Munchkin is . . . Orange; and Sozin looks out for/tolerates the young one
89 0 ReplyHi Munchkin and Sozin! Oranges really need a bigger cat keeping them in line.
11 0 ReplySo much so
4 0 Reply
you asked for it
78 0 ReplyHa, this cat looks high energy or just jazzed to be picked up.
17 0 ReplyThat expression! 😂
4 0 Reply
That's a cute human you have there
10 0 Replyis he/she perhaps a cheshire cat?
5 0 Reply
Whiskers Jelly
Ducks: Antonio, Amy, Sonic, Capri-Sun, Sir, Lady, Mama Duck, Coco, (the late)Chanel, Cayenne, Legs, and Judy. I don't have any good pics of them all together close-up.
62 0 ReplyYou've got a menagerie!
Tell them all that Lemmy says hi.
11 0 ReplyI do! I'd love to have more birds, but $$$ and space lol. I will tell the dogs that Lemmy says hi. I can't see my birds or cats until January at least because I had foot surgery and I'm staying with my parents until I can drive. My parents are taking care of the critters at my house for me and I have the dogs with me at my parents' place.
5 0 Reply
Not sure where else to post this. This is my boy Balto (the full husky), who unfortunately passed away during an emergency surgery on Monday to correct a diaphragm hernia. I'm going to miss him forever.
56 0 ReplyI'm so sorry to hear that. He looks very happy in these photos and I'm sure he loved the life you gave him.
15 0 ReplyI'm so sorry to hear that.
But on a lighter note, I glad to see I'm not the only person with dogs that lay next to their beds instead of on them.
edit: proof
9 0 ReplyRIP Balto 🐶
7 1 ReplyYesterday? I'm very sorry. RIP Balto
5 0 ReplyYes, still in shock over this happening. He was only 2. We had no idea he might not have made it out of that surgery.
3 0 Reply
Here's Charlotte and Emily! They're sisters from the same litter, so I named them after the Brontë sisters 😁
53 0 ReplyHi Charlotte and Emily!
7 0 Reply
her name is Aja and she likes to scream until i pet her
48 0 ReplyOne of my cats gives me this kind of stare when she wants me to Pick the container up and carry her around in it.
8 0 ReplyShe deserves all the pets
6 0 ReplyHi Aja!
5 0 ReplyThis one has some serious black cat energy
3 0 ReplyWhat an adorable basket case! 😂
1 0 Reply
Sparrow is staying with us this week and she's making it extremely difficult to Lemmy right now
Also been taking quite the interest in my knitting (as well as favourite pastime, leaving soggy bits of carrot all over the floor)
46 0 ReplyAww, she looks a bit like a Jack Russell I had growing up.
8 0 Reply
its Ozzy (left) and Kyubey (right) they found a bug
44 0 ReplyHi Ozzy and Kyubey!
I bet they just watched it and never actually caught it.
11 0 Reply
My Pixel
41 0 ReplyAnother one that could be a dog food model!
7 0 Reply
Remy was avocado toast for Halloween
40 0 ReplyHi Remy!
Your avocado has moon eyes.
12 0 Reply
Horizontal one is a demon, vertical one is really sweet.
38 0 ReplyI can see mischief in horizontal one's eyes
7 0 Reply
37 0 Reply2 posed and one is indifferent. Does that fit their personalities? Lol
7 0 ReplyThe indifferent is Viktor and he doesn't care about anything other than food. The other one in the back is Joe and he hates getting his picture taken despite how photogenic he is. And Chloe is old and kind of a bitch.
4 0 Reply
My sweet Bobo. More angel than cat.
35 0 ReplyThe halo!
13 0 Reply
My silly girl, Rosie. A Pomsky and very well behaved, usually 😂
35 0 ReplyHi Rosie! She's very photogenic.
4 0 ReplyThat she is! Here's two silly bonus pictures
9 0 Reply
she is so adorable!
