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Winged_Hussar Winged_Hussar

My name is Matt. I enjoy helping people with technology related issues. I also like adorable animals.

Je suis seul car il ne veut pas apprendre Excel

Et je meurs car il ne veut pas apprendre Excel

Comme les marins, qui fument des cigarettes sur le canal, ah.

Mais Excel ne sera pas appris aujourd

Posts 76
Comments 287

Costco Better Watch Out!

(Not actually, Ikea dogs are extremely average)

Image: Photo of 3 different hot dogs. Normal ¢75, veggie dog ¢65, and Plant-based ¢70.

  • Elevator doors open

    --> Escalator

  • My collection of fancy Reylights
  • They're beautiful

  • Return of the king
  • No worries, got there in the end! Now I can spam my SO with turtle stickers

  • Return of the king
  • Oh what the heck, I'm going to have to figure that out hahaha

    Figured it out! Setting in Gboard under "Emojis, stickers and gifs" called "Emoji Stickers" Suggest stickers when typing emojis... That needs to be on

  • Return of the king
  • Oh interesting, it's not an app/keyboard, but just a Google widget. Thanks!!

  • Return of the king
  • Could you link / screenshot which Emoji Kitchen you have? 😭 There are so many and the few I've tried are missing the blobs

  • Constantly. Or "oh, I thought I told you already."
  • Omg, thank you for sharing.

  • [33:00] The Story of Vermont's Jekyll & Hyde

    The story of Clarence Adams. (Spoilers in the Wikipedia article)

    TLDW - spoilers!


    The culprit of a 15 year spree of burglaries is found to be none other than one of the most respected members of the community Clarence Adams. At the time of the burglaries, Adams was not only a selectmen of his town of Chester, but also one of the most determined in the criminal's apprehension offering his own money for their capture.

    However, Adams is caught after his 15 year spree when he accidentally triggers another town member's trap in the towns mill and is shot in the leg.

    After his death, rumors came out about Adams' ability to cheat death. 19 years after his death, burglaries were still being blamed on him.

    Cuteness overload
  • I felt inspired

  • A Fine Stick for a Hike
  • Was always a fan of Birch as well. The bark is so unique compared to other North American trees

  • What's Your Favorite Style of Dog?
  • Right with you, nearly limitless options for hot dogs!

    Toasted buns are absolutely fantastic.

  • What's Your Favorite Style of Dog?
  • I only recently discovered these! I think it was even my last post here haha

  • What's Your Favorite Style of Dog?
  • Another one to add to the list! Definitely a unique sounding dog

  • What's Your Favorite Style of Dog?
  • The flat style dog sounds very interesting... Sounds like something I should try. Appreciate the reply!

  • What's Your Favorite Style of Dog?
  • Haven't had a Vegan dog before - what would you recommend?

  • What's Your Favorite Style of Dog?
  • Simple, I like it

  • What's Your Favorite Style of Dog?
  • Maximum I've ever spend on a dog was $5.99 at a ballpark. Definitely was one of the worst as well.

    I think Costco nailed the perfect price for a dog.

  • What's Your Favorite Style of Dog?

    Alt Text: A delicious looking Chicago Style Hot Dog

    What style of dog is your favorite? Mine would be a Portillos Chicago Style Dog

    10 June 2024
  • And a hook tail 😞

    Pirate dog has been through some shit

  • Sonoran Dog

    Popular in Tucson, Phoenix | Bacon wrapped hotdog, grilled bun, beans, both grilled and fresh minced onion, tomato, tomatillo+jalapeno salsa, mayo, and mustard. Served with a bacon-wrapped chili stuffed with cheese.


    Not always after trash

    Alt: Image of a Raccoon smelling some light purple flowers


    Pizza Beam Shot

    Flashlight: Big 'ol incandescent Maglite


    Using Craigslist to make a band [13 Min]

    Pretty humorous imo. Someday, I too wish to be "Hello Fresh" famous


    I Made The Olive Garden* Bread Stick Hot Dog Bun

    Alt: image of a hot dog in a bread stick

    This weekend I was inspired by my previous post of an olive garden bread stick with a hot dog inside.

    I didn't really want to go to Olive Garden just to bring home bread sticks, so instead I home made some


    First time trying to do bread sticks, which by themselves turned out pretty good. Could have browned up a bit more, but the texture was close and the garlic butter on top tasted good.

    For the hot dog, I decided on a spicy brown mustard based on a comment from the other post - and that was definitely the right choice. Thanks @[email protected]

    Overall, it was decent. Having a garlic butter with the hot dog was pretty solid and the bun wasn't too different texture wise from a normal bun. Garlic with the spicy mustard worked better than I expected.


    Something I'm going to need to try

    Alt: Image of an Olive Garden breadstick cut like a hot dog bun with a hot dog inside.


    Healing for all 🩷

    cross-posted from:[email protected]/t/894466



    Raccoon in a bathtub attempting to catch bubbles being shot at it from a bubble gun.


    When it's Friday night and you're a few drinks deep

    What's an owl's favorite game?

    Spoiler idk formatting is wild

    Guess Who!


    Thicc Pink Boi 🩷

    Alt Text: Split Image (top and bottom) that says "If Kirby wore jeans, would Kirby wear them like this" and then an image of a round Kirby barely in a pair of jeans. Below it is the caption "or like this?" And it's a sexy Kirby with some thicc cheeks in pants while wearing high heels while winking.

    Obviously, #2.


    Hot Dog Line-up

    Alt text: image of 6 hotdogs with various toppings. From left to right; A chilli cheese dog, hotdog with a white dressing, hotdog with chili and onions, a Chicago style dog, mustard dog, and cheese dog.


    S7:E26 - Meanwhile | Moon-Balloon making sound

    This might sound insane... but on a rewatch of S7 E26 near the beginning I swear I hear the 'jumping pixar lamp sound'.

    This happens when Fry and Leela are entering the carnival and Fry has a balloon made of Leela. The carnival personal making the balloon I swear is the noise of the Pixar lamp jumping.

    Craterface Balloon making


    Merry Christmas!

    Alt Text: Image of a cardboard Kirby with a very large mouth sucking a real Christmas tree that's been toppelled horizontal into Kirby's mouth. The Kirby has a Santa hat


    That time of year - look for friends that need hugs!

    Alt Text: image of Will Ferrell in the movie Elf getting a hug from a friendly and loving raccoon.


    NLD - Emisar KC1 Keychain light

    Early Christmas present from family - Hank's Emisar KC1 Keychain light.

    Super tiny, photo below of it next to the D2.

    LED: SST20 4000k

    Body: (Red)

    Currently using an AAA battery as I don't have any 10440s

    Perfect for a keychain (unsure if the bands included were meant for what I chose to use them for... But it works)
