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UN Chief Says Rich Countries 'Signing Away Our Future' With Fossil Fuel Development.
  • You don't know what you're talking about


    You don't have any idea who I vote for

    Can't know for sure, but based on your statements, there's a very low probability that you only vote for the few politicians that DON'T receive legal bribes from fossil fuel interests.

    or my positions on energy

    Not possible unless you were being unclear or just blatantly lying.

    You've made a number of completely baseless assumptions about me.

    Nah, I've made a series of educated guesses based on seeing the same exact arguments hundreds if not thousands of times before

    Always by people who oppose the solutions that actually work for subjective reasons but want to pretend that change objectively just isn't feasible.

  • Nebraska Supreme Court upholds law restricting both medical care for transgender youth and abortion
  • The state’s high court acknowledged in its ruling that abortion and gender-affirming care “are distinct types of medical care,” but found the law does not violate Nebraska’s single-subject rule because both abortion and transgender health fall under the subject of medical care.

    Time to introduce my Viagra & Assisted Suicide bill

  • UN Chief Says Rich Countries 'Signing Away Our Future' With Fossil Fuel Development.
  • The thing is, we can't just immediately turn off all the coal and natural gas power plants

    No, but they could be completely replaced by a combination of renewable energy production and would have been if not for people like you making excuses for sticking with the deadly status quo.

    all the diesel and gasoline powered vehicles

    There's literally no vehicle that can be powered by diesel or gasoline that can't be powered by an electric motor.

    So, we have to keep producing fuel for those machines so long as they remain in use.

    And if it was up to you, that would probably be forever.

    that's just not happening, at least not very quickly.

    It would have happened decades ago if not for luddites like you.

    And, sure, many, many solar and wind farms have been built over the past several years, but those two energy sources only account for about 6% of our total energy consumption.

    Because people like you keep voting for politicians who are in the pocket of the fossil fuel industries and thus only a fraction of the possible production is realized.

    The non fossil fuel machines and equipment just aren't being adopted quickly enough, and in some sectors, like air travel, non fossil fuel alternatives just don't exist yet

    Again, because of luddites like you standing on the brakes as the world burns.

    What this means is that fossil fuel consumption is going to remain for the foreseeable future.

    The tens of millions of people killed in the next decade or two as a direct result thank you and people like you.

  • Too many people have been desensitized to this racism and hypocrisy
  • Ask a random person on the street to name 1 cycling team, they wont be able to do so

    In the US, sure. It's very big in Europe, Australia, and elsewhere, though.

    Ask them to name 10 football teams and they will do that with ease


    And most of them will be arab owned

    That's a whataboutism. That Arab countries sportswash doesn't mean that Israel doesn't.

    The scale is not the same

    The scale is irrelevant. Sportswashing is sportswashing whether it's one cycling team or the entire American and Saudi leagues suddenly being filled with superstars from European clubs.

    Maybe you are an american and you arent aware what has happened to european football teams.

    I'm not and I'm very much against sportswashing no matter who does it.

    Israel is a very divided society. They have extremely conservative religious people and super liberal ones. You cant force change like that, change takes time.

    I'm talking about the Israeli government coalition, which has full control and consists ONLY of theocratic fascists and less religiously motivated fascists.

    They're the ones in charge of denying LGBTQ+ people rights, they're the ones in charge of committing daily atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank and they're the ones in charge of the Hasbara gaslighting you've fallen for.

    The same can be said for KSA

    You're going to defend Saudi Arabia too, now? Yikes! 😬

    I am sure there are plenty of saudis who are kinda liberal and dont really care about oppressing gay people and women.

    Yes, but they're not in charge so they're not the ones we blame for the atrocious actions of the Royal family and their representatives.

    I dont expect MBS to give women freedom to do what they want, i know that isnt feasible in today's KSA

    He's an autocratic monarch ffs! If he wants it, it happens no matter how little the clergy likes it.

    And while this is a huge issue, it is mostly out of KSA's leadership hand

    No, it isn't. Stop covering for the barbaric regime.

    At least Israel has democracy, which is a big achievement

    Democracy for some but not others isn't real democracy. Did you consider Apartheid South Africa a democratic country?

    which is a big achievement

    Not really, no. It's the norm for rich modern countries, which Israel is. You might as well give them credit for having trains or public swimming pools.

    Even if it is only for its jewish population.

    So you're fine with an Apartheid ethnostate so long as the people who belong to the right ethnicity/religion get to help decide who abuses the others?

    Doesn't sound like you care about democracy that much, if at all.

    And it is the only democracy in the area

    Nope. That's also pure Hasbara gaslighting used to excuse the daily crimes against humanity committed by the fascist apartheid regime.

    Funnily enough, the other state that had somewhat democracy in the area was Syria. Hence the syrian protests, etc. Egypt also almost became democratic, but the West didnt approve a muslim government, hence the government was overthrown

    Pure Islamophobic propaganda.

