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Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore
  • It matters to them and others like them because if Biden and the Democratic party were lying about Biden having Covid it's a really lame soundbite Maga turds can use to rationalize all of the hypocritical lies and nonsense Rebublicans spout whenever they open their mouths.

    Even though deep down they know, they can't admit it to themselves because their entire personality hinges on being Maga (as you see with all of the tacky shit they wear and buy to make their homes a joke) and if they accept the reality that Trump and his cultists are pieces of shit it means they are pieces of shit, and that's an even harder pill to swallow than the fact Trump attempted a coup.

    "Trump lied about being involved with Project 2025? Oh yeah? Well Biden lied about being sick!!!"

    Because being involved with destroying democracy and making it possible for a lot of people to die by Isreali-style genocide is the same as lying about having a cold, even if Biden was lying.

    What's next? Taking multiple weeks of time off from performing Presidential duties running America multiple times to go play golf?

    Oh, that was Trump.

  • Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore
  • Every word out of the farting orange clown's mouth is a lie and your panties are in a bunch over whether or not Biden has/had COVID? The guy lied for 4 god damned years about an election being stolen. You're worried about the reason he dropped out of a race that everyone said he was too old for in the first place so he could transition the job smoothly? Lol.

    The magnitude of the lie? Hahahah. Jesus.

    Dude, you really gotta take a step back and rethink your life and get some perspective. You're gonna be one of those "hustlers"/"go-hards" that works 40 years for the same company at the same position without taking a sick day or vacation day. When you retire instead of a bonus or lifetime recognition award they're gonna give you the same company branded coffee mug and lens cleaner rag they give out at trade shows.

  • Republican calls for ‘civil war’ if Trump loses
  • Call your Senators and Representatives and give them an earful about this. If they shrug you off or they are on the side of those calling for civil war, then let other gov't officials know.

    We collectively need to stop allowing these shit lords from getting away with putting the idea of war against each other into the minds of those that otherwise know it's wrong but just follow groupthink

  • Why the far right is surging all over the world: The “reactionary spirit” and the roots of the US authoritarian moment
  • No, no you can't. Lol. You're making up some conspiracy theory that sounds like some pizzagate and it's silly. There is so much wrong in what you said that the mental gymnastics needed to believe it takes a very special type of person and a very special type of mind.

    So the "Christian moral majority" goes out of their way to abuse migrants. Got it. The same god that says "love they neighbor as thyself" and inspired it to be written thousands of years ago in a book still somehow read everyday just tossed that out? And in its place written down absolutely nowhere that god instead used small insecure men with agendas for power and wealth as vessels for his real message to hate and abuse others for their skin color instead. Ok. Lol.

  • Why the far right is surging all over the world: The “reactionary spirit” and the roots of the US authoritarian moment
  • Last time I checked it was places like conservative led Florida passing laws that remove mandatory water breaks for migrant workers who work uprotected in the sun all day.

    You're saying it's the left wing that imports brown people to abuse, but it's the right that abuses them and then on the other hand you're complaining that the hospitals are full because the left is giving free healthcare to the migrant workers that are abused by the right.

    You can't have it both ways.

  • Why the far right is surging all over the world: The “reactionary spirit” and the roots of the US authoritarian moment
  • And which class always pushes for lowered wages, more hours, and less benefits? The rich who do what they can t put right wing candidates in office.

    Which side pushes anti-competitive policies and removes regulations on banking/finance that always lead to a bubble that negatively effects the economy and raises inflation? The right.

    Which side then rabidly votes against measures to help people affected by the downturn and instead redistributes wealth from the people to business and billionaires thru bailouts? The right.

    Which side does everything in its power to make sure healthcare isn't affordable and it bankrupts or nearly bankrupts you? You guessed it, the right.

    Seeing a pattern yet? Putting two and two together?

    Which sides cries until they're blue in the face that their free speech is curtailed when they say the most hateful, mean, bigoted, sexist things their simple minds can think of and then wails like a spoiled 3 year old that there should be censorship when they are called out on their bullshit? You're correct when you say the right.

    Oh, and I'd love to see your and the entire right's numbers on what costs the taxpayers more. The constant money thrown at corporate special interests, bailouts and subsidies to shitheels like Musk who never deliver on what they get subsidies for in th first place, or some immigrants.

    Go ahead, I'll wait.

  • Trump Shooter Crooks Wasn’t on Rifle Team or Bullied, According to School
  • So he wanted to shoot someone for the sake of shooting them but definitely wanted to kill Trump. Does it say anywhere that he definitely wanted to kill Biden? Him shooting Bidene is just speculation on your part.

    If he wanted to just shoot someone he could have chosen someone not as high profile and survived.

  • Traveling this summer? Maybe don’t let the airport scan your face.
  • Standing up for your rights isn't convenient, but it has to be done. Those that engineer this shit know that and make it as convoluted they can for this exact reason.

    Always be on guard against those who would make you give up your rights voluntarily while giving up none of their own.

  • [Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency
  • So the back the blue party of law and order will vote for the cop instead of the convicted felon now.

    Just like the religious moral right will vote for the actual church attending catholic rather than the guy who doesn't go to church and doesn't know how to hold a bible upright.