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x4740N x4740N

Spiritual But Not Religious | Eclectic Spirituality

You cannot take away the rights of others in the name of equality and cannot allow intolerance as intolerance stifles tolerance

Migrated from reddit with the same username

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Posts 77
Comments 2K
Trump campaign says it raised $52.8 million after guilty verdict in fundraising blitz
  • I watched a sbs video on his "response"

    It's very obvious from the video that he knows he's fucked and saying shit in hopes it'll save him which it wont

  • that jar ain't right tho
  • "adachi to shimamura" if anyone wants to read the manga the meme is made from

    Its wholesome yuri

  • planning a weekend
  • Where's the "watch anime" and "read manga"

    Also what's this from op ?

  • How to get used to hand screen disconnect on digital drawing tablet
  • Thanks, I'll try it and see if it works for me

  • Okay this is getting a bit real now Duo, thanks 💔
  • To expand on why I don't like duolingo it's because you can't structure the lessons and the material to work best for you

    Genki and quartet which I will do after genki is part of my own personalised lesson structure

    By gathering your own resources you can structure the lessons best for you

  • Delhi temperature hits 52.9C, shattering India’s national record
  • Doesn't India have a shit ton of smog

    I wouldn't be surprised if that was creating a local greenhouse effect

  • Person dies after falling into jet engine at Schiphol airport
  • I don't know if your comment is a pun or not

  • North Korean trash balloons are dumping ‘filth’ on South Korea
  • Animated ATLA is better than the Netflix adaptation

  • Captain Janeway - Hair Master
  • Hair spray

    Also if I recall wasn't their one episode or blooper where her hair malfunctions

  • Positively bizarre to praise racist far-right theocrats
  • I haven't heard anything about this so I'm not sure about this claim unless anyone is able to link credible evidence

    And remember that politics is a spectrum and has its own faction

    Remember that we are all human amd we should be working together for a common cause to remove bigotry, intolerance and those who preach intolerance from the world and we should be working towards transitioning away from the exploitative system of capitalism

  • The first social media babies are adults now. Some are pushing for laws to protect kids from their parents’ oversharing
  • Good, parents exploiting their children for their own personal gain is not okay

    Your children are not their belongings, they are their own independent person and your job is to help them in life and prepare them

    If I recall correctly the Coogan law was made for this reason specifically for child actors

  • I'm baaaaack, with frens this time
  • I feel like your intentionally misrepresenting Japan

    Every country has racist people and Japan's younger population are more open

  • Did anyone else here get mentally exhausted from their diagnosis tests ?

    from the puzzle solving and maths questions to answering of questions

    I fell asleep from the mental exhaustion after I got home

    Autism rule
  • Oh god I hate this, I'm afraid of people misunderstanding me especially when it comes to discussing sensitive or controversial topics

  • Mobile butchers mistakenly kill family’s pet pigs in Washington state
  • Didn't peta also kidnap and put down a families dog if I recall correctly

    This article reminds me of that

  • This Mississippi Hospital Transfers Some Patients to Jail to Await Mental Health Treatment
  • Jail isn't a good place for those suffering under mental health criseses and will worsen their condition

  • A call to replace air conditioners with heat pumps in California
  • My lemmy client bugged out again and gave me this

    Confused the hell out of me and I don't know how to feel about the image


  • CPRule
  • "CPRule" without context this sounds illegal

  • This is Fine Rule
  • Here is the full text, I originally planned to paste sections of it that I felt applicable to rebuke you in multiple comments as lemmy does have a comment character limit and won't let me paste the entire text

    I beleive I may have also unkowingly cut out relevant parts of the text

    I belive you misinterpreted the way I originally posted it as "gish gallop"

    I beleive it is a good compilation of sources

    I know the original text may also be a bit negative towards vegans but I still beleive the scientific sources contained within it and its explanations of those sources are valuable excluding the negativity and I removed the negativity in my comments containing sections of the text, I did not write the text compiling the sources but I use it as it is a good compilation of sources

  • artfundamentals x4740N

    How to get used to hand screen disconnect on digital drawing tablet (crosspost) How to get used to hand screen disconnect on digital drawing tablet - Lemmy.World

    I have a gaomon drawing tablet that has a screen that can be used as a screenless drawing tablet by just not plugging in the screen I want to try using my main monitor which has a bigger screen but that means I’ll need to use the drawing tablet as a screenless one Does anyone have any recommendation...

    learnart x4740N

    How to get used to hand screen disconnect on digital drawing tablet (crosspost) How to get used to hand screen disconnect on digital drawing tablet - Lemmy.World

    I have a gaomon drawing tablet that has a screen that can be used as a screenless drawing tablet by just not plugging in the screen I want to try using my main monitor which has a bigger screen but that means I’ll need to use the drawing tablet as a screenless one Does anyone have any recommendation...

