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Wahots Wahots
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After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law
  • Pack the court and disbarring Trump would should be the bare minimum.

  • After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law
  • At this point, I'm hoping for an Iranian-style helicopter crash for Trump, Bannon and a few others, Harlan and Thomas get killed in a hurricane wile vacationing abroad, and the other conservative supreme court justices all get get incapacitated by some disease or something.

    If the entirety of the heritage foundation could get hit by a fridge-sized meteorite, that would be great.

  • [Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?
  • Thank god I'm not the only one >_>

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • Yeah, I agree. The other nude beach down the road feels a bit cleaner.

  • [Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?
  • Oh, I meant the underlying account name itself. The account that you log in with if you don't use a QR code.

  • [Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?
  • If anyone ever figures this out for your Steam account (not the gamertag, which can be changed), lmk, I'm in a similar boat.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • I've gone to nude beaches countless times and never seen this, lmao.

    It's like a normal beach with a clothing nerf. Most people are reading, chatting with friends, or swimming with beach balls and floaties.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • They are really good. And tbh, they feel pretty normal once you get used to it, usually takes about 15 min. I prefer them now, since you dry off a lot quicker and don't have to deal with a wet bathing suit. The US has some good ones, as does Canada.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • Recently, some solid gold asshole tried to close one of the two nude beaches in our city by getting a playground installed on it (the nude beach is in the wealthy part of town, nestled between $6.2m dollar homes in a neighborhood that only recently become staggeringly wealthy. The beach itself is tiny, but heavily used.

    Luckily, hundreds and hundreds of people showed up at the tiny community center, all in favor of protecting the nude beach. People were packed in, and a line stretched out deep into the lobby and out the main doors. They keep trying to close it, but people love it too much. Realistically, the city needs more nude beaches, not less. Beach goer cars line the neighborhood for blocks, and the park and bike racks are always completely full.

  • Apple Rumored to Be Working on AirPods With Built-in Cameras
  • Yeah, it feels like no matter how much I spend on stuff like toasters, air fryers, or blenders, they just aren't built like they were a couple of decades ago. It's a drag to go through appliances that shouldn't be disposable. Even high-end vaccums don't last as long as they should, and when they do need parts, they are difficult to repair. Miele even got bought out, iirc.

  • What "unique" or single-game-genre games have you enjoyed?
  • Pacific Drive is weird but really fun. It's like DiRT meets CONTROL.

    I don't think it needs another. It stands alone as a testament to an interesting game design that shouldn't be watered down.

    I have yet to find another game that plays like Inscryption. It's a deck builder, but wow, it has a story. Interestingly good game that I want more of.

    While Elite Dangerous is part of a genre, it is a rare game that is actually meant for lots of controller/J HOTAS methods and has shockingly deep gameplay. You can tell it was really meant for adept players, a rare style of games these days. I doubt we will see one like it for awhile, just due to the needs of consumers, the game engine, and the capital required to build a game of that size again.

  • Apple Rumored to Be Working on AirPods With Built-in Cameras
  • They need to take their talent and apply it to stuff that could actually use it, rather than rehashing stuff that is already good. An Apple clothes dryer that actually can sense dry clothes and doesn't break easily. An apple garage door that doesn't suck. An Apple Ebike that lasts ages and is repairable (and gets people out of their cars).

    I think an Apple bidet could be neat. A toaster, too.

  • Are you still living with your parents/family?
  • Not currently, but I might temporarily move back with family as my lease is ending soon, and I want to save money for a house or condo. I also would rather not sign a lease on a small place, and be stuck with a tiny 1bd studio apartment when my fiancé moves in with me. But I also don't want to throw a ton of cash away on a 2bd unnecessary.

    I wish rent wasn't so insane. I blame most of the companies now using algorithmic rent to control vast swaths of housing here.

    Once I switch jobs and really know where my new career is taking me, I can really start looking at the housing market. Praying for a good housing crash, or a dip that causes Black Rock and the other investment firms to panic sell all their real estate ❤️

  • CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership
  • People only remember the first hour. All the good shit happened in the second half anyways, lol.

  • What did people do before smartphones to pass the time when you were bored?
  • Playing outside a lot more, which was really fun. Hit the beach or swim docks and jumped off the highdives. Went camping. Bike adventures, etc. Lots more physical toys like nerf, Lego, beyblades, etc. CD music players, cassette music players, or MP3 music players, depending on the era.

