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Cylusthevirus Cylusthevirus

Science and expert opinion should be respected, "your own research" is usually worthless, Black Lives Matter, Taiwan is a country, Love is Love, and Trans Rights are Human Rights.

No nazis or tankies, thanks.

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Comments 619
Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • Which instances are we talking about? I've not seen this debate crop up on Kbin or Beehaw.

  • Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • On one side men who may not be the most well informed about women issues; will get immediately defensive at being compared to a large animal known for tearing people apart and eating them alive.

    Nah. Defensiveness in this context is a red flag because it is transparently obvious why a woman would choose the bear. It needn't be a strictly rational choice; it's a vote of no confidence in men earned through lived experience. The fact that it's even a question should be a seen by men as deeply sad: a reminder of the work that must still be done. The very act of trying to convince a woman of the error of her choice is a sign of a failure to understand the nature of the problem, the exercise, or both.

    large animal known for tearing people apart and eating them alive

    This is by no means what bears are known for. Black bears will frighten off easily. Brown bears are dangerous, yes, but much depends on the nature of the encounter.

    It was never going to end in a productive, calm or rational discussion

    It already has, but thanks for the self report?

  • It is very therapeutic to garden, though.
  • Why would home gardeners optimize for yield and cost effectiveness? They can't deploy automation or economies of scale.

    You garden at home because you enjoy the flavor, freshness, and variety. Those are the perks. Miss me with those mealy, flavorless grocery store tomatoes.

  • Don’t Buy the Right-Wing Disinformation Campaign on “From the River to the Sea”
  • You mean the Ottoman Empire? Is that supposed to be the same entity? I have no fuckin' clue anymore.

  • 'Marketing's dead, and I can back this s**t up': Baldur's Gate 3 publishing director says players 'just want to be spoken to, and they don't want to be bamboozled'
  • Oh it's not, dead, it's just changed shape so we don't immediately recognize it. This, for example, is an ad for about 5 different games.

    Notice how the brands were mentioned. Notice how much more palatable this is as a delivery system for that sweet brand awareness. They're making statements we agree with! They're demonstrating values that align with our own.

    Now look it's video games so I really don't mind. This is certainly nicer than what we had in the 90s and 2000s (which were occasionally hilarious but I digress) , but I still want to raise awareness a bit. Larian isn't the only company that rolls this way. Thing is, they're probably not even lying, but an executive at a company does media like this for a reason.

    This is them "speaking to you."

  • 'They've Taken Away My Right to Speak,' Trump Says While Ranting to Reporters
  • I mean Trump in gen pop in a prison is a gang war waiting to happen.

  • Disabled people's exclusion from indoor spaces is a civil rights violation, not an annoyance
  • Hey now, misdirected anger is like 25% of all social media content. What would we possibly do without it?

  • It’s No Surprise That “Skills-Based” Hiring Has Not Worked
  • The cool thing about it is that the core of it is really just one page.

    There's a page in there with a list of types of tests and their respective r values, which is a number between zero and one that explains how well a given type of test predicts job performance based on this gigantic meta analysis the researchers ran. Zero means there's no relationship between the test and job performance and one means the test predicts job performance perfectly.

    Generally you want something better than .3 for high stakes things like jobs. Education and experience sits at ... .11 or so. It's pretty bad. By contrast, skills tests do really well. Depending on the type they can go over .4. That's a pretty big benefit if you're hiring lots of people.

    That said it can be very hard to convince people that "just having a conversation with someone" isn't all that predictive at scale. Industry calls that an "unstructured interview" and they're terrible vectors for unconscious or conscious bias. "Hey, you went to the same school as me..." and now that person is viewed favorably.

    Seriously this stuff is WELL STUDIED but for some reason the MBA lizards never care. It's maddening.

  • It’s No Surprise That “Skills-Based” Hiring Has Not Worked
  • How do you write this article and not once reference I/O Psychology or the literature that examines how well various tests predict job performance? (e.g. Schmidt and Hunter, 1998)

    I swear this isn't witchcraft. You just analyze the job, determine the knowledge and skills that are important, required at entry, and can't be obtained in a 15 minute orientation, and then hire based on those things. It takes a few hours worth of meetings. I've done it dozens of times.

    But really what all that boils down to is get someone knowledgeable about the role and have them write any questions and design the exercises. Don't let some dingleberry MBA ask people how to move Mt. Fuji or whatever dumb trendy thing they're teaching in business school these days.

  • US airman dies after setting himself on fire outside Israeli embassy
  • What are you using your life for?

    This is where you start asking yourself if you're really a good person after all.

  • US airman dies after setting himself on fire outside Israeli embassy
  • All it takes to get people to cheer on suicide via self-immolation is doing it for the right cause, I guess. Gross.

  • US airman dies after setting himself on fire outside Israeli embassy
  • How about suicide? Less fond of that one.

  • Google rule
  • Someone in that org needs to be an adult and say no to pointless rebrands and brain dead consolidation. Literally nobody, even Google, is benefiting from this spastic behavior.

  • Nazis mingle openly at CPAC, spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and finding allies
  • So there's definitely a Zionist wing of the party. What's gonna happen when they come into contact with the Nazi wing of the party?

  • Debating a conservative be like
  • Sure. But it's the dominant opinion in the GOP. It has to be; the majority of their policy positions are at odds with the academic community.

    Their only response to that is to allege vague, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about sweeping fraud and corruption. Of course fraud and corruption exist, but it's a matter of scale. The kind of conspiracy they're talking about would require absolute secrecy across millions of people all over the world. That simply does not happen.

    This is one of the main reasons I left the party after 15+ years and being raised in it. It always bothered me that most of the smart people who'd done the hard work to understand their disciplines were not Republicans and it turns out there actually was a good reason for that.

  • What I should do about auditory "hallucinations"
  • That's a referral to a series of specialists and probably an MRI or two at minimum. Cancer is a deeply shitty way to die, go talk to your doctor ASAP.

  • Lips that grip
  • In Cyberpunk 2077, Judy's icon is a ghost popping out of a clamshell. There's two jokes in there.

  • A dice stall at my local farmers and craft market!
  • It's great you can get fresh, organic dice.

  • Always hoping they would both be good movies
  • I played so many different SNES, Genesis, and PS1 games this way. My dad was my sane parent growing up, and every weekend I got to stay with him he did this with me. He'd pick me up from school, we'd score some movies and games, and have dinner. No fighting, no crazy outbursts. Just fun times and chill.

    When I was younger he used to read me Hardy Boys mysteries at night. He was a great dad.

  • ‘Just Like We Drew It Up’: What’s behind Joe Biden’s Super Bowl post? [12 Feb 2024 | Sarah Shamim | Al Jazeera]
  • What a strange way to tell us that your sense of ideological purity is worth more than people's actual lives.