Elon Musk, the tech billionaire and unelected adviser to President Donald Trump, is asserting control over much of the federal bureaucracy and sensitive government computer systems despite lacking clear authority. The highest-ranking career official at the Treasury Department was pushed out after re...
They took control of the judiciary some time ago, they recently seized the executive and now they're destroying any remaining institutional power that can oppose them.
It's not legitimate because most of the stuff they are doing is plain out-and-out illegal. But like they (Don Jr., etc) said before the election, they were going to go ahead and do it anyway and dare anyone including SCOTUS to try and stop them. It's going to come down to our military to choose a side.
Except the current "president" isn't constitutionally eligible to hold the office after inciting insurrection, so no, it really isn't legitimate even now
Fully understand what is happening here in America. The far right has destroyed the rule of law and are just acting to destroy our government. Don’t let this happen to your country. Don’t let Elon Musk any where near your elections or near your country.
Further, look and see what courting the rich and meritocracy has bought. This is the natural and probable consequences of decades and decades of austerity, privatization, and supply side economics. They're telling you the same lies they told us, and telling you it will be different for you. It won't be.
It's not a coup if it's not against the Leadership of a sovereign nation
What it is, is a Constitutional Crisis led by the Executive Branch (Trump, and his minion Musk with Trumps permission and direction) disregarding Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution is known as the "taxing and spending clause." Clause 2 is known as the "borrowing clause.", against the Legislative Branch (Congress), which will ultimately be decided by the Judicial Branch (The Supreme Court)
The very bad news is all 3 Branches of US Government are squarely in control of Republicans, since the last election in November, who are blindly supporting Trump
It still could be a coup inside the coup, where Musk takes control of so much of the administration that he can set the stage for a final coup to take down Trump and impose himself.
You can help strengthen an oat if you introduce a third party that punishes people who do not follow the oat. You see that with doctors, accountants and other protected jobs all across the globe.
you're confusing the words sovereign and domestic in a way I don't understand. again, a coup is the illegal taking and transferring of power from the leader of a sovereign nation to someone or a group of someone's not duly empowered to assume that role. that's not what's transpiring currently. but we sure as shit are in the middle of a constitutional crisis between the executive branch and the legislative branch.
Trump cannot commit a coup, because he is already the head of state. Military coups occur when military generals step in to illegally claim the abilities of the head of state (or government) from someone else who had them legally.
It's a self-coup, so people are correct in calling it a coup. It's still in progress, so it's not clear how much power the white house will end up usurping, but with what they've done so far, it's imo already enough to call it a coup.
From Wikipedia: A self-coup or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'état in which a political leader, having come to power through legal means, stays in power through illegal means through the actions of themselves and/or their supporters. The leader may dissolve or render powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assume extraordinary powers. Other measures may include annulling the nation's constitution, suspending civil courts, and having the head of government assume dictatorial powers.
I saw this video linked earlier and thought it was an interesting tale. As of recent events it coincides with many things. (Not saying the conclusions are correct, just an entertaining take.
I say always be that guy. You have the heart to speak up and help others to learn and grow - for example I was questioning which it was, but you confirmed for me that it is indeed inspectors general.
I don't think she stroked his ego, I think she played hardball and showed him how he was gonna get hurt a lot more than they were, then he backed off (saving face by saying she would send troops to the border). That and the fact that women intimidate the hell out of Trump. He knows how to bully men but women get him all discombobulated.
Nah, everybody relax. Go to work, come home to your 2.3 kids. Everything is normal. President Musk is doing everything he can to take care of the immigrant and LGBTQ problem, the only problems the USA has. Men could be playing womens sports, guys. I mean it. Massive fucking problem.
It's weird that Jefferson literally demanded helpless children be shot in schools like that but hey that's what the Constitution says so I guess we gotta let em do it.
Musk is who we deserve. The country that treats money as speech and corporations as people and bribery as political action has the worlds richest man controlling it. Finally, the world is making some fucking sense.
they won the election. now they are dismantling the levers of government. the goal is to weaken all other national institutions until eventually they can just ignore Congress or Supreme Court
I believe the theory is that Roosevelt sat down with the Business Plot crew in secret and gave them the option of a) they convince their business pals not to oppose the New Deal too much or b) they hang. Obviously they picked option a.
Funny to think pedo-don spent 8 years pretending Obama couldn't be prez because he was born in Africa, just the give the control of the country to an unlected incompetent bro who was actually born in Africa.
If you were still under the impression that conservatives were patriots that gave a flying fuck about the Constitution, now you have your definitive answer.
That's exactly what I don't understand
There are safe guards for exactly that shit in law (at least I think/hope so), but seemingly no one has the guts to step up
But I have to admit, that I don't know the American laws at all, and with that don't know what their actual options are
Because I asked about a detail of how a foreign country runs their government?
Sadly I do get all the shit news. I mostly wonder how this is even possible to happen in a normal state with functioning jurisdiction
His mind is also mush. He's signing whatever he gets handed to and rambles some incoherent soundbites he got told beforehand when in front of the cameras.
yeah, but that still has the limitation of having to at least pretend. I dread to think what will happen when they stop caring about that and just directly take control.
Yup, there is no legal due process and his team is forcibly taking control of federal organizations. This is an incredibly historical moment we are witnessing. Feast your eyes. While it often gets compared to Rome, United States for all its might will only have been a blip in the historical time frame. Supremacy not even lasting a century. It will barely be a footnote a thousand years from now. Or... Elon and Trumps gambit pays off and successfully annexes Mexico and Canada while turning the US into a true empire that prospers for another century, but not sure if I see that happening. You can only fail upwards so far.
Might have been true during the Roman era or even during the 1930s but in the age of mass communication, a generally informed or disinformed population (depending on how you want to see it), multi national corporations who really don't care about nations and all mixed in with nuclear weapons ... things will be much different. Whether or not that difference will be better or worse is anyone's guess. But it will be something completely different.
But Trump is calling him a "special government employee". So I guess he's also getting paid to fuck over America. Yeah, he's not elected, but Trump is overstepping his boundaries of power to do all this, but Republicans aren't doing anything to stop him. So Trump is just going to keep pushing those boundaries and if Congress doesn't do anything, he'll just claim more and more power.
It's time that people who believe in principles of democracy should come together and create their own counter project 2025 plan. A long term strategic document, with action plans to not only restore but strengthen democracy in US
Bro is already executing, he is beyond staging. Goes to show that knowledge isn't power in capitalism; you can be as retarded as they come and still fry shit on a national level; as long as you have the capital funds for it.
Democracy now doesnt have ads, so YOU are the sponsor.
Edit: oh is that the law: "if theres a question in the headline, the answer is no" and here the answer is yes. Sorry, I was a bit thrown off by your second part.
It's not a coup. It's an election. This is the completely predictable and continuous result of a state founded by slavemasters and run by white supremacy.
My apologies guys - not a bot, near as I know.
And yes, I swear I clicked the "Cybertruck sales slump" Thread. My mistake.
I will leave this here as a record of my shame.