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downpunxx downpunxx
Posts 58
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Baltimore church to end religious services after priest suspended over sexual harassment settlement
  • The Catholic Church has actively ran the longest largest worldwide Pedophile ring in human history. For the past 1800 years the Catholic Church recruited, supported, obfuscated, defended, and excused pedophilia, which continues to this day. The fact the Catholic Church still allowed to operate, in any way shape or form, with youth of any kind, in any country, anywhere, means we've all purposefully lost the thread. Beside the Catholic Church being criminal, it's only shown how very little adults care about the systematic raping of children. Like, at all. We simply do not care.

  • Amazon execs destroyed years of evidence before FTC action, agency says
  • When the likelihood of prosecution and punishment for destroying evidence is less than the bonus they got from amazon for destroying the evidence, it's an easy choice. There is no law if there is no enforcement.

  • Organisers of pro-Palestine marches fear ban on Saturday’s protest in London
  • As it turns out Countries which fought the Nazi Reich, at great cost, which have been hit with massive Muslim Terrorist attacks don't take too kindly to hundreds of thousands of Muslim terrorists, and Islamic terrorist supporters marching through their streets screaming "Kill All The Jews", I mean, who knew

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • it's the "just fuck me up fam" option

  • Opinion | Smiths Station mayor's suicide should serve as a lesson for all of us
  • lol, nope, Republicans fuck off, we're intolerant to intolerance in this household

    Poor poor racist Republican, joined the Republican party to hold down women, and minorities, didn't wanna get into the whole "the leopards that eat faces party, that i glad fully joined and represented. might eat my face, should they find out i like wearing women's clothing, here, let me just defund another domestic violence shelter, nope, i'll be just fine"

    All Republicans are hypocritical bigots, by definition. It's the core of their political party, it's who they signed up to be identified with, it's who they are, or in the case of this poor bigoted fuck, were. I don't want to see any "but this was a nice republican" bullshit. After the Southern Strategy in 1964, all Republicans are trash, every single one.

    Institutionalized racism, misogyny, homophobia, and white Christian separatism as party platform. No matter how "conservative" Republicans claimed to be, The Southern Strategy was the core value and singular driving force for the past 60 years.

    MAGA isn't a symptom, it's result.

  • How the Israel-Hamas conflict is dividing the UK Labour party
  • lol, yeah, and sir kir holding the line vs the antisemitic leftist muslim terrorist supporting hoarde only makes labour more electable with the entire nation

    he knows exactly what he's doing

  • ‘Captain Marvel’ Tracking Lower Than ‘The Flash’ — World of Reel
  • so so terrible bad, zero redeeming qualities

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • you mean the Hospital PIJ actually bombed? or the "palestinian" terrorists who were working in their bomb factory that blew up dozens of other "palestinians" on saturday in their refugee camp, which like hospitals, schools, and mosques, refugee camps should be places of safety, but again, the "palestinians" use them to store and create weapons with which to kill jews, as they have since being given gaza and turning into and islamic terrorist disneyland.

    i'm really comfortable with my concept of basic human dignity, and think yours is sour, rotten and corrupted by antisemitic hatred, and will fight the likes of you, with every fiber of my being

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • "Leftist" has come to mean Antisemite, so I couldn't give a single fuck how many placed you're deplatformed from, maybe "Leftist" always meant antisemite, as a member of the Democratic Party whose voted straight ticket Democrat my entire life, I always considered myself on the Left, as social justice, and basic human decency were paramount in my personal politics, though seeing how most Jew killing Muslim terrorist supporters hail from the Left, it's got me reconsidering my personal politics due to simple self preservation. I'm not ready to give my vote to the dark side, but there's only so much "we don't care about Jews" this Jew can take

  • UK Government Drawing Up Proposals To Criminalise Dissent
  • As it turns out Countries which fought the Nazi Reich, at great cost, which have been hit with massive Muslim Terrorist attacks don't take too kindly to hundreds of thousands of Muslim terrorists, and Islamic terrorist supporters marching through their streets screaming "Kill All The Jews", I mean, who knew

  • The Inevitable Fall of Putin’s New Russian Empire
  • You forgot the Untied States of fuckin America and the War of Independence that started off the whole shooting match and the fall of the British Empire. You're welcome.

  • Circumcised men, how do you feel about your parents having mutilated your penis without your consent?
  • Ah yes, more antisemitism. Hittin on all cylinders I see you Nazi fucks. I feel excellent about it, not only does my cock not look like a sad elephant, but it's more hygienic than leaving unnecessary skin over the tip of my dick. Thanks for asking.