3 0 ReplyThank you! Here's a bonus picture
7 0 Reply
35 0 ReplyNap time!
5 0 Reply4 0 Reply
Dumb idiot nekkid moron stinky fool absolute stooge:
Pączki — Americanized pronunciation like "poonch-key" (Polish folk, don't come for me: his name was originally correct ((Pączek)) but no one could remember it or pronounce it correctly).
He has a platform with a heatlamp in my living room where he gets treats and watches the cars go by.
I love him more than life itself.
33 0 ReplyWhat a goober
13 0 ReplyHe is!
I know he's ugly, but he's also very dumb.
Love him.
13 0 Reply
Isn't a pączki a kind of donut?
5 0 ReplyIt is! Very popular in the US before Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday.
But this particular Pączki is not good to eat. He'd let you, but it would not be worth it. Ew.
4 0 Reply
Our Main Coon, Freya
31 0 ReplyFirst of all, she's magnificent! 😍
Second of all, I'm very sorry but I can't stop myself from asking: if she's your main coon, do you have a secondary one as well? 😛
6 0 ReplyThank you, I'll give her a pet in your honor ☺️ Secondly, I'll blame autocorrect 😅
5 0 Reply
Freya makes me miss r/supermodelcats. She’s gorgeous!
5 0 ReplyA beauty, also file under: cats that look like ron perlman
4 0 ReplyHi Freya!
3 0 Reply
Finn when he was a small boi
Finn now
31 0 ReplyI have seen that pose before!
16 0 ReplyHi Finn!
That puppy picture is adorable.
6 0 Reply
Dug's an older rescue, but still hitting his stride!
30 0 ReplyHi Dug!
2 0 Reply
Ghost, Monster, and Kitty
29 0 ReplyPlease tell me the tiny one in the first pic is Monster, lol.
6 0 ReplyNo that's ghost, named because she could leave and enter anywhere without you knowing. here's monster
10 0 Reply
Rosie and Jules chilling with my wife in her office on the couch we bought just for them. Yes we spoil them.
29 0 ReplyHi Rosie and Jules!
They look like they're already practicing how to beg for more furniture.
3 0 ReplyTheir game is blankets. They have their favorites and subpar blankets are not acceptable.
3 0 Reply
My little baby, Soos!
28 0 ReplyHi Soos!
3 0 ReplyMaximum tortie!
2 0 ReplyVery much so! Filled with tortitude!
1 0 Reply
Took this a few days ago. I'd been reading, and put my pad down to go grab a cup of tea, returned to this.
The image is downscaled quite a bit, was originally posted elsewhere and had to fit in the size limit.26 0 ReplyThis cat is ready to binge watch something
7 0 Reply
My australian shepherd - Fang
26 0 ReplyHi Fang!
7 0 Reply
That's my doggo Axel =)
26 0 ReplyHi Axel! He looks like he could be on a dog food bag.
10 0 Reply
25 0 ReplyHey Chilli!
3 0 Reply
Sampson (right), and Teddy (left, my friends dog)
25 0 ReplyHi Sampson and Teddy! Look at that excitement in their eyes to be taking a picture, haha.
4 0 Reply
This is our new puppy, Hiccup
24 0 ReplyI can't decide if the name or the pup is more adorable. Probably the pup.
3 0 Reply
My two cockatiels Oreo and Kiri preening each other
24 0 ReplyFirst birds!
Hi Oreo and Kiri!
7 0 Reply
Always got one eye on us.. ;)
24 0 ReplyHe looks like he's winking after telling a good joke.
6 0 Reply
23 0 ReplyThese pics look practically professional. Great shots.
5 0 ReplyThank you. Portrait mode in the camera app is the secret ingredient here
4 0 Reply
Dodger is also curious about my nonsense.23 0 ReplyI can feel the judgement through the screen.
5 0 ReplyHe has so many judgment faces its ridiculous. For instance, here's a mild variation of "what the fuck is wrong with you?"
And "you are so full of shit".
