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Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • We could start with holding police officers responsible. It's great that they charged this one, but why aren't the other police there being charged as accomplices since they took no action to prevent the shooting?

    So here's a few simple starter thoughts.

    1. Establish an external agency with the mandate of prosecuting police. They have their own prosecutorial system, their own investigators, their own prosecutors, their own courts and their own judges, completely unconnected to the prosecutorial system the police work with. You cannot have the same people that work together one day and rely on each other be the ones to investigate each other, it doesn't work. Not even a separate 'internal affairs division' is enough.

    2. Any police officer who discharges their weapon, for any reason, is immediately suspended, and any pay is withheld until an investigation for why the weapon was discharged is completed. The investigation of course is conducted by that external agency.

    3. If a police officer discharging a weapon causes injury or death, all police officers on the scene are suspended and their pay withheld until the investigation is over.

    4. If the police officer who discharged their weapon is charged with assault, murder, whatever, then all other officers at the scene are charged as accomplices, unless they took proactive action to prevent the first officer from committing their illegal action. Think of it like felony murder - if you and a group of friends are committing a crime and someone is murdered, you are all prosecutable under felony murder even if you had no direct hand in the murder at all.

    That's probably a good start, it may not solve all the problems, but it'd be a lot better than what's being done now, which is very, very little. I'd say an even better thing to do in addition would be to have every current police officer purged and never work in law enforcement again. All police organizations kinda need a clean slate with fresh people and no organizational momentum and culture carryover from how it's happening now, because a lot of what needs to change is organizational culture, and just altering the rules is more difficult than rebuilding a completely new organizational culture from the ground up.

  • Home builders now have 102,000 completed, unsold homes sitting on their builder lots. This is the highest level since 2009
  • That means prices are coming way down, right? I mean, we've been told that's how it works in capitalism, right? High supply means prices go down, so we'll be having bargain sale prices for homes pretty soon!

    Surely capitalism wouldn't lie to us...right?

  • Trump suggested people with disabilities ‘should just die,’ nephew reveals in memoir
  • That would be hilarious if someone prepared a bunch of little clips of things Hitler said that Trump also says very similar things to, and then anytime he says one, just respond by playing a clip of Hitler saying basically the same thing, and giving a 'Do I need to say more?' look.

  • Harry Potter and the Nuclear launch codes
  • They aren't using it, no, but that doesn't mean the scientific method can't study what they do and come to an understanding of it - probably a better understanding of it than they have, since as you say, they aren't using it. It'd just take a few decades of study probably to have a much stronger understanding of how it works.

    My point is just that people draw this weird line between 'science' and 'magic' as though they were incompatible. In a world in which magic is real and useful, science can study it.

  • Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal
  • It irritates me that so many forums and media sites allow you to edit your posts at will. There's one site I go to that I like very much - it has a 5 minute edit window, and after that, your post can no longer be edited. You can't change what you said, pretend you never said things, etc, once you say something it remains. It would be nice if more sites were like that. Or at least, if you edit/delete something, for there to be an option to check the history to see what it used to be, so if you try to delete some comment you made people can still check it. Whether it's informational, or it's because you're trying to hide something you said that you realize was actually super shitty and people are getting angry at you for it, I prefer things to stick.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • No. They're not. If they were, they'd be stopping this themselves. This guy shot her. What about the other officers that were there? At least one other is mentioned in the article. Why didn't they immediately draw on him and stop him from attacking this woman?

    Every time we hear about one of these bad cops, there's other cops just standing around doing nothing at best, and helping at worst.

    No 'good people' are cops. If they were good people when they went in, they either get fired, get mysteriously dead on the job, or stop being good. There are no other options.

  • Harry Potter and the Nuclear launch codes
  • Their reality doesn't defy understanding by the scientific process. It has reliable, repeatable results, and therefore can be studied and empirically catalogued. The only way something could not be studied by science is if it's totally random, if actions do not correlate, even slightly, with results. Of course, such behavior would make it completely useless as a tool, because one could never get desired results from it. Magic in the setting is very reliable and repatable, and as long as you do it right, results can be studied, so it's easily catalogued by the scientific method.

  • WYR: be able to eat anything you want and have it be perfect nutrition or have to only sleep 1 hour a day and be fully rested?
  • So this was interesting to think about, cause it's a tough decision when I think about it, but ultimately I think one wins out. Let's compare the two options and seeing what benefits are obtained from each.

    If we only have to sleep 1 hour a day to be fully rested, that essentially gains us additional life, additional time. After all, every hour we spend asleep is time we're not living our lives and doing things we want to be doing. If we sleep an average of 8 hours a night now, this means we gain seven hours a night. This means that every 3.42 days approximately, we have gained 24 hours of awake-time that we otherwise would have spent sleeping. This calculates out to 29.17% of any given timeframe. That means that, if we were to acquire this ability on our 20th birthday and live to be 80 exactly, we gain 29.17% of those 60 years - we have effectively extended our life by 17.5 years!