  • Likely human skull found in Halloween section of Florida thrift store
  • one of the reasons so many people are fleeing south america

  • Putin Unleashes Record Bombing in Ukraine as the World Watches Gaza
  • Russia ----> Iran -----> Hamas

    Israel, the USA, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were in the midst of high level talks for KSA to recognize Israel with the United States providing a weapons package to KSA, and then 4000 "Palestinians" stormed the Israeli border on October 7th, raped, burnt, beheaded and slaughtered close to 2000 Israeli citizens, causing the largest loss of Jewish life, in any single day, anywhere, since the end of the Holocaust

  • Tamimi: 'We will drink your blood; what Hitler did to you was a joke'
  • While Arabs have gotten you cunts to scream "genocide" for the last 70 yeasrs, the "Palestinain" headcount has increased a hundred fold. That word doesn't mean how you're using it, and is inappropriate to use in this context at all, in any way, whatsoever.

    You don't help Arabs when you do this, You certainly don't help Jews, You only assist the Muslim Terrorists, so, party on if it's what makes you feel good.

    There will be no ceasefire this time.

    Am YIsrael Chai, motherfuckers

  • She said yes!
  • still legal in alabama, tennesee, and north texas

  • Blast at Al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza kills dozens | CNN
  • lol, "palestinians" and their terrorists blow themselves up (just like they shot that rocket into their own hospital two weeks ago), and the antisemites cry "aggressively pro IDF comments"

    get fucked, they blew themselves up before they could blow up and israelis, which is a good thing by definition, and expected, watch this space it's guaranteed to happen again

  • ‘MAGA Mike Johnson’ and Our Broken Christian Politics
  • what's this "our" shit christman? there's no "our christian politics", as we're Americans, with a Constitutional mandate and separation clause inferring as Thomas Jefferson put it "a wall of separation between church and state"

    fuck christ. fuck christians. since the romans strung that dude up he's been nothing but death and pain to my people. fuck em there, fuck em here. fuck christianity everywhere.

    this is the united states of goddamned america, and i'll be good and goddamned if i ceede an "our" to christianity

  • Blast at Al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza kills dozens | CNN
  • once again, the "palestinians" invite their terrorists to set up shop for bomb making, in their refugee camps, in what should be a place of safety and refuge, much like they do in their schools, mosques, hospitals. and once again, the "palestitnians" and their terrorists hurt themselves in their confusion. Glad those IED's they were making didn't hurt any Israelis. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Blast at Al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza kills dozens | CNN

    Dozens were killed and many more injured in a blast at the Al-Maghazi refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip late Saturday night, according to an official at a nearby hospital and eyewitnesses who spoke with CNN.

    Blast at Al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza kills dozens | CNN
    With the world on fire, a cowardly, timid news media is a threat to U.S. democracy
  • 7 years after 2016, and Trump coming down that fake golden escalator: ya think?

    During 2016 election The New York Times published thousands of stories about Clinton email/Benghazi, not one on Trumps lifelong ties to NY/Russian mob. As if The New York Times wasn't in a particularly knowledgeable position to report on 70 years of NYC construction & mob history

  • remember

    1 Raiders fire Josh McDaniels, Dave Ziegler

    Las Vegas made the announcement at 1 a.m. ET on Wednesday.

    Raiders fire Josh McDaniels, Dave Ziegler

    time keeps on slippin into the future


    DHS official placed on leave after pro-Palestinian ties revealed Biden DHS official placed on leave after pro-Palestinian ties revealed

    A Department of Homeland Security official was put on leave after a report that they had previously worked for the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

    Biden DHS official placed on leave after pro-Palestinian ties revealed
    0 After legal battle, Ala. congressional map to include 2nd district for Black voters: Court

    Alabama voters will vote in the 2024 elections using a map that includes a second district designed to empower the state's Black voters, a federal court ruled on Thursday

    After legal battle, Ala. congressional map to include 2nd district for Black voters: Court
    4 Grimes sues Elon Musk over parental rights

    Grimes, whose legal name is Claire Boucher, filed a petition to establish a parental relationship in San Francisco Superior Court on Friday.

    Grimes sues Elon Musk over parental rights

    Grimes, whose legal name is Claire Boucher, filed a petition to establish a parental relationship in San Francisco Superior Court on Friday.

    \*Lay down with billionaire nazi fascist dogs ....... wake up with fleas, and without your own children


    Police chief who raided small Kansas newspaper resigns

    Gideon Cody, the small-town Kansas police chief who spearheaded a raid on the Marion County Record, resigned Monday, Marion Mayor David Mayfield said. Mayfield hired Cody in the spring and suspended him last week without explanation. At Monday’s Marion City Council meeting, Mayfield announced Cody handed in his resignation before the meeting, “effective immediately.” Mayfield declined to talk to reporters after the meeting and offered no explanation for Cody’s departure.


