. Confirming a report by business daily Handelsblatt, the spokesperson said Tesla would pause production in the ...

    Tesla to stop production at German plant for five days in June
    RealTesla dragontamer Elon Musk ordered Nvidia to ship thousands of AI chips reserved for Tesla to X and xAI

    Emails circulated inside Nvidia show that Elon Musk was telling the chipmaker to prioritize shipments of GPUs to X and xAI ahead of Tesla.

    Elon Musk ordered Nvidia to ship thousands of AI chips reserved for Tesla to X and xAI

    How to use I2C devices in (Apache) NuttX: Adding support for an I2C device in your board

    A random article talking about I2C on the NuttX RTOS.

    I haven't heard of NuttX before, but the supported platforms ( is quite impressive, including several chips I'm interested in. There's a number of 8-bit processors (albeit larger ones) on the list, though I'd assume this NuttX OS is best served on a microprocessor??

    RealTesla dragontamer

    Class Action: Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System vs Elon R. Musk

    Elon Musk's Twitter Purchase, not the $44 Billion part, the 5%+ part in March 2022 (when Elon crossed the 5% legal threshold wherein he was required to report becoming a large stakeholder publicly).

    It sounds like Elon failed to report crossing over this threshold in a timely manner, so this large Twitter-shareholder (Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System) is suing Elon Musk. Or so they allege.

    RealTesla dragontamer Tesla’s $56 Billion Pay Package for Elon Musk Opposed by Calpers CEO

    (Bloomberg) -- Calpers, the largest state public pension fund in the US, tentatively plans to vote against a proposed $56 billion pay package for Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk, a sign of opposition from a major investor.Most Read from BloombergWall Street Returns to T+1 Stock Trading ...

    Tesla’s $56 Billion Pay Package for Elon Musk Opposed by Calpers CEO

    > Calpers owns roughly 9.5 million Tesla shares, making it among the electric vehicle maker’s 30 largest investors, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

    RealTesla dragontamer

    Tesla Owners Get Only 64% Of EPA Range After Just Three Years: Study (Updated)


    The big issue is that Model 3 and Model Y only have 73%ish of the range when brand new, and then after 3 years that drops down to ~64%ish of its advertised range.

    RealTesla dragontamer

    We write to you to urge you to vote AGAINST the reelection of directors Kimbal Musk and James Murdoch and AGAINST the ratification of CEO Elon Musk’s 2018 option award at Tesla’s AGM on June 13th

    This is the big letter from Pension-funds about the upcoming Tesla vote on Elon Musk's pay package, board of directors, and the move to Texas (away from Delaware) as corporate headquarters.

    Some shareholders, such as the ones who wrote this letter, are very strongly against the $50 Billion (or so) of TSLA shares going to Elon Musk. And the arguments seem valid, based on this letter.