    People on the metro buses would read the paper to pass the time, listen to music, or read a book.

    Back then, you could rent videos or games at a rental place, and there were many more physical hobby shops (there still are, but for live stuff, like aquariums now). Malls were a lot more alive and were true third places. Though even back then, I found people gorging themselves in a materialistic frenzy rather...distasteful. People still do it, just via Amazon and fast fashion online.

    The biggest things I remember were how chill people were, the ubiquity of newspapers, smoking and cigarette holders outside, a lack of really any graffiti, and people being incredibly chill and a bit more open. There were also like, zero bike lanes or rail, so everyone drove everywhere.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • It's a completely different game vs undertale. It's like comparing Dota 2 to DiRT rally, haha. It's worth going in blind, and the post-game is extremely good and very replayable (and adds new content).

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Inscription is fucking awesome. And you don't really need a mouse, so it can be nice for flights, or if you want to play one-handed for some reason.

    The post-game is SO GOOD.

    It's one of those rare videogames that makes non-gamers ask "What is that?" And then "where can I buy it?"

  • Trump dodges climate issues, saying, ‘We had H2O, we had the best.’
  • "Can Biden do that?” Mr. Trump muttered to me after he played a shot on his course in Bedminster, N.J. “He says he’s a six-handicap. He’s not a six-handicap.”

    Lmfao, Biden is actually messing with his mind. Amazing xD

  • Fun fact: If you use your bank to threaten adobe, they will waive the cancellation fee
  • I don't believe so, because it never reaches your credit card. You spoof your credit card with a fake number. It can make the payments to privacy. Privacy hands the money to the sketchy client.

    It's basically a self-imposed Man-in-the-middle attack.

    Ehen you destroy the man in the middle, your bank and the sketchy client have no means of communicating or can even "see" each other. Your money goes to privacy first.

  • Fun fact: If you use your bank to threaten adobe, they will waive the cancellation fee
  • I don't think so. Canada does have similar services through some banks, IIRC.

  • Column: Good news for 100% clean energy. Deep Geothermal has finally arrived Column: Good news for 100% clean energy. Geothermal has finally arrived

    Superhot underground rocks can supply 24/7 clean power, combating the climate crisis.

    Column: Good news for 100% clean energy. Geothermal has finally arrived

    There are geothermal solutions for geothermal features near the surface already. This article is about advances in deep geothermal solutions: 15,000+ feet of pipe, deep into the earth. Utilizing the falling cost of horizontal drilling equipment from the fracking industry, there are now solutions to drill 10,000 feet down, and 5,000 feet sideways to improve the likelihood of running into superheated rock. Currently, drilling will be limited to geothermally gifted areas of America, but may be able to expand to less fortunate areas as the technology improves and gets even less expensive.


    Miserable, Aggressive, Dull- How Heat Affects the Brain - The New York Times (Free article) How Heat Affects the Brain

    High temperatures can make us miserable. Research shows they also make us aggressive, impulsive and dumb.

    How Heat Affects the Brain

    Looks like critical thinking deteriorates above 72f/22c. Crime swings higher. Lowering your core temperature seems to help, even if you live in a climate with unavoidable heat.


    San Diego helps Calgary get a critical piece of pipe for their ruptured water main ❤️

    For context, a water main blew, and the city of Calgary has been under strict water rationing for the past handful of days. The new pipe should arrive later this week from California :)


    The Magnet Fisherman’s Dilemma: What to Do With $70,000 Before It Disintegrates - The New York Times (Free article)

    It's pretty cool that the government has a department that can delicately extract damaged money and return new bills to people. I wish this article went into the process of how they do it!


    In Vermont, a Glimpse of a Plant Last Seen a Century Ago, Now Rediscovered - The New York Times (Paywall removed)

    They found a plant thought to be exinct in the area, and got super excited when they found it. Seeds have been forwarded to a seed bank. The article is worth a read and is fairly short :)


    Little known US Cricket Team Wins Unlikely Match Against Pakistan U.S. Scores Historic Cricket Win, but Only Pakistan Notices

    Many Americans were oblivious to the magnitude of the World Cup victory against Pakistan on Thursday. But the pain was sharp in the cricket-mad nation.

    U.S. Scores Historic Cricket Win, but Only Pakistan Notices

    It was a very unlikely win. Some, if not all players on this team have day jobs.