    For anyone in #USA who's hiding a phone from other people in their home - it will ring even on mute on the 4th of October - turn it off

    FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4,

    FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this fall.

    Test Messages Will be Sent to All TVs, Radios and Cell Phones

    7 Elon Musk Hit With Lawsuit For Falsely Linking Man To Neo-Nazi Brawl

    Ben Brody, 22, said he was forced to leave his home after Musk falsely accused him of being a federal agent pretending to be a neo-Nazi.

    Elon Musk Hit With Lawsuit For Falsely Linking Man To Neo-Nazi Brawl
    14 Russell Brand: Thames Valley Police investigates allegations

    Thames Valley Police says it is looking into a woman's complaint of harassment and stalking.

    Russell Brand: Thames Valley Police investigates allegations
    27 Yury Garavsky: Swiss trial acquits man who admitted abducting Belarus politicians

    A Belarusian is released despite giving a detailed account of disappearing opposition members.

    Yury Garavsky: Swiss trial acquits man who admitted abducting Belarus politicians
    0 Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election case

    Scott Hall is the first person to plead guilty in the 19 defendant case.

    Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election case

    Scott Hall is the first person to plead guilty in the 19 defendant case. First to flip.

    23 Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election case

    Scott Hall is the first person to plead guilty in the 19 defendant case.

    Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election case

    Dude flipped. Scott Hall is the first person to plead guilty in the 19 defendant case.

    6 'Emotional support' alligator denied entry into baseball stadium

    Fans were surprised to see an alligator turn up at a Philadelphia Phillies baseball match with its owner. Joie Henney has said they were there to meet the players in an arranged visit, but will have to go another time.

    'Emotional support' alligator denied entry into baseball stadium
    7 Fake Bitwarden sites push new ZenRAT password-stealing malware

    Fake Bitwarden sites are pushing installers purportedly for the open-source password manager that carry a new password-stealing malware that security researchers call ZenRAT.

    Fake Bitwarden sites push new ZenRAT password-stealing malware

    Fake Bitwarden sites are pushing installers purportedly for the open-source password manager that carry a new password-stealing malware that security researchers call ZenRAT.

    The malware is distributed to Windows users through websites that imitate the legitimate Bitwarden site and rely on typosquatting to fool potential victims.


    Hollywood writers reach a tentative deal with studios, agree to end strike

    Hollywood production has been halted for months as actors and writers have been on strike. Now, the writers are headed back to work. Actors represented by SAG-AFTRA remain on strike.


    Hygrometer salt calibration test - should 2 TBSP table salt plus 1/2 TBSP water in a small monkey dish, in a gallon bag work?

    this is driving me pretty mad, i've got hygrometers, digital and analog all reading wildly different percentages, and would like to calibrate them, read up on the salt test, where you take salt make it damp stick it in a plastic bag and after +8 hrs the internal humidity of the bag should be exactly 75%. for anyone that's familiar with calibrating hygrometers, should 2 TBSP table salt plus 1/2 TBSP water in a small monkey dish, in a gallon bag work? or is it too much water for the salt, too big of a bag, too much or too little time. did the test overnight on 4 different hygrometers for 12 hours, took them out of the bag, and now after 30 minutes to equalize to room temp, are not only once again wildly off, but the lowest is reading what I would imagine to be 10 percentage points of how humid the room "feels". maddening. thanks.


    Question about video resolution: Why do my 1080p encoded videos show up correctly but my 2160p encoded videos show up so much darker.

    This has been bugging me for a while now, windows 10, new motherboard, HDMI to 4k tv [600 nits], intel uhd on board display adapter running at 60hz, when I play a 1080p encoded video with, for example, Windows Movie and TV app, it plays fine, but when I play the same move or show in a 2160p encoded video it shows so much darker to the point of making it unwatchable. Pulled up the same show, one in 1080 the other in 2160 and took a screenshot, and am attaching it to this post. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? The fact I can screenshot it and it looks darker in the screenshot seems to tell me it's not the fault of my TV, but I can't figure out for the life of me, what I would upgrade to allow the 2160p encoded videos to play as bright as the 1080p videos, I know I could mess with the brightness on either the display or the video app, but why should that be necessary (windows Movies and TV app does not have a adjustable brightness, but the "glamour" of the videos it plays beats any other video player out the door, by miles, if you know you know). Cheers.