    On the other hand, perfect nutrition gives us no such clear, easily calculated benefit. However, what it does give us is our body gaining exactly the correct amount of nutrition to be healthy at all times, regardless of how little or how much we eat. That means that within a few years at most from gaining this ability, we will never be overweight or underweight, develop an adequate amount of muscle for the level of exercise we do, and generally feel better since nutrition is one of the most important things in how a person feels. Just as importantly, we're unlikely to ever develop illnesses that are caused primarily by diet, and other illnesses that are exacerbated or diet otherwise increases the risk factor of will be much less likely to happen. This means that not only do we feel better, we are likely to gain some amount of lifespan from this.

    Thus, after consideration, it seems to me the perfect nutrition is the clear winner here. We feel better at all times because of perfect nutrition keeping our body in much better condition than most humans experience, we dramatically lower our odds of developing a vast array of health conditions that can lower our lifespan and lower the quality of our life, and we gain some lifespan - probably not as much as 29.17% of lifespan, but we gain some, and that lifespan is likely to be spent in far better health and thus be more enjoyable to us.

  • Forbes yanks article speculating Trump could gain Black voters by being shot
  • These convictions were for state level crimes that happened before he was president. So completely outside the scope of the official act thing.

    That decision is probably going to be used to get him completely out of the classified documents case though, not that he really needed the extra help since that one was already being presided over by a crony judge he appointed.

  • They just walking outside now
  • Especially the violence is always bad, violence never solves anything, just ignore bullies, avoid, do not confront, do not escalate attitude that has been being pushed for decades.

    This is the result of good people not being willing to stand up for themselves in hostile, aggressive, and violent ways. Give up violence as a tool only used by the bad guys or by authorized individuals, then the bad guys will, once they have infiltrated and taken control for the organizations allowed to do violence, be able to use it with impunity everywhere.

    Long ago, if you said or did things that are abhorrent to most decent people (as defined by the morals of the day at least) you're likely to get a fist in your face. Today, although these things are abhorrent to most people, no one is willing to just punch someone for most things.

    Remember when Buzz Aldrin just punched the guy accusing him of participating in the moon landing conspiracy? If 20-30% of decent people were willing to respond like that to Nazis, racists, homophobes, transphobia, and other abhorrent groups, they wouldn't be bringing these things up in public.

    But decades of this anti-violent attitude have resulted in a population who is largely decent but unwilling to act to preserve that decency.

  • Yeah, Trump is a stupid target and this is bad timing. Now if someone had gone after the Supreme Court a year or three ago, that would've been a good thing. Even now it might still be. But Trump? Terrible choice of targets. He's...his relevance has already happened. It's too late for his death to be positive in any significant way.

    Hell, I suspect that it might boost the Republican candidate, whoever is selected to replace him, unless they wind up having a really nasty fight where various supporters get extremely entrenched against each other. But that's not likely - Republicans are very tribalist, once they select a candidate, most of them are going to support him, regardless of how badly they were speaking of him five minutes ago when they were in full support of his opponent.

  • Musk Donates to Trump, Tapping Vast Fortune to Swing 2024 Race
  • Despite Musk, Teslas did have some positive effect as they helped push electric car adoption. The big automakers were not interested in taking risks, and nobody was eager to build out large charger networks.

    I certainly don't credit Musk himself for it, but no one should feel ashamed of having bought one of those cars back then. Today there are other good options for electric vehicles from companies run by slightly less bad people, but let's not kid ourselves. Everything we buy comes from some company that is enriching's just that some of them are more monstrous than others.

  • Donald Trump gets bad news about Kamala Harris
  • I do not believe in 'undecided' voters. I don't think they exist.

    So this is not going to be decided by then. This is going to be decided very simply: will enough people in the right states bother to vote?

  • i think I'd lose the running part
  • Yeah, that's what I was gonna say, I think it comes down to whether swimming is the first event. If it is, the shark wins (because I forfeit).

    Assuming we're talking about an actually dangerous type of shark and not one of the many many harmless shark species.

  • Kinda the point - that was pretty pointless evil. Also the slightest bit of critical thinking would suggest it's a really bad idea, what with the Jedi keeping a close eye on you. There's no way they don't know you influenced that, they just don't call you out on it cause they're manipulating bastards that are trying to use you still.

    The end of that one is good cause it gives a really good reason to go dark side - the bullshit the Jedi did to you. The dark side ending of KOTOR is incredibly satisfying because of how much the Jedi deserved to be stabbed in the back in that game.