Donald Trump on Sunday proposed a new policy that many critics said is equivalent to legalizing "The Purge."
Trump spoke at a rally in Pennsylvania, where he
admitted that his attendees were "falling asleep" at one of his earlier rallies. Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign noted that, as T.....
Donald Trump on Sunday proposed a new policy that many critics said is equivalent to legalizing "The Purge."
One comment Trump made drew condemnation on social media, as well as numerous comparisons to The Purge, a film series based on a dystopian world in which the government makes all crimes legal for a 12-hour period.
As reported by Sebastian Smith, AFP Washington desk chief, "Trump in Erie, PA, says in US 'the police aren’t allowed to do their job.' To stop crime, you need 'one really violent day.' He says: 'One rough hour and I mean real rough, the word would get out and it would end immediately.'"
He will say absolutely anything to get in power and avoid the catastrophe that awaits should he fail.
With all the crimes he’s committed that are well documented and easily proven and thus far only some convicted but not sentenced, he’s walking a tightrope. If he falters the consequences are dire.
At best his debts catch up to him and his family legacy is in tatters.
At worst he is in prison for the rest of his life from a treason charge.
If he wins no judge will sentence him until he’s out of office, which he may never be with all the GOP groundwork being laid to create a puppet dictatorship controlled by conservative oligarchs.
Unfortunately the press and the peanut gallery have it very wrong on this one.
Deliberately. Comparing it to the Purge rather than the Kristallnacht gives the majority of people who only read the headline the wrong idea about what he actually meant, which derails the discussion towards "crazy old man says another crazy thing" rather than "crazy old fascist says another fascist thing".
Sadly he'd have his little safe room to quiver in until the dust settles. Like the rich people in the movies that would drop security shutters and party through the holiday.
Getting way too real but those movies are actually well worth watching. No, not the first one where Ethan Hawke and Lena Heady are rich white upper middle class people who are betrayed by their neighbors because they didn't own enough guns. Like... every other Purge movie
The reality is what we already see. The Holy Second Amendment is supposed to let people defend thmselves but it results in rich (predominantly white) people owning forty ARs and heavy body armor whereas lower class ethnic folk MIGHT have a pistol for self defense. And when shit hits the fan? Fat white kids cross state lines to mow down some protesters with their assault rifles.
And every movie (except the god awful first one) addresses this. Bubba Gump's convenience store lost their purge insurance so he is forced to try and defend his livelihood. Hispanic women are openly told they will be raped when the clock hits 6 (?). Impoverished black neighborhoods have klan members bussed in to murder them all (its cool though because Y'lan Noel goes John Wick on the nazis). Totally Not Hilary Clinton gets the biggest target ever painted on her head on purge night (its cool though. Frank Grillo is mostly only a dumbfuck that Chris Evans will never talk to again but damned if he isn't an awesome white guy with a pistol). And the rest of the rich white fucks just hang out in panic rooms with the poors they bought the rights to torture and murder.
Because that is the reality. Privilege is everything. If you have enough money you can avoid the consequences of anything. Whether it is the decades of horror because people were too busy looking at Marisa Tomei's ta-tas to realize she should not be allowed to write legislature, the fucking idiocy of wanting a heavily armed populace, or just driving drunk and running over a few kids in a car.
It's an outrageously idiotic idea if you put more than 3 seconds of thought into it. It's cool they were able to make some kind of allegory for the lowest common denominator to understand classism or some shit, but I don't know how anyone could suspend disbelief given such a ridiculous premise
Hilarious, as if police haven't been doing what they want this entire time. They literally rape minors they arrest and get away with it. They barely have consequences already.
He just wants them to have one day to kill all the non-whites, non-straights, trans people, non-subservient women, etc. And he's dumb enough to believe, as the Nazis did, that this will lead to a better world rather than a hell on earth.
Most aphasia types are caused by stroke or other acute brain injury that damages brain tissue in areas important for language processing. However, a type of aphasia called primary progressive aphasia is a neurodegenerative disease, which results from progressive deterioration of brain tissue in areas important for speech and language. It is often caused by diseases such as s Alzheimer’s or Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. Although the first symptoms are problems with speech and language, other problems associated with the underlying disease, such as memory loss and personality changes often occur later.
I don't think so. It reads to me like, if one day of massive violence from people generally, happened, then after that the police would be given freedom to crack down severely on everything.
"Fear leads to...'the security of My New Empire'"
Addendum: I re-read the quote and now I feel I can read it either way.
Yeah, that is the movie "the purge" but only legalized for US police, because US police hasn't been violent enough yet in comparison to other police forces world wide.
Dont forget to not hold democrats accountable for anything so they can move 6 more steps right and normalize all the Republican corporate shit you claimed to be against 10 years ago.
So just let the cops go out and hit the streets free of ethics and legal restraint to just do whatever the fuck they want for an hour to beat the public in submission. That's not at all dictatory. Nope. Not one bit.