    Artist Lounge x4740N

    How to get used to hand screen disconnect on digital drawing tablet

    I have a gaomon drawing tablet that has a screen that can be used as a screenless drawing tablet by just not plugging in the hdmi cable

    I want to try using my main monitor which has a bigger screen but that means I'll need to use the drawing tablet as a screenless one

    Does anyone have any recommendations to get used to the hand eye disconnect


    Lemmy can feel unwelcoming at times

    People say lemmy isnt as toxic as reddit and while i feel thats partially true i also feel its partially not

    if you have the best of intentions but the group or user circles dont think so then you are turned away

    I recently shared a video in a post that in my opinion contains feedback that could be beneficial to open source, met with mostly hostility on that post when i only wanted to share that video to help open source

    and then there is the toxicity of some groups on lemmy, im left wing because i think everyone should be equal and the world should be free from bigotry and intolerance but some of the left wing comments on lemmy read as toxic and i feel like I'm a person who wants better in the world but I'm excluded from other left wing people because of the toxicity

    it makes me feel i have the be careful on lemmy with what i say and cant give good intentioned feedback or criticism to other users because it'll just be met with hostility if the group / user circle/s doesn't like it or be misinterpreted as an attack

    all of that can feel very unwelcoming me at times

    sorry if this doesn't come across as clear, its just that i suck at writing "high quality posts / comments" and i wanted to get emotion to text and vent


    Food Rule

    Inage Description: 4 panel comic, panel 1 contains a dog in heaven looking sad while an unidentified voice says "why so sad ?", in panel 2 the dog says they are hungry while shedding a tear, in panel 3 the dog looks happy and says "finally some food" and in panel 4 there is a shaking scared pig while the hungry dog looks at it. It can be assumed the pig was the source of the unidentified voice in panel 1


    [Recipe] Japanese Beef Curry (ビーフカレー) - Just One Cookbook

    Sharing this recipe since it is delicious, don't know if I'm breaking any rules here since this is my first time posting

    3 Woman killed by her two XL bully dogs at home in east London

    Victim, who was in her 50s, pronounced dead at scene in Hornchurch and the animals seized

    Woman killed by her two XL bully dogs at home in east London

    External monitor has intermittent signal and flashes black unless I disable it in device manager

    I bought a new external monitor recently and have had the issue of an intermittent display signal

    Disabling the monitor in device manager fixes the issue and the monitor works fine when disabled so it's highly likely its some weird software issue but I'd like to find a proper fix for it

    I am able to get it to have constant display signal by chance sometimes without disabling the display in device manager but turning off the external display brings back the issue when I turn it back on and it reconnects

    OS: Windows 11

    Display: Lenovo G27QC-30 with Lenovo's drivers installed *have tried with Microsoft drivers and run into the same issue

    Have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling monitor on device manager and reinstalling drivers and that hasn't fixed the issue

    Also have already tried using display driver uninstaller to clean install graphics drivers


    the events tab in windows device manager for the monitor properties does show this error sometimes:

    Device not started (monitor)

    Device DISPLAY\LEN66F4\5&3287afbc&1&UID4352 had a problem starting.

    Driver Name: oem64.inf Class Guid: {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Service: monitor Lower Filters: Upper Filters: Problem: 0x0 Problem Status: 0xC00000E5


    Edit 2:

    The monitor will work fine once if i restart my laptop but disabling and re=enabling in device manager causes the problem


    Untitled Artwork by simzart

    ^Source: ^


    "Kiss and Rain" by simzart

    ^Source: ^


    [TOMT] Youtube video of a window dropping on a man's head

    I just remembered a video of a attic window that opens up into a small balcony and in this specific video it drops on top of the man's head

    Edit: typo
