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FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne

Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.

I'm single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.

@artbyflashmob on Instagram

Posts 7
Comments 1.7K
What is your favorite dinosaur?
  • Solid choice.

    There was a point in fifth grade when I was into plesioasurs after reading books about the Loch Ness Monster and Mokele Mbembe.

  • What is your favorite dinosaur?
  • Yep, my favorite as well.

    It just doesn't get any cooler than a literal living tank.

  • VP Harris tells teachers union she’s ‘fighting for the future,’ blasts Project 2025 • Oklahoma Voice
  • It would take a revolution to make meaningful positive change in this country.

  • VP Harris tells teachers union she’s ‘fighting for the future,’ blasts Project 2025 • Oklahoma Voice
  • The supreme Court made abortion illegal.

    I didn't say otherwise. I said Dems controlled the other two branches of government and did nothing to change that, and it's a factual statement.

    Kamala represents real generational change

    Yeah, I bought into that the first time they sold it to me back in 2008. All we got for it was a dead terrorist, legal torture, more expensive health care and... basically nothing else. And Obama had a supermajority for a while too.

  • VP Harris tells teachers union she’s ‘fighting for the future,’ blasts Project 2025 • Oklahoma Voice
  • Let's be real here.

    We've had 40 years of Democratic and Republican rule, and we know exactly what they're fighting for. 2/3 of the US states still have a minimum wage tied to the federal, meaning in 2/3 of the US states you can be paid less than a Starbucks coffee for an hour of work.

    Roe was repealed when Democrats had Congress and the presidency. All they did was use it to raise money, and have to date done nothing significant to try and win back our rights to our own bodies.

    Most Americans are grappling with double the grocery bills and costs of living they had prior to 2020, and Dems response has been to ignore it and find another half trillion dollars for other countries' wars and child genocide in Israel.

    These are the Democrats sitting by and letting cop cities happen, and remember, it was Biden who mocked the defund movement in his first SOTU.

    They're not fighting for the future. They're fighting for the wealthy and to keep that sweet war money flowing, and they don't give a damn what happens to you.

  • Kamala Harris clarifies she condemns the anti-Genocide protesters in DC and fully supports israel
  • It's been a few days and already the excuses are flying.

  • Kamala Harris clarifies she condemns the anti-Genocide protesters in DC and fully supports israel
  • And Harris is supposed to be our big, blue protector from the fascists?

  • can we be all rich together?
  • Yeah, people have believed in dumb shit like that since our species emerged from the primordial ooze.

  • can we be all rich together?
  • This world isn't going to die.

    It's just going to change.

    Our species might though.

  • can we be all rich together?
  • Only in a perfect world.

  • Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris
  • You're so right.

    I'm just going to ignore that they pretended the parliamentarian's word was law, which the Republicans did not do when Trump's tax scam was passed.

  • Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris
  • Seeing as how Biden's sitting around doing nothing about cop cities and the criminalization of abortion and homelessness, all the while supporting child genocide, it seems your problem is with Red fascism as opposed to Blue fascism, from where I'm looking.

  • Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris
  • Minimum wage is currently a partisan issue, a party that believes it should be increased and a party who doesn't think it should exist.


    It's 100% a bipartisan issue. Both have agreed that the status quo is a-okay, judging by their actions on the issue over the last near-20 years.

  • Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris
  • Harris has generally pushed for minimum wage increases where she can

    I said 'something significant'. Broken promises and pledges aren't significant. We've had almost two decades of broken promises and pledges on the federal minimum wage, and now people can be legally paid less than cup of Starbucks per hour in 2/3 of the US states.

  • Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris
  • No, it isn't.

    Campaign finance is the topic.

  • Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris
  • Please actually read what I post before responding and stay on topic.


  • Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris
  • Unlike a certain rich republican candidate who has misused funds, the money goes to their campaign not the person themselves

    That's not true.

    Candidates of both stripes can, and do, loan their campaigns money at interest, and it's legal. Both Clinton and Trump made headlines for it in 2016.

    Further, the federal minimum wage hasn't gone up since 2008, and that's more than enough proof to me that neither party cares about people.

    Don't contribute money to these assholes. Put it in your savings or investments instead.

  • can we be all rich together?
  • It puzzles me why leftist parties don't all embrace lower taxes for the middle class.

    Functionally, we don't have one. The closest is the Green Party, but they're so powerless that they may as well not exist.

  • can we be all rich together?
  • We can, but it requires not having billionaires.

  • Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris
  • Right?

    It doesn't make any sense to me either.

  • Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free - NY Daily News Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free

    The gift from board chair Ruth Gottesman to Albert Einstein Medical College in the Bronx removes a major financial hurdle to becoming a physician in a historically underserved borough.

    Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free

    Just another example of something that could be universal if we taxed the rich appropriately.


    Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms | Bridge Michigan

    Michigan will experiment with guaranteed income in Flint, one of its poorest cities, giving expectant and new moms $7,500 — no strings attached — to lift the stress of poverty from their newborns.

    Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms | Bridge Michigan

    FLINT—Eight days after entering the world, Khi’Meir Taylor made another debut — this time in what could be a national spotlight.

    Wednesday was the first day of a $55 million experiment to test whether cash payments can protect children from the toxic stress of poverty.


    Victoria - The Master Spy

    At least, she is in her own little world. :)


    Several of our KC-area roller derby skaters won a national title at USARS Nationals this weekend.

    I just thought it would be cool to put this out there. The Satellites featured several local skaters from Fountain City Roller Derby: Tiff (a former Team USA skater), Mel Malice, Aneeda Hurtcha, Annie Maul, and Queen of Hurts. As if that wasn't cool enough, Olympic Gold Medalist Erin Jackson was also skating for the Satellites.

    Pretty. Effing. Rad.

    If you're interested in checking out roller derby, you can find more info on


    It's game week for Fountain City Roller Derby.

    Hola Kansas City. This week is game one of all-gender season at Fountain City Roller Derby. Here are the details:

    Location: Olahrama Skating Rink Date Time: Saturday, June 24 at 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00. Tickets: $15 for adults. Kids 17 and under are free. Food: The snack bar will be open or you can bring in your own drinks and snacks for a $10 cooler fee, no glass allowed.

    I promise we'll skate our hearts out for you.


    Who are some of history's biggest unnamed badasses? How a single Viking's berserker rage changed world history forever

    1066 was a tough year for Harold Godwinson, also known as Harold II, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. This had a lot to do with the two approaching forces who were trying to end his reign way earlier than he expected. One of them would be famou…

    Personally, my favorite is the Viking of Stamford Bridge. The thought that one man taking out 40 English soldiers and completely altering history in one epic fight is just awesome, and no one recorded his name.

    They just gave him a kickass title instead.



    Camille - Before and After

    This is the picture I like to show artists when they hate their stuff after a single layer of work, because I hate all of my stuff after a single layer of work, but it's important to remember it's a process.