    Paywall free version here:


    If Elected, Donald Trump Would Face Few Hurdles to Prosecuting Rivals- The New York Times (Free Article) Trump’s Vows to Prosecute Rivals Put Rule of Law on the Ballot

    Donald Trump’s promise to seek retribution challenges long-established norms. The election could hinge in part on what kind of justice system the country believes it has now and wants in the future.

    Trump’s Vows to Prosecute Rivals Put Rule of Law on the Ballot

    In effect, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is becoming a referendum on what kind of justice system the country believes it has now and wants to have in the future


    Seattle’s first fully-protected intersection is now open at Dexter/Thomas – Seattle Bike Blog Seattle’s first fully-protected intersection is now open at Dexter/Thomas

    The goal: No more deaths or serious injuries at Dexter and Thomas. This seemingly unremarkable intersection has been the site of at least two tragedies in recent memory. Mike Wang was killed by som…

    Seattle’s first fully-protected intersection is now open at Dexter/Thomas

    Hopefully, some of these get added along dangerous intersections in south and west Seattle. UW could also use some.


    Global Stockpile of Cholera Vaccine Is Gone as Outbreaks Spread- However, Multiple Manufacturers are Building Out New Lines and New Vaccines- The New York Times (Free Article) Global Stockpile of Cholera Vaccine Is Gone as Outbreaks Spread

    One company is going to great lengths to build it up, but it will be years before it returns to the minimum level.

    Global Stockpile of Cholera Vaccine Is Gone as Outbreaks Spread

    Though the stockpile is gone due to multiple outbreaks, the good news is that we are going from one manufacturer to multiple, and the original company is sharing the vaccine recipe with other companies in order to get this outbreak under control. Meanwhile, another drug company is building a new vaccine that should be coming out in 2025.


    The U.S. Urgently Needs a Bigger Grid. Advanced Reconductoring Could be One Tool to Improve the Existing US Grid- The New York Times (Free Article) The U.S. Urgently Needs a Bigger Grid. Here’s a Fast Solution.

    A rarely used technique to upgrade old power lines could play a big role in fixing one of the largest obstacles facing clean energy, two reports found.

    The U.S. Urgently Needs a Bigger Grid. Here’s a Fast Solution.

    A lot of our grid is actually comprised of various smaller entities. Advanced Reconductoring could help, as building new lines takes ages due to permitting and localized red tape. We don't have a central authority to coordinate building new lines, so upgrading existing lines to better technology could allow us to get closer to bridging the gap.

    However, one of the downsides is that it will still be difficult to connect new solar and wind farms in remote areas, due to the need to build virgin powerlines spanning urban-rural areas. This is one tool we can do in the present - near future in order to improve our grid. Another is advanced monitoring sensors so we can transfer more electricity without accidently overloading transmission lines. Both are relatively low-cost alternatives to building new lines.


    A Tantalizing ‘Hint’ That Astronomers Got Dark Energy All Wrong - The New York Times (Free article) A Tantalizing ‘Hint’ That Astronomers Got Dark Energy All Wrong

    Scientists may have discovered a major flaw in their understanding of that mysterious cosmic force. That could be good news for the fate of the universe.

    A Tantalizing ‘Hint’ That Astronomers Got Dark Energy All Wrong

    The more data we collect, the more we realize our assumptions about the universe may be incorrect. This is the first year data of a multi-year study on mapping the position of galaxies.


    Senator Katie Britt used a story about sex trafficing in her State of the Union Response. It was highly misleading - The New York Times (Free article) Britt Faces Accusations of Misleading on Border in State of the Union Response

    The Alabama senator used a story about sex trafficking to criticize the Biden administration’s border policies. But the events appear to have occurred in Mexico years ago.

    Britt Faces Accusations of Misleading on Border in State of the Union Response

    The woman was from Mexico, still lives there, and never set foot in the US. Her kidnapping and rape was from 2002 - 2006 and took place in Mexico City.


    Greece legalizes same-sex marriage Greece legalizes same-sex marriage in a first for an Orthodox Christian country | CNN

    The Greek parliament has passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage, in a landmark victory for human rights in Greece and making it the first majority Orthodox Christian country to establish marriage equality for all.

    Greece legalizes same-sex marriage in a first for an Orthodox Christian country | CNN