They forget that the people have guns too. As a matter of fact, this is the exact reason the second ammendment exists in America. To defend against those like Shit Stain Donnie.
What are your guns going to do against a fucking tank? Or grenade launchers? Or just a generally much more equipped militarized police force who will call the national guard in (who have even more fire power) like the little bitches they are?
It was supposed to happen 4 years ago but trump lost.
Had he won, the trucker convoy would have been a part of it.
(I was witness to some chatter and had this directly communicated to me.)
Also, see: the turner diaries a book. A horrible violent racist book. There's a theme throughout.
"The day of the gun and rope"
One of the organisers of the convoy in Canada loved using the phrase, "day of the rope" in reference to hanging our prime minister. (Also see "diagolon")
The threepers/ 3 percenters ara group that believe it would take 3% of the population to bring about an ethno state.
They operate in Canada and the us and were VERY visible in Ottawa.
They fully expect to roll into a city in a fleet of lifted F250's and drive a herd of fleeing vegans before them without having to lift a finger. The fact that liberals can and will defend their homes isn't an idea that's crossed their mind. The things that "country folks" believe about "city folks" would boggle the mind.
from what i've seen in most liberal circles, we are not prepared to defend our homes and loved ones from a roving band of rednecks. they're not all old fat gravy seals. many of them are young, have lots of experience with firearms, and know how to coordinate.
I read the Turner Diaries. There is not the slightest shred of preaching or ideology in the book. The book automatically assumes you are 100% on board with white supremacist ideology and also are willing to take action.
The book, fundamentally, is a call to action.
BTW the reason why the book doesn't bother explaining it's ideology or tell the reader why they should believe it is because the book was originally published in serial form in a far-right magazine in the 70s. The only people who read that magazine were already full blown Nazis, and thus did not need convincing.
That isn't where the 3% number comes from. Also they were very up-their-own-ass, but were ultimately benign. Then they got turned into another terrorist mlitia by maga.
So, while you are right in calling them out as the enemy of the people now, that still isn't what 3% stands for.
Normally when I see a headline like this it is taking Trump out of context or giving a very uncharitable take on what he said. Every once in a while, though, what he said is truly as ad as the headline makes it sound. This is one of those times.
He is literally calling for either The Purge or Kristallnacht! This man is calling for mass murder as a way to solve crime.
I remember when I first heard the “we will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it”. I thought, “oh they must be taking him out of context that makes no sense”. Nope
He is pretty consistently advancing absolutely batshit insane things. I don’t think he actually gets taken out of context that often, not because the media is fair, but because the shit he says is so goddamn insane there’s no need.
Is there something in recent memory where you think there was a headline that misconstrued what he said?
Actually, an example of this just popped up. This article states that Trump admitted to stiffing his employees by not paying overtime. If you listen to the video at the bottom, though, he said that he hates paying overtime and would "get different people in".
He didn't require people to work, then fail to pay them overtime. He would send the workers home and bring in a new shift.
I wouldn't call that stiffing his employees. I wouldn't even call that controversial. This article twists Trump's words to make up a story about him rather than focus on the very real threat that he poses. It dilutes the negative press against him and makes it look like the left are liars, just out to get Trump.
This kind of journalism needs to die. Trump is an awful human being and says plenty of awful stuff. We don't need to bend the truth or lie about him. We just need to report the actual shitty stiff he says.
I don't have anything at my fingertips. I thought I had some comments on articles that bothered me in that way, but maybe I never finished those comments. I had problems with lemmy not letting me post with my vpn turned on...
I've had several times recently where I felt that an article was making a mountain of a mole hill to make Trump look worse. I wrote, but apparently didn't post, comments saying, effectively, "Trump makes himself look bad enough without exaggerating or lying. Tell the truth about what he says and he looks like a fascist maniac. Exaggerate and you make people wonder if you're always stretching the truth.
No way he read the book, but he’s immersed enough in that far-right shit scape that it’s not really much of a stretch to believe he picked it up somewhere. I’m sure people on Truth Social love talking about it.
Oh my god, is that what those funky-wunky little lines around Omg meant?
Before I just thought it was just a sensationalist garbage headline, I had no idea someone ACTUALLY said "Omg" in relation to the article, mind blown, thanks
Everyone here thinking Trump is saying the quiet part out loud... but as the senile old man he is, I think he just saw the movie and is confusing whatever his handlers told him to say with that he fell as sleep watching on TV
Naw this is a case of the media tiptoing around him and preferring easily digested headlines.
He's clearly not describing The Purge in the actual quote. He doesn't want to make crime legal.
He's describing Kristallnacht. He wants the cops to be able to punish anyone they want with as much violence as they want. He wants a massacre of anyone they declare a criminal, aka minorities and dissidents.
It's so much fucking scarier than the bullshit headlines and it's so fucking frustrating.
It sounds to me like he's just saying the police need to be able to dispense "justice" with impunity, and in his mind that can be tempered be saying you'd only need to do it once.