Bear's got her own set, though they tend to lean more towards "idiot peasant."
6 0 Reply
My little baby Vločka, she has the fluff of a lion and she sure acts like a Princess. Vločka means snowflake in english, because of her appearance but also her character lol
23 0 ReplyThese are Finn and Luna :)
23 0 ReplyI see there's some forced grooming going on, lol
Hi Finn and Luna
3 0 Reply
My buddy Max. We found out his cancer is terminal this week and it's been really rough going. Give your pets a hug.
23 0 ReplyDamn, sorry to hear that. Tell Max I said he's a good boy.
4 0 ReplyI'm so sorry to hear that.
1 0 Reply
My friend adopted a wild cat, named it Dog. Pics from before and after getting Dog neutered.
23 1 ReplyHi Dog!
2 0 Reply
22 0 ReplyThe watchful eyes
6 0 Reply
These 2 little shits 🥰
22 0 Reply22 0 ReplyBeautiful dog and scenery!
6 0 Reply
21 0 ReplyI know trouble when I see it.
3 0 Reply
Charlie and Ghost.
Ghost is evil.
21 0 ReplyHi Charlie and Ghost!
7 0 ReplyCharlie wants you to pet him. Ghost thinks you're a threat because everyone but us is a threat and she's evil.
7 0 Reply
Here is Pusel, he's currently recovering from getting poisoned.
21 0 ReplyHypurrtia <3
21 0 ReplyThe thumbnail made my think she was wearing a Santa hat for a moment
Also, blep.
6 0 Reply
My idiot Koala just turned 15 yesterday!
21 0 ReplyI love it when dogs are named after other animals.
5 0 Reply
This is my very good boy Marley ❤️ wanted a dog since I moved out of my parent's place 18 years ago. Three weeks ago this bundle of joy and derp strolled into my life.
21 0 ReplyHey Marley!
3 0 Reply
And bingo is his name-o.
He’s as dumb as he looks. I promise.
21 0 ReplyHi Bingo!
6 0 Reply
21 0 ReplyMochi and Yami
20 0 ReplyHi Mochi and Yami!
Whichever is the black one is so tiny!
5 0 ReplyThe little void is Yami, and she is extremely smol 😻
5 0 Reply
One of the most stupid but cutest oranges ive ever seen
20 0 ReplyNot a single braincell in sight
7 0 ReplyStupid and sweet oranges are great
3 0 Reply
My birds! (Blue one is Ripple and the green one is Crocodile)
My snek! (No official name)
20 0 ReplyStarbuck and Gary Laser-Eyes. Both dumb as bricks (they never get the brain cell) but super sweet and cuddly. Complete lap cats. Gary also has the loudest purr I've ever heard from a cat, you can hear him through walls.
20 0 ReplyHi Starbuck and G.L.E.!
2 0 ReplyGLE>Starbuck
2 1 Reply
19 0 ReplySo sweet that they share a spot.
3 0 ReplyThis pic is actually half a year old because I was to lazy to make a new one. But I just walked by them and check this out. Sharing a spot right now again. :) They had their heads together, but I sadly woke them up.
17 0 Reply
These are my pets!
19 0 ReplyThat cat is a perfect circle
5 0 ReplyYes! He loves curling up!
4 0 Reply
This is Queen Isabella Greychunk. She lets some of us peasants call her Izzy.
She's got three fangs. She lost one in an unfortunate catnip-related incident.
It makes her very blurry.
19 0 ReplyCatnip, not even once
3 0 Reply
19 0 ReplyLove them all. Especially the dog that somehow looks fancier than the cat.
3 0 Reply
Cleo and Limmy. Cleo acts like a normal, high strung, cat. Limmy is .. different.
19 0 ReplyThank you for sharing Limmy with Lemmy.
4 0 Reply
Presenting his floofness, Basel. Pictured with his two favorite things, snow and sticks.
18 0 ReplyHi Basel!
