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sharkfucker420 ComradeSharkfucker


Posts 10
Comments 1.7K
Goofy stuff like this gives the neighborhood some character
  • iirc one american city tried to jail a dude because he "wouldn't" (couldn't as he was old af and broke) mow his lawn.

    I dont think he went to jail but it was taken to court

  • Root causes
  • We were never going to transition directly from feudal society to socialism, the peasant class could not organize in those conditions to rise up against their opressor. Capitalism developed the material conditions necessary for a truly liberatory revolution rather than a passing over of keys from one ruler to another.

    Yes capitalism is responsible for truly horrific things, that is why it needs to be dismantled and replaced. However, it also concentrated the working class into closer quarters and developed the machinary necessary to move past scarcity.

    Sure yeah maybe we could have transitioned from hunter gatherer society to socialist agrarianism and never developed the power structures we see today but that didn't happen for a reason. Agriculture solved the food problem of hunter gatherer societies, feudalism solved the military problem of early agrarian societies that left them vulnerable, capitalism solved the technological development problem of feudalist societies that caused them to stagnate and socialism will solve the resource problem that causes capitalist societies to constantly murder eachother and themselves. Note all of these social structures caused the problems that necessitated the next reorganization of society.

    Also, telling someone who isn't already socialist/communist/anarchist that capitalism was a mistake will seem rediculous if they live a comfortable life.

  • Armed to deter cops
  • The police are an arm of the state formed specifically for the purpose of maintaining a societies class structure because the laws they enforce are dictated by that societies ruling class. French and Danish cops absolutely will do whatever the state tells them because its their job, they are law enforcers not law interpreters. One day shit will go down hill for the French and Danish ruling class and when that happens they will use their law enforcers to maintain their standard of living which is to say their positions of power and wealth. This is very normal and becomes quite clear when you learn the history of labor and civil rights movements all over the world.

  • Root causes
  • Capitalism was a necessary step in the development of socialism. It wasn't a mistake, it's just run its course. Just a technicality I know and I shouldn't overanalyze but I felt it was worth stating

  • Top 5 oldest art
  • How were the markings on that first one determined to be artistic? I would have thought it was just some rock if I found that

  • Presidential Immunity - abbothenderson
  • Killing billionaires is not fascism and anyway being a billionaire necessitates serious immoral actions. You cannot be a billionaire and a good person.

    Besides, the DOJ would never do that, it is literally built by billionaires to protect their interests.

  • with fear for our democracy i hit post rule
  • Most of us would do well to study how fascism rose to power in europe

  • Might be promising
  • He does actually. I mean he owns tesla. I'm sure he is well aware that traffic wont be solved by making cars, I just don't think he actually gives a shit

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • Opiates or meth depending on whether you want to feel like life is worth living (serene) or life is worth living (manic). Doesn't last long though

  • Having a bunch of beers rn & trying out Debian for the first time. Will I have regrets? 🤔 happy Saturday to all, drink something delicious today 🍻
  • Debian has treated me kindly since I installed it a week ago. Only issue I discovered was with a wireless mouse sometimes not working on boot but thats fixed with solaar.

    Still miss arch but I don't feel like installing it again lmao

  • Well this aged like fine fine milk.
  • Genuinely wish he hadn't, christ that was hard to watch

  • Check this shit out
  • Fuck yeah, thats a good stick

  • Milkweed
  • Bee :)

  • That is an act of cruelty towards the poor pokémon
  • Oh?! Those app icons not appearing or working properly every once and a while are a gnome problem? Genuinely just thought I was doing something wrong.

    I am not necessarily new to linux as I have distro hopped extensively so I might give KDE plasma a shot as I have heard good things but I am certainly not an expert when It comes to linux. I have only learned enough to keep my games running and my desktop environment clean. Sometimes I will run into an issue I cant fix and just reinstall the OS or try another one lmao.