It's just the latest in a long line of really concerning attitudes that the right seems happy to support.
Honestly i feel like this current lurch to the right, as we try to manage climate change, AI, and wealth concentration, is the great filter. We have some big problems and the right is just so determined to double down with all our current shitty plans.
He's more and more openly using fascist rhetoric right out of Hitler's playbook too. That the only book we know he owns is one with Hitler's speeches is just conincidence I'm sure. (Not that he can read, but maybe the Saw puppet reads it to him now before going down on his mushroom.)
Except when someone is a proven fascist with a long history of proposing the violent oppression of women, non-whites and minorities, and affiliated with a large political party that shares this aim. Then it's probably malice.
It's kind of ironic that libertarians are too stupid realize that you have to be stupid to be a libertarian and that the world they profess to desire would leave them victims of their stupid libertarianism.
It’s a subset of the party, but there are vocal members that are sure they can save the world guns blazing, and live in a fantasy that all the bad people are just bad people and if allowed, will kill each other off. Many of them drive trucks with really big flags on them, which is handy, because it shows who you have to watch for cutting people off violently in traffic, or ignoring crosswalks.
I think if he made all crimes legal, for 12 hours- and gave people plenty of warning, he’d be dead in the first.
I mean, it must be an exercise of immense self control to be on his security detail, and not constantly wonder about the good that could happen. If they just.
Also. Throw in all his cooks and food delivery people, the people that maintain his vehicles. The people that maintain the golf course… the mail people. The people that do the laundry. Change his diapers. The people that manage his medications.
There’s an awful lot of people that he relies on to survive. Any one of them could end it, and he shits on them near constantly.
Remove the threat of consequences? Oh yeah. It’d be a battle royally, and he’s the king to regicide.
This is all you really need to know about any of this
University of Texas law professor Lee Kovarsky said, "People confuse telling hard truths with just being a total f------ idiot."
Not enough people are shamed into keeping quiet these days, they think they’re being politically incorrect or edgy or owning woke libs. They’re really just letting everyone who knows how things work that they don’t know
The older I get, the less I care about surviving a zombie apocalypse.
As a kid I was all “I’d find a great hideout and make a plan!”, but these days I think beyond the first two weeks, and how everything will have fallen apart real fucking quickly. It all just seems like a hassle, y’know?
If a zombie apocalypse happens I don't plan on surviving it. If anything I assume I will be among the first wave of zombies. The people who got infected before anyone had any idea what the hell was going on
I'm still gonna stick around as long as I can. A Zombie apocalypse would be pretty easy. You only have to watch the walking dead for a season or two to see its only the stupid people who will have a really hard time.
I'm sure he's talking about giving police carte blanche to be as violent as they want for an hour. Which is obviously batshit. But it honestly makes me he trying to lose this election?
Look, Trump is going to say more and more deranged things as time goes by. This is how he ran as president, say something deranged to distract from the last thing that he said was so deranged.
I bet he's actually really upset that two people have tried to kill him, but nobody has tried to kill Kamala. He's going to say more extreme things, get closer and closer to the line, try to give people more upset.... This is how he owns a new cycle. This is his gimmick. This is his playbook. He wants the violence, it feeds his ego.
at any given moment on any given day, with a little bit of covert communications, any group of people could rise up against another in a Rwandan style genocide. we are all connected via our phones. all you have to do is have a willing population and the right person to give 'the signal'.
To be fair, he probably meant that only cops should be allowed to use violence with impunity, certainly not the... wink wink nudge nudge... "urban people".
If they actually did that it would probably start a second civil war for the USA, right? Good luck, people across the pond. Try to keep your country sane
Lee Kovarsky: "People confuse telling hard truths with just being a total f------ idiot"
I need to use that. For my whole life people have always stated obvious shit and hateful statements and insist that being hateful and insulting automatically means the truth.
The uncertainty you're expressing is why the 2nd amendment exists. Trump is exactly the type of person the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote it.
No he wasn't. I despise Trump, but the second amendment was about keeping well regulated militias to protect the colonies from attacks by natives and other potential outside enemies. These militias were disbanded when we created a standing army.
It had nothing to do with fighting back against your own government. Sorry.
Yeah this is one of those hope-for-the-best-but-plan-for-the-worst kind of situations. Hopefully he's joking, as his supporters will undoubtedly claim; but if a potential president tells me he wants to damage our country in any way, I'm just going to take that shit at face value.
Let's not play with fire inside our thatch hut of a country.
Honestly, to me, that is less insane than campaigning that you will push for taxing unrealized capitsl gains. Neither move the needle for me tho I'm still voting Harris but this tax proposal shit of hers is flat out the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
You all lived through a trump presidency before and we are about to live through a whoever runs the biden one. None of this crazy shit is going to come to pass. It's just going to be more of the same.
The only thing consistent since obama's second term has been the decline.