(If this comment duplicates, just tell him Hi twice. I think my instance is sluggish today)
4 0 ReplyIt did, but Sir Floofy butt enjoyed the second round of pets.
Also, love the pet love this post generated. Keep being awesome!
3 0 Reply
Hi Basel!
3 0 Reply
That's Sarge he has asthma that the vet says looks like, "cat asthma" in an X-ray. It sounds like he always has a mouth full of spirit.
That's Batou he's a bouvier des flandres. He's about as smart as a rock. That's not why he got that name. Ghost in the shell is my favorite anime. He ate a whole box of nitriol gloves right before COVID.
18 0 ReplyHi Sarge and Batou!
Sarge looks like he's done with everybody's nonsense.
4 0 Reply
18 0 ReplyWhat a gorgeous dog!
6 0 ReplyThank you! Her name's Xena.
Sometimes she is round:
16 0 Reply
Katsu - My old Pokemon
18 0 ReplyHi Katsu!
2 0 Reply
Grissom, the Fart Terrorist
18 0 ReplyGrissom looks sorry about it at least.
5 0 Reply
Ok but just a quick peek
18 0 Reply18 0 ReplyMy boy Bean
17 0 ReplyHi Bean!
4 0 ReplyHello Fellow Legume Haver
2 0 Reply
Bear wants to know wtf Im doing.17 0 ReplyI thought these were double posts at first glance. Lol
Hi Bear!
3 0 Replyones black, ones grey, In the right light, it really can be difficult to tell who's who.
2 0 Reply
17 0 ReplyYes
17 0 ReplyThey look so relaxed
5 0 ReplyThey are, but if you so much as move a fraction of a millimeter towards the front door they will be instantly up and under your feet. They're border collie mixes so they are ridiculously high energy lol
4 0 Reply
17 0 ReplyEnjoying the spoils of war
17 0 ReplyHoarding their toys like little dragons.
2 0 Reply
Genghis Khan
17 0 ReplyHi Mr. Khan!
He looks ready to conquer.
4 0 ReplyHe conquers hearts mostly.
2 0 Reply
Say Hi Tyrion!
17 0 ReplyThis is my dog Dexter :)
17 0 ReplyMe and my stripey boy, Chief Inspector Bean, we were together for nearly 20 years and I will miss him until the day I die.
17 0 ReplyThrow a cat-themed band name on this, and you could have an album cover.
4 0 ReplyToo right. Bean never met anyone he wasn't prepared to like. He always had more friends than me, was always up in various neighbor's business and in general maintained a neighborhood inspection regime.
4 0 Reply
Kagi (Siamese), Orpheus (Big Black Cat) and Onyx (Smol Black Cat)
16 0 Reply16 0 Reply16 0 ReplyLook at that ball of fluff!
4 0 Reply
(Chi-Sberger [pronounced Cheeseburger])
16 0 ReplyChi-Sberger is a great name, lol
4 0 ReplyIt started as Chi, then cheese, then I worked out she loved cheeseburgers, plus it gave me the option of calling her burger when I was around other dogs with the ee sound in their name.
3 0 Reply
Here are Myles and Ronnie.
16 0 ReplyHi Myles, hi Ronnie!
5 0 Reply
17 1 ReplyI love the hats!
3 1 ReplyCats with hats?
1 0 Reply
Wolfie and Bandit
16 0 ReplyWolfie looks like trouble. Lol
1 0 ReplyShe sure can be :p
2 0 Reply
16 0 ReplyThis is Eve. She's pronounced Eevee like the Pokemon but it's spelled different because i am not a fuckign weeb.
She likes getting stuck and absolutely destroying furniture.18 2 ReplyWell, here's
, she just celebrated her one year gotcha anniversary.
Her bro
passed away earlier this year, but he will always be my pup.
15 0 ReplyThey both look like speedsters.
2 0 Reply
15 0 ReplyDo I see a bit of heterochromia?
5 0 ReplyYes. His left eye changes the amount of blue it has all the time.
