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kn0wmad1c kn0wmad1c
Posts 5
Comments 156
Musk makes up some history with his child. Child comes on Twitter to fact check him.
  • That's Threads, not Twitter.

    Also, fucking good for her. She's awesome.

  • I can whistle at the speed of sound
  • I think the significance here is that mass = energy and it's implied that these lasers carry enough energy to do damage, so it's essentially mass moving at the speed of light, which shouldn't be possible if Einstein was right.

  • [Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency
  • What happens now? Does the DNC pick a replacement or will they be holding a snap primary?

  • The Bigger The Theft, The Lighter The Sentence?
  • End Stage Capitalism: "Laws for thee (the poor), not for me (the wealthy)."

  • Sandra Hemme freed after 43 years in prison for murder she didn’t commit
  • The review found that local police ignored evidence that directly pointed to one of their own officers - Michael Holman – who later went to prison for another crime and died in 2015.

    Holman’s truck was seen in the area the day of the murder, his alibi could not be corroborated, and he used Patricia Jeschke’s credit card after claiming he found it in a ditch.

    A pair of distinctive gold earrings identified by Ms Jeschke’s father were also found in Holman’s home.

    What the actual fuck.

  • Get a rope.
  • And to make it worse, I'm like 85% sure that this is an AI generated image, so it's him asking AI to show him what he looks like in cosplay.

  • Disneyland workers say they live in cars and motels due to low pay
  • The problem here is two-fold, I think. Disneyland can 100% afford to pay a lot more, for one, but also the rent in California is insanely inflated and needs to come down.

  • How the Japanese look at the US — comic in recent Tokyo newspaper.
  • Yeah, all of major league baseball celebrated pride month.

  • Just A Light Dessert Rule
  • Oh I totally missed that. Thanks for clarifying!

  • Microsoft to Copyright Pi, Found to Contain Entire Arial Font
  • This might just be my computer-focused life talking

    I'm a software eng too, but I have broad interests. Like I said, the philosophic use doesn't really have a place in this discussion and I messed up by bringing it in. The only way it would be relevant is if the universe is a simulation because, as you guessed, then free will itself becomes part of the equation.

    I also don’t know why predictability would be solely based on the numbers that came before

    There's a miscommunication happening here, and I'm wondering if I'm not explaining myself well. Election predictions use polling as their dataset, and there are no calculations that really go into predicting the results other than comparing the numbers within those sets. That's why they're notoriously garbage (every single pollster had Hillary winning in late October 2016, for example). Also, there aren't any calculations that go into a CEO/Boardroom's intuitions on how shareholders will react to policy changes, so I'm not sure about the relevance here. In the case of pi, there is no dataset that you can use that tells you what the next unknown number in pi is. The only way to get that number is to run a very complex calculation. Calculations are not predictions.

  • Just A Light Dessert Rule
  • You misread the number of grams in the milkshake, I think.

  • Microsoft to Copyright Pi, Found to Contain Entire Arial Font
  • As I said, you can't predict the next number simply based upon the set of numbers that came before. You have to calculate it, and that calculation can be so complex that it takes insane amounts of energy to do it.

    Also, I think I was thinking of the philisophical definition of "deterministic" when I was using it earlier. That doesn't really apply to pi... unless we really do live in a simulation.

  • Microsoft to Copyright Pi, Found to Contain Entire Arial Font
  • There's no way to predict what the next unsolved pi digit will be just by looking at what came before it. It's neither predictable nor deterministic. The very existence of calculations to get the next digit supports that.

    Note: I'm not saying Pi is random. Again, the calculations support the general non-randomness of it. It is possible to be unpredictable, undeterministic, and completely logical.

    Note Note: I don't know everything. For all I know, we're in a simulation and we'll eventually hit the floating point limit of pi and underflow the universe. I just wanted to point out that your example doesn't quite fit with pi.

  • Microsoft to Copyright Pi, Found to Contain Entire Arial Font
  • Yeah, but your number doesn't fit pi. It may not have a pattern, but it's predictable and deterministic.

  • Microsoft to Copyright Pi, Found to Contain Entire Arial Font
  • Yeah, but if you infinitely repeat those numbers in that order, you have a pattern.

    If you infinitely repeat them without a pattern, then you have the binary makeup of every letter in every possible sequence.

  • Sticker Mule cofounder supports fascism
  • "Americans shouldn't live in fear"

    Bro sounds like a liberal after a mass shooting.

  • "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again
  • If you can't explain a difficult concept in a simple way, then you don't truly understand it.

  • 196 kn0wmad1c



    Is there a way to set "All" as the default view instead of "Subscribed"?

    Installed yesterday and immediately went ad-free. It's such a beautiful app.

    Anyway, question is in the title.


    help computer


    Lose weight by (shower)thinking.

    1. Thoughts are energy.
    2. Einstein proved that energy is mass.
    3. Expend mass every time you think about stuff in the shower.

    What's the Lemmy equivalent of "redditor"? Lemmer? Lemmist? Lemming?