    I've recently grown quite interested in customizing my DE but was struggling to understand how people do it. Not used to messing with config files and I downloaded themes but didn't know how to install them. It often feels like I simply expected to know a lot of linux knowledge so steps often go unexplained and since I learned how to use linux primarly independantly and through necessary maintenance, there's a lot of of stuff I simply never learned because I did not need to.

    Also what is the difference between a system tray and a control center?

  • Napoleon Dynamite is 20 years old now.
  • Just realized I have never seen this movie baked, might have to give that a shot sometime

  • Napoleon Dynamite is 20 years old now.
  • Thats genuinely tragic, I'm sorry

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Lemmy became so much better when I blocked pugjesus and their sockpuppet

  • How much coffee do y'all typically drink in a sitting?

    I am worried that I drink too much at once. I don't drink coffee daily but typically when I do drink coffee I will have 4-6 shots of espresso. I am not asking if this is healthy per se, I'm more searching for confirmation that it isn't too uncommon lol.

    If anyone does want to let me know how bad for me this is then it should be noted that I also take a medium dose of vyvanse daily 💀


    why are most animals single ended

    This is more of an evolutionary biology question but I thought I'd ask bc I couldn't fibd anything on it

    Specifically what I'm wondering is why the majority of animals seem to have their brain or central nervous system located at a specific end of their body rather than near the center of mass where you think it'd be safest? I thought of this as I watched a centipede have its tail end attacked and noticed that its head and tail end look quite similar, assumedly for the purpose of fooling would be predators, and wondered why it didn't just put its brain in the middle so it wouldn't be vulnerable at the ends.

    Moreover, why do we even need heads? Why did almost every animal evolve to have all their sensory organs in one spot instead of spreading them out. Why is my face where my face is basically. Are our bodies really built to be the most durable and efficient for the terrain they evolved in and why are they all so similar?


    bright white dot during solar eclipse

    I travelled to dallas to see the solar eclipse monday and noticed something strange that I've not seen anyone talk about. At the bottom right of the eclipse during totality after the diamond ring effect there was a persistant bright white dot that looked almost like it was on the surface of the moon rather than the edge. I'm assuming this was some atmospheric distortion but I really have no idea. Thoughts?


    hardware mimicry

    i would really like to use hardware similar to the original devices the games im emulating were played on. like i'd love an open source gameboy that i could load my favorite emulator and games onto. does this sort of thing exist or would i have to build my own

    Lemmy Support ComradeSharkfucker

    can i add an integrated auto translator for lemmy?

    No idea if this is possible but i would like to make it so that i receive posts in as many languages as possible but have them automatically translated in the jerboa app.

    Could i write a script (or is one already available) that would do this for me locally? Would it be easier to self host an instance that does this instead? How would i go about that etc etc.

    Sorry if this isn't really the place for this sort of question but i wasn't sure what community would be more appropriate.


    alarm app

    I need an alarm app that lets me scan QR codes. I find that it helps me get out of bed and take my meds in a timely manner. I have QRalarm but it's a onetime use alarm and I can't schedule times for certain days which I find to be really important. I normally use alarmy but it requires the Google Play store and I'd prefer to not have that yk.

    Anyone know a foss option?



    ! u/chazcurtis on Reddit seems to be the artist

    wallpaper couldn't imbed this for some reason

    ! From greater work found here


    does anyone know of a way to find obscure YA novels you only vaguely remember

    I've had this reoccurring thing every year or so where I remember this book I read in like 5th - 6th grade that was really fucking good every year or so. I need to find it, I try every time but no amount of Googling thin recollections of its plot has got me anywhere.

    Unixporn ComradeSharkfucker


    Someone direct me to a guide for this shit because I have no idea how y'all do it


    making an Alexa copy (sorta)

    So my girlfriend has an Alexa and really likes it but I'm not comfortable living in a house with one. How much technical knowledge would I need to make a speaker that connects to a music player app and is voice activated because that is all she uses it for.

    I figure I could hook up a raspberry pi to a speaker and add a mic and voice command software that I find somewhere but I've never actually done anything like this before.

    How feasible is this