    Except for the part about the US, which is also wrong but not Islamophobic. As much as the US loves overthrowing democratically elected governments, this one was the Egyptian military acting alone.

    KSA does not have democracy

    So you ARE capable of saying true things! Bravo!

    its rulers are naturally very insecure about their regime

    On the contrary. It's the fact that they have absolute power which is not threatened that allows them to act with such impunity.

    They need local and foreign support.

    They have full local control already. There's like a thousand princes ruling their own smaller fiefdoms, all subservient to MBS.

    As for foreign support, they have no problem buying that with oil, money, and sportswashing.

    Just like Israel gets foreign support by buying politicians, sportswashing, and the biggest propaganda operation since the cold war if not ever.

  • Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting
  • That's the only way that democracy is not in imminent danger.

    If fascism is only beaten by the same tight margin that more sane and humane (but still neurotic and cruel) conservatism was for the second presidential election in a row, that means that the second largest party in the richest and most powerful country in the world being a fascist party has become the norm rather than just an unusually persistent aberration.

  • Why Is Trump Urging His Supporters Not to Vote This Election?
  • Anyone who's going to vote for the Mango Mussolini has already decided to and nothing can convince them not to.

    Likewise, everyone else who's ever heard of him would never in a million years vote for him.

    Contrary to the perennial Dem election strategy Plan 1992, there's hardly any undecided voters. The only ones who truly are undecided have deliberately not followed politics for the last 8 years and are unlikely to vote.

    So yeah, he already has all the votes he's going to get and won't lose any. Let's just hope that he's wrong about having enough to eke out an EC win.

  • Colombia's president signs bill to ban bullfighting in the South American country

    Colombia's president has signed a bill that bans bullfights in the South American country, further reducing the short list of nations around the world where the centuries-old tradition is still legal.

    Colombia's president signs bill to ban bullfighting in the South American country

    cross-posted from:


    I need them all

    cross-posted from:


    But I actually did it for selfish reasons!

    cross-posted from:

    > Rae The Doe - Tue, July 23, 2024, By Olive Brinker


    Rocky Horror plus rule

    (The full word is "analysed". She's a vocal coach who does excellent vocal analysis react videos)


    See This Red Area? This Is Sand

    cross-posted from:


    Never believe the hype.

    cross-posted from:

    15 To Fix CrowdStrike Blue Screen of Death Simply Reboot 15 Straight Times, Microsoft Says

    The advice, which is specifically for virtual machines using Azure, shows that sometimes the solution to a catastrophic failure is turn it off and on again. And again.

    To Fix CrowdStrike Blue Screen of Death Simply Reboot 15 Straight Times, Microsoft Says

    cross-posted from:

    14 Neo-Nazi ‘murder cult' leader plotted for Santa to poison NYC Jewish kids with candy, prosecutors say

    Brooklyn Jewish children were targeted by a man who wanted to use Santa in a poison scheme, prosecutors say.

    Neo-Nazi ‘murder cult' leader plotted for Santa to poison NYC Jewish kids with candy, prosecutors say

    cross-posted from:

    > The leader of a neo-Nazi extremist group based in eastern Europe has been charged with plotting to have an associate dress up as Santa Claus and hand out poisoned candy to Jewish children in New York City to sow terror, prosecutors said Tuesday. > > Chkhikvishvili, who has various nicknames including Commander Butcher, allegedly leads the Maniac Murder Cult, which prosecutors said is an international extremist group that adheres to a “neo-Nazi accelerationist ideology and promotes violence and violent acts against racial minorities, the Jewish community and other groups it deems ‘undesirables.’ "

    7 Trump Site Launches Limited-Edition Assassination Attempt Sneakers

    A Donald Trump-owned website is selling 5,000 pairs of limited-edition sneakers with images from the assassination attempt on the former president.

    Trump Site Launches Limited-Edition Assassination Attempt Sneakers

    cross-posted from:


    You know why donkey transports always get speeding tickets?

    Because they're hauling ass!


    I'd officially move there, but paperwork..

    cross-posted from:

    > me_irl


    See also: Denmark 🇩🇰

    Microblog Memes Viking_Hippie



    Playlist rule


    A Mistake - Fiona Apple - Bowery Ballroom - 3/26/12


    "I...seem to be at an impasse.."


    Meanwhile, at the beach...

    cross-posted from:

    > Comic by Liz Climo, July 9, 2024.

    0 Giant phallus-shaped iceberg floating in Conception Bay surprises residents of Dildo, Canada

    A phallus-shaped iceberg hovered off the coast of Dildo, Newfoundland in Conception Bay before collapsing.

    Giant phallus-shaped iceberg floating in Conception Bay surprises residents of Dildo, Canada

    cross-posted from:

    > It's a bit old but the shape and the city name were so funny that I couldn't not post it XD


    moved 😭

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    > Source:



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