4 0 Reply
Shasta and Molly
15 0 ReplyHi Shasta, Hi Molly!
1 0 Reply
14 0 ReplyI love how so many of the cats in this thread are fast asleep.
2 0 ReplyShe loves to sleep with her eyes open for some reason lol
7 0 Reply
Roxy (cat) and Jasper (guinea pig)
14 0 ReplyHi Roxy And Jasper!
(It took way too long for my brain to figure out how Jasper was facing)
2 0 Replyguinea pigs are potatoes. usually you look for the ears, but on a curly multicolor those can be hard to find :)
2 0 Reply
This is my old man Diddy.
14 0 ReplyOmg, this is great. I love the grumpy Yoda.
3 0 Reply
My kitty Sydney.
He sleepy.
13 0 ReplyRest up, Sydney.
3 0 Reply
My cat Hatsune Miku
13 0 Reply12 0 ReplyHi Trico!
1 0 Reply
This is Luna she absolutely loves attention if she sees you giving another living creature attention she will be right over ti make sure she receives some. She will nudge you until you give her some.
12 0 Reply12 0 Reply12 0 ReplySleepy
4 0 Reply
12 0 Reply12 0 Reply12 0 Reply11 0 ReplyD'aww
1 0 Reply
14 3 Reply11 0 ReplyD'aww
3 0 Reply
11 0 ReplyThis my Abby
11 0 Reply10 0 Reply10 0 Reply10 0 ReplyThis is bouly. Bouly uses the Roomba as a pillow. Bouly has 3 much more comfortable beds.
10 0 ReplySure, this is Shadow, he's our special little guy.
Aka, Mr. Manager, aka little man.
(Bonus shots included) ((I also can't seem to convince jerboa to upload images directly))
10 0 Reply
She is the sweetest of beans.
10 0 ReplyPixeldrain loaded this photo line by line like it was 1998 for some reason, but the wait was worth it.
9 0 ReplyIt is admittedly a very large picture. Maybe not always set up for such big files. I saw others use it and figured, what the heck, might as well.
6 0 Reply
Bubs & Murphy
10 0 ReplyHi Bubs and Murphy!
2 0 Reply
10 0 ReplyCat
2 0 Reply"Hey man, did I tell you about the time I saw a thing?"
2 0 Reply
Best. Thread. Ever.
10 0 ReplyYeah, this is making my morning
6 0 ReplyThis is easily my favorite lemmy post of all time! Can we just keep this going forever and people add pix as they get new pets?
2 0 Reply
Currently there's just these three, as we have lost a very spicy dumpling last week.
10 0 ReplyFirst reptiles and hamster(?) !
Sorry to hear about the spicy dumpling.
4 0 ReplyThank you! He lived to a pretty ripe old age for a dwarf hamster :) He was a rescue, so hard to say how old he was exactly, but we had him for over 16 months, which is nothing to sneeze at as is. One part of being a rescue was his bloodthirstiness, went right for the fingers. Hence a spicy Dumpling.
4 0 Reply
9 0 ReplyOoh, the first fish!
5 0 Replyis fish
̲ (n̈) ̲
4 0 Reply
9 0 ReplyHi Sprocket and Flash!
2 0 Reply
This is the best thread on all lemmy
8 0 Reply7 0 ReplyHi Winter! Great name
3 0 Reply
Hi Ziggy! I hope he's adjusting well.
2 0 Reply
6 0 Reply6 0 ReplyRuckus the Jowlly Rancher
5 0 ReplySharon, the donut dog
5 0 ReplyThis is Mia
4 0 Reply3 0 Reply
Just two miniature goats enjoying life.
3 0 ReplyOk, this might be my favorite one!
2 0 Reply
What if I had a pet Gorgon?
2 0 ReplyHere you go m8:
Female cat ~2yrs, “Mushi Miso”
2 0 Reply1 0 Reply"Congrats on the baby btw - where's the cat??!"
1 0 